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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

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by Amanda Clover

  The Easily Defeated Hero’s Monster Girl Adventure

  The Complete Harem Collection

  By Amanda Clover


  Art created for the cover by Yellow Room

  Series cover artwork by Delacroix_Legion

  Epilogue cover artwork by Lucien

  Epilogue ending illustrations by Deilan12

  This book is an original work for Amazon, available exclusively on Kindle, but made possible with the support of CHYOA.COM where hundreds of naughty interactive adventures can be found.

  This book and all its contents are copyright 2018 by Amanda Clover. All rights are reserved and no portions may be reproduced unless for the use of brief quotations for review purposes.

  All characters appearing in this story are over the age of 18. This is a work of parody and any resemblance to real people or situations is coincidental.


  The Easily Defeated Hero’s Monster Girl Adventure represents about a year of work and is the first time I have written a non-linear adventure book as part of a serial. This required a fair bit of behind-the-scenes planning, but what you have before you is the complete journey as Lucas LeBlanc from his farm just outside St. Ingbert to the depths of the underworld of Chthona.

  As I wrote this series, one unavoidable difficulty was that as the cast of characters grew, each book grew longer and longer. You will no doubt notice this as you read through the series. While Morelle’s book is by far the shortest, her character receives some of the most attention by her nature of being the first addition to Lucas’s harem of monster girls.

  The story of this book is entirely original and the characters are my creation, but I was definitely inspired by eroge game developer Torotoro Resistance’s Monster Girl Quest (the hero being named Lucas is an homage to this series) and Kenkou Cross’s Monster Girl Encyclopedia.

  While both of these were huge influences, the greatest influence was playing Dungeons & Dragons with my brothers growing up. I was always the elf because I was the girl and our adventures certainly were not raunchy like those featured in this series, but they made a big impression on me all the same.

  The joy of roleplaying turned into erotic fantasy later in life and I couldn't quite shake the thought of being an elf and meeting up with monsters, only now they wanted to fuck me more than they wanted to defeat me.

  This book marks the end of the adventures of Lucas LeBlanc. The experiment of creating a serial choose your own adventure series has been a success and I plan to continue that in 2019 with a new and unrelated series of books. That does not mean there might not eventually be a sequel to the Easily Defeated Hero. Perhaps Genevieve LeBlanc will find a reason to set off on adventure of her own, fighting monsters even though she is so easily defeated. Only time will tell!


  Amand Clover


  Table of Contents

  It is recommended that you play through each book in order by following the links from one book to the next. However, each book functions independent of the others with a beginning and various endings. The gallery is full of spoilers for the epilogue, so consider yourself warned! Enjoy the adventures of Lucas LeBlanc.

  Book 1: The Novice Succubus

  Book 2: The Slime Girl

  Book 3: The Cow Girl

  Book 4: The Vampiress

  Book 5: The Lamia

  Book 6: The Succubus Queen

  Book 7: Epilogue

  Cover Art

  The Easily Defeated Hero’s Monster Girl Adventures

  Book 1: The Novice Succubus

  By Amanda Clover


  Art created for the cover by Delacroix_Legion

  Modest beginnings

  You are returning home from selling your modest farm’s harvest at market in the nearby village of St. Ingbert. It has been a dry year and it has been a struggle to tend your family farm alone. Loading and unloading the wheat and barley and turnips has left you exhausted. You nearly doze off in the late afternoon heat as the empty cart jostles along behind your mules, Old Joe and Betsy.

  Your father is dead from a mysterious illness and your mother disappeared shortly after he died. For more than two years, it has fallen to you to tend the crops and keep the money flowing to pay for your older sister’s education in the faraway capital of Elzeheim. The modest pouch of coins you collected at market today is already spent by Genevieve on her tuition, room and board, and magical supplies. The thought of your beautiful sister studying alchemy and spell casting in the glorious white city of Elzeheim, capital of Lorraine, makes you break into a smile. All the labor will be worth it if she graduates and is certified as a white, blue, or green witch.

  The cart bumps over a stone, jarring you to look up as you pass under the shade of the last stretch of forest before the open fields leading home. The coolness of the forest is nice after the beating sun, but something puts you ill-at-ease. In this primeval darkness, you might almost believe St. Ingbert didn’t really send all the monsters back to the spirit world.

  Something drops from the trees and rolls into the path of your cart. Old Joe and Betsy rear up and nearly spill you off the driver’s bench of the empty cart. You stand up on the running boards and see that a huge log has dropped from a nearby hill and rolled into the road, effectively blocking it. There seems to be a narrow path to navigate around it if you put two wheels of the cart off the road and into the ditch. Before you can try to coax your tired mules to maneuver, three young man step into the road.

  It’s the Gedry brothers. Johan is the tallest and leanest and his two younger brothers are squat and built with an unpleasant mixture of fat and muscle. Johan flips a knife in his hand as he steps closer. His brothers smack cudgels against their palms menacingly.

  “Home from harvest, Lucas?” Johan displays his broken teeth in a grin. “I bet you’ve got a fat purse on you.”

  “Not so fat this year, Johan,” you say. “Been a long, dry summer and haven’t much milk from the cow.”

  “Too bad your mama and sister run off,” says Johan. “Fat tits on them both. Lot of milk for you to sell.”

  Your hands tighten into fists and you growl, “Watch yourself.”

  “Or what?” Johan laughs and looks back at his brothers. “Little, scrawny Lucas LeBlanc is gonna fight all three of us.”

  The two pudgy brothers laugh at the thought of you standing up for yourself. Johan turns back to you and jabs the point of his knife in your direction.

  “Hand over the coins, Lucas, and my brothers and I won’t have to kick you too much.”

  “It’s for my sister’s school,” you say, a note of pleading creeping into your voice.

  “You mean it’s for us to get drunk and whore it up in St. Ingbert? Yeah, you’re right.” Johan and his brothers take a threatening step closer. He jabs his knife again, almost close enough to stab you. “Hand it over, Lucas. I’m not asking nicely again.”

  You reach down and feel the modest weight of coins in your leather bag. Your entire summer harvest is in that bag. If the Gedry brothers rob you, that’s it. You’re finished. And your sister will have to leave the academy.

  “Please,” you say. “It’s all I have.”

  “Hand it over!” Johan Gedry roars.

  What do you do?

  Give them the money

  Fight them


  The barn is empty enough for you to keep circling Theora outside of the reach of her staff. You search for an opening. And you keep getting distracted by how beautiful she is.

  “Waiting can be important,” says Theora,
grinning as she flourishes her staff and smacks you on the forearm. “You have to know when to take a chance and make your move. Did you see my weak spot?”

  No. You didn’t. Her reach is much greater than yours and she knows what she is doing with that staff. You grimace and charge at Theora, wildly swinging your sword.

  She lets out a lilting laugh, dances easily past your guard, and slams you in the chest with the side of her staff. You grunt as you hit the floor of the barn. Your sword is knocked from your grasp and thumps into some straw. The wind is knocked out of you for a moment. Theora takes full advantage.

  “That was not the right opportunity,” she giggles, spinning her staff around and thrusting the tip into your face. You hold your hands up in surrender, not particularly in the mood to get smacked in the mouth with her staff. “Now is when a monster girl would take full advantage of you.”

  “What does that—“

  Theora drops heavily atop your waist, straddling you on her knees and thumping her shapely bottom against your groin. Before you can react to the gorgeous angel sitting on you, she cradles your chin with one hand and leans in to kiss you.

  Her lips are soft and warm and sweet. You yield to them in surprise and her tongue slips into your mouth, sending a thrill of shocked pleasure through your body. You try to pull back, to ask her what in the name of Veleda she is doing, but Theora won’t let you escape. She moans with amused lust, swirling the sweetness of her tongue into your mouth as her hand presses between her luscious body and yours. Your eyes go wide as you feel her touch against your cock straining in your trousers.

  You finally manage to twist your head out of her grasp, breaking the kiss and giving you room to gasp, “What are you doing?!”

  “I am going to show you the right moment to strike,” she says, bending her kiss to your neck and shoulder and sucking. In the same moment, her nimble fingers slip into your trousers and her grasp folds around your manhood, every bit as soft as you are straining hard. You are not sure how she is showing you anything, but you cannot argue with the beautiful angel’s lovely hand moving against you, squeezing you and tugging carefully at your hardness.

  “Oohhhhh, Theora,” you moan.

  “When the monster girl exposes her most vulnerable spot,” hisses Theora, her words hot against you as she kisses across your shoulder and up your neck, “you will know it is time to strike.”

  She gives your cock a squeeze, flicks her wings, and leads suddenly from your lap. You are left with your heart beating wildly and your cock sticking through your trousers, red and lightly glistening with your precum.

  “Get up,” she says. “Get up and I will show you the perfect time to strike.”

  As you clamber uncertainly to your feet, Theora saunters to the edge of the empty stall that used to contain your mother’s horse, Lady. The beautiful angel leans against the wooden gate and thrusts her hips back. She reaches back to gather the soft, clinging fabric of her gown. Her pale blue eyes are full of mischief as she slides the gown up the backs of her thighs, exposing her creamy, slender legs all the way up to the pert roundness of her bottom.

  She tilts her hips, making her plush backside even more enticing and revealing the gold-tufted mound of her cunt. Her slightly parted buttocks even reveal the dainty pink divot of her anus. You have never seen such a lewdly beautiful sight as this. Your cock is practically bursting just to look upon Theora’s naked flesh.

  “Strike,” she says breathily. She arches her back and thrusts her shapely bottom at you. “Now is your chance. Be the hero.”

  Even if your mind is overwhelmed by the naked glory of the beautiful angel, your body knows how to react to the invitation. You stumble towards her, cock in hand and your gaze fixed upon the miraculous pale crescent of her bum. Her slick pussy is inviting, but you see her true weak spot. Her ass! She must mean her ass!

  She bites her lower lip and moans as you grab a handful of her assflesh, surprised by the firmness. You spread her wider and guide your hard cock to the clenched pink wrinkle of her asshole. You thrust against that warm divot and she tenses and cries out.

  Her head jerks up and she screams, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?”

  “You… you said your weak spot! I thought… I mean, your backside is…”

  She glares at you and says, “No! Not there!”

  “S-sorry,” you say, “You sort of spread your ass and I thought… I mean…”

  She blows a curl of golden hair from her face with frustration. She turns back around and returns to the position with her luscious ass and her glistening quim on display. She motions with her hand, “Come here.”

  You step so close your cock brushes against the backs of her thighs. She reaches beneath her mound, between her legs, and takes hold of your cock. With a confident tug, she guides you to her slick entrance. You feel the silky tickle of her golden hairs and the warm, soft groove of her pussy.

  “There,” she says sternly. “There is my ‘weak spot’. Do you have it?”

  “Y-yes,” you say, nodding vigorously.

  “Good,” she says. “Go on then, Lucas. Show me you know how to use what the gods have given you.”

  You furrow your brow with concentration as you thrust your hips forward and drive your hardness into the hot, yielding furrow of Theora’s quim. She lets out an amused sigh of pleasure as you sink your length between her dewy netherlips. Her hot channel engulfs your hardness and squeezes tightly around your throbbing manhood. The velvet pleasure and gripping warmth is so intense that you nearly cum with your first few strokes.

  “That’s it,” laughs Theora, tossing her hair and looking back over her shoulder. “Give it to me good, hero. Fuck my little monster girl pussy.”

  “Ohhhhh gods,” you cry, grabbing her slender waist. You slam your cock in and out of her juicy quim. Your pelvis slaps against her angelic bottom, sending light jiggles through her creamy assflesh. Each thrust slaps wetly into her clutching tunnel and smacks your swinging stones against her clit.

  “Not bad,” says Theora, arching and her thrusting her pussy back onto your cock. “Now do it harder. Go on, little hero, really give it to me soundly.”

  What you intend to be a ferocious roar of lust comes out as more of a squawk as you desperately hump at Theora’s luscious hindquarters. Her pussy is a vise that squeezes tightly around each stroke. Your fingers dig into Theora’s waist and you try to hold on as you furiously pound your cock into her pussy.

  “AAaahhHHHHHHHHH!” You pleasure rises swiftly and inexorably.

  “You’re not—“ She looks back at you accusingly, but it too late. Your cries of ecstasy drown out anything she might be trying to say.

  “AAaaaahHH OOOOhhhhhh gods!” There is suddenly no more avoiding the damning rush of pleasure. Your ecstasy surges, curling your toes in your boots as you thrust your swollen cock desperately into Theora’s hungry cunt. You manage to sputter, “It’s so good!”

  “I know,” laughs Theora, working her hips and driving you wild. Your cock jerks and spurts heavily into her thirsty quim. Her angelic folds and slippery depths devour your gushing seed. You thrust into her impossibly tight and rippling cunt until your strength has fled you entirely.

  You stagger back, your cock slipping from Theora’s creamy cunt with a lewd plop. A trickle of your white seed spills from between her swollen cuntlips and drips down to the floor between her feet. The angel looks at you over her shoulder as she slowly stands upright. She has an almost pitying expression on her face.

  “You are never going to out-fuck a monster girl,” she says. “Heroes have tried before and they almost never succeed. Oh, don’t pout, you fucked well enough for a farm boy.”

  She drops her gown back over her shapely hips and long legs. She tousles her hair as she saunters past you.

  “Don’t go feeling sorry for yourself,” she says. “The lesson is here is that to beat a monster girl with sex you would have to fuck her to the point of exhaustion. For her to beat you all you have to do is cum
once. Then she’ll have a taste for your essence and you will be her slave, unable to resist.”

  She walks to the door of the barn and casts a last look at you standing there with your wet cock still out and going soft.

  “Clean up,” she chuckles. “Meet me outside when you are fresh.”

  You splash your groin with water from the well pump and feel shame at your inability to satisfy the glorious angel. The way she talked and the way her lewd body made you feel were both very unholy. Your face is red with shame as you finally exit the barn and find her waiting in the silvery moonlight, leaned against a fence and picking at her fingertip.

  “The human world is so very dirty,” she says, looking up finally. “Well, are you ready to begin your quest?”

  You look down at the sword in your hand. The faint glow of it is not very reassuring.

  “You don’t want more training do you?” Theora looks at you with a hint of annoyance. “We can’t spend all night doing this. There are real humans in peril out there.”

  When you still do not respond to her, she walks over and prods your chest with a finger tip. “Well, out with it, hero! What do you want?”

  What do you do?

  Get more training from Theora

  Ask Theora to explain the Crystal Sanctum

  Begin your quest

  Special Ability

  “You mentioned a special ability,” you say, holding up a hand to try to prevent her from striking.

  “You have one?” Theora asks, lowering the tip of her staff. “You know magic? Or some other ability?”


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