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6+ Us Makes Eight_Baby Makes Three

Page 60

by Nicole Elliot

  I turned and stormed toward my place.

  “Hey,” he called out. “Hold on.”

  Despite my hesitations, I stopped.

  “What?” I asked, not turning around.

  He jogged up and put his hand on my shoulder.

  “I didn’t mean to be an asshole.”

  “It seems to come naturally for you”

  “We’ve gotten off on the wrong foot.”

  “Tell me about it,” I said as I walked up my steps. “Goodnight, Austin.””

  As I walked away, part of me hoped he would run up to me again, but he didn’t.

  I reached the porch to my apartment. The bottom half of an old house. I peered down the street, hoping I saw him. Had I been too rough on him? Asshole or not, I still couldn’t get the thought of the way he saved me back there out of my head. Being enveloped in those muscles wouldn’t be the worst thing that ever happened...

  The front door opened, shaking me out of my thoughts. Jocelyn stepped out on the porch wearing red and green pajama pants with a pink tee-shirt two sizes too small. She was never one to hide her assets.

  “Oh, it’s you,” she said.

  “I got jumped on the way home.”

  “Are you okay?” she asked rushing toward me. Suddenly our argument from earlier melted away.

  “Yeah,” I said. “Let’s go inside and I’ll tell you about it.”

  We walked into the living room. Her clothes, dirty dishes, a pizza box and other junk were spread about. Surprise surprise.

  “I cleaned up in here today,” I said. “What the hell happened?”

  She smiled innocently like it was all a joke.

  I didn’t have the energy or desire to pick another fight so I let it go.

  After dropping my backpack on the floor, I crossed the room and sat down on my green recliner. It had seen better days. I’d found it in the alley last semester and fell in love with it because it reminded me of my grandfather. He’d been gone for over two years now.

  She wouldn’t leave me alone until I told her the entire story, so I took a deep breath and told her everything. While I spoke, she sat on the edge of the couch, her hands covering her mouth as if I were telling a ghost story around a campfire.

  When I got to the part about Austin saving me, she asked, “Where did he go? Did he just leave you there?”

  “No, he was walking me home, but we kind of got into an argument.”

  She laughed.

  “Kind of? What did he do?”

  “Just your typical hot guy bullshit. I don’t have time for a man like that right now.”

  “You don’t need any kind of man. You’ve always been the independent type.” She stood up off of the couch and walked toward me. “But all work and no play makes Brooke a dull woman.”

  “Yeah, but I’ll be able to afford my school loan debts when I graduate and land a good job. I’m too far down the path to turn back now.”

  I stepped around her and walked toward the hallway.

  “How are your classes going?” she asked.

  “Oh, they’re fine, I think.”

  “You think?”

  I turned around and saw her sitting in my recliner.

  “Yeah, I think. Do you want to get lunch tomorrow? We can talk more then, I’m tired and over today. I just want to go to bed.”

  “Yeah, that would good.”

  “I should have called you to pick me up from the lab.”

  “You can call me anytime. You know that. It doesn’t matter what’s going on between us, I’m here for you.”

  “I know, Jocelyn. Thanks. See you tomorrow.”

  “You too, babe. Talk to you in the morning.”

  I waved then resumed the journey to my bedroom. I closed the door behind me and locked it. As I got undressed and ready for bed, the events from the night played themselves out in my head over and over again.

  The danger had etched Austin and all his features into my mind. I drifted off to sleep with images of his hot, naked body trying to seduce me in my dreams. Between classes and my job at the Med-Center, I hadn’t been with a man in a long time. Too long for my liking.

  Could Austin really be interested in someone like me?



  On my way to the house I shared with Trey and two guys who weren’t on the football team, I ran the events from earlier through my mind. Had I done something wrong in saving her or wanting a little thanks in return?

  Brooke had overreacted. Big time. I had no need for women like her, but thoughts of her lingered in my mind unlike most of the women I met. She’s just stuck-up. Don’t let it get to you, I told myself as I neared our two-story house a few streets over from where Brooke lived.

  If I had left earlier or later, I would have never crossed paths with her. As I walked up to the porch, I heard the sounds of guns and explosions coming out of the screen door.

  Brian and Teddy were hardcore gamers, but I enjoyed having them as roommates. Neither of them looked up from their spots on the couch as I walked in our shared living room.

  The stench of sweat, Mountain Dew, and junk food hit my nose as I walked over and looked at the carnage happening on the television screen.

  “What’s up, fellas. You won the war yet?”

  Teddy looked up and grinned, a mess of curly red hair on the top of his head.

  “Oh, hey, Austin. Trey said you guys almost beat down some frat-fucks tonight.”

  “Almost,” I said nonchalantly, as if it had been an everyday occurrence.

  “We didn’t think you would make it back.”

  “Watch out! Your flank!” Brian yelled.

  Teddy turned back to the television. I made my way upstairs where Trey and I had bedrooms across the hall from each other. Seeing light streaming across the hardwood floor from under his door, I knocked. No tie on the doorknob meant he wasn’t busy.

  “You up, bro?”

  “Yeah, come in,” he said.

  I opened the door. He looked up from his desk with a textbook open in front of him.

  “You made it back early,” he said. “Did you screw Brooke?”

  “Nah,” I said, playing it off. “She’s not my type.”

  “Gotcha,” he said. “I was going to give you her phone number. She gave it to me this summer when I was in the Med-Center.”

  “You want her?”

  He shook his head.

  “Hell no, but you never know, right? I thought she might be a nerd, but it didn’t turn out that way.”

  “You’re a dog, bro,” I said, causing him to smile proudly. “It’s the quiet ones that always seem to surprise. I bet she’s got some untapped potential. Just needs the right guy to bring it out.”

  “So? Do you want her number?”

  “Yeah, sure. Maybe one night I’ll want to see what she’s got.”

  “You got it.”

  “Alright man, see you tomorrow.”


  We nodded at each other before I closed the door and walked across the hall to my room. Inside, I turned on the light and wandered straight to my bed. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw Brooke’s number in a text from Trey.

  Replaying the night and why she had gotten angry with me, I instinctively pressed call and then put the phone to my ear as I laid down on my King Size bed.

  What are the odds she would pick up a call from an unknown number? This was probably...


  The sound of her voice captivated me as I laid back with one hand behind my head and the other holding the phone.

  “Hey, it’s me. I wanted to check in to see you got back okay?”

  “Who is this?”

  “Me. Austin. Your white knight.”

  “I was practically on my lawn when you left. Of course I’m fine.?”

  “Good to know you appreciate the gesture.”

  “How did you get my number?”

  “Does it matter?” I asked. “You
doing okay? Those fucks better not try anything else.”

  “I’m fine. A little busy though. I’m knee deep studying for a pop quiz tomorrow.”

  “How is it a pop quiz if you know about it?”

  “Well, it wasn’t officially announced, but I’ve caught on to the professor’s patterns.”

  “Ah, smart woman.”

  “I bet you don’t have much experience with that, do you??” she asked.

  “I spend the majority of my free time chasing guys. It’s nice not having to chase women too. But…”

  I stopped talking.


  “Nevermind. It’s pointless,” I said.

  “Come on, Austin. Don’t play games. It’s late and I’m busy.”

  “I was thinking of asking you to dinner, but you made it obvious you don’t want anything to do with me.”

  “What are you talking about? I’d just been attacked, and you turn right around and try to get into my pants too.”

  “I never said anything about getting into your pants.”

  “No, but it was assumed. I’m a smart woman, remember?”

  “Right. How could I forget that? So let me make it up to you. Dinner. Tomorrow night. What’s the worst that could happen?”

  “You’re something else, Austin King.” She paused. “I don’t know.”

  “It could be a two-for-one. An apology dinner and a celebratory dinner for you doing so well on your pop quiz.”

  “I haven’t done well yet.”

  “You will,” I said confidently.

  “If I say yes, will you hang up so I can get back to it?”


  “Fine. Then yes, I’ll go to dinner with you tomorrow. You can pick me up at six. Don’t be late.”

  I ended the call without another word. After setting the phone on my nightstand, I rolled out of bed to get a few exercises in before I hit the sack. I always slept better after exercising.

  As I completed my first set of reps, I smiled at the thought of Brooke. She was hot in that sexy teacher type of way. I figured I would fuck her once to see if I liked it. After that, who knew what would happen.



  I arrived at her apartment early. Her roommate answered, peering through a cracked door.

  “Can I help you?”

  “I’m here to pick up Brooke.”

  “Hold on,” she said then slammed the door in my face.

  What the fuck was her problem?

  The door opened again, and Brooke stepped out wearing a grey Buffalo State sweatshirt and jeans. She matched my outfit almost exactly.

  “Were you spying on me?”

  “Isn’t it customary to match during a da...,” she said, trying to joke but trailed off instead

  “I agreed to have dinner with you amidst my very demanding schedule. Let’s get on with it, King.”

  “Damn,” I said, raising my hands. “You’re not playing.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  She might be playing the cold-shouldered tough-girl type, but I would break down those walls. When I did, I would see what’s really behind that sexy teacher facade.

  She nodded at my black and yellow Camaro parked on the side of the street.

  “That your ride?”

  “Yeah. You like it?”

  “As long as it gets us to our destination.” She walked down the stairs and toward the car with me close behind as if not to give me the satisfaction. “Where are we going, anyway?”

  “This place called Papa Sal’s.”

  “Never heard of it.”

  “It’s a few miles from here.”

  “Oh?” She stopped at the passenger door. “Don’t want one of your football buddies or booty calls to see you out with a brain?”

  “Damn, you really don’t trust me, do you?” I asked, shaking my head. She’s not going to make this easy.

  “I’m just familiar with guys like you.”

  As she opened the door and got in the passenger seat, I walked around the front of the muscle car. When I got settled behind the steering wheel, I fired up the engine. Heavy Metal blared from the speakers. I quickly shut it off.

  “You listen to that shit?”

  “It helps get me pumped.”

  “I see,” she said, raising her brows.

  We drove toward the interstate to head to Harrison, a small town to the east of Buffalo. She was really keeping me on my toes. I could have gone for some uncharted territory.

  “Watch your speed,” she said as she glanced at the dash.

  “I’m going to pass one of your tests by the end of the night,” I said, chuckling.

  “Good luck. I’m not easily impressed. Although…” She looked out the window. “You know how to play some football.”

  I smiled.

  “See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  “I’ve got a lot on my plate these days,” she said. “Don’t take it personally.”

  “I know what you mean. All I do is practice, play and go to classes. By the way, how did you do on the pop-quiz? A dinner-worthy grade, I assume? Otherwise I guess we’ll have to turn back around.”

  “Well, better take this exit then. Apparently, my calculations were off. She didn’t have one today.”

  “At least you’re ready now.”

  “Yeah, unless all the information seeps out of my brain.”

  We both got quiet as I pulled off the highway, slowing down on the exit ramp. About a mile down the road, a red and orange neon sign for Papa Sal’s popped into view.

  “I’ve never noticed this place before,” she said.

  “Those of us who know about it tend to keep quiet, so it doesn’t become overrun, you know.”

  “Keep the frat-boys away. I like the way you think.”


  I turned my head briefly and flashed her another smile, my charm finally penetrating her social defenses. By the end of the night, I’d have her sucking my cock. After I came, I’d be able to get her out of my mind and get back to the most important thing, football.

  * * *

  Our food arrived at the table, but I was hungry for something else. I had seen a woman place a napkin on her lap a thousand times before, but never with such grace. She made even the mundane more appealing.

  “You’re quieter than I thought you would be,” she said then took a drink of water.

  “Stunned by your beauty.”

  I flashed her a grin.

  “You sure do pour it on thick, don’t you?”


  “Your charm.”

  “So you think I’m charming?”

  She rolled her eyes while hiding a smirk

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I do, but it’s true. You’ve got a beauty they don’t show in the magazines.”

  “Oh, great. Thanks.”

  “No, no, I mean it. Your face is so perfect and uniquely you. There’s nothing cookie cutter about you. It’s what separates you from the others.”

  “There you go again.”

  “You want me to stop?”

  “Of course not.”

  We both quieted down, sampling the giant tenderloin sandwiches. The meat pushed well past the bun. Every once in a while, I liked to splurge on my diet. It made me work even harder to make up for it.

  “Did you play sports growing up?” I asked.

  “Actually, no, but I loved watching sports. That’s why I’m studying sports medicine. I’m not athletic enough to play but really appreciate the game.”

  “You look athletic enough to me,” I said as my eyes traced her body.

  “Thanks,” she replied shyly. “It’s the coordination, I guess. Or my lack of it.” She smiled. “I do, however, play a mean game of Madden on the PS4.”

  “Get out of here. My roommates are big gamers.”

  “You don’t play video games?”

  “Oh, sometimes, but I like the real thing. It’s like porn.
Why watch it virtually when you can sleep with a real, unfiltered woman, you know?”

  She bit her bottom lip. What I wouldn’t give to know the thoughts going through her mind. Unlike other women, she made it difficult to plan my next move. The end goal was the same, but without clear signals from her, my game became weak.

  “I like sex,” she said suddenly, her face turning red. “I mean, just because I’m not having it right now with anyone doesn’t mean I’m a prude or anything.”

  “Uh-huh,” I said, nodding my head.

  “I’m not sure why I just said that.”

  “It’s fine.”

  I waved a hand through the air to emphasize the point.

  “What about you?”

  “I love sex too,” I said then winked at her.

  She laughed.

  “No, I meant…To be honest, I’m not sure what I meant. And I’m not even drinking tonight.”

  “You’re fine,” I said as if nothing in the world mattered. “You like the tenderloin?”

  “It’s big. I don’t know if I’ll be able to finish.”

  “Bigger is better. You could have seconds.”

  “Not all the time,” she countered.

  Damn. She was good at this.

  “A lot of women are intimidated by me.”

  “That big brain of yours?” She winked at me.


  “I thought so,” she said, taking another bite.

  We both ate in a silence for a few more minutes as if we had been friends for years. Why did I find it so comfortable talking with her? The question bugged me.

  “The food is good,” she said. “Not healthy, but tasty.”

  “Yeah, I don’t eat here often. I’ll make up for it later.” Hopefully in more ways than one.

  “So, you’re friends with Trey?” she asked.

  Oh, shit.

  “Yeah, he’s another roommate actually. You like him?”

  She laughed.

  “No. He’s definitely not my type.”

  “No? What’s your type?”

  “Not a big guy from the defensive line. I enjoy men with big brains as well as a big body.”

  She looked down at her plate, avoiding my eyes.

  We were finally getting somewhere.

  “Anyway,” she continued. “He came in a while ago about his knee injury. I probably shouldn’t tell you this…”


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