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Stud Muffin

Page 8

by Lauren Landish

  Chapter 9


  “I can't believe he’s making us stay here,” Cassie complains, lying back on her small bed and sticking her legs straight up into the air. “He’s like the insane guy from Back to the Future,” she says. “Fucking nut job.”

  We’re in a medium-size room in the middle of the house. There are two beds, not the greatest but beats being in that room at the hotel with one bed. And it has a nice view of the outside, and I can see the moonlight glimmering against the beautiful waters.

  “I was pissed at first,” I say, sitting on my bed and smiling, “but after I thought about how I would have to either sleep in a bed with you or on the floor, I’m kind of glad we’re staying here tonight. Besides, I feel so good after my win. And the way I left Tony . . . that was icing on the cake.”

  “Oh, please,” Cassie grunts, squeezing her thighs together. “You’re just glad to be near Tony. You want him to ice your cake, don’t you?”

  “Hell, no!” I say sharply, so much so that I’m not sure who I’m trying to convince. An impish smile comes back to my face as I think about the torture Tony is going through . . . but damn, did that bulge look big.

  “You surprised me tonight, that was an evil stunt you pulled,” Cassie says, chuckling deviously. “But hey, I loved it. They deserve it for gloating after beating a bunch of girls in tug-of-war. You should’ve told me and let me slip some to Caleb, though. All his ‘aww, shucks’ charm doesn’t hide the fact that he’s full of himself too. I can’t believe I got him to wear that pink tank top for team solidarity. I told him we were the C-team! Mental note, I guess my Cassie Charmer bit works on him.”

  I smile evilly, agreeing. I can’t believe he fell for my sweet act. He was so into cleaning those damn shrimp that he didn’t notice a thing. “Hey, Cass?”

  “Ugh . . .” she groans, sounding as if she’s trying to pass gas, her legs still tied together and stuck high in the air.

  I can't take it anymore. I have to know what the fuck she’s doing. “Okay, just what the hell are you doing over there? Trying to lay an egg?”

  Cassie grunts again and then laughs. “Actually, I’m using a yoni egg at the moment.”

  Huh? “Do I want to know what that is?”

  Cassie turns her slightly flushed face to me in shock, staring. “You don’t know what a yoni egg is? It’s a stone that women use to strengthen their vaginal muscles. You’ve never heard of it?”

  “You’re exercising your pussy right next to me? Cassie, I just can't with you.”

  “What?” Cassie protests. “Don’t knock it ‘till you try it. Give it two weeks, and I bet you could make Tony—”

  I shake my head, interrupting her. “Let me just stop you there. I told you, I’m not interested in Tony.”

  My phone buzzes and I pick it up. It’s late, but I figure it’s probably Roxy texting, checking in on me.

  My smile disappears and my heart skips a beat, my throat going dry as I see the text first.

  Congrats, you won today. Tomorrow is my turn.

  Then I see the image, and my jaw drops. A big, hard, delicious cock fills my phone’s screen.

  That fucker. My mouth is watering just looking at it. How the hell did he get my number?

  “Hannah?” Cassie asks when I’ve gone quiet, staring at the screen, lowering her legs and sitting up in bed. “What is it?”

  “Nothing,” I whisper, trying to keep my cheeks from becoming too flushed. But I can’t tear my eyes away. They’re glued to the screen and I’m pretty sure my eyes are as wide as saucers.

  “It’s something. You should see your face right now,” Cassie says, squirming. “Show me!”

  I snap my eyes away from the picture, desire burning my blood. “It’s a . . . it’s a dick pic. He sent me his dick.” My breath is raspy, and I squeeze my thighs together from the sudden pulsing sensation. The bastard! I can't get the image out of my head. And even worse . . . I want it.

  Tomorrow is his turn? What about right fucking now?

  “He did not! Oh, my God, let me see!” Cassie pleads.

  “No,” I snap, shutting off my phone and holding it to my chest. I want that picture all to myself. “I’m gonna try to get some sleep.”

  Cassie gives me a look. “Yeah, you’re not interested in him at all . . .” she says with a knowing smirk.

  The next morning, I feel more refreshed, and thankfully, Tony’s cock has only flashed in my mind a couple of times. Okay, maybe a couple of dozen times if I’m honest with myself. But the dreams were pretty spectacular, leaving me aching between my legs this morning and wondering how close they are to the real thing. He’s so going to get it.

  There’s a knock at our door. It’s Alani, holding some clothes in her hands. “Good morning, ladies. Wesley wanted you to wear this for today's challenge.”

  “What is that?” Cassie asks over a yawn and stretched arms. I don’t know how much sleep she got, but I hope her pussy is satisfied with the workout. Mine could sure use one from a certain someone . . .

  Goddammit, did I really just think that?

  “Clothing for Hawaiian dancing.” She steps forward and lays a small pile on each of our beds. A red and white floral print wrap-around skirt is paired with a simple white bandeau top, a shell and woven necklace, and matching bands, four of them. I guess they’re for our ankles and wrists. “Please get dressed. Your breakfast is waiting for you downstairs, and then I will show you the way to the beach.”

  With a respectful nod, Alani disappears just as quietly as she entered, while Cassie looks uncertainly at her clothing. “Hawaiian dancing? Couldn’t we just shake our ass a little and call it a day?”

  I shrug and reach for the skirt, thinking about how I’m going to face Tony. I can’t let him know how much he turned me on. Maybe I’ll play it off, act like I never got the text.

  We get dressed quickly and head downstairs for a breakfast of fruits and some oatmeal. There’s no sign of Tony or Caleb, which I’m grateful for. I could use a few more minutes to figure out how I’m going to face him and to get my head right for the competition.

  After breakfast, we hit the beach. As we walk up, I see Wesley, along with Tony and Caleb and a Hawaiian man waiting for us. Wesley looks his normal self, but Tony and Caleb . . . they’re dressed in barely-there thigh-length loincloths, shelled necklaces, and nothing else. Half of Tony’s face is covered in black tribal designs, and his abs are already glistening with sweat.

  My breath quickens as my heart rate speeds up, my stomach churning with desire. I’m trying not to think about how hot Tony looks, but all I keep seeing is his perfect cock in front of my eyes.

  Remember why you’re here! A voice of warning at the back of my mind snaps.

  With effort, I tear my eyes away from him, but not before seeing the cocky smile he flashes at me.

  Fuck, he knows.

  With Mo Mo perched on his shoulder, Wesley is brimming with excitement as usual, clasping his hands together. “Morning, ladies!”

  “Morning, ladies!” Mo Mo repeats, and I’m surprised she didn’t call us bitches or something.

  “Good morning,” We reply, stopping in the shade of a palm tree. Thank God for SPF 50, but I’m not going to bake my ass today unless I have to.

  “Hope you slept well,” Tony says, drawing my attention back to him. He’s got a slight smirk on his face, as if he knows my dreams were filled with one thing. And his eyes say he knows I liked it, too.

  “Nothing big happened. How’d you sleep?” I shoot back, giving him an airy smile. “I know those spices yesterday were hot. I hope your bed wasn’t too . . . hard for you.”

  He mutters something under his breath and I grin. I can give as good as I take.

  “So today’s challenge is traditional dancing,” Wesley says. “Just as the food we eat is a thanks to the bounty of nature, dancing is a way to express our thanks to the health that the earth has bestowed upon us. While there are many different dances to choose from,
I have asked Pete here to help the boys, while Alani has volunteered to teach you ladies.”

  I feel confidence surge through me. Maybe I can’t dance like Roxy, but I can move. “Don’t worry,” I tell Cassie. “I had the best damn teacher ever. I got this. You can sit back and chill.”

  “Hey!” she protests. “I’ve got some moves. Just because you're a big booty ho don’t mean I can’t drop it like it’s hot!”

  “Big booty ho!” Mo Mo squawks, and I glare at her, gritting my teeth. I could so kill that damn bird.

  Where’s Mr. Felix when I need him? I wonder, thinking about my cat I left back home in Roxy’s care.

  Ignoring her, I blow Tony a kiss. “Say hello to your second loss,” I say, shaking my hips.

  Tony smirks, glancing down. “I have something to shake too, but it’s all in the front.”

  My face burns scarlet at his words.

  “We are not club dancing,” Alani says first as she lines me and Cassie up. “This is refined, the product of a thousand years of my culture. Please treat it respectfully.”

  We’re under another palm tree in the main yard, the ground smooth so that we can dance in our bare feet. Across the yard, under another tree, Tony and Caleb are doing the same.

  Tony sees me looking and stands up from his half-squat. “Don’t worry, you’ll see more than enough later!”

  “You mean we won’t see nearly half of what we want!” Cassie taunts back, holding her hands up about three inches apart. Alani tuts, and Cassie grins. “Sorry, I’ll be good.”

  As we work, I show off by adding just a little bit of extra pop to my moves, more for Tony’s benefit than for actual hula practice. I don’t know if it’s worth it, though, as Alani notices what I’m doing. “You’re supposed to represent the ocean waves and the beat of your heart,” she says reproachfully. “I told you we’re not doing that type of dancing.”

  Tony, on the other hand, starts really awkwardly with stomping, chest beating, thigh slapping, along with all the grunts and yells. During a water break, I laugh so hard, watching him stumble. As awkward as he is initially, I’m surprised when, after Pete tells him it’s a big display of masculinity and power, Tony really gets into it. I realize he’s doing really well.

  Meanwhile, I quickly find Caleb and Cassie dropping behind. I don’t know what Caleb’s issue is, but Cassie just can’t help breaking all the rules. “Pop it, pop it!” she yells at one point, dropping it low and shaking the little bit she’s got. “Drop it, drop it!”

  “No, no, no!” Alani says, sounding truly pissed off. “That’s not how you do it! Hula is not about dropping it low and shaking your ass! It’s about celebrating life!”

  “Whaddya mean?” Cassie asks, strutting and snapping her fingers. “I’m giving you life! Unlike the cavemen over there!”

  Bless her heart.

  “Practice is over. Time to bring you together,” Alani finally says, and I’m nervous as she waves the boys over. “Your dance will be a recreation of an old Hawaiian legend.”

  The legend’s pretty simple, really. A warrior and a girl meet and fall in love, warrior leaves to fight but returns, and they live together as warrior and bride forever on their island. Alani and Pete demonstrate for us, and it’s a beautiful seven- or eight-minute performance. When they finish, she turns to us, smiling. “Your turn.”

  Cassie and Caleb soon drop out, too hopeless for Alani and Pete to even try helping them any further. They sit off to the side, tossing comments as Tony and I find ourselves working together yet again.

  My body flushes as I feel more and more of myself pour into the dance. Tony’s every movement pulls at me, and I feel him being drawn to me as well as I dance for him. It’s the secret I remember Roxy telling me once. Regardless of whom you’re performing for, in that instant, don’t worry about the crowd, focus on making it real. Even if only for ten minutes.

  “Break!” Wesley says suddenly, and I realize he’s been watching us the whole time again. “Ten minutes, rest and have some juice, and then we’ll do a final performance.”

  “I should add some extra . . . spice to your juice,” Tony says, his chest glittering with perspiration as he pours me a glass. “I wouldn’t want you to tire out.”

  “I’ve got more than enough left,” I tease, and I can’t stop my eyes from tracing a drop of sweat down his chest.

  The final dance is done on the beach in front of the whole house staff, the waves acting as a crashing backdrop as we dance. I feel my pulse pounding and a clenching desire between my thighs as Tony dances, pounding his powerful chest and roaring with a primal ferocity. I’m so into the performance that I feel my mind starting to think like the warrior bride even, and I see Tony as a suitor, not my competition.

  I feel like he’s my warrior. That he’d protect me, give me strong children, everything I could want.

  When the last beats of the drum fade away and I’m in his arms, I can feel him pressing against my ass, and I can’t help but melt into him. I stumble slightly as I step back, quickly regaining my composure as I hear the applause of the crowd.

  “Well done, both of you!” Wesley says, lifting his hands up. “You have honored the tale of the two young lovers.”

  “Young lovers! Young lovers!” Mo Mo repeats, and I have to blush. I glance at Tony, who gives me a smile, both of us laughing at the bird’s antics.

  “However,” Wesley says, “There was one of you who was just a little bit more authentic. The effort, the passion put into every movement, they spoke not only to the legend, but also to the soul of Hawaii. So . . . Tony, congratulations.”

  “What?” Cassie gasps, and I feel the same. “No way!”

  “Hannah did great, but her dancing felt forced,” Wesley explains, and I kick myself for putting in that hip pop that I swore would work. So it wasn’t pure Hawaiian. But neither is Spam, and they love that shit here. “Also, Tony’s growth from this morning to what we just saw was impressive.”

  “I understand,” I reply, feeling slightly chagrined.

  “I hope so,” Wesley says. “You must understand, these islands were born tens of thousands of years ago. Generations of Hawaiians have lived, loved, and died here. It is from these people’s legacy that we are able to enjoy the richness and bounty of what this special place offers us today. It’s important to respect the past.”

  I feel a tear come to my eye, understanding what Wesley means. My whole dance, I wasn’t thinking about honoring anything. I just wanted to get another one over on Tony. I wanted to tease him, to entice him, and while it probably worked, I lost.

  “Well now, it was a fun morning. Let’s have some lunch,” Wesley says after a moment. He leads us back toward the house, where we find a picnic set up on the grass underneath the almond trees. As the gentle scent of almonds fills the air, we dig in.

  “This is delicious,” I say gratefully as I relish the thin, grilled fish. “Wow.”

  “So, what brought you to your line of work?” Wesley asks Tony and me. “I’m curious.”

  “My brother,” Tony says almost immediately. “After he came back to town and started his own company, I really thought about what he offered me. I could have gone with him. I could have gone and apprenticed under my dad. But Oliver . . . well, he offered me more freedom. And more respect.”

  “Freedom to dance?” I tease, and Tony smirks.

  “Freedom to be my own man,” he replies. “What about you? Last I heard, you were working with Roxy.”

  Wesley’s eyes gleam, and I shrug. “Franklin Consolidated was just a stepping stone for us both. I always worked hard, but ultimately, I was just going through the motions. Roxy gave me an extra little inspiration when she left. The job wasn’t bad, but I didn’t love it. I traveled, made a go of it as a photographer, and bounced around a little . . . it was tough. I felt like I was facing one of two issues. Either I did what I loved and starved, or I did what I hated and made a decent living. Now I’m with Aurora Holdings, and while it’s still not my
end game, I enjoy it, and I can still do my photography when I’m out at beautiful places like this.”

  “There is more to life than money,” Wesley replies sagely. “I know that sounds silly coming from a man with money, but I didn’t make money to pursue the things I enjoy. I pursued the things I love, and the money found me.”

  “So what do you pursue now?” I ask, not ready to go that far in depth with him. To hear more about his own struggles, though . . . maybe that’s what I need right now to help figure out what makes him tick and what he wants out of this contract deal.

  “You’ll see after lunch,” Wesley says. “For now, eat up.”

  I glance over at Tony, who’s cleaned off his face paint and is still eating his food. I can’t stop myself from looking at him, but I try to hide it. I swore to myself I wouldn’t say anything, but I want to let him have it over the text last night. I just don’t want to say anything in front of Wesley.

  The rest of lunch is pleasant, even with the little jokes and flirtatious jibes coming constantly from Caleb and Cassie. I swear, those two are going to end up either killing each other or fucking behind a palm tree at some point before this is all over. I glance at Tony again, and the idea of fucking him behind a palm tree has my fingers trembling as I finish eating.

  “Wow, that was delicious,” Tony says, licking the last bit of tea off his lips and filling my mind with ideas of what else he can do with that tongue. “Is dinner going to be this good?”

  “That’s going to be totally up to you,” Wesley says, standing up and dusting off his shorts. “You’re going to have to catch your own dinner.”

  Chapter 10


  The afternoon is beautiful, with the ocean glittering and large, puffy clouds in the sky occasionally breaking up the glaring sun. I can’t help but have a feeling that this land is doing more than just tanning my skin, like I’m being soaked in more than sweat and UV rays.


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