The Ex Killer Series

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The Ex Killer Series Page 40

by Bridget Bundy

  His eyes spoke his intentions clearly. My deepest fear set in. I was about to get raped. He slowly walked a couple of steps before he stopped. I looked him in the eyes. My heart was racing.

  I asked, “Where is Beth?”

  “She’s at her mom’s house.” Dillon answered as he walked towards the table.

  “Why aren’t you there with her?” I looked for something, anything to defend myself.

  “I came by to see how you were doing.” Dillon leaned on the table. A little smirk appeared on his face as he eyeballed me from head to toe.

  I stated, “That’s a lie.”

  “You were worried about Walter.”

  I saw a butcher knife and grabbed it. I didn’t hide the fact I had it, either. I was nervous and breathing hard as I faced him.

  “The other night, when you first got here, I saw you in the bathroom. You were naked, and you were touching yourself. I can touch you, girl, and do a whole lot of other things if you let me. And we won’t need that knife.”

  I wasn’t surprised. I already knew it was him, and it made me want to slice him in half even more. I remarked, “I’ll gut you like a fish, and you better believe I know how.”

  Dillon straightened up, and he backed up. He started laughing, but I was dead serious. He said, “It’s a shame that you’re playing so hard to get. I can have so much fun with you.”

  I said in a slow, deliberate manner, “You really don’t want to mess with me. I promise you, I’m no fun at all.”

  Dillon turned slowly and said, “You sleep safe tonight, Angela.”

  I held on to that knife until I was sure he was gone. I made sure I saw wheels and man completely leaving Red Rooster Circle. I stormed back to the kitchen, mad as hell and feeling helpless. I tossed all of the food back in the refrigerator. I wasn’t hungry at all now. I locked all the doors knowing full well it wouldn’t do any good. Dillon probably had keys to the house. I clutched the butcher knife like my life depended on it. I went to my bedroom and placed it under my pillow. I closed and locked the bedroom door. I figured locking it wasn’t good enough since it can be opened with a clothes hanger. So, I decided to move the dollhouse to slightly block it. The tiny furniture and dolls were knocked out of place, which irritated me even more. I hoped the makeshift alarm would wake me if anyone opened the door.

  I was ready just in case he tried to get into my room. I was going to stab him dead if I had to. I’d do whatever it took to protect my body. I took a deep breath satisfied with my safety precautions and went to bed.

  TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2009


  The next morning Beth and I sat over oatmeal without saying a word. Beth tapped her spoon on the table. She told me earlier that Walter was about to be taken, but they avoided it. Walter had circular bruises on his stomach and back, and Shannon had to explain why to the lady from social services. I guess everything sounded reasonable to the lady, and she decided to let Walter stay with his mom. But now unannounced visits were going to be the norm for Shannon to ensure Walter was being properly taken care of.

  After yesterday’s fiasco with Walter and then Dillon, I was filled to the brim, and it overflowed into today. Maybe, Beth’s cup was just on the brink. The only major problem I’ve seen her have is with her brother. Everything else seemed peachy king for her, at least on the surface.

  Beth huffed and said, “I guess you’re not hungry, either. You haven’t touched your oatmeal.”

  “I’m really worried about Walter.”

  Beth took her bowl from the table and scrapped the food in the garbage. She said as she went to the sink, “Walter is a difficult kid, Angela. He is hard to control. He doesn’t want to listen to anyone.”

  “He’s difficult because he craves attention. He’s not getting it.”

  “Our lives don’t revolve around him.”

  “It should.” I twisted in my seat to look at her. “He can’t raise himself. Walter needs structure. He needs to know that all of you care.”

  “We love him, Angela, without question, but he chooses to behave badly.”

  “And you must choose to correct that behavior. You can’t tell him once to stop doing wrong and then expect him to obey automatically. It doesn’t work like that. You have to constantly be on him. Show him there are consequences to all of his actions, good or bad. You have to teach him the right way every chance you get. Right now, he’s running loose, and he knows nobody is going to put him in check.”

  “It’s my mother’s responsibility to raise him. That’s her son. You should be telling her what you just told me.”

  I turned back to my oatmeal. Beth sounded just like me when I was living with Andrea. I used to pass the buck. It wasn’t my responsibility to take care of my sister. It was not my concern. Getting slapped in the face with how I used to be was painful.

  Beth sat at the table again and said, “My mom has to do better.”

  “And so do you. He may not be your son, but he’s your brother. He’s a child. You almost lost him yesterday ...twice.”

  My words didn’t soak into Beth, but I know she heard me.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you, Walter asked for you yesterday.” Beth smiled.

  “I wanted to see him.”

  “He was so mad when we told him you were gone home. I thought he was going to come out of that bed.”

  “He needs to get better first.”

  “My mom is bringing him home this afternoon if you want to go by.”

  “Maybe, I will as long as your mom doesn’t mind.”

  “She doesn’t mind one bit. She loves how you and Walter get along.”

  I got up from the table to warm up my food in the microwave. When I sat back down at the table, Beth began giggling. She was reading her text messages on her cell phone.

  “Dillon is so nasty!” She giggled even more.

  I didn’t tell Beth about her boyfriend’s unwanted visit last night. I knew that was going to be a problem that wouldn’t end well in my favor.

  “So, Angela, have you made any new boy...friends?” Beth leaned on the table.

  I answered, “No new boy friends here, Beth. I am still very single.”

  “You are so pretty. I can’t believe you don’t have a boyfriend already. There are a lot of single guys here in Wisp.”

  “They’re not lining up, and I’m not looking.”

  She was so tickled by what I said, but I wasn’t. I was serious as a heart attack. She said, “Well, when you do find a man, I hope I get to meet him.”

  I laughed. There was no way I was going to date anyone, not in the state of mind I was in. The murders were still fresh, and I had no idea what I would do if another boyfriend disappointed me.

  Beth added, “Speaking of boyfriends, I wanted to explain some house rules. You and I are women, and as women, we have adult needs. So, I want to put some rules out there so we can have...boundaries. You know what I mean?”

  I couldn’t wait to hear this.

  Beth shifted in her seat and explained, “My old roommate used to bring her friends over, and they would do ...stuff the bedroom, and she had no shame whatsoever. I’d be here or Dillon and his folks would be here, and she’d be getting it on with some dude. I don’t mind you bringing a guy over, but I prefer you use restrained behavior when I’m home, and of course, I’ll do the same for you.”

  “Of course,” I repeated nearly about to fall out of my seat in laughter.

  “Dillon and I are like fire in the bedroom. We have all kinds of toys, and we like to make a lot of noise. We have handcuffs and lotions and...”

  “Beth, I don’t really want to hear about your sex life.”

  “I’m sorry about that, Angela, but I’m just letting you know that’s how we are. And I won’t be disrespectful towards you by doing those things while you’re here.”

  I stared at her. Did Beth think she really needed to explain these rules? I thought it was common courtesy.

  “That’s my main rul

  “Beth, you never have to worry about me bringing over boyfriends.”

  She gave me a strange look and blatantly asked, “Are you gay? Because if you’re gay, the same goes for girls, too.”

  I laughed even more, “No, Beth, I’m not gay.”

  “Okay, Angela, I am only trying to get a point across.”

  “You’re very clear. You don’t have to explain anything else.”

  Once I finished my breakfast, I started the laundry and then went outside to water the azalea bush. Beth cleaned the kitchen and began making dinner.

  Both of us were off from work. Brandon called me before breakfast to let me know the store would be closed for the day. Beth always took Tuesdays off, and she usually spent the day trying to straighten up her home and run errands for Ms. Emma if needed. I helped Beth by cleaning the living room, as well. I dusted and swept and mopped. I’ve always like a clean house.

  Beth was about to put a roast in the oven when the phone ranged. She quickly placed the large pan on the stove, wiped her hands, and answered the phone. Ms. Emma was singing her hellos into the phone. I could hear her clear in the other room. Their conversation went directly to talking about the roast dinner, and then she asked for me. Beth let her know she’ll send me by, and they ended their chat.


  Ms. Emma progressed around the porch watering her plants when I arrived. A fan was inside the house and facing the screen door, blowing air outside onto the porch. I wasn’t sure if the fan was making a difference or not in temperature, but the air did feel nice when I passed it. I sat in the same seat as I did before and watched Ms. Emma as she moved from plant to plant watering each one. She was picking off the dead leaves and pressing the soil to check for moisture at the same time. Ms. Emma seemed to lose interest in the task, and she set down the plastic green water pitcher. She took a seat beside me. I could tell something was bothering her.

  “How is Walter doing?” She asked. Her tone of voice was low and saddened.

  “He has bad cuts and bruises, but he is ok. He supposed to be coming home today.”

  “I bet you’re wondering why I asked you instead of Beth.”

  “It never crossed my mind, actually.” I truthfully stated.

  “Beth doesn’t see what’s going on, or she chooses to ignore it rather. His mother isn’t much better.” Ms. Emma sat back in her chair.

  Obviously, she knew what was going on and it was time to ask straight out. I held out too long, and I needed to confront my inner accusations toward Dillon. “What is going on, Ms. Emma? Tell me the truth about Walter.”

  Ms. Emma’s eyes began to fill with tears. She cleared her throat and answered, “He’s being abused, Angela.”

  I knew it, but I never said it out loud. My heart sunk. I asked, “Is it Dillon?”

  “Yes,” Ms. Emma answered, “Do you know I tried to tell Beth, and she made excuses and said it wasn’t true? She says Walter is lying. I told her Walter has never spoken a word to me. It is blatant that child is being abused and neither one of them is doing anything about it.”

  “I don’t understand...” I stopped. The singe of anger burned in my throat. I knew the answer to the questions I was about to ask, and I understood completely. I said, “She’s being selfish.”

  “Yes, she is, Angela. You see, the house she’s living in belong to Dillon’s uncle, and if she said anything, they’ll put her out. She’ll have no choice but to move back in with her mother, and Beth doesn’t want to do that. She’s living there nearly for free, and she’s not going to give that up.”

  I wanted to go to Beth and shake her. I wanted to slap some sense into Shannon. What in the world were they doing? How could they allow a grown man to hurt a child, their own family? Why not take up for blood? Why not fight for the innocent?

  “This is pissing me off really bad right now.” I wiped my face with both hands and continued, “Ms. Emma, I kind of knew, but I wasn’t sure. I never asked Beth or Shannon, and I was too afraid to ask Walter. I wasn’t ready to hear the truth.”

  “Who really wants to hear such awful things? No one does, but despite our reluctance to hear it, it is still the truth. It is a reality that Walter has been enduring long before you came here.” Ms. Emma’s emotions were boiling over, and she turned away. She rocked in her chair.

  I looked forward and asked, “Is he sexually abusing him?” Please, God, let the answer be no, please!

  It took a moment for Ms. Emma to answer. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She cleared her throat and finally said, “Yes.”

  “That muther...,” I stayed my words. I wasn’t going to speak in such a way in front of Ms. Emma. I was outright disgusted with Dillon, Beth and Shannon. What in the hell is wrong with those people? I thought I was evil, but they are beyond evil. They didn’t deserve him, and he didn’t deserve to be treated that way. “Dillon has to be stopped.”

  “Who’s going to stop him? Dillon has gotten away with it before.”

  That fact hit me like a ton of bricks. I swallowed feeling the lump in my throat. I made a decision right then and there. I was going to stop him. If no one was going to put an end to Walter’s pain, I would.

  I remained on the porch with Ms. Emma. I wasn’t about to go back to Beth’s house in my frame of mind. I had a temper higher than the Blue Ridge itself, and I had to put it in check. I sat on that porch for a long time.


  A sprinkle began as I knocked on Shannon’s door. I hoped it wasn’t going to rain. I looked up at the clouded sky. It looked clear in the distance. Maybe, there was hope for the sun to prevail over the rain.

  Cecil opened the door drawing my attention back to earth. He welcomed me in with a smile. He introduced himself, “My name is Cecil Bentley. You can call me Cecil.”

  “I’m Angela. It is very nice to meet you, Cecil.” I entered the house. The cool from the air conditioner immediately hit my face. It was much better than the humidity that still lingered in the rain.

  Shannon came out of the kitchen with a bowl of soup. “Hi, Angela, Walter has been asking for you.”

  I was flush with anger when I saw her, but I put on a good face and asked, “How is he doing?”

  “He’s in a little pain, but he’s ok. Come on with me to his room.”

  I noticed Shannon’s house was a keeper of memories. It had pictures and trinkets dating all the way back to when Beth and Walter were infants. It looked like Shannon kept every little trophy and picture of her kids.

  When she opened the door to Walter’s room, it looked like a tornado had gone through ten times over. He had clean and dirty clothes mixed together and all over the floor. Most of the toys appeared to be broken. He had posters of cartoon characters hanging on the walls, but most of them were torn or ripped in half. Shannon didn’t seem to be bothered with the catastrophe of Walter’s room, and I wasn’t surprised a bit by it, either.

  Walter’s face lit up when he saw me. I had to rush over and give him a gentle hug making sure not to touch his tender arms and legs. Shannon smiled.

  “Mama, can Angela feed me?” Walter asked.

  “Only if Angela wants to,” she answered as she set the bowl down on a cleared spaced on the dresser. Shannon straightened his pillows and helped him sit up.

  “I don’t mind.” I sat down on the edge of the bed.

  Shannon gently handed me the bowl, and I began feeding him the soup of noodles and broth.

  “Why didn’t you come by and see me yesterday?”

  I answered, “The doctor wouldn’t let me. Only family was allowed.”

  “He’s a stupid doctor.” Walter remarked.

  “That’s not nice, Walter.” Shannon scolded.

  “I wanted to see Angela, Mama. He didn’t have to be so mean...and stupid.”

  I smiled at him and placed the spoon to his lips. He sipped and chewed.

  “How do you feel, Walter?” I asked.

  “My legs hurt,
and my arm hurt. Sometimes I don’t feel so good in my stomach.”

  “Well, you have to take your time now and get better. That’s the most important thing in the world.” I was so happy to see him.

  He asked, “Can we still go to the beach today?”

  “I don’t think so, Walter. You have to get well first.”

  “Don’t go without me, Angela!” He yelled.

  “I won’t go to the beach without you. I promise.”

  “I take promises real seriously, Angela.”

  “And so do I, Walter.”

  “Okay, then, you can’t go to the beach until I get better, and you can’t break your promise.” Walter reiterated as he looked directly at me.

  “I won’t break my promise to you.” I placed another spoonful of noodles in his mouth.

  After chewing he remarked, “Mama, I want a hamburger!”

  Shannon shook her head and answered, “The doctor said no fatty foods for a day or two.”

  “The doctor is stupid.” Walter and I said at the same time. We laughed including Shannon.

  I was about to feed him again when I noticed the four leaf clover hanging over Walter’s bed. It was framed in glass on a white background. The leaves were pressed perfectly to show all four leaves with the stem curling sideways. I smiled not saying a word. I figured that Shannon must have framed it for him. It was nice to see the smallest things that Walter did mattered to his mother. I felt a little better towards Shannon...only a little.

  After he finished his soup, we played checkers, and Shannon retired to the living room to watch television with Cecil. Walter didn’t have all the checker pieces, but it didn’t matter. I divided them in half, and we still played the game. We played several times for almost an hour, and I made sure he won every time.

  Eventually Walter began to get sleepy. His eyes were heavy and his body was drained from the medication. I fixed his pillows to make sure he was comfortable and waited for him to fall asleep. He fought it, but he didn’t win. I left him to rest in his room.


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