Hearts Aflame Collection III: 4-Book Bundle

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Hearts Aflame Collection III: 4-Book Bundle Page 7

by Hart, Melissa F.

  He could well afford a beautiful home for his family now. He had saved his whole life and his mentor, Charles Smith, had sold him ten percent of the Smith Shipping at a much lower price than it was worth.

  Chuck. How he missed him.

  Chuck had been his best friend and had taught him everything he knew about the business. Chuck had made him a deck hand at the age of twenty-one and had kept him under his wing. He really was more of a father than his own father had ever been. Charles had paid for his college education and assured that he not only knew how to run a ship, but also the business end of the company.

  He cleaned up well and could sit at the head of any negotiation table and hold his own; but the sea called his name, and he answered back. That didn’t leave much time for love, but Jake was patient. He knew the right woman would be worth it.


  Lucy walked through the front door of her penthouse and kicked off her heals. She considered her options for dinner and realized, as usual, she had no time and also no one to cook for. Most people did not know she also had a degree in cooking, which was her private passion; but she saw no reason to go all gung-ho for just herself, plus she had too much work to do if she wanted to land this contract. This deal would set in stone her place in this jungle called a corporation. She would be known worldwide in her field as a force to be reckoned with, and being the only female member of the Grand Alliance, a vessel consortium formed to aid in scheduling all shipping rotations and schedules, she needed all the boosting she could get.

  Lucy went into her office after ordering from the local Chinese restaurant and started to work on her proposal. She had one week to complete the proposal, have it approved by her legal department as well as signed off by the silent partner in the business.

  She had wondered about this since being told of the business decision, although she would never question her father’s plans, seeing as he had never been wrong in business before, yet this stumped her.

  She could never have envisioned any of the Smith Shipping Corp being in anyone’s hands but a Smith. But it was, and she would abide by her father’s wishes to include this person in any new contracts. One thing was for sure, she needed to secure the best captain the industry had to offer for this deal, even if it meant to hire from outside. As soon as she finished this proposal, she would make some calls and find that person and pray to God he was willing to take on this responsibility.

  He would be taking command of the largest cargo ship ever built, The Abigail, which had been named after her beloved mother, who had died when she was ten. Charles Smith never married again; he had said no one could compare to her beauty or come close to stealing his heart and soul like Abigail did. Maybe this was why Lucy had not married yet, secretly she yearned for a love so pure, so whole, you knew that person would never love another. She would wait if she had to; she was content, and she would know him when she found him. He would be as tall and handsome as her father, strong and able bodied and commanding to boot.

  As she looked out her window, she couldn’t help but wonder where he was out there in the world, and what he was doing at that moment.


  Jake sat looking out his window. He was pondering the meeting in the morning with his attorney, Landon Hall. Landon had called him that very evening and informed him that a business proposal from Smith Shipping to a major importer would be on his desk by ten tonight for review and signature. Landon had briefed him somewhat on what he knew of the proposition and Jake was worried.

  This deal would be the largest haul in the company’s history and he hoped Ms. Smith knew what she was doing. He would not take lightly the ruination of all that Charles and his father had built, family or not. Jake was mulling this over in his mind; he would look this proposal over with a fine-tooth comb. Charles had left him more leeway on contracts than ten percent would normally allow an investor, but Charles knew his strengths, and what he could offer this company, and he was never going to do anything that would diminish all that Charles had bestowed on him.

  Better yet, he thought it best to make sure Ms. Smith was at this meeting as well. He always liked to look someone in the eyes when asking or answering questions, Jake felt the eyes were the windows to the soul. He would know exactly what kind of businesswoman he was dealing with the moment he shook her hand, and Jake hoped she was ready for him.


  Lucy was up at the crack of dawn, going back over the proposal to make sure it was cut and dry. Mr. Hall had called back last evening and requested her presence at the meeting. She was to arrive at 10:30 this morning, giving time for him to go over the proposal with the investor.

  This suited her fine, as she was spending all morning searching high and low for the best captain in the industry. This was proving to be no small venture, and she was running out of time. She would have to leave after this call, if she was going to make the meeting on time.

  Oh well, it’s not like she had to have a name today. She would resume her search at the office after lunch. Right now she had a meeting to attend and a proposal she needed signed, sealed, and delivered.


  Jake had combed over the proposal not once, not twice, but three times. He could honestly say he was very impressed with Ms. Smith’s business savvy. This proposal was as tight as they can get and provided very well in protecting all sides as well as providing a bid that was both acceptable in terms of profit for the company as well as making this deal comfortable on the pockets of the importer. Jake actually felt the company had a high probability of winning this bid, and he was going to do all he could to insure its success, and he had only one way to do that. I am going to captain the barge myself, or not sign off on the deal.


  Lucy exited the parking garage of the Century Center and entered the elevator to go to the fourth floor. She checked her business suite as she exited the elevators, squaring her shoulders and preparing to do all she needed to insure a signature on this package. She entered the office and introduced herself to the secretary and took the seat that was closest to Mr. Hall’s office.

  After a few minutes, she was called into the office. She entered and spoke briefly with Mr. Hall before the door opened behind her; she pasted a smile on her face and prepare herself to meet the person she needed to complete this deal. She turned around to find the most beautiful man she had ever seen smiling back at her, and her heart dropped to her knees.

  Jake braced himself for a small war of the wills that would, of course, end in his victory. He was not prepared for the reaction that seeing Ms. Smith had on him. He lost all thought and felt a shiver from the top of his head to the souls of his feet when his hand touched hers, and a cold chill where her touch had been when he let go. He felt like he was home in her presence and knew at that moment that this beautiful woman, all five-foot eleven, black-haired, blue-eyed wonder of her, with all her beautiful curves was going to be his wife, come hell or high water.

  He gave a small chuckle. Charles’ plan had at that moment become clear, that little rascal. God bless him. He knew he was not selling off part of the family business. He knew the 10% of the company he sold Jake would one day be back into the family again.

  Landon Hall escorted both parties to the inner office to go over the proposal and his clients offer for closure on his end. “Ms. Smith, as you know, I represent Mr. Logan’s business dealings. Mr. Logan and I have spent a great part of the morning going over your proposal and I do have to say, Ms. Smith, Mr. Logan and I agree we are most impressed with the proposal you have drafted and see no room for change or improvement. I do not think that even I could have done a better job with this proposal; I can see your father has left his company in very capable hands.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Hall and Mr. Logan. You are correct that my father has well prepared me for the day I would assume the head of the table in my family’s business. Mr. Logan can rest assured that I will continue to uphold my family’s success and position in this industry tha
t we have spent years building. Mr. Logan has no worry about his stake in the business as long as I sit at the head of the table.”

  As she spoke, Jake could not help but be in awe of her, the perfect shape of her nose, her strong set jaw, and her beautiful full lips that begged to be ravished by him till she pleaded for mercy, and they would be. Jake always had gotten exactly what he wanted when he set his mind to it. And as he listened to her speak, her voice as warm as honey, he had a vision of her.

  She would be all laid out on his bed begging him to stop as he kissed her all over, that silky voice calling out his name in the heat of the moment, begging him for mercy, for which he would show none as he ravished every inch of her.


  It took him a moment to realize that Landon was calling his name.

  “Sorry,” Jake said.

  “Well,” Landon stated, “I was just telling Ms. Smith that you had one small provision before you signed the contract; would you like to explain it to her?”

  Lucy swung her chair around to look him fully in the eyes, instantly regretting it. Lucy usually dominated a meeting; in fact she usually commanded attention and had others feeling as if they were the small ones in the room. But this was not the case with Jake Logan; in fact he made her feel like a second seat. What was it about him that made her feel as if she was here to listen? Yes he was absolutely the most gorgeous man she had ever seen. Yes, he had the most gorgeous sea-green eyes she had ever seen and not an ounce of fat on him, unlike her. She was what they considered chubby. A man like Jake would never be interested in a chunky woman, ever. He probably had a string of blonde size-zero bimbos at his beck and call. Not that she cared. She had no time for him, or any man for that matter! She was thinking of how his voice could warm her on a cold winter night when her brain finally caught up to exactly what it was he was stating, and at that moment she recoiled.

  “What? Did I just hear you say that you want to be the captain for this shipment, Mr. Logan? And what type of credentials do you have? Do you realize I am staking my family’s name on this? Everything my family has spent their lives building since the end of World War II? Sir, I mean no disrespect; I do know my father knew you better than I or he would not have sold part of the business to you. But you must understand, Mr. Logan, I do not know you, or anything about you! I have seven days to research and find a captain and I do not have time for wannabe captains. I do not see how you could possibly fill this contract, Mr. Logan. I think it would serve the company better if I found a more suitable captain. I hope you understand.”

  Jake pondered this for a moment, trying to use this outcome from every angle. “Ms. Smith, I agree, you do not know me yet, but I cannot help think this is going to change very quickly. Yes, your father knew me as well as any person on this earth and I can assure you that if he were here right now, I would be the first person he called for this shipment. Now, as for my credentials and experience, I will explain them to you over dinner tonight.”

  “What?” Lucy had never been so flustered in all her life. She felt this deal sinking fast and was dumbfounded that its success fell on the hands of this man and his signature. What do you mean over dinner? I need this signed now, this morning. I will be spending this whole day researching captains and do not have time for this. I see no reason why we should not settle this here and now. I have stated my position on this and do not see any reason to repeat myself. Now, if you will please sign on the dotted line, I can go about filling the position of captain!”

  Jake could not help but notice how beautiful she was when she was mad. Her chest heaved with indignation and her cheeks reddened. At this moment, he knew he had to act to make her his. “Ms. Smith, I have stated my position as well. I have a prior engagement I must attend to. I will send a car around for you at 8:00 p.m. sharp. Where shall it collect you from? Will it be your office or home?”

  “Mr. Logan, I must protest, I see no reason for this!”

  “Ahh, Ms. Smith, if you think about it, you have every reason to see this through. You have a proposal you need me to sign and I need you to ensure me the position of captain. Now, once again, your home or your office?”

  With as much indignation as she could muster, she arose to her full height and looked him square in the eyes. “I must first remind you, sir, that it is my family’s name on this company heading, and at the end of the day I get what I want. I will hear your qualifications, Mr. Logan, and that will then be the end of it, but I will be driving myself. I need no man to collect me. I will expect to hear from you by 4:00 p.m. as to the location of this meeting. Good day, sir.” And with that, she walked out the door.

  Jake smiled as he enjoyed every second of watching her walk away.

  “What was that about?” Landon inquired. “I thought you were just going to run it by her and if she said no then that was the end of the deal?”

  “Landon, I have a new plan, and with this one, the stakes have never been higher.”


  Lucy sat at her desk the rest of the morning, researching captains and making calls. One disturbing coincidence after another kept popping up. Either Mr. Logan had contacted every person before her, or he really was not only a shipping captain, but the most qualified and respected one she could find. Every person she spoke with had given her the name Jake Logan when inquiring as to who was best suited for the job. Lucy had now spent the better half of the afternoon researching Mr. Logan and his qualifications and she had to admit she was rather surprised at her findings. She had her report on her desk, and she was going to go over it with a fine-tooth comb.

  By 6:00, Lucy was thoroughly exhausted. She could find no flaws in Jake’s professional resume at all. His education was top of the line, his credentials all up to date. His record of being on time was superb and he had zero losses in his years of being a captain. All in all, Lucy had to admit his resume was better than any she had researched yet. Shoot!

  She had so looked forward to telling him no when confronting him with his lack of experience, but in the end, he was exactly what she had been looking for in this endeavor. Well, it still would not hurt to make him squirm a little before she accepted his terms.

  He would get to see this through as captain, she thought, as she headed out the door with the address in hand that her secretary had laid on her desk earlier. But it was not going to be served up on a silver platter.


  Jake was standing over the stove, adding the finishing touches to dinner. The delectable Lucy Smith had no idea she had been in the presence of a gourmet cook today. Cooking was a second passion and one he enjoyed immensely, although he did not get the chance to do so very often anymore; between being out to sea and then being alone when home. He relished the chance to show his prowess in the kitchen; even Gordon Ramsey himself would have no complaints. Yep, when it came to this night’s meal, he had to admit he had outdone himself, but he had his whole future at stake. For he was bound and determined to win not only the position as captain of this barge; but also as the man who won the heart of the beautiful Ms. Smith.

  He started out with a slow-cooked Chicken Cacciatore served with a spinach salad with cranberry raisins, sprinkled with blue cheese crumbles and served with blue cheese dressing. And on the side, Zinfandel wine followed by a homemade key lime cheesecake.

  Jake, old man, you have outdone yourself.

  If this did not impress Ms. Smith, he hoped to god that his charms and dimples did.


  Lucy pulled into the address provided, totally confused. Jake had said he would be taking her to dinner; yet this was obviously a house, his house as the name on the mailbox stated. This was not what she had hoped for. Lucy had been looking forward to a quick getaway in a public place where Mr. Logan would not dare make a scene.

  Lucy prided herself in thinking quick and changing plans at the last moment, so as she reached up to ring the doorbell, she decided to re-access the situation from inside and see what the evening would brin
g her.

  She was not expecting the electric jolt her body felt when Jake opened the door; she had thought he looked good in a suit and tie, but that was nothing compared to this Jake, with a five o’clock shadow, tight jeans and a flannel shirt. She was afraid to speak for fear her voice would give away her thoughts, Yep, Lucy was afraid that her voice would be as shaky and muddled as her body and mind were at that moment.

  Jake was speechless. Lucy was the most gorgeous creature he had ever seen. She had obviously changed clothes, but with only a light brushing of make-up and her jeans and a sweater that hugged her in all the right places, she was beautiful, and he could not stop staring at her. While Jake had a smooth line ready for this moment, the effect of seeing her stand in his doorway with the sun gently setting behind her left him speechless; which had never until this moment happened; he always had word ready with a smooth delivery. Right now he couldn’t remember his own middle name.

  They stood and stared at each other for a few moments, neither speaking until Lucy had cleared her head enough to think. “I thought we were going out to eat?” she stated a little put out.

  “Change of plans,” Jake stated as he moved out of the door frame and invited her in. “I rarely get the chance to cook, so I thought I would give my culinary skills a whirl, seeing as they were starting to get a little rusty, I hope you don’t mind.” Jake poured two glasses of wine and handed one to her. “Cooking has always been a passion of mine, one which I have limited time to pursue. I think you will be quite surprised and delighted tonight, Ms. Smith.”


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