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One Last Kiss: The Knights of Berwyck: A Quest Through Time, Book Five

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by Ewing, Sherry

  “I did not mean to cause you harm, but how came you by this ring?” he questioned again, his frown deepening.

  Gazing down at the object of his concern, she held the ring close to her chest, hugging her hand as though it was wounded. If anything, the jewelry was her one way to return home, or so she guessed. She could not let him have it. Not at any cost, no matter the thoughts that had just gone through her head about the two of them belonging together.

  His angry stance told her much, causing her thoughts to jumble around inside her head. She almost laughed out loud at the absurdity of her whole situation if it were to be believed. Time travel? Please… Yet how could she possibly wrap her head around the fact she appeared to be in some bedchamber in a medieval castle, let alone come to care for a complete stranger with just one kiss?

  As far-fetched as all that was happening may have seemed, what was even more troubling was how hurt she felt now that Thomas was looking at her with nothing but suspicion. It was as if what they had just shared meant nothing to him, while ownership of the ring was his true obsession.

  “I think you should leave,” she warned, moving behind the chair to protect herself from him, or maybe, from herself for she had the sudden urge to jump into his arms.

  “Jade, let me explain,” he stated, moving toward her.

  She halted his progress by holding up her hand. “I need time to think, Thomas. Please leave this room.”

  “You do not understand,” he attempted again.

  “I don’t have to understand anything right now except the fact that I’ve asked you to leave.”

  He raked his hands through his dark hair, causing the ends to stand up in several places. His appearance was so adorable, just like from their dream, but she would not give in to the smile attempting to replace the stern expression she wished him to see.

  “You will come down to the Great Hall for the evening meal, although the offerings will be meager ’til the morrow when we shall feast in celebration of our Savior’s birth.”

  “Are you ordering or asking me to come down to join you?” Jade held her breath, waiting for his answer. If he planned to boss her about, then she knew there would be no chance for them. She wouldn’t bow down to any man, neither here in the past or in her future life.

  His gaze leveled upon her body, and her cheeks flushed again when she witnessed the desire reflected in his eyes. He gave a short bow. “’Tis a request, my lady.”

  She nodded, knowing he had chosen wisely. “Then I shall see you later, although I have no idea what is beyond these four walls.”

  “I shall send a servant to find you suitable attire, along with ensuring you find your way to the hall at the appointed hour,” he stated as he took in her modern-day clothing.

  Jade whispered a soft thank you before he left, closing the door quietly behind him. Running across the room, her fingers took hold of the bolt upon the door, sliding the metal into place. Taking huge gulps of air to calm her nerves, she turned to lean her back against the door until her breathing returned to normal.

  She was safe, at least for the time being. Pushing off the door, Jade returned to the fire and took up the chalice she had offered Thomas. Taking a sip and hoping the wine would calm her nerves, she began to stare into the flames, wondering what in the hell she had gotten herself into, or better yet, when in the world would she would ever wake up from this crazy-ass dream.

  * * *

  Thomas entered the Great Hall, filled with the knights who quietly ate from platters of fish upon the long tables. ’Twas relatively silent, given the Advent season, and Thomas was looking forward to something on his trencher besides bread or fish. After the morrow’s morning Mass, those who dwelled at Berwyck would finally have their bellies full.

  The wine, if that was what this could be called, had been watered down ’til it had no flavor, and Thomas barely touched his chalice nor the food set afore him. Nay. He was too anxious to eat whilst he awaited the appearance of his lady.

  He had been a fool earlier, and he must needs ask forgiveness from Lady Jade both for kissing her and his hostile behavior. Their kiss had sent Thomas into a whirlwind of thoughts and awoke parts of him that had been dormant for far longer than he cared to admit even to himself. His anger afterward had been appalling and he was more upset with himself than with the lady. But how was he to explain the sudden urge to thoroughly kiss the woman when a force beyond his ken threw them together?

  Thomas had left her chamber feeling the fool, especially when he had made an attempt to remove his family ring from her finger without success. Going to his own room, he changed into fresh garments afore finally making his way down the turret stairs. As he made his way to the raised dais with the lord and lady of the keep, he heard murmurs of discontent from the knights who were only at Berwyck for training. His normal place was to sit with the rest of the personal guardsmen. Sitting next to Lady Amiria made him feel out of place and as though he was being inspected by the entire company of knights. Thomas could only think ’twas a place of honor to be sitting next to Lady Amiria, and he assumed ’twas because of the vision who now came into view.

  Jade’s blonde tresses had been pulled up from her shoulders. A small, thin veil adorned her head and trailed down her back. The sleeves of the white under tunic came down to a point upon her wrists. The green kirtle she had donned was only surpassed by the brilliant color of her eyes.

  He was about to rise and go to her ’til another figure rushed to her side, giving her a formal bow. Thomas’s teeth clenched as he watched Gaillard all but trifle with his lady’s confusion as she took in the hall. He had a certain amount of satisfaction whilst she ignored the knight afore her, and her gaze searched the room until their eyes locked. Her smile lit up her entire visage, and Thomas became lost, especially when his heart began to beat furiously within his chest.

  God’s Bones, what is happening to us?

  Chapter 9

  Jade’s breath hitched as she saw Thomas from across the room. Had it only been a couple of hours since she had been with him? She offered him a smile and was pleased when he returned her gesture. Unfortunately, the knight who was grasping for her attention interrupted their moment.

  She listened with half an ear as he rambled on about his knighthood, family, wealth, and his estate. He continued to brag on about the number of coins in his coffers until Jade frowned in displeasure. Damn, he’s full of himself, she thought even while an instant dislike for the fellow came over her.

  “You must be famished after your ordeal, my lady,” the knight proclaimed with what appeared to be smug insincerity. “Having been thrown from your horse leaving you hurt and unconscious in the snow would certainly require the aid of Berwyck’s healer to see you on the mend.”

  “My horse?” she questioned, wondering how on earth this guy thought she actually knew how to ride such an animal. I wasn’t thrown from my horse, you idiot, I fell through time, she thought, knowing she couldn’t voice such a statement.

  “Aye, your horse,” he replied with a quizzical look. “’Tis the account I heard tell from Lord Dristan on why I found you in such a condition.”

  So, that’s what they told everyone instead of the truth of my being from the future because really… who would believe such an outrageous story? God forbid what would happen to her if these people knew where she really came from. A brief image of being burned at the stake caused her to gulp hard.

  “Ah, yes, my horse, the unruly beast,” she finally replied, watching his smile broaden across his face again. She’d seen his type a million times before and usually stayed clear of handsome men who thought they were God’s gift to women.

  Her eyes automatically sought out Thomas, and the man before her must have seen who she was focusing her attention on. Gaillard’s frown was fierce when he took her elbow to lead her into the room. “You must forget all about Sir Thomas and his ghastly attempts to win your affections.”

  What the hell? Jade yanked her arm away from h
im even while the knight began to give her a frightening scowl. “What did you say your name was?” she asked, trying to divert his attention from taking her anywhere.

  “Did you not take heed of my earlier words, dear lady? I am Gaillard de Rowen, and as soon as I may gain permission from Lord Dristan, you shall be my wife.”

  An unladylike laugh escaped her. “Yeah… sorry, buddy, but that’s not happening.”

  She left him sputtering behind her as she quickly lifted the hem of her dress and moved forward into the hall. Her only thought was to get to Thomas. She had only made it half way across the room before he met her and bowed.

  “Did he harm you?”

  “No, of course not, but Gaillard does have some ridiculous idea in his head that he and I should be married. He plans to talk to Lord Dristan about it.”

  “I shall kill him with my bare hands for making such an assumption,” Thomas hissed, taking a menacing step forward.

  “Don’t waste any energy on him, Thomas.”

  Jade laced her arm through his, and the tension in his arm lessened before he took ahold of her hand. He raised it to his lips, and she could have sighed at such a romantic gesture. No one did this anymore in modern times, and she was sorry to see such a custom lost when it was so touching.

  “If you insist,” he murmured, while his blue-gray eyes leveled on her waiting for her response.

  “Yes, I do. He’s not worth it,” she replied, “and there are far more important things I can think of to discuss than that arrogant knight.”

  “Then come and let us eat. ’Tis a meager meal, but I promise on the morrow, we shall feast. Lord Dristan and Lady Amiria will ensure all are well taken care of after fasting for so long.” He began escorting her past several tables of knights, who stopped eating just to stare when she walked by.

  “And will you also make sure I am taken care of?” Her eyes widened at what her words could possibly mean to the medieval man who halted in his steps.

  A roguish grin plastered itself across his features. He was certainly pleased with her words, and he appeared even more attractive as his eyes seemed to twinkle in delight.

  He held her gaze before he lifted a finger to slowly caress her cheek. “Most assuredly, mo ghràdh.”

  His slip of what she assumed was a Scottish endearment made her shiver and she wondered why he didn’t use such a sexy enunciation all the time instead of sounding English. She had always been a sucker for a man with an accent, and even she could understand the implication. She reached up to move her fingers along the edge of his shirt, tunic she mentally corrected herself, and was impressed he had taken time to change his clothes from earlier.

  “You look very handsome tonight, good sir,” she murmured, almost easily falling into the role she was currently required to play.

  “And I have never seen a more beautiful woman,” he replied, and she could see that he spoke from the heart.

  “Thomas!” a voice called out.

  Thomas did not take his eyes from her but instead, called back over his shoulder, “Aye, my lord?”

  “Do you plan to stand there all eve with the Lady Jade, or will you see her to our table so she may eat her fill? The poor woman must be famished given how long it must have been since she has last eaten,” Dristan bellowed, causing several knights to burst out in laughter.

  “Coming, my lord,” Thomas answered before tucking her hand again in the crook of his arm. “Shall we, Lady Jade?”

  Her mouth went suddenly dry, and she couldn’t seem to form any words so instead, she just nodded. Thomas escorted her through the rest of the hall until they stood before the lord and lady of Berwyck. Thomas bowed and not knowing what else to do, Jade bobbed a short curtsey.

  Lord Dristan stood. “Lady Jade, you are a most welcome guest, and I offer you my protection whilst you are here,” he said, before turning to the knight to his right. “Bertram, move next to Lady Amiria so I may converse with Lady Jade, who has traveled far to be with us today.”

  Thomas leaned down to whisper in her ear that Bertram was the captain of Lord Dristan’s personal guardsmen. They moved around the long table, and once she was seated, Jade felt dwarfed sitting between the two massive men. Thomas filled a trencher before nudging it closer to her, giving her the impression they were to share the food. Her eyes darted around her immediate surroundings. Did it suddenly get overly hot in here? Sweat beaded on her upper lip, while her pulse began to race. Good lord… She really was back in the twelfth century and in an English castle of all places. What the hell was she supposed to do now?

  * * *

  Thomas noticed Jade’s moment of panic when her face went ashen. Reaching down beneath the table, he took ahold of her hand and gave her shaking limb a reassuring squeeze. She gripped his hand hard enough to break a bone if she continued.

  “Easy now, my lady. No harm shall befall you whilst you are in my care,” he murmured, attempting to set her fears to rest.

  She turned in his direction, her green eyes filling with unshed tears. “Please don’t leave me, Thomas,” she croaked out. “You are the only person who I feel connected to in this place.”

  Her hushed tone went straight to his heart, and he pulled her hand to hold it over his chest.

  “Never,” he vowed. “Time has brought us together. I would be a fool to let a lady such as you slip through my grasp.”

  “You don’t even know me. How can you make such a promise?”

  “I know you just as you know me. If we search our hearts, we shall find all our answers. There is nothing we cannot conquer as long as we are together.”

  Her smile was hesitant, and he reached over to wipe away the single tear escaping down her cheek.

  “That’s a pretty big statement considering we’ve only just met.”

  “Sometimes it takes a miracle to find your heart’s desire,” he replied honestly, “or even an instant in time.”

  “You seem pretty sure we’re meant to be a couple. Exactly how much wine have you been drinking?” she teased before looking into his chalice.

  “Upon my honor, I am not so far gone into my cups, my lady,” Thomas sputtered.

  “Are you sure?” Her brow lifted as she inspected him. “You’re not going all white-girl wasted on me, are you?”

  His frown creased his forehead for he was at a loss to the meaning of her words. Future women and their ways of speech would make any medieval man slightly crazed. How did Riorden and Fletcher ever survive?

  “I am not even sure how I can or should respond to such speech,” he groaned out at last. “What the devil is this white-girl wasted?”

  A laugh escaped her. “If you ever happen to see me totally drunk and spewing out my emotions in a hot mess, you’ll understand the meaning.”

  He shook his head, not daring to ask about her hot mess comment. “I assure you, Lady Jade, I am not one to go about getting drunk and then letting my mouth run amuck.”

  Her face turned to a pinkish hue. “I’m sorry for teasing you, Thomas. This medieval life might take some getting used to. Do you forgive me?”

  “Of course,” he said, still confused as to how their discussion had made such a turn.

  “Then let’s go back to the serious part of our lovely conversation before I made light of your beautiful words. It was all very romantic, by the way.”

  “Are you perchance jesting with me?” he asked, for he was generally not one to bare his soul so openly to another. He did not wish her to think him weak.

  “No, not now. Your earlier words were what any woman would long to hear from someone they care about.”

  “You care for me then?”

  “I’m sure that’s why I’m here in this place and time. You spoke of your heart’s desire and finding it in just an instant. Did you learn all this from the one kiss we shared?”

  “I would spend all of my days searching for you if I must, just to receive one last kiss from your lips, Jade,” Thomas replied, realizing he meant every word h
e had spoken.

  His earlier thoughts of binding her to him all because of the ring no longer had the same meaning. They were connected in a way far bigger than just the two of them.

  Her mouth dropped open in startled surprise afore she recovered from his words. She leaned forward and reached out to cup his cheek. “I believe you,” she said with all honesty, at least as far as Thomas could tell. “Funny how just yesterday you were nothing but a dream, and today, here I am sitting next to you. You are real, aren’t you?”

  He chuckled when she lightly poked him in the chest. “Only you can answer such a question, my lady,” he replied in a husky tone.

  Before he changed his mind, Thomas quickly leaned down to offer a soft kiss upon her lips. A sigh of contentment left her mouth, but afore he could respond, he heard a low warning groan coming from his liege lord.

  Lord Dristan placed his arm upon the table close to his lady’s side of the trencher. “By God’s bone’s, Thomas, you shall remain a respectable distance from this woman or face me on the lists,” he cautioned warily. “You certainly should not be kissing her in my hall and in front of the entire garrison!”

  “Understood, my liege,” Thomas answered, afore sitting back into his chair. “I best behave myself. No sense getting on the wrong side of the Devil’s Dragon,” he told her with a wink.

  Her eyes widened. “Did I just hear you call him the Devil’s Dragon?”

  ’Twas Thomas’s turn to laugh even whilst Dristan mockingly grunted some off-handed reply and returned to his meal. “Aye, but I shall leave the telling of his story for another time.”

  “I’m not sure I want to hear it, let alone know why he’s called such a frightening name.”

  Lady Amiria laughed whilst apparently listening in on their conversation. “Do not let his reputation fool you, Jade. My Dristan has a fiery roar, but he is hardly the Devil some take him for.”

  Dristan choked on his wine afore turning his gaze to his wife. “You do me a disservice, madam. How do you expect the men to respect me if you make me out to be less than a fearsome lord?”


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