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The Ex Killer Series

Page 47

by Bridget Bundy

  I asked, “Brandon, what kind of relationship are you expecting?”

  He quickly answered, “A relationship you’re comfortable with.”

  “I’m horrible in relationships.”

  “Why are you so horrible?”

  I couldn’t even answer that question honestly. I remarked, “I’m just horrible. I can’t really give an exact reason.”

  “Maybe, you’ve had horrible boyfriends.”

  I smiled at him. That was a sweet thing to say. “They were difficult, but honestly, Brandon, I’m not the one for you.”

  “Angela, you have to stop this. Why do you think you’re not worthy of having someone?”

  “Maybe, I’m just trying to protect you.”

  “From what?”

  “From me.” I just wanted to cry. Being in his company was like a slap in the face. It was like dangling a carrot in front of my face knowing full well I would never be able to even taste a little bit of it.

  “Why would I need protection from you? You’re harmless.”

  In probably a day or two, he’ll see just how harmless I’m not.

  “Angela, I just want us to take our time and enjoy whatever time we spend together. We can go at an easy pace.”

  I was going to disappoint him one day. He is going to hate me forever when I do. He’s going to find trust very deceiving, and it is going to be a shame. Any woman after me is going to have a tough time trying to win him over.

  After dinner, Brandon and I sat on a lounge chair together beside his pool. I was leaning back on his chest. We were quiet, enjoying each other’s company. The nearby crickets were singing, and the trees sometimes rustled from the wind. It felt like the quiet before the storm. As a matter of fact, it was for me.

  SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009


  The hours went by really slow when I was at work. No matter what tasks I found to do, the time didn’t go any faster. I was itching to get the hell out of that store. Brandon was busy all day, which was good. Even the woman that liked him showed up, and she started flirting with him again. I didn’t care. My mind was thinking of what was to come. When it was time for me to leave, I was gone. I didn’t say good-bye to anyone, including Brandon.

  I went straight to Beth’s bedroom when I got home. Beth was due back close to eight o’clock that night, and she was expecting Dillon to pick her up from wherever she had her training. We’ll see if he makes it to her.

  I was searching for the sex toys she claimed to have. I found them in a shoebox in the bottom of her closet. Inside the box were four sets of handcuffs, lotions, a vibrator, scarves, and other strange objects. I found a duffle bag under her bed, and I put the box in the bag. I got the gun from under my mattress and four knives from the kitchen. I zipped the bag closed.

  When I went outside, I saw Ms. Emma in her front yard for the first time. She was actually pruning her rose bush and talking to Mr. Coty. She was laughing, and he was enjoying her company. I was so happy for her. I’ve never seen her away from the front porch, and I knew this was a major thing. Lawrence Clark had Ms. Emma trapped in her home. She found the courage to get out of the house and off the porch, and now she was talking to the neighbor who had a crush on her. She deserved to have the freedom to live as she wanted.

  I threw the bag in the backseat with renewed strength. I was no longer afraid of Dillon Burkett. We had a deadly date. I drove out of that cul-de-sac ready for it. I couldn’t get to Threshold fast enough.

  A little bit after two, I parked right next to his ugly faded truck. The key was on the dashboard. The number on the thick metal tag was 212. The second floor, and the door was right above his truck. I got the bag out of the car, and I went right to the room. I wasn’t feeling scared. I wasn’t having second thoughts. It was time to play, and I was ready.

  I unlocked the door, and I stepped inside. The curtains were drawn, and it was dark in the room. I turned on the light, locked the dead bolt and the knob. I turned to see him coming out of the bathroom with only a towel attached around his waist. His hair was wet, and his smile shined from across the room. I didn’t return his smile. All I felt was a burning hate all over my body. This nasty mutherfucker molested two kids and nearly killed a mother.

  I threw the black bag on the table that was right near the door, and I went straight to him. I got right up in his face, and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. I kissed him so passionately that I wanted him to get turned on. I wanted him to be so hot and bothered that he will allow me to do anything I wanted. Our kiss was drawn out, and I stuck my tongue deep in his mouth. I grabbed his penis, and I squeezed it. His body was responding. I have to admit, I was feeling that need inside, too, but I already had it under control.

  I released him, and he exhaled. His eyes came back to mine. I said to him, “I want to see you naked.”

  Without hesitation, he took off his towel, and his large penis hung crooked. He was ready for me. That was too bad. I backed away from him, and I pulled my dress down. I didn’t have on any underwear. He came towards me, but I held my arms out to stop him.

  I said, “It’s way too early to just get it on. We have to play first. Do you like sex games, Dillon?”

  “Hell yes!” He answered as he licked his lips.

  “Beth told me you did. I was just making sure.”

  “Lets not mention that bitch’s name while we’re here.”

  I wasn’t surprised that’s what he thought of her. I said, “I want you to lay on your back on the bed. The name of the game is for you to keep your hands to yourself no matter what I do to you.”

  “Let me touch you one time first.”

  I looked at him. I did not want him putting a fingernail on me, but if I was going to convince him, I had to give a little. I said, “Only if I tell you where you can touch me.”

  “It can’t be your hand, foot, forehead, or nothing boring like that. I want something real.”

  I faced him, and I commanded, “I want you to suck my nipple, only one.”

  He sat down on the bed, and I stood in front of me. He grabbed my sides and pulled me close enough to where his breath warming my nipple. Then his wet tongue touched it. My heart was racing, and he was turning me on. I hated it! He wrapped his mouth around my nipple, and he sucked. I held my breath. He took his time, and I let him have it. Finally, he let go, and he laid down on the bed.

  I began crawling up between his legs. I didn’t put my mouth nowhere near his penis, but I could tell that’s what he wanted. It wasn’t going to happen. My breast gently brushed it, and I straddled him. I didn’t insert him, but we were close. He couldn’t help it. Dillon put his hands on my butt, and I immediately got up off of him.

  He exclaimed, “Why are you teasing me?”

  “You forgot the rules. Now, you’re going to be punished for not following the rules.”

  “Now, that’s what I’m talking about.”

  I unzipped the black bag, and I brought the handcuffs out. This fool let me lock up his ankles and wrists to the bed. I got a scarf out, sat across his waist again, and tied the scarf behind his head covering his eyes. He was smiling, laughing at what he thought was about to happen. I bent down, getting close enough to where our lips barely touch.

  I whispered to him, “Dillon, do you like your punishment so far?”

  “Oh yes,” he answered.

  “Do you want me to fuck you, Dillon?”

  “Hell yes,” he panted. He was squirming and laughing. He was ready. I was ready, too.

  I went right back to the duffle bag, and I took out two knives and another scarf. I got back on him. Without a single hesitation, I stabbed him as hard as I could in his sides. He jolted, fought, and screamed and tried to break free of his cuffs. I stuck the other scarf as far into his mouth as I could. He started gagging and his screaming was muffled. He twisted and turned when I took the knives out. I stabbed him over and over again. All over his upper torso until he stopped fighting. I never said a word. I n
ever screamed. I never hesitated. I wanted his ass deader than a door knob in the middle of winter. I don’t know how many times I stabbed him, but I had blood all over my hands, lower arms, thighs and in between my legs. I snatched the pillow from below his head, and his limp head landed on the bed. I put the pillow over his face. I took the gun from the duffle bag, and I put the muzzle to the pillow. I shot through the pillow twice. I stood back, and I looked at my hands. I was shaking. He’ll never touch Walter again.

  I put the gun back in the bag. I didn’t remove the pillow. I left the cuffs on his lifeless body. I didn’t cover him and I didn’t look at him again. He got what he deserved. I took a good long shower, making sure the blood was completely gone. I wasn’t going to clean the residue from the tub. I didn’t give a crap anymore. If they figure out it was me, then fine. I dried off, and I put my clothes back on. I got my duffle bag, put the ‘do not disturb’ sign on the outside of the door, and I walked out. I left both keys in the room.

  The drive back to Wisp was the quickest drive ever. I didn’t go back to Beth’s house. I went directly to the beach. It was in the middle of the afternoon now, and the beach was full. I found a spot, and that’s where I stayed for a long time. I had to figure out what to do next.

  MONDAY, JUNE 29, 2009


  As much as I hated to admit it, I was glad that Beth was home. I didn’t miss her, but it meant that life was still barreling right along. I wanted to finally speak to her about Dillon, but for some reason, it was more difficult for me to start the conversation. I can’t quite put my finger on it. When it came to Shannon, I’ve already had two discussions about Walter. It just made me very upset that Beth was willing to put Walter’s life at stake for her own happiness. If she didn’t know what she was doing, which I’m quite sure she did, I was going to wake her up and put it back in her face...eventually I would. But for some reason that morning, I couldn’t.

  Beth moved around the kitchen like a mad woman. She had to be at work within an hour, and she was hammering away trying to prepare supper for us and Ms. Emma. She was troubled. I can tell. She’d talk to herself and shake her head like she was disgusted with something.

  I asked, “Beth, you need help with anything?”

  She said, “Oh, Angela, you scared me. How did it go the past few days? Did you have any problems?”

  “No, everything was quiet. What time did you get in last night?” I knew this question would upset her. She was expecting Dillon to pick her up, but he never showed up. I knew what time she came in. I was in bed pretending to be sleep when she arrived fussing about Dillon.

  “I got in really late. Dillon never picked me up! And he didn’t answer his phone! He’s such a prick sometimes.”

  As far as I was concerned, he was a prick all the time. Well, now he wasn’t.

  “He didn’t answer his phone last night, and he still hasn’t answered it. He hasn’t called me, either.”

  “You think he’s with another girl?”

  Beth looked at me with big stunned eyes. “You really think so, Angela? He can’t be with another woman. I can’t even think about that.”

  Does she deny everything that is bad about Dillon? I asked, “Did he call you the entire time you were gone?” I was really trying to stoke the fire. I’d bet the very clothes on my back he didn’t.

  “No. I am so angry with him, Angela. A little consideration is all I ask for with him.”

  I lied, “He’ll call you soon, Beth. Maybe, he got held up at his job.”

  “I seriously doubt he got held up at his job. When I do talk to him, he’s going to get it.”

  I wanted to laugh. What exactly was he going to get? Yelled at? I shook my head. Her words didn’t amount to a weed in a flower garden. She was better off without him rather she cared to admit it or not.

  I asked trying to change the subject, “How did the training go?”

  “Oh, I learned how to make a Long Island Iced Tea, a Screwdriver, an Avalanche, and all kinds of crazy named drinks. I was given this recipe book for drinks, and I have to make time to study it.”

  “You’ll do fine at your new job, Beth.”

  “Thank you, Angela, you’re the sweetest. I think we should go out and celebrate. How are you and Brandon doing? Are you two becoming an item?”

  “Brandon and I are good.”

  “We all should go out tonight. You got anything going on this evening?”

  “No,” I answered.

  “I’ll call Dillon. You talk to Brandon, and we’ll make an evening. What time do you want to go out?”

  “I guess around six is okay.” I stared at her. I’m glad I wasn’t going to have dinner with her boyfriend. If I hadn’t talked him out of attacking me, I’d probably be all tore up. And then she’d blame me for what he’d done. She’d throw me out and call me a trouble maker just like Justine. “I have to get to work, Beth.”

  “I’ll walk out with you. I have to take this salad to Ms. Emma. I haven’t seen her in a while. I miss her, you know.”

  When we went out the front door, Ms. Emma was also coming out of her house, but she had someone with her. She had her hand draped on Mr. Coty’s arm, and he was escorting her. Beth and I watched as they went down the sidewalk together, and when they got to Mr. Coty’s car, he opened the door for her. Beth nearly lost her mind, and she was in full blown panic. She ran to them before Ms. Emma could get into the car.

  “Ms. Emma, where are you going? Is everything okay?”

  Ms. Emma smiled at Beth, and she opened her arms to her. Ms. Emma gave her a strong hug and said, “Beth, dear, it’s so wonderful to see you!”

  Beth looked at Mr. Coty, who was grinning from ear to ear himself. “Ms. Emma, I’ve never seen you leave your house before. I can’t...where are...what’s going on?”

  “Why, Mr. Coty and I are going to breakfast together.”

  Beth looked back at me with a confused look on her face. I couldn’t help but to smile. I was so happy for Ms. Emma. It’s about time she left her home and lived. It’s about time!

  “But you never leave your home.”

  “Well, darling, today is the day.” Ms. Emma laughed, and she kissed Mr. Coty on the cheek.

  Beth nearly fell over from shock, and I was tickled. Go ahead, Ms. Emma! She got into the car, and Mr. Coty and Ms. Emma was gone. I started off for work leaving Beth standing on the sidewalk by herself. It was priceless. I loved it.


  Brandon was watching me as I worked. I know he had something better to do than just stare at me. Evanna saw how strange he was acting, and she came to me when I was alone in the stockroom unpacking books.

  Evanna asked, “Why is Brandon acting weird?”

  “What do you mean?” I kept on unpacking the books.

  “He’s staring at you, eyeballing you.”

  “That’s considered weird to you?” I asked as I straightened and stretched my back.

  “He likes you, Angela.” Evanna stated as she planted her hands on her hips.

  I searched her face to understand her reaction. She didn’t appear angry or jealous. She smiled. I asked her, “Is that a problem?”

  “No,” she answered with a chuckle. “Brandon and I have always been good friends. He’s like a big brother to me. I can’t ever see dating him.”

  “Evanna, I can see you two dating. I can see you two having a great future together.”

  She was speechless. She was thinking about what I said. “Well, it’s not going to happen now.”

  “I wouldn’t be so quick to give up, if I were you. There’s nothing set in stone between me and Brandon.”

  “But he doesn’t look at me like he looks at you. It’ll be weird, anyway. He’s almost like my big brother, and I can’t date my big brother.”

  “You know what’s so funny. I wasn’t flirting with him. I wasn’t giving him any reason to be interested in me. I wasn’t trying at all.”

  “That’s usually when l
ove happens, Angela, when you’re not trying.” She was so right. “Well, I better get back to cleaning those shelves.”

  It was actually a relief to know that Evanna wasn’t upset about me and Brandon. I valued her friendship. It wasn’t strong like me and Tanie used to be, but the moments were meaningful when we spoke. I learned a little bit about her every day.

  Brandon came into the stockroom when I was almost finished unpacking all of the boxes. He wanted to hug me and kiss me, but I really didn’t want to be touched, not after that mess with his brother last night. He didn’t like the fact I withdrew from him, and he gave me a concerned look.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” I answered. “We need to slow down. We can’t be getting crazy at work.”

  He smiled and nodded in agreement. “You’re right, but I can’t help it.”

  “Maybe, tonight you and I can spend some time together.”

  “We can do that after dinner with Beth and Dillon. I’m not looking forward to sitting at the table with him, but I’m trying to be nice to Beth. She said you agreed to dinner.”

  “I did. When did she call you?”

  “About an hour ago. She was looking for Dillon. I don’t know why she asked me. She knows I don’t keep up with him.”

  What could I say? He’s at Threshold Inn stabbed and shot to death? I changed the subject. I said, “Evanna knows about you and me.”

  “Did you tell her?” Brandon cringed as he waited for my answer.

  “She knew without me saying a word. She figured it out because you were watching me. You were giving me those I’ll-sex-you-up kind of looks.”


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