Hearts Aflame Collection III: 4-Book Bundle

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Hearts Aflame Collection III: 4-Book Bundle Page 6

by Hart, Melissa F.

  Jocelyn felt a thrill of sexual excitement as she watched him and began to come up with creative ways they could play together. This was the vacation she always wanted too, not just because of the luxurious surroundings and kinky sex, but because of the man she was sharing it with. She didn’t want to admit it yet, but she could very easily see herself living with Ethan, not just as his girlfriend but as his wife.

  “Good boy,” she praised, when he was finished stripping. “Now, remove my clothing, but do not touch my flesh with your hands. You haven’t earned that privilege yet.”

  Playfully, Ethan removed her clothing, allowing himself to delight her bare skin with everything except his hands. He rubbed his cheek against her stomach, kissed her nipples with his lips, and lapped at the folds of her sex with his long tongue. Not once, however, did he disobey by touching her with his hands.

  “Well done, slave,” she complimented, when at last, she was naked. “Now, I need a bath after that long plane ride here. Bathe me.”

  Ethan knew the perfect place to bathe his Mistress. There was a natural hot spring pool near the cabin, where hot water bubbled from the earth. Nearby was a waterfall of cool river water, giving bathers their choice of hot or cold water to soak in.

  He carried Jocelyn to the pools and lovingly massaged her back with a soft cloth as she soaked in the soothing water. After a while she gave him a massage of his own, rubbing his private organ until it was rigid and ready to explode. Then she commanded him to make love to her in the rippling waters until they both orgasmed together.

  Later that day, they made love again in the cabin, right in the middle of the living room floor and then again that night, in the luxurious bedroom, where she shackled Ethan to the headboard and he eagerly licked her folds until she orgasmed. Then she allowed him to enter her and they thrust passionately together until she climaxed yet again and clung to him while his body shuddered with the ecstasy of his own orgasm.

  “This is the perfect vacation,” he said softly, as he stroked her long, dark hair and she cuddled him in the darkness. Jocelyn agreed whole-heartedly and they drifted off to sleep together.


  There was one person, however, who was not having a perfect time during their vacation; Chester Colder.

  “What do you mean he can’t be contacted?” Chester shouted out hysterically into the phone. He took a deep breath to calm himself. “I know Mr. Richmond is on vacation at his island retreat, but surely there must be a way to contact him in an emergency!”

  “I’m sorry, sir, but Mr. Richmond cannot be reached until he returns in four more days. Please contact the Vice President of Richmond Enterprises with any issues until then,” his private answering service responded coldly.

  “Fine!” Chester shouted, as he prepared to slam down the phone. “In four more days Lewis Inc. will have shut us down and there won’t be a Richmond Enterprises for him to come back to!”

  Chapter Six

  “That was the perfect vacation,” Jocelyn sighed with a smile. The helicopter had picked them up again after five wonderful days and nights of perfect bliss. Now they were seated on Ethan’s private jet and flying above the clouds, back to their normal lives.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to move in with me? Life could be like that for you every day,” Ethan teased, but there was an element of truth in his words too. He really did want Jocelyn to move into his mansion with him so he could be with her every day.

  “We already discussed this. Don’t ruin things by pushing me,” Jocelyn said hotly. She could feel her temper beginning to rise and was eager to end the conversation before she said something they’d both regret. She picked up the newspaper that had been placed on the console between their seats and opened with a flare to show that the subject was closed. She didn’t really intend to read the paper but the top story in the business section caught her attention.

  “Ethan, look at this!” she said with alarm.

  Ethan took the paper from her and read the headline. Richmond Enterprises CEO Ethan Richmond Suspected of Industrial Espionage and Theft.

  “What does it mean? What are they talking about?” Jocelyn asked with true concern as they read the article together.

  Ethan crumpled the paper and threw it onto the floor. He turned to Jocelyn. “It means they think I stole my marketing strategy from my competitors. Lewis Inc. has files documenting the details of my strategy going back months. I didn’t develop my strategy until six weeks ago, so it’s only logical to say I stole my ideas from them.”

  “Why wouldn’t everyone assume that you both just happened to develop the same idea? I know you’re not a thief, so it must be a coincidence,” Jocelyn said, stroking his arm in futile attempt to comfort him.

  “If it was the same general strategy, sure; but there’s more to it than that. We both had the exact same campaign, in every single detail. The same marketing slogan, the same materials, even the same artwork. This is no coincidence, this is industrial espionage!”

  “Who could have done such a thing?” Jocelyn asked, but a memory flashed in her mind of sending copies of all Ethan’s work to someone, and it was someone she had always had a bad feeling about. Something told her to listen to her intuition; it had never let her down before and she’d come to trust it.

  “I don’t know who could have done this, but if we don’t find out, I’m ruined,” Ethan said, looking heartbroken. “I may have to shut down my grandfather’s company! Unethical business practices like this can destroy a company’s reputation so no one will want to work with us or buy from us. I can’t believe this has happened!”

  “What if you get a full confession from the person who did it, proving that they were intentionally trying to ruin you and that you had nothing to do with it?”

  “Well, that would save me and the company, but that would be a miracle. The odds of that happening are nearly impossible.”

  “You said that about finding happiness too.” Jocelyn winked at him. “When we land, I need a car to take me straight to the mansion so I can get cooking. I have a special meal to prepare for a very special person.”

  “You know who did this?” Ethan asked in surprise.

  “I believe I do, but I need to find out for sure. If he can’t handle the heat, he’ll be sure to want to get out of the kitchen. Go to the authorities and tell them to be ready to receive the confession. I’ll do all the rest.”


  Chester Colder was in the middle of a board meeting when his secretary announced that their lunch delivery had arrived.

  “Send them in,” he said absently. A gorgeous young woman entered the meeting, wearing a simple white uniform, with her black hair pulled back into a bun and covered with a hairnet. She smiled as she passed the food containers and beverages around to all the members of the board, ending with Chester. Then she stood by his side with a patient expression, as if waiting for something.

  “My secretary will pay you,” Chester said after it became apparent that she wasn’t going to leave.

  “She’s out of petty cash and told me to get it from you,” Jocelyn said pleasantly and handed him a bill.

  Chester flushed angrily. He was anxious to get back to the board meeting, where they were moments away from declaring Ethan Richmond unfit to act as CEO and Chester planned to make his bid to take over the role. It was going to be his shining moment.

  “Fine, let me see what kind of cash I have on me!” he blustered. He reached into pocket and pulled out his wallet. As he counted out a wad of money, Jocelyn reached forward and pulled out a tiny piece of paper that was poking out of the edge.

  “What’s this?” she asked innocently. She opened the paper and read it aloud. It was a phone number followed by a series of alphabet letters. “What does all that mean?”

  “Give me that!” Chester snatched the paper away from her hands and shoved it back into his wallet, but it was too late. The damage had been done. One of the board members recognized the information on the pape

  “That’s the private phone number for Edward Lewis, the grandson of the CEO of Lewis Inc. I know because he used to call me all the time, trying to get information he could use to blackmail Mr. Richmond! I had the number blocked from my phone, but I’ll never forget it. That snake would do anything to shut down this company!” one of the executives said.

  Another spoke up from the other end of the table. “The letters after the phone number weren’t the initials E.L., though. What were they?”

  Jocelyn was happy to volunteer. “They were C. L. E. A. R.”

  Chester was furious with rage and waving frantically for the office security guards to come and haul away the fake delivery girl. She was ruining everything!

  “I know that code!” the security guard said as he arrived and heard the discussion. “It’s a code we use to override the lock for Mr. Richmond’s office in an emergency!” The guard turned on Chester. “You’re the only other person to have that code. You gave access to someone at Lewis Inc and they used the marketing materials in his office to set him up!”

  “No, it wasn’t me!” Chester cried out. His throat became dry as he squeaked, “I’m being set up! Probably by Mr. Richmond! He wants me to take the fall for his crime!”

  Chester grabbed the drink Jocelyn had placed in front of him and gulped noisily. He was so nervous he could hardly swallow. No, it wasn’t nerves making him unable to swallow, his throat was on fire! What had been in that drink? What had she done to him?

  Chester clutched at his throat and his eyes grew wide with fear. He turned to Jocelyn and saw the look of merriment on her face and knew she had poisoned him. He turned to the board members for help, but they only glared at him unsympathetically. They knew he was the guilty one and that he had tried to set up Ethan Richmond.

  “Okay, I confess!” Chester wheezed, barely able to get the words out. “It was me. I’ll sign a full confession and resign my position! Now give me the antidote! Don’t let me die!”

  “You’re not dying; it’s just Habanero pepper. I’m glad to hear you’re willing to clear Ethan’s name though. It was his marketing strategy all along. I was with him when he came up with it,” Jocelyn said, beaming with pride for her man.

  Just then Ethan stepped into the room, with a squad of security guards who hauled Chester away. Jocelyn went with them to file a report about all the times Chester had called the house and asked her to send him secret documents. Ethan took over the board meeting and they came up with a solid plan for handling the scandal that was sure to follow about the Richmond executive who tried to frame the CEO of the company and sold marketing plans to Lewis Inc.

  “Over time this scandal will pass, but my grandfather’s company will continue to thrive,” Ethan said to applause by the board members.

  Chapter Seven

  That night, Ethan went home feeling utterly exhausted but elated. It had been a difficult but successful day. He walked tiredly up to his bedroom suite and was surprised to find Jocelyn there, draped across his bed wearing nothing but a black lace teddy.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked with a tone of happy surprise. “I thought you intended to return to your apartment after our vacation.”

  “I did, but I heard you were a particularly good boy today.” Jocelyn smiled. “Come here and let me reward you.”

  Ethan leapt onto the bed and scooped Jocelyn into his arms, making her giggle. He kissed her neck, nuzzling her where it tickled, just so he could hear her beautiful laugh.

  “Stop it!” She slapped at him playfully, unable to stop laughing as he kept tickling her.

  Suddenly, she grabbed him by the wrist and twisted his arm painfully behind his back. “Now you’re being a naughty boy. I told you stop and you disobeyed me. Now you have to be punished.”

  The tone of her voice was tough, but it filled them both with happy anticipation. Time to play their favorite game once more!

  “Kneel on your hands and knees!” Jocelyn commanded forcefully. The act of dominating the man she loved made tingles of sexual excitement ripple through her body. Her nipples became taut and her sex grew moist.

  Ethan felt thrills of erotic pleasure as he took the position and his member grew hard in anticipation of the punishment to come.

  Jocelyn produced a wooden chopping board from the kitchen that had a long handle, and used it like a paddle to spank Ethan with. Every smack across his buttocks sent thrills of pleasure through them both and made them desire each other more than ever before.

  When she had punished him enough, the rewards came and lasted for hours as they kissed every inch of each other with soft, sultry workings of their mouths, lips, and tongues. It was as if they were drinking each other in, sip by sip, savoring the flavor of each other’s bodies. All the while, Jocelyn used a length of soft rope to bind Ethan into new and exciting positions on the bed. In the end, he orgasmed three times throughout the night, and she climaxed over twice as many. It was the most incredible and satisfying night of their lives.

  It’s too bad they never heard the click of the camera or bothered to check the bedroom for hidden recording devices.

  “My accusations of theft and industrial espionage didn’t work, but blackmail surely will,” Edward Lewis snickered to himself as he put the film safely in his pocket. As he skulked away, he smiled with satisfaction. “This isn’t over yet.”

  Do you like this book? Be sure to check other books in this series

  Turning up the Heat - Volume 2

  Into the Fire - Volume 3

  Perfect Dish - Volume 4

  Cooking Up Passion: Books 1-4 (4-Book Bundle)



  Lucy Smith is the only child of Charles and Abigail Smith. After her father’s untimely passing, she is left as the owner of the third largest shipping company in the world. Lucy puts in a proposal that would make her father’s company the second largest in the world. She has one small problem; her father sold 10% of the company to Jake Logan, the most gorgeous man Lucy has ever seen, but also the most hard-headed and stubborn. Lucy needs his signature to complete what will be the company’s largest shipment to date.

  Jake Logan knew the moment he laid eyes on Lucy Smith that she was the woman he had waited his whole life for. It was love at first sight. Jake has one hurdle to overcome in making Lucy his wife: Lucy herself. She has sworn off relationships and Jake is bound and determined to make her see she can have both; a successful marriage as well as a successful and thriving business.

  Lucy hung up the phone with her largest import contractor. She was about to close her largest import shipment to date, a huge bonus in a male-dominated world, which assured continued respect from others in the industry.

  It had not been an easy road, having to take over the business her grandfather had started, which was left to her at the unexpected death of her father, Charles Smith, at the age of 68. She had known this day would come, and her father had made sure she was as ready as she would ever be, but she had always thought he would be here to guide her as needed, calling from the golf course or the country club to check in and offer advice.

  But fate offered a different hand. Charles succumbed to a massive heart attack after a weekend of golf with his buddies, leaving Lucy large and in charge with one fell swoop of the pen. So far she had succeeded. She hoped her father was looking down on her and was as proud of her as she knew he would be. He was unlike any other man; he always believed in her and never doubted her for one second.

  That was probably why she had yet to marry; big shoes to fill for one man. She wanted a man just like her father, and he was one of a kind. It would be difficult to find someone who could put up with her and her hours; she was used to being in control, and she liked it that way. A nice long life as a bachelorette suited her just fine and she saw no reason to think otherwise.

  She owned the third largest import/export company in the world and had billions to go along with that. What could a man offer her that she cou
ldn’t get with a fun-filled night and a “don’t call me, I’ll call you” line at the end? After all, men do it, and this was an equal society. At thirty-seven, she was old enough to take charge of her love life, if she had one.

  Despite her money, most men of stature wanted the trophy wife by their side. Someone blonde and slim, petite, pretty to look at, but quiet. This did not describe Lucy at all; she was tall, almost six foot, definitely what one would consider BBW: a big, beautiful, woman. Yes, she had “extra” curves on her curves, but she did not care; when she spoke, she commanded, and got, the attention of all in the room. If the men did not like her for her brains, she did not need them anyhow. She was a tigress, ready to pounce and to dominate, which she did quite well. And she knew she would dominate this new deal and become the second largest shipping company in the world, come hell or high water, and no one was going to stand in her way.


  Jake Logan pulled the large cargo ship into the dock and begun the process of unloading the shipping containers. He loved the excitement that came with crossing the ocean with his hull and deck full, only to pull in safe and sound to the port. He loved the sea and all it had to offer, he even joked he had “land sickness”. He only felt comfortable and at home at the helm of a large ship, which was probably why he had not married yet, to the dissatisfaction of his nagging mother.

  He loved her dearly, yet every call home ended in, “When am I going to get any grandchildren from you?”

  He laughed her off, yet inside he was yearning to settle down and have kids. Problem was, people did not honor or respect marriage very much anymore. When he married, it would be for good. One woman to share forever with. Jake was waiting for that one special woman; she was out there, somewhere, waiting to find him. She would be extraordinary and be able to endure all his quirks and sea adventures.


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