The Ex Killer Series

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The Ex Killer Series Page 39

by Bridget Bundy

  MONDAY, JUNE 22, 2009


  I huffed and fanned from baking in the blazing sun. The bookstore was a needed relief. A woman with short red hair was setting up chairs in the kid section. She looked at me as I strolled to the stockroom. She started following me.

  I reached for the box cutter when I was inside the stockroom, and I began opening a box when the woman asked, “What are you doing?”

  “I’m opening this box.” I answered smartly.

  “I don’t mind doing that. If there is a book you’re looking for, you only need to ask.” The woman approached me meaning to take the box cutter.

  I moved away and said, “I’m not looking for a book. I work here.”

  The woman looked at me curiously and asked, “Brandon hired you?”

  “Yes, Brandon hired me.” I was defensive. I really didn’t want to tell this woman off.

  The woman smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m Evanna Shilton. I work here, too.”

  “Angela Gray. I remember Brandon mentioning you the other day.” I remarked as I relaxed.

  “He didn’t say a word about you. When did he hire you?”

  “Saturday,” I answered.

  “It’s really about time he hired someone. He needs one more person.” Evanna put her hands on her hips. “Did Brandon show you around?”

  “He walked me through the store yesterday.”

  “Okay, great, well, I’ll let you get back to work then, and I’m sorry about the whole...”

  “It’s okay, Evanna.” Wow, someone actually apologized to me. I rarely hear that.

  I returned to my duties and started unpacking books and putting them on carts. I went to the literature section once I was done and began the task of putting books in the proper places. I didn’t pay attention to anyone. That’s all I wanted to do was concentrate on working. I didn’t want to recall memories of the past. I didn’t want to fret over the future. I just wanted to be in the present moment of living. It was sufficient and it made me happy.

  Evanna approached me a few hours later. It was time for her break, and she wanted me to join her for lunch.

  I asked, “Who is going to watch the store?”

  “Brandon and Nate are upstairs. They can handle it for an hour.”

  I didn’t even realize Brandon was in the store, and I had no idea who Nate was. Evanna shouted at Brandon letting him know we were going to lunch, and he glanced over a child’s head that sat at a computer terminal. He waved at us, and he put his attention back on the computer screen.

  We left the store walking side by side to a nearby coffee and sandwich shop. Evanna talked nonstop about whatever popped into her mind on the way, and I simply listened. I didn’t know what to make of her.

  Evanna was about the same height as me but a little thicker in size. She was pale with freckles. Her nose was thin and shot down her face bending slightly downward at the end. Evanna was a true red head, but her personality didn’t match her fiery looks. She was easy going, almost carefree, giggling at her own comments.

  Evanna walked in first, and she was eyeing the menu on the chalkboard that hung in the back above everyone’s heads. She asked, “What are you hungry for?”

  I realized that I didn’t have any money to pay for food. I felt uncomfortable, not wanting to burden Evanna. I remarked, “I’m not really hungry. I had a huge breakfast this morning.”

  “You have to be hungry, Angela.”

  “No,” I said, and truthfully, I wasn’t.

  “I know you didn’t come down here just to keep me company. What do you want to eat? They have sandwiches and salads.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Evanna smiled and shook her head. She decided to order two salads and two bottled waters. I tried to stop her, but she wasn’t hearing it. We sat down at a round table, and she immediately began decorating her salad with ranch dressing and pepper. She remarked before stuffing a piece of lettuce in her mouth, “I love to eat.”

  I laughed thinking I would say something like that, too.

  “How did you find out about the job at the bookstore?” Evanna asked.

  “My friend, Beth, told me.”

  “Beth Jenner? You know her?” She was speaking with a mouthful of lettuce.

  “I don’t really know her. I just moved here, and she’s helping me get back on my feet.”

  “She’s always been good to people who needs help, most people, at least.”

  “If she hadn’t come along when she did, I might be in trouble right now. I’d be homeless and starving to death.”

  “Where do you live?”

  “I stay with Beth.”

  Evanna gazed at me, like she was shocked by my answer. She asked, “Do you have any children?”


  “That’s good, Angela.” Evanna spoke like she was relieved. “You don’t want kids if you’re living with Beth.”

  “What do you mean?” Why did my mind instantly go back to Walter? Why?

  Evanna quickly stuffed her mouth full of food. She chewed completely before replying, “I’m just talking. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  A subtle hint of the underlying problems of Beth’s family, and I didn’t pursue it...again. That’s all Evanna did was put another seed in my mind that something was going on with Walter and it involved Dillon and now maybe Beth. I remembered how Walter reacted around Dillon. The boy did not like him, and he was afraid of him.

  I became annoyed not knowing how to approach the subject of Walter and not knowing who to approach. I was still very new in town, and I didn’t want to start a problem where one might not exist. What did I really know about Dillon, Beth, Shannon, and Walter anyway? I knew nothing, bottom line, but the way Walter acted when Dillon looked at him just wasn’t right and it didn’t feel right. I could not understand why his family wasn’t feeling what I felt. My mind was swimming, confused about what to do. This was going to eat me alive.

  After lunch, we returned to the store, and I thanked her for the meal. I liked her. She was fun to listen to, and she had spunk. I went back to my cart of books. Evanna sat down in the kids’ section to rehearse reading for Story Time. She couldn’t help but to take quick glances over at me between pages. She knew she planted a worry in my mind with that one statement. You don’t want kids if you’re living with Beth.

  I stared down at a book in my hands before placing it on the shelf. I couldn’t get Walter out of my mind. I worried about him tremendously. I exhaled feeling the weight of two worlds on my shoulders, and it wasn’t easy. Is there anything I can really do to help Walter? Did he truly need help?


  Brandon asked me to stay for Story Time to see what it was like. I agreed because I wasn’t in a rush to go anywhere. It wasn’t quite time for it to start, but there were a handful of kids and their mothers waiting in the store. I wanted Nate to teach me about the computers in the meantime. First, I asked Brandon if I could use one because I didn’t know if it was okay for employees to be on the computer. He agreed without hesitation.

  I went up the steps and sat down at the first laptop. An image of colorful pencils was on the entire screen, and there were tiny pictures set on the left side. I was confused. I turned in my chair looking for Nate. I didn’t see or hear him. All of the terminals were empty. I exhaled feeling right useless. I looked downstairs hoping maybe to catch Evanna’s attention, but she was talking to Brandon and showing him three books she had chosen to read to the kids. Just then I remembered, Nate was gone to lunch, and he wouldn’t be back for another thirty minutes.

  When I was about to turn back to the computer, I heard the bell ring at the door and in came Shannon with Walter zooming past her. I wanted to speak to Walter, but he was already out of sight before I could even stand. Shannon went straight to Brandon, and Evanna went over to the kids’ area. There was a clear avoidance between the two. I wondered why. Immediately, the conversation between Brandon and Shannon bec
ame strained. Brandon was shaking his head, and Shannon put her hands on her hip. Evanna stared at them.

  I started down the stairs intent on finding Walter. When I was halfway down, I heard a thunderous crash from the back room and a screaming cry. It shook me to the bone.

  WALTER! I ran to the stockroom. Shannon, Brandon, and Evanna were just behind me when I bust through the door. The carts and books were turned over on him, and Walter couldn’t move. He was screaming and crying. Shannon and I rushed over and moved the carts off of him. Walter was bruised, and he had cuts on his arms and legs. Shannon tried to pick him up, but he cried out louder. Shannon had to release him.

  “Brandon, call the ambulance!” I yelled, and he disappeared.

  I moved more of the books off of him. Shannon cried and shook as she set on her knees beside him.

  “Hurry up! Get the ambulance here!” I screamed. His crying and tears tore at every part of my body. I hated he was hurt. I wanted to just wave a wand to make him all better, like nothing bad ever happened.

  Shannon and I never left Walter’s side as we waited for the ambulance. Evanna watched from the stockroom door in tears. Brandon cancelled Story Time and made all of his customers leave. He didn’t want people in the way when the ambulance arrived. Once everyone was gone, he paced outside of the storefront impatiently waiting.

  It wasn’t long before the paramedics came to a screeching halt in front of the bookstore. Brandon showed them to the stockroom, and we moved away but kept a close watch. Walter was still crying. He was bloody. The sharp metal edges of the cart sliced his tender skin like a razor. The paramedics worked to get him ready for transport. They were done in no time, and he was in the ambulance with Shannon and on his way to Threshold.

  Brandon saw that I wanted to go, and he volunteered to take me. He asked Evanna to lock up the store, and he’d call her later. Brandon drove furiously out of town.

  He said in a nervous, but calm tone, “He’ll be alright, Angela.”

  I nodded trying to stop crying, and I put my hands to my face. I kept repeating. Walter would be okay. Walter would be okay. He had to be okay.


  The water ran at full speed in the bathroom as I scrubbed the blood off my face, hands and arms. I couldn’t believe how much blood he lost, and it was all over me. It took me a good thirty minutes before I was done cleaning up. I took one last look and concluded I needed a bath and new clothes. I wasn’t going to be able to get fully cleaned in a hospital bathroom.

  Brandon was in the emergency waiting room, and he stood when I entered. Shannon was pacing. She was unable to sit down. She wanted to be with her son.

  Many times she walked up to the nurse’s desk asking about Walter. She always got the same answer. The doctor will come out and tell you everything soon, Ms. Jenner. It was never good enough. Each time got her more upset.

  A couple of hours later, Beth and Dillon walked in like there wasn’t a worry in the world for either one of them. Beth looked like she was forced to be in the hospital over something she thought might be as minor as Walter bumping his knee. Shannon ran to Beth and hugged her and cried. Beth patted her mom’s back quickly and tried to escape her embrace. Brandon and Dillon spoke with just a simple wave.

  “Where is he?” Beth asked as she straightened her clothes and made her messed up pony-tail worse.

  “He’s being seen right now.” Shannon answered.

  “What happened?” Dillon asked.

  “I’m not quite sure. He took off like always, and then next thing you know, he was under the book carts in Brandon’s store.”

  “Is he alright?” Beth asked crossly.

  Shannon became angry instantly catching Beth’s insolent attitude. She raised her voice. “He’ll live, Beth, if that’s not an inconvenience to you.”

  Beth yelled, “Don’t turn this on me!”

  I wanted to interfere, but it wasn’t my family. I didn’t like the way Beth was acting. I remember being the exact same way not too long ago. To see Beth’s attitude with my own eyes, made me sick. I hated seeing her act like that.

  Shannon was clearly hurt. She turned away and sat next to me. Beth sat down on the coffee table in front of her mom and held her hand. “Mom, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get you upset. Walter is going to be okay, right?”

  Shannon nodded and moved her hand away from Beth. The cold between them shot out like a blast. I felt uncomfortable next to them, but I didn’t move.

  Beth glanced one last time at her mom and walked away. She went to Brandon and said, “Whatever damages he caused at the store, I’ll take care of it.”

  “I’m not really concerned about the store, Beth. My only concern is that your brother is okay.”

  Beth asked, “How did it happen?”

  “As far as I can tell, he had the carts lined up, and he might have tried to climb them when they toppled over on him.”

  Beth rolled her eyes and shook her head. She sat near the window away from her mom, and Dillon joined her. He was silent, paying closer attention to his cell phone. He didn’t seem to be bothered by anything.

  The doctor and a nurse came into the waiting room. Everyone gathered in front of them waiting to hear about Walter. The doctor looked angry.

  He asked Shannon, “Are you Walter’s mother?”

  “Yes, I am. How is he doing?” Shannon’s eyes were the size of large moons as she gazed up at the doctor. Pools of tears slid down her cheek.

  “We need to speak to you privately about Walter.”

  Shannon swallowed.

  The doctor commanded, “Come with us, please.”

  “I’m going, too.” Beth proclaimed.

  The doctor twisted around looking at Beth. He asked, “Who are you?”

  “I’m his sister.”

  The doctor nodded and they followed him to his office. I wondered what was going on. I wanted to find Walter and be at his side. He was by himself, probably with a strange nurse he’s never seen before, and he was probably afraid. I decided it was best to sit and wait. My heart pounded hard within my chest. I closed my eyes and counted to twenty to ease my breathing and to calm my nerves. I’ll get to see Walter soon, and we’ll be searching for four leaf clovers again.


  When a woman from social services showed up, I figured my chance to see Walter was going to be impossible. Brandon and I spent several hours waiting, but never heard about Walter’s status. Shannon and Beth didn’t come back in the emergency waiting room. I figured I would talk to Beth later. There was no need to wait any longer. Walter was in good care.

  I asked Brandon to take me home, and he obliged without hesitation knowing full well he couldn’t do anything at the hospital, either. Dillon was outside on his cell phone when we walked out. He turned his back to us, keeping his voice to a whisper, and strolled away. Brandon huffed at him and kept going. The whole time we were inside waiting for Shannon and Beth, he was outside on the cell phone, and it pissed Brandon off.

  Brandon drove slowly down the long road to Wisp. The woods were dark, lit only by a sliver of the moon. I let down the window to feel the fresh air and to smell the long leaf pine forest. I was in love with nature. It gave me a great ease in my mind especially when strife was heavy on my shoulders.

  Brandon asked, “How are you doing?”

  I looked over at him, and his face was gentle, showing great worry. I answered, “I’m doing okay. How about you?”

  “I’m fine, I guess.” He answered. “You know, I was surprised when Shannon showed up today with Walter. She has never brought him to Story Time. She said she was there looking for you.”


  “She said that you would watch Walter while you were at work. I told her you couldn’t do that.”

  Was Shannon trying to get me fired! I remarked, “I never said I would watch him, Brandon, not at work.”

  He said in a calm manner, “I figured you didn’t.”

  “I was plannin
g on taking him to the beach after work, but that’s about it. I can’t believe she was trying to drop him again?”

  “Shannon doesn’t care where she leaves him, Angela. She’d brought him over to my house once, and I let him stay. She told me she had to go for a job interview, but she was going on a date. She tries to leave him with whoever will take him. Sometimes, Dillon watches him. I think he’s the wrong person to be babysitting kids.”

  I wanted to ask why, but I didn’t. I still wasn’t ready to tread on that water. I looked out into the passing darkness. Again, I pictured the moment Dillon looked at Walter. I felt Walter’s fear.

  I was glad when we made it back to Beth’s house. I was tired and sad. Walter really hurt himself, and it pissed me off that Beth was so nonchalant about it. Then the visit by social services really got my attention. What were they doing at the hospital? Maybe, Beth will tell me everything when she comes home.


  I was tired and hungry, but I couldn’t go to bed on an empty stomach. Way too often I wasn’t afforded good meals, almost weighing next to nothing at times. Now, I had opportunities to consume decent meals. I wasn’t going to pass up a chance to eat when there was food in the house.

  I found sandwich meat in the refrigerator. Lettuce leaves were already separated and tomatoes were cut in a small plastic container. I wondered if Beth was saving those for a recipe. It didn’t matter, I wanted a really good sandwich, and lettuce and tomatoes were perfect to add to it. I promised myself to tell Beth if she needed the ingredients for anything, I’ll buy her all fresh new ones. I grabbed the mayonnaise and mustard and placed everything on the counter. When I reached for a plate in the cabinet, I noticed someone standing in the entryway in the kitchen. It was Dillon!


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