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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

Page 31

by Amanda Clover

  “What my friend means to say is, I’d be happy to take care of you and you can answer our questions.”

  “Yeah?” He gargles up more phlegm and spits again, wiping his lips clean. “Alright. I like blondie there better, but I’ll settle for you. Come on back.”

  Morelle winks at you and prances after the disgusting innkeeper, disappearing into the inn’s backroom. You hear giggling and grunting followed by pots and pans clattering. This is followed by rhythmic thumpin, a long, low groan, more rhythmic thumping, and then a loud thud. Morelle steps out of the back room, wiping her lips clean. Her violet eyes sparkle with magic.

  “Not as yummy as you,” she says to you and winks again. “Greng says the Whatley farm has been cursed. Says there’s strange sounds from up there, lights burning all through the night, and that nobody sent to investigate has over come back.”

  “You didn’t kill that guy, did you?” You ask Morelle.

  “Mmmmm, I don’t think so.” Her eyes flash and she glances back over her shoulder. “He was still breathing when I left.”

  “We go to the Whatley farm,” says Theora.

  You turn and realize there are still a couple patrons remaining, watching you with wide, disbelieving eyes. You step towards them, hands raised with your palms facing them.

  “Hey, do not be afraid,” you say, giving them your best smile. “We are the good guys.”

  The patrons of the inn do not try to stop you from leaving as you depart the grim town of Bruno and set off across the narrow valley of muddy streams and drooping windmills towards the hill on the other side. There seem to be five farmhouses on the hill that could conceivably still be inhabited; the remainder have fallen into moldering disrepair. Of the intact farms, Morelle’s sense leads you towards one with a large dairy barn and a two-floor farmhouse. It seems quite nice for such an impoverished region and well-maintained, although the farm’s cropland has been left fallow.

  Lanterns and candles glow from within the farmhouse; the dairy is dark, but you hear the lowing of strange beasts from within. Almost like cattle, but no cattle you have heard before.

  “What is in the barn?” You murmur.

  “That is something you will have to discover for yourself,” says Theora. “Morelle and I can go no further. Your foe is there, in the barn or the farmhouse, and you must defeat her.”

  “It’s not Lady Rachelle?” You say, invoking the name of the succubus queen with an edge of fear in your voice.

  “No, she passed through here many days before,” says Morelle. “Probably even before she turned me into a succubus.”

  “Whatever creature has been preying upon this village dwells within. You must determine her nature and use your weapons and training to defeat her.” Theora places a hand on your shoulder and you feel suffused with warmth and courage. “Go and remember that Veleda watches over you, Lucas.”

  She kisses your cheek. Your face flushes and your cock stirs. You want to remain in Theora’s embrace, but instead you draw your sword and set off towards the dairy barn. Your heart pounds in your chest as you creep past a plow and a derelict dairy wagon. Cart horses stand in the pasture, watching you in the gathering gloom. They seem well-fed.

  You reach the barn, take a deep breath and push open the door as you try to will the hinges to be silent. You can hear the beasts grunting and lowing. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the darkness within the barn. Once they do, you nearly cry out in surprise.

  Several farmers, stripped naked, young and old, have been bound in the stalls once occupied by dairy cows. Their heads loll drunkenly and they make sounds that are more like those of animals than those of men. Every single man has a red and raw penis, as if they have fucked a hundred times in the past day, and their testicles are two or three times the size of a normal man’s.

  “Gods,” you mutter.

  The nearest man stirs, lifting his head up and trying to focus his eyes on you in the darkness. He makes a sound almost like a cow and then manages to moan a single word, “Hellllp.”

  You hurry to his side and cut him free from the ropes that bind his wrists. He falls to his knees, moaning as if in great pain. You realize he has dropped heavily onto his swollen testicles.

  “Oh, sorry about that,” you say, picking him up beneath his arms. “Can you tell me what is happening here?”

  “Pretty,” he groans, tears spilling from his eyes. “Pretty woman… milks us every morning and… night and feeds us her milk.”

  “Her milk?” You ask and the man nods. You continue, “What is she doing with your milk?”

  He weakly lifts his hand and points to a gurgling copper alembic with several hoses and rubber-gum cups dangling from its sides. You can smell the musk of seed. Nearby there is a large and well-stocked alchemy set and a number of empty potion bottles. It does not take long for you to decipher what is happening: the creature running this dairy is distilling human seed for potions.

  This perverse dairy has to be stopped. You must set these men free. You quickly open the paddocks and slash the ropes binding the men. There are seven men in all. Some are bent over strange tables with holes for their penises to dangle beneath them and others are simply tied and left hanging from the wall. There is a pile of discarded clothing that must belong to the poor farmers.

  “My friends are waiting outside,” you say to the men and receive nods and grunts of understanding from a few. “At the edge of the property. Go. I will face the beast.”

  “In the house,” croaks one man.

  “Minotaur,” croaks another.

  “Cow girl,” says a third and the other men nod in agreement.

  There is your answer at least about what you will be facing. You see the men to the door and send them off into the night in the direction of Theora and Morelle. Once the last man has departed, your hand tightens on the grip of your sword and you set out from the barn towards the farmhouse.

  This fiend must be defeated!



  “H-hold on!” You sheath your sword and hold your hands up to appease Gretchen. “Calm down, please! We can talk about this!”

  “Talllllk?” She plays with her breasts, producing two more spurts of her milk that patter to the floor in several thin streams. “I’m bored with talking, Lucas. I want to have fun and get your milk!”

  Your cock throbs at the thought of giving Gretchen some of your milk. Her lovely body and her deceptively innocent smile are entrancing. How could such a seemingly sweet girl be evil? She snorts and takes several thumping steps towards you.

  “We… we can talk about this, surely,” you plead.

  “Right, yes,” she says, smiling sweetly. “We can be good friends and you can give me your milk.”

  “What? That’s the only way?” You back up until you are pressed against a wall. She stops short of you, folding her arms across her massive bust.

  “Yes, I need as much milk as I can get,” she says, looking you up and down. “A young, strapping boy like you will be a good milker. And I have lots of fun ways to get your milk.”

  “W-what?” You say. “Hold on… what ways?”

  “My Dairy Hand,” she says, holding up her large hand. “It squeezes every drop of milk out into one of my cans. She pouts her full lips and says, “My Heifer’s Kiss will suck out your yummy milk. Of course, my Creamy Cleavage will squeeze it out too.”

  Your cock throbs at the thought of Gretchen using any of her techniques to make you cum. She leans closer, the sweet smell of her milk coming with her.

  “Of course, if you really think you’re a big boy then you’ll want to be milked by my Cow Girl Ride.” She gyrates her hips lewdly. “I’ll get out allllll of your boy milk with my warm, wet pussy.”

  “Oh, gods, forgive me,” you moan, watching her sway her wide hips and imagining your doom beneath her.

  “What’s it gonna be, Lucas?” She says, teasing your tunic with a playful finger.

  Which of Gretchen’s
techniques do you want to finish you?

  Dairy Hand

  Heifer's Kiss

  Creamy Cleavage

  Cow Girl Ride

  Dervish Strike

  “Veleda, guide my hand,” you murmur, calling out in prayer to the goddess. “Give me the righteous strength to strike down my foe. Fill me with the fury of justice. Let your power burn THROUGH ME! UNLEASH YOUR ANGER UPON THE ENEMIES OF GOODNESS!”

  You roar with anger and feel the might of Veleda burning in your blood. You throw yourself into the attack, your body spinning as you lash out again and again with superhuman speed. You glimpse Gretchen as you spin. She is lowering her head.


  Your righteous admonition is jolted from your lips as your blade catches on Gretchen’s horns. She pulls your sword from your grasp with a toss of her powerful head. The holy sword clatters on the floor, well out of reach.

  Gretchen stares at you, her blue eyes narrowed and seeming to burn with rage of her own. Her nostrils flare and she snorts and drags her left hoof against the floor.

  Her charge is so sudden and explosive that you barely even realize she is moving before she plows into your midsection. The force of her impact knocks the wind from your lungs and sends you sprawling to the straw-covered floor. You try to sit up, but the pain is too intense and you cannot breathe. You manage to lift your head just in time so see Gretchen leaping upon you.

  “You are not a nice boy at all!” She shouts, pinning your arms to the floor. “I will have to teach you a lesson!”

  You shout with wordless desperation and try to twist out of her grasp. She is too strong and you are too dazed to hope to escape.

  “Stop fighting, little Lucas,” she laughs cruelly and bashes your face by swinging her tits back and forth. Her breasts are soft but heavy and knock your head back and forth. She follows that up by slamming her milky mounds down and leaning her weight against your face. You kick and cry out from beneath the smothering cushions of her tits. You struggle to breathe and you begin to lose consciousness as she mercilessly mashes her mounds into your face.

  Gretchen nearly kills you. On the very brink of consciousness, she finally lifts her tits from your face and you suck in a desperate gasp of air.

  “Still alive, huh?” She laughs, dangling her dripping nipples in your face. Her warm cream patters onto your lips and runs down over both sides of your face. “Did you learn your lesson?”

  “Let me go!” You cry, arching to try to escape her grasp and ending up thrusting your groin against the soft mound of her panty-covered pussy.

  “Clearly no lesson have been learned,” she says, slamming you back down to the floor. “Looks like I’m gonna have to do some more teachin’!”

  Gretchen grabs the front of your trousers and rips them open, tearing through the laces and bursting the buttons. You cry out as she seizes your cock in one hand and rides down hard and fast onto your cock. Her steamy cunt swallows your manhood to the hilt. You let out a shocked cry that Gretchen smothers in her breasts.

  “Shut up! I’m going to get your milk!”

  She rides you hard and fast, her big thighs crushing you and her plump ass slapping down loudly against you as her wet pussy slides up and down your cock. You are helpless beneath her smothering breasts. Even with one hand free, all you can do is weakly push at her hip trying to get her away. After a few of Gretchen’s bounces on your surging shaft, you lose the ability to even offer that pitiful resistance. You flop back onto the floor, moaning into her milky mounds as she rides you over the edge.

  “Cum inside me, Lucas! That’s what good boys do! Ooooh yes, I can feel it squirting inside me! Good boys cum for Gretchen!”

  You are helpless in the throes of your pleasure. You spurt again and again into the heat of her pussy. Gretchen is far from done with you though. She lifts her breasts from your face, dribbling her sweet milk into your mouth and all over your chest. She rides atop you upright, the sound of her pussy becoming lewd with the frothing cream of your cum.

  “P-please,” you moan. “I-I’m sorry…”

  “Sorry?” She slaps your face playfully. “Just enjoy my mighty pussy, Lucas. You belong to me now!”

  As you feel another orgasm already rising in your tight balls, you know that Gretchen is right.

  Your gambit has failed and you have been defeated by the cow girl.


  Tenderly have sex with Gretchen

  You gaze down at Gretchen and her voluptuous body as she kneels in submission. Your manhood strains inside your trousers as you map out her curves from her enormous, milky breasts to her wide hips and the plumpness of her ass resting against the heels of her hooves. She is as lewd as a succubus and yet, as she prays softly to Veleda for mercy, there is a definite innocence to her as well. She has offered you her body and yet you cannot roughly defile it when she seems so sweet.

  “Gretchen,” you say softly and she looks up at you. “I accept your offer, but I will not claim you like some rude prize.”

  “What do you mean?” She kneels upright and runs her hands from her shapely hips to her huge breasts. “Do you not wish to have me? To plunder my body?”

  You smile at her as you untie the laces of your tunic and pull it off over your head. Gretchen looks on with interest as you kick off your boots and unbuckle your sword belt, setting it carefully aside. You begin to remove your trousers and Gretchen shifts closer. She lets out a soft moan of desire as you slip down your underwear and free your hard cock.

  “Ohhh, Lucas,” she murmurs softly. “May I touch it?”

  “Please,” you say, stepping up to the kneeling cow girl and thrusting your hard cock in her direction.

  She grabs hold of it eagerly, stroking you and leaning down further to smother your hardness with soft kisses. You groan with pleasure as her lips reach the head of your cock and she takes you into her mouth. You cradle her head, combing fingers into her silky blonde hair and gently guiding the motion of her head as she sucks your hard cock. The straw-filled room is quiet but for your heavy breathing, her muffled moaning, and the soft slurp of her lips gliding over your cock.

  Your pleasure rises, your balls tighten, and you feel a powerful urge to release your seed into the steamy suction of Gretchen’s mouth. You resist this urge, gently pushing her away and taking a step back. Gretchen gasps in surprise, her lips glistening and her gaze on your red, wet cock as you pull it away from her.

  “Was I not doing it right?” She pants.

  “It was wonderful,” you say. “Now it is my turn to show you pleasure.”

  She is confused as you push her back onto the floor and kneel between her creamy thighs. Her cow-print leggings wrest on your shoulders as you lean your face down to her plump pussy. You rub her furrow through the taut front of her frilly panties. She moos with pleasure and rocks her hips, grinding against your touch. You curl your fingers into her panties and strip them down her hips. She lifts her ass from the floor so you can pull her panties off completely. The moment her golden-thatched cunt is exposed, you begin to lick.

  “Ohhhhhh, Lucas, what are you doing?”

  She moans as you run your tongue from her perineum, over her fleshy lips, and up to the fat bud of her clit. You answer her by playfully licking at her clit, rolling your tongue around it, and finally sucking it between your lips. She wails with pleasure, arching so her huge breasts shift and thrusting her steamy cunt against your face. You breathe the scent of her musky womanhood and bury your tongue deep in her hot cove.

  “Ahhhhhhhh! It’s too good!” She cries, bucking even more violently and making bestial sounds like a wounded cow. Her thick thighs squeeze around your head and her sweet nectar flows into your mouth and over your face in waves. She nearly kills you between those powerful legs, but she finally comes to her senses as her pleasure recedes and releases your head from between her thighs. Her strong hands lift your head up as you try to catch your breath. You push up onto your knees
and she looks up at you as you kneel above her.

  If anything, she is even more beautiful after having cum. Her face is deeply flushed and that redness spreads down her neck to her upper chest. Her nipples have clearly leaked a fair quantity of milk in the intensity of her orgasm as it has trickled down over the sides of her breasts. You can smell her milk in the air as well. It is difficult to resist the urge to lean down at suck at her glistening teats, but you dare not swallow her milk until she has been truly defeated.

  “Take me, Lucas,” she moans, spreading her legs wide and running her fingers over her freshly-licked cunt.

  You do not have to be persuaded. You guide your cock to her soaking slit and thrust into her hot channel. You moan together and as you thrust balls-deep into the velvet vise of her pussy, you lean over her and kiss her on her lips. Your mouths melt together, tongues tangling, as you begin to fuck her with deep, confident strokes. Your pleasure rises with every thrust and Gretchen wraps her powerful legs around your waist, pulling you deeper.

  “Oh, Lucas,” she cries against your lips. “Will Veleda be merciful?”

  “Surely she will,” you moan, fucking faster. “She has always been merciful with me.”

  “You have met her?” She gasps.

  “Yes, I have met her,” you say. “Or at least I have been in her presence. And you will meet… oohhhhhhh… Theora… one of her angels.”

  “An angel? Ahhhh… oohhhh, Lucas! I’m cumming!”

  “So am I!” You cry and kiss her again. You moan into the kiss and so does she, a rising muffled vibration that accompanies your surging pleasure. You feel her body tense beneath you and her cunt grips your sliding cock tightly. You thrust past her squeezing muscles and explode into the depths of Gretchen’s glorious cunt. Powerful pulses of pleasure pump your seed into her slippery vessel, overflowing her cunt and imparting a lewd, wet sound to your strokes.

  After you are both spent, you lie together on the straw catching your breath. She kisses you and holds you in her arms against her soft body.


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