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Hourglass Squared

Page 18

by K, S

  I strode into the office, waving at people as I passed, but determined to not make a big production of being back. This was my life, and I just wanted things to return to normal. My desk chair swiveled as I dropped my butt into it and lifted my feet. I spun around to face the windows that looked out on the city below. Cars honking, people bustling around, the scene was perfect. As I twisted to face my computer, a new picture on my wall caught my eye. It was the cover of Hourglass, featuring a photo of me that Brooke had taken for the October issue focused on breast cancer. Just like with every other work Savannah had done, it was captivating and grabbed me by my very soul. The woman on the cover was elegant and feminine, despite the scar peeking out beneath her hand, and she looked amazing. It was me. I was feminine, and beautiful.

  With a renewed since of spirit, I got right down to work, getting brought up to speed on all our current projects and features we were planning for the spring issue. Lisa slipped into my office with a huge smile on her face and quickly hustled around my desk to give me a hug.

  "You're back! Thank heavens! If I had to deal with Michelle one more time, I was liable to shoot her!"

  As we both fell back into a fit of laughter, Lisa took a seat on the couch in my office and began catching me up on the gossip in the office.

  I spent the day reaching out to contacts, letting them know I was back in the office and jumping in full speed. Many of them had known I was pregnant but were not aware of the cancer until they'd seen the October issue. So each call took a while as I reassured them that I was getting better. Before I knew it, it was five o'clock, and my heart was aching to get back to Hope and Josh. I felt like I had a sense of purpose again, but I was past ready to be home.

  As I pulled into the driveway, I spotted Savannah's car as well. Bursting with joy, I snatched my purse and quickly made my way to the house to snuggle with not only Hope, but Ethan and Emma too.

  "Guys, I'm home!" I called into the silent house as I dropped my purse and keys on the entry table. Not a peep. No return of excitement that I had arrived, no footsteps telling me they were coming to greet me. Well, this sucks. Now pouting, I walked into the kitchen to find a note in Savannah's handwriting:

  Gone shopping, should be back soon! Love you; go take a nap after your hard day at work, Momma.

  With a chuckle, I set her note back down and made my way upstairs to my room to undress. After I had hung my dress back up and put my heels away, I threw on some yoga pants and a shirt so that I would be comfortable as I crawled into my king-size bed and beneath the soft duvet, surrounding me like a blanket of clouds. In no time, my eyes drooped closed, and as I fell asleep, I felt grateful I could rest before everyone got back.



  PENELOPE AND I pulled into the drive just as Josh got out of his car. He looked over and smiled at the two of us, waving as he made his way over. "Need help with the twins?" he asked, opening the back door.

  "Actually, we'll grab the twins. You grab Hope. We stole her for a bit so Brooke could rest after her first day back.

  His face lit up at the sight of his daughter. "Hey there, sweet girl. How was your date with Grandma and Aunt Savannah?" he cooed, unlocking the car seat as he lifted Hope into his arms.

  Penelope hopped out to assist him with the car seat as he made his way around to my window.

  "You aren't going to come in?" he asked, surprised.

  "No, I've got to get these babies home. My boobs are about to explode."

  Josh shook his head and laughed. "Everything is all set for Saturday, right? I need this to go off without a hitch."

  I winked at him before reaching out to rub Hope's arm. "It's going to be perfect, and Brooke won't have any idea. Now get that baby inside to her momma. Love you both!" I blew them a kiss as they all made their way into the house.

  Penelope was back in a flash, and we were headed home.

  Saturday was finally here, and my house was filled with people rushing around to ensure that Brooke's surprise birthday was one for the books. I was bouncing from room to room, checking in with all of the vendors, when Jake finally caught me.

  "Babe, there is two hours left until people start arriving. You need to go get ready. The babies are both awake and hungry, so you either need to pump or sit down and feed them."

  Unable to control the smile that took over my face, I slipped my arms around Jake's shoulders and pressed my lips to his, trailing my tongue along his mouth. "I love it when you get all controlling. It's such a turn on."

  He laughed and slapped my ass as I took off toward the stairs.

  "I'll feed them now!" I hollered over my shoulder. Carrying both babies into the master bathroom, I placed Emma in her bouncy chair and then sat down, holding Ethan in my arms as I began to feed him.

  "So, what are we doing with your hair today?" Lydia, one of the lead hair-and-make-up artists from Hourglass asked as she ran her fingers through my hair.

  "I'll be running around all night, so it's probably best if we do some type of updo. My dress also has decorative beading on the back, so I want to ensure that everyone can see it. I trust you. Just keep it simple and classy."

  Slipping my shirt off my shoulder, I began to feed Ethan as Lydia started in on my hair. Forty minutes later, I was switching babies as Lydia continued on to my make-up. Once I was finished, there was a knock on my door, and Penelope walked in with three of the neighbor girls.

  "Savannah, the girls are here to help with the babies for the evening. Should I show them to the nursery?"

  The four of them stood there awaiting a response.

  I handed over Emma to one of them and pointed at Ethan. "I've laid their clothes out in the nursery. If you would have them ready by six, that would be wonderful. Brooke and Josh will be here at fifteen after, so you'll have the third bundle of joy shortly."

  The girls took the twins, excited to babysit during the party, and made their way toward the nursery, Penelope exiting with them.

  "Lydia, I cannot thank you enough for helping me get ready."

  Lydia smiled as she packed all of her product back into her Hourglass tote. "No problem at all."

  She left the room, and I made my way into the closet through the bathroom just as Jake met me, coming in from the bedroom.

  "What do you think?" I asked, allowing my silk robe to slip to the floor, standing there naked in front of my husband.

  His tongue darted out, wetting his lips. "I think we need to cancel this party and have one of our own in here."

  Unable to control my laughter, I tugged my dress from the hanger and began to slide it up my legs then over my shoulders. "Zip me, please," I teased, turning my back to Jake.

  His hands slid up the sides of my body before finding the zipper. "No bra or panties?" he whispered in a breathy tone into my ear. "How much longer do we have to wait until I can devour you?"

  I spun in his arms. "Tonight's the night. When this party is over, and everyone has gone home, I fully intend to claim your body, multiple times."

  Jake moaned, leaning back against the wall of the closet, his hand pulling down over his face. "You are going to kill me, you realize that, right?"

  I slipped into my shoes and sauntered out of the closet, ensuring that I twisted my hips just perfectly as I glanced back over my shoulder. "So long as you screw my brains out first." I shot him a wink before making my way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

  My phone chimed with a text from Josh:

  Pulling in now. Good job with hiding the cars.

  "They're here!" I yelled to all of the guests, who were now hustling into the living room to remain out of sight.

  Jake flipped the lights. "Shhh, we don't want Brooke to hear anyone. Quiet down." He slipped his right arm around me as he cradled Emma in his left. Squeezing me tight, he looked down at a sleeping Ethan who was bundled up on my chest.

  There was a knock on the door, and everyone began to quiet even further. A few moments passed, and
the front door pushed open. I could hear Brooke speaking to Josh, "They must still be getting ready."

  "Yeah," he agreed. "But why is it so dark?" He was mimicking my script perfectly.

  Just as they stepped into the living room, Jake flipped on the lights, and the entire room erupted in cheers. "Surprise!" we all yelled.

  The twins, who could sleep through a hurricane, didn't stir at all, but Hope began to cry. Penelope swooped in to save the day, taking Hope to calm her as Brooke stood there, still in shock.

  When her eyes finally met mine, a huge smile spread across her face, and she pointed at me, crossing the room in her swanky silk dress and killer heels.

  I passed Ethan off to one of the girls and threw my arms around my best friend. "Happy birthday!" I shouted over the roar of all of the guests.

  "I am so kicking your ass!" she whispered into my ear before squeezing me tighter.

  We both laughed and finally released each other, switching to hug Jake and Josh. "You did good, sis. The place looks incredible."

  After a few moments with Brooke and Josh, we allowed the rest of the guests to spend some time with them. Jake went upstairs to check on the babies, and I, into the kitchen to make sure that there was enough food for dinner.

  Hours passed, and party guests were finally beginning to trickle out of the house, allowing the four of us to finally sit down on the patio and relax while enjoying a bottle of champagne.

  "Okay, so I know Josh said that the party was gift enough, but you know I can't not get you something for your birthday. I put a lot of thought into this gift. Jake was skeptical at first, but after I explained it to him, he was on board. I hope you understand that I'm not trying to change you or what has happened to you in any way. I'm just being me, and with that comes crazy gifts that I hope you'll love."

  I passed over an envelope and looked on as Brook began to open it. Josh's eyes stuck to her like glue.

  Brooke pulled the card from the envelope, and I watched as her eyes read over the certificate. Tears began to well up, and I knew instantly that it meant as much to Brooke as it did to me to be able to gift it to her.

  She didn't say a word. She just lunged across the patio and clung to me, squeezing me as tight as she could. "I love you, Sav. This is perfect."

  Josh was still unsure of what we'd gotten her. "What is it?" he asked.

  Brooke released me and sat back down next to her husband, tears falling as she began to laugh. "Boobs!"

  His eyes furrowed. "What?"

  More laughter bubbled out from my best friend. "Boobs! They got me a boob job."

  His eyes lit up as he pulled Brooke into a tight embrace, and I could tell that Josh was so thankful. Not for the fact that his wife would soon be sporting a new pair of fake breasts, but because he knew how much this would mean to Brooke's self-esteem.



  JOSH DROVE HOME soundlessly as I went on and on about what an amazing night it had been. Savannah, true to form, had gone all out. And the boobs? She knew me so well. Hope softly snored in the back seat as we drove the short distance to our home.

  I grabbed the bags of birthday gifts and some baby gifts for Hope, and Josh unbuckled Hope and cradled her gingerly in his arms. I quietly unlocked the door and pushed it open for Josh, letting the glow of the porch light illuminate the way for him to the stairs.

  "I'll be back in a minute to help you with the bags. I'm just going to lay her down," he called over his shoulder as he took the first steps and disappeared behind the wall.

  I locked the door behind me and left the bags in the foyer, wanting to get out of the dress and into something more comfortable. As I passed Hope's room, I heard Josh singing her a soft lullaby as she tried to settle back to sleep, the music warming my heart and making me love my husband even more. Leaving him to her, I continued down the hall to our bedroom and flipped on the closet light.

  As the dress fell to the floor, Josh appeared in the mirror, eyes locked on me and staring at my body as I stood there in black lace underwear and a matching bra. The only one I had that didn't look ridiculous after major hunting at the stores. Thank God for my inside connection with the models who naturally had no breasts due to their slim physique; they had pointed me in the right direction and helped regain another sense of femininity.

  Josh stepped up behind me and gripped me by my hips, pulling me in tight against him. As his lips grazed along the nape of my neck, my body lit with excitement. His tongue slipped out and traced my earlobe, making all blood flow localize between my legs and bring to life parts of me that had been neglected for far too long. A part of me that was now beating on the door, begging to be set free.

  I felt his warm hand move from my hip, his knuckles trailing along my spine until reaching my bra clasp. Once his hand had taken hold, he locked eyes with me in the mirror, waiting for permission. Besides a glimpse as I'd gotten out of the shower, he hadn't actually seen the scars. I had been too ashamed, too embarrassed. But this, this was my husband.

  "So Savannah's gift was interesting?" He tossed the thought out there when I didn't readily agree to him exposing me. "How do you feel about it?"

  "I'm excited, relieved. I was going to talk to you about the reconstructive surgery. I've accepted the cancer, but it would be nice to feel more womanly, to look beautiful once more. I want for you to find me sexy and desirable again."

  Josh shook his head angrily at me, rage filling in his eyes. "Is that what you see?" he demanded as he flicked the clasp open and let the black lace fall to the ground.

  I brought my hands up to cover myself as I looked away from his piercing gaze. The look he was giving me made me feel even more naked than I was.

  Josh's strong hand came up and forced my gaze to return to his. "Brooke, my beautiful beautiful Brooke, these scars are nothing to be ashamed of." He ran his hand slowly down the center of my chest.

  "They don't make you any less desirable to me, I can assure you. They are a battle you're fighting, and beating. The idea of this surgery scares me, because it puts you under and risks your life. Don't do it for me, because I don't need you to do it. I look at you holding our daughter and fall in love with you more. I see you rubbing lotion on your legs before bed and want to tie you down and worship you. I couldn't take my eyes off you tonight, the most gorgeous and sexy woman there."

  I scoffed out loud as tears filled my eyes. "You're saying that because I'm your wife."

  "Brooke. You are my wife, and I will love you till the end of time. But that is neither here nor there. This," he took my hand and led it to his growing desire, "this, Brooke, is not a reaction to my love. This is my desire in its purest form for your naked body. This is my body screaming out for yours. Begging me for weeks to throw you on the bed and make you scream my name."

  He walked around the side of me, his fingers trailing along my hip bone as he came to stand in front. "You are my wife, but you are also my lover. My body needs yours, just like you need mine." His hand dipped low and cupped me intimately. "I can feel your need, the awareness of every nerve ending pleading for me to take you.

  He dipped his finger in and swirled it around once, making me moan out loud.

  "Say it, Brooke. Admit that I find you sexy and that you want me as desperately as I want you."

  I shook my head no, clinging to my last bit of fear. Both of Josh's hands grasped my panties and gave them a tug down my legs as he dropped to his knees. "Brooke," he purred as his face nuzzled between my legs. "Admit it." His tongue slipped out and took a taste before he gently sucked.

  Every piece of my body was tense, awake, alert. The blood rushing down was now whooshing in my ears, the pulse beating a rhythm I couldn't ignore.

  Another suck pulled another moan from my body as his hand slid up between my legs and parted me further. The distance gave Josh enough room to torture me, using his inside knowledge to drive me to insanity. One hand cupped my butt as his other joined his lips, teasing my body ev
en more.

  "Brooke? I need you. Do you need me?" his husky voice asked as his tongue slipped out and licked again.

  "Yes, God yes, I need you." I breathed out as my hands grabbed his hair and pulled him into me more. That was all the invitation Josh needed, and suddenly I was being taken places I didn't even know existed with each suck of his lips, each swirl of his tongue, and each stroke of his finger. The beating of my heart sped up till there were no more individual beats, just one solid thrum. "Josh!" I screamed out in bliss as I reached my peak, praising the sex gods for my husband.

  "Oh, I'm not done with you yet," he crooned as he stood up and tugged me over to the bed, starting the meticulous process of worshipping my body all over again. His lips kissed my body all over, paying special attention as he reached where my breasts had been. Once he was back to my mouth, he kissed me deeply, passionately. His tongue dipped into my mouth and swirled around with my own, doing a dance only the two of them knew. After his fingers slipped out, and he pushed in with one final stroke, my voice raspy as I called out his name again.

  "I'm right here, sweetheart. I've got you. Always. Forever."

  He kept going, in and out, increasing his pace in response to my desperate pleas, until we were both moving to a rhythm all our own. As he felt my body coil, ready to be released, he adjusted himself, knowing the exact spot to push me over the edge and cling to the sheets for dear life. With one final stroke I was lost, falling into oblivion and fighting to keep my eyes open as his lips came back to mine and caressed me.


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