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The Ex Killer Series

Page 38

by Bridget Bundy

  “Yea, I am truly okay. I’m ready to get to work. What is it you need me to do?”

  Brandon wasn’t so convinced, but he resolved to move on. “I have books on a cart that needs to be put on the shelves.” Brandon showed me the stockroom in the back which had stacks of boxes and several carts in disarray.

  Brandon pushed a cart full of books to me and said, “These are manga. You remember where that section was?”

  “Yes, I remember.”

  “The manga books are alphabetized by story title and then by volume number. When you get done, let me know.”

  “Brandon, I have one question.” I gazed at the cart full of colorful books.

  “I’m all ears, Angela.”

  “What is manga?”

  Brandon smiled and answered, “Manga is Japanese comic books. There are other things that go with it, but for here, it is comic books.”

  “Alright, I guess I’ve been living in a hole.”

  “A lot of people aren’t familiar with those kinds of books. The teenagers are huge fans, and sometimes I can sell three or four of them at a time. If you need help or have any more questions, I’ll be in my office. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes, I am good to go.” I put the biggest damn smile on my face that I could muster.

  He left, and the smile went away. It was time to get to work. I pushed the cart to the manga section, and I pulled the first book off the cart and looked at the cover. The art was fascinating. I’ve never seen drawings where the characters eyes looked so big. I remembered cartoons when I was younger, but they were nothing like the ones I was looking at. The title indicated it was some kind of science fiction story. I started stocking each book one at a time. I worked for nearly three hours. Sometimes I opened a book to read the first couple of pages to see if any would peak my interest. Some of it did. I guess I could see why the kids liked this stuff.

  When I finished, Brandon let me go early. He asked me to come back tomorrow morning at 9 a.m., and I told him I’d be on time. I left the store with one destination in mind. I wasn’t going to waste any time.

  When I arrived at Shannon’s house, Walter was in the front yard digging up the grass. The holes weren’t very big, but they were scattered all over. I crossed my arms, and I stared at him as he furiously worked on trying to get his small metal shovel in the ground. He never did notice me for the few short moments I stood watching him.

  “Walter,” I said with disapproval.

  He turned, scared out of his wits. Walter slowly put the dirty shovel behind his back, but I could still see the blade between his skinny, knobby legs. “Hi,” was all he could muster.

  “Hi, Walter, I see you’re redecorating your mother’s yard.”

  “What do you think?” He smiled.

  “I think she will be mad at you.”

  “I like it, Angela.”

  “I bet you do, but she won’t. We need to fix the yard before she sees it.”

  “Do we have to?” He whined as he planted himself on the ground.

  I stepped in the yard and kneeled down at the nearest spot. I put the patch of grass back in its place and patted it down. I asked, “Are you going to help me, Walter?”

  He exhaled and started putting the grass in the hole closest to where he sat.

  “Do you like to be punished, Walter?” I just wondered about this kid’s thought process. There is no way he liked to get whipped. I didn’t like it.

  He poked his lower lip out and kept going to the next hole without answering my question.

  “I can leave, if you don’t want to talk to me.”

  Walter quickly admitted, “I don’t want you to leave. No one ever talks to me or play with me.”

  “You don’t have friends around here your age?”

  “Yes,, they’re not allowed to play with me. I get them in trouble with their parents, and their parents don’t like me.”

  “They told you they don’t like you, Walter?”

  “No, but I know they don’t like me. They give me mean looks.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t worry about them. You’ll find someone who will be your friend no matter what.”

  “Will you be my friend, Angela?” Walter sounded so sweet.

  “I’ll be your friend.” I answered.

  He smiled and continued fixing the yard with much more enthusiasm.

  Once we finished, I remained sitting in the grass next to a patch of clovers. Walter was running in circles with a paper airplane. He was making plane sound effects as he swooshed the plane up and down and around.

  I asked, “Walter, have you ever searched for four leaf clovers?”

  He stopped, looked at me strangely, and asked, “What is a four leaf clover?”

  “A four leaf clover is just that. It’s like a flower with four leaves. Usually clovers have only three, but if you find a four leaf clover, you’ll have good luck.”

  Walter yelled, “I bet I can find a thousand four leaf clovers!”

  “They’re pretty hard to find. You must have keen vision.”

  “I have better than king vision!” Walter jabbed both fists in the air. “I have ruler of the universe vision!”

  I laughed and said, “Come sit down, but don’t sit down in the clover patch.”

  He sat down just as I asked. For the first time he noticed the clovers were different from the other blades of grass. He lay flat down on his belly to get a closer look. Immediately, he was drawn in. That’s all he saw were three leaf clovers. Then he began moving clovers delicately. I beamed as I watched him.

  When I was young, I used to search for four leaf clovers with Stephanie, Tanie, and Olivia. We’d lay in the grass just like Walter was doing, and we’d giggle and search until our eyes were hurting. To find a patch of clovers meant the world stopped. Our imaginations held still at the possibility of finding a four leaf clover. I couldn’t help but to smile as those good memories came back.

  When Walter found one, he pointed at it. He was so excited, and I bent down to take a closer look. I told Walter to pick it close to the ground, being careful not tear the leaves. He did and crawled upright on his knees towards me to show his prize.

  I remarked, “It is so cool, Walter, great job.”

  “I told you I had ruler of the universe vision!”

  I laughed so hard. I agreed, “Yes, you do, Walter.”

  “What should I do with it?”

  “Save it. You never, ever throw it away. You find a safe, dry place to put it away.”

  “I know just where to put it.” Walter took off running into the house. He passed by his mother, who was standing on the porch. I got to my feet when she came to me.

  “How are you doing, Angela?” She appeared to be happy.

  “I’m good,” I answered.

  “I saw you with Walter.” Shannon commented. “You’re really good with him.”

  “Actually, I just listen to him, that’s all.”

  “I tell Beth all the time she has to be patient with him, but she never has time for him. She’s always pushing him away.”

  I really had nothing to say about Beth, but I wanted to ask about her boyfriend. I wanted to know if Shannon knew why Walter was so sketchy around Dillon. But I held fast to my question. I wasn’t quite sure how to approach the subject with Shannon yet. I was so annoyed with my inability to speak up. Why couldn’t I just ask the question? I looked down at the ground.

  “Maybe, you should pass on your secrets to Beth.”

  “She’ll learn to deal with him eventually. They’ll learn to appreciate each other better as he gets older.” I hoped this was true for Walter’s sake.

  Walter burst onto the porch. The door swung open so hard that it hit the wall. “I hid it. Nobody is going to find it! Nobody will find my four leaf clover ever!”

  “Well, I better get going, Walter.”

  “But you just got here!” He wailed.

  “Walter, Angela is probably tired. Maybe, she’ll come back by a
nd see you tomorrow.” Shannon said with a nod and a grin at me.

  “Maybe, we’ll go to the beach after I get off work if it isn’t too late.” I didn’t mind. What else was there to do other than to spend time with a lonely kid? He was proving to be easier to get along with anyway.

  “I LOVE THE BEACH!” He yelled.

  I could not believe the level of energy he had. Walter was either yelling or running like the world had to be conquered every single second he was awake.

  I concluded that Shannon was a good mom, and she truly adored Walter. But Shannon was a woman with needs. She wanted a man’s attention. She needed to be around adults because with only Walter around to fill most her time, he drained her and consumed every part of her life. So, I understood why Shannon pushed Walter on me the other night.

  I kneeled down to Walter’s level and said, “If your mother gives me a good report tomorrow, I’ll take you to the beach.”

  “You promise, Angela? You have to promise, or I won’t believe you.”

  “I absolutely promise, but as long as you are a good boy.”

  “I’ll be the best. You watch and see!”

  He was a riot. I gave Shannon one last wave and started for home. The small amount of time I spent with Walter was fun. I have to admit I was glad I went to see him.


  On my way home, a truck started following me. It was the same truck that came into the cul-de-sac when Ms. Emma ran into her home and the one that was parked in front of Ms. Emma’s house this morning. It slowed down and finally, I saw the driver. He was an older man with dark hair, bushy eyebrows that crowned his dark eyes and a big nose. His mustache matched his hair color and was unusually thick. He glared at me. I was damn tired of people glaring at me. First, it was Dillon. Then it was the lady in the bookstore yesterday, and now it’s some crazy guy following me. These people must be crazy.

  Why can’t I just be left alone? I mean seriously, who was this guy? Was his stupid mean look supposed to scare me? Was I supposed to cry or run? I wasn’t afraid of him, and I looked right back at him. He was challenging me, and I wasn’t backing down. I wasn’t going to be pushed around by anyone. I wasn’t intimidated by anyone. He might have a hold on Ms. Emma, but I refused to let any man, no matter who he was, have a hold on me. Never again, not for any reason in the world. It wasn’t going to happen.

  I don’t know why I did it, but I started towards the truck. He turned his head forward and drove off fast. I stopped in the middle of the road, looking down the street as the truck made a left turn at the first road it reached. The anger was crawling on my skin and pulsing through my blood. My ears were on fire and my cheeks burned. No one was going to bully me again or make a fool of me. Jason and Alex were the last ones, and they would be the only ones as long as I lived. I took in deep breaths. I was just so tired of the drama. There was no need for it. This place was supposed to shield me from that kind of stuff, and I felt like everywhere I turned, there it was: D R A M A!

  I went directly to Ms. Emma’s house and I asked her to join me on the porch. She was wearing a soft pastel pink shirt and white capris. For the first time, I saw Ms. Emma dressed in normal clothing. She wasn’t wearing heavy make-up. Her white hair was flat. She looked cozy, but she still had to add a touch of glamour to her outfit. Ms. Emma wore a diamond tiara. It looked like it was permanently attached, like it would take a bulldozer to get it off.

  “Where have you been?” Ms. Emma pointed to a chair for me to sit.

  I got comfortable before answering, “I’ve been at work, and I went to Shannon’s house. I came by to make sure you’re doing alright. You ran off the porch before you finished your song last night.”

  “Didn’t you see the rain and the lightening? I hope you got out of the bad weather.”

  “Ms. Emma, there was no bad weather, just the guy in the truck.”

  She ignored what I said and asked, “Where are you working at?” She sat beside me, crossed her legs, and began swinging her feet.

  “Burkett Books,” I answered.

  “OH! I love books. If I give you money, will you buy me a book, Angela?”

  “Of course, I will, Ms. Emma. You have to tell me which book you want.”

  “When are you going back to work?”

  “Tomorrow morning.”

  “Absolutely wonderful, indeed, I have not had a new book in my house in forever and day.”

  “Ms. Emma,” I had to ask the question about the man in the truck. No more avoiding the subject because that’s all she was doing. I continued, “I saw the man in the truck just a few minutes ago. Who is he?”

  Ms. Emma answered with fearful eyes, “He is my husband, Angela.”

  “Why are you so afraid of him?” I didn’t like the fact Ms. Emma ran into the house last night just because he showed up.

  “I’m not afraid of him.” Ms. Emma looked at her fingers to avoid eye contact with me. “Angela, you need to stay away from him.”

  “No, Ms. Emma, he needs to stay away.” I gave her a serious glance. “I was minding my own business when he drove up on me.” I felt the fire again, but I was trying to control it.

  She asked, “Did he say something to you? Did you say something to him?”

  “No, but he really needs to back off. I’m not joking about that. I’ve had enough craziness in my past to last ten lifetimes.”

  Ms. Emma looked away and said, “I can’t control him.”

  “Yes, you can.”

  Ms. Emma turned towards me and proclaimed, “He drives in here two times a day. This morning he came into my house, and he threatened to call Adult Services on me. He said that he would have my home taken away if I didn’t stop dancing and singing on the porch. He kicked my books over, and now they’re all over the floor. I’ve been trying to straighten them up all day long. He is so mean and so nasty to me all the time. I can’t do anything with him.”

  “Take back his control. That’s all you need to do. When he kicked your books, you should have kicked his ass. If you’re happy singing and dancing on the porch, then do it. It’s not his life. It’s yours. You know, I loved your singing. I loved the way you danced, and the guy next door liked it, too.”

  Ms. Emma waved her hand and said, “Mr. Coty always love my shows. He throws me roses sometimes.” She blushed and laughed.

  “Did you see I had a special guest with me, too?”

  Ms. Emma gleamed and said, “I did see Walter, and he was actually standing still.”

  I laughed. I guess Walter was infamous in that town for blazing trails everywhere he went.

  “I think he liked my show.”

  “He did. I asked him.”

  “I have seen that poor child at his sister’s house many times, and he never comes over here, even when Beth brings me food. I always tell her I have candy if he wants to come over, but he stays as far away from me as possible. I believe he’s afraid of me.”

  “He just doesn’t know you.”

  “Well, I was happy to see him. Sometimes when his mother drops him off, I feel so bad for him. He loves his mother so much, and he looks so pitiful when she leaves him behind.”

  “I know that look. I saw it yesterday, too.”

  “I wish things were better for him. I wish...” Ms. Emma instantly faded away, staring ahead at the street. I wanted Ms. Emma to finish what she was saying. I called her name. She blinked her way back and said, “I can’t even fathom what he endures.”

  She disconnected from me, from the world. Whatever it is that Walter is going through makes her shut down. That deep feeling again, that uneasiness in the pit of my stomach was growing. I wanted to know. So, I asked, “What is it he’s going through, Ms. Emma?”

  Her hands began to shake. She cleared her throat and said, “Angela, I must be getting inside.”

  I didn’t try to stop her. I didn’t ask again. Her reaction was enough for me to back away. I said as I stood, “Maybe, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Ms. Emm
a stated before going in, “Angela, I must warn you about my husband just in case you run into him again. I wasn’t going to say anything, but it is only fair that you know who you’re dealing with.” Ms. Emma continued, “Lawrence can be a dangerous man. He has threatened my son. He threatens me, and he has been known to push his threats to the limits. You have to be careful.”

  “What did I tell you, Ms. Emma? He needs to stay away from me. He may only take his threats to the limit. I have no limits.” I didn’t want to scare Ms. Emma, but I had to profess my strength, my will to fight back at anyone that threatened me, no matter who they were.

  Ms. Emma’s eyes began to tear up as she grabbed my hand. She whispered, “He has a gun in his truck, dear. I am begging you to be careful.”

  I leaned in closer to her and asked, “Has he ever used it?”

  “No, but I’m afraid he might one day.”

  I said, “Ms. Emma, you don’t have to worry about me. You have a good night.”

  Ms. Emma wiped her tears away with her delicate hands, but then she shrieked.

  I stopped and turned. “Are you okay?”

  “I almost forgot about the money.” Ms. Emma rushed inside and came back out with fifty dollars. She handed me the money and said, “I want Elizabeth Harrow by T.L. Sheraton, and I want it only in hardcover. If Brandon has it in paperback, ask him to order the hardcover for me.”

  “I sure will, Ms. Emma.”

  “Thank you so much, Angela!” Ms. Emma waved at me like she was homecoming queen on a float. I could have sworn she was on point just now, but just like that, she was acting weird. Maybe, it was the tiara that made her wave like a prom queen.

  Ms. Emma went inside and slammed the door shut like she always did. This time her windows rattled at the sheer force. I wasn’t about to judge this sweet old lady. She must have a reason for slamming the door, and it wasn’t for me to understand. I liked her odd behavior.

  The house was empty. I was glad. I went to bed hoping to fall asleep fast, but sleep didn’t come easy. My thoughts were all over the place. I couldn’t get passed that there was a secret just below the surface in Beth’s family. There was something very disturbing, and it didn’t sit well with me. Beth gave me the impression her life was golden, but I was not convinced. I wasn’t about to dig for the ugly truth yet, but I had a feeling I’ll be face to face with it soon enough.


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