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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

Page 40

by Amanda Clover

  Your knees finally give it out and fall back to the floor, gratefully for all the straw to cushion your fall. Your cock pops free of her lips, soaking wet and quite red.

  Gretchen, a bit out of breath, her creamy mounds heaving with her breathing, looks down at you sprawled out on the floor as she licks her fingers clean.

  “Mmmmm, that’s very yummy,” she says. “I think I will have some more.”

  “Hey, wait a second,” you cry, trying to scurry backwards, but you back right into a wall. Trapped against the wall, sitting on a pile of straw, your cock is at her mercy. She pins you in place with one strong hand pressing on your chest and the other gripping the base of your cock. She moans as she resumes sucking you loudly and wetly, bobbing furiously and drawing you back to full hardness in only seconds. You whimper from the over-sensitivity, but there is no escaping the molten heat of her mouth and swirling tongue.

  “Oh, Gretchen,” you moan, first trying to push her away and then helplessly cradling her head with one hand. She bobs on half your cock, stroking you to the root with her hand. She looks up at you, eyes open and gleaming blue. You groan as your pleasure takes over and you buck against her hand and thrust across her warm tongue.

  “Mmmmmm,” she moans around you encouraging you.

  “Ahhhhhh!” You cry, wincing with the excruciating pleasure, unable to stop thrusting into her hot mouth as your pleasure peaks. You cry out one last time, almost anguished, as you surrender once more to the hot, throbbing ecstasy of your orgasm. Gretchen drains your seed with relish, looking up at you as your cock pulses into her mouth and feeds your cum across her tongue. She sucks and swallows your seed. Her sucking does not relent until she has drained every drop from your orgasm.

  “Delicious,” she says, popping her lips free. Although she is not drinking your essence in the sense of your life force, you feel enervated by Gretchen’s hungry sucking. She teases your cock with her tongue. “I can’t wait to take you to the barn and start milking you for my potions and elixirs. Don’t tell Lady Rachelle, but I always keep the first few batches for myself.”

  You moan pitifully as you comprehend the totality of your defeat. As she resumes gently sucking your flaccid cock, you know that Gretchen has bested you and there is no hope of escape.


  Receive the judgment of Veleda

  “Can you hear me, Lucas?” The voice comes to you as if from a great distance. You are tired and sore. Particularly your groin.

  “Lucas!” The voice is louder and closer.

  You lift your face from what feels like sand. You spit loose grains of sand from your lips and slowly push up onto your hand and knees. It is white here. Bright white. So bright and white that it is hard to see. Your eyes slowly adjust and you confirm that you are kneeling on a beach beside a crashing ocean. The waves are foamy white, the sea is white, and the sky is white and spread with puffy white clouds.

  “Lucas,” the cool, stern voice of Veleda calls out your name. You slowly turn and see the goddess walking towards you up the beach. She stands twenty feet tall, her immaculate white gown pulled up to her knees and held in place with one hand. Her golden hair swims in the steady breeze blowing off the ocean.

  “V-Veleda,” you say, bowing your head. “I had a dream… or is this the dream?”

  “I am not some figment of your imagination,” she says, a bit of annoyance in her tone. “Neither was your interminable existence in that obscene cow’s barn.”

  “Gretchen,” you moan, remembering the name of the cow girl that turned you into her livestock.

  “Yes,” says Veleda, looking past you at the white ocean. “I am honestly not surprised to see you back before me. That one… she was chosen well by the succubus queen. Comely and with dangerous milk, Lucas.”

  “Milk,” you say, remembering the sweetness of it on your lips.

  Veleda turns to you and gazes down at you from beneath her furrowed brow. She reminds you so much of Theora, who would surely be just as disappointed to see you groveling in defeat on this strange beach.

  “Use your wits and the abilities that Theora has taught you,” says the goddess, her voice washing over you and sending ripples into the ocean. “You will defeat her.”

  “I will do my best, Veleda,” you bow your head until it touches the sand.

  The goddess kneels and leans over you, her presence pressing into your mind and seeming to vibrate through your body. You dare to look up and your eyes go wide as you see Veleda pull aside the fluffy white neck of her gown. She bares her left breast, nearly as large as your entire body, and her little nipple that is still the size of your fist.

  “The milk of a goddess is sweeter than any you will know,” she says and her breast seems to swell even more, her nipple engorging and darkening from pink to crimson. “I am the mother of the multitude and I have nursed countless angels.”

  “Why do you show me this?” You ask, tears dropping from your eyes as you gaze upon her beauty.

  “My milk will cleanse you of your perverted desire for the cow’s teat. Drink, Lucas.”

  She reaches down and cradles your back and shoulders with her enormous hand. She leans her massive breast to your face. Her nipple is too large to fit into your mouth, but you cannot resist the command of a goddess. You open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue as Veleda massages her milk-heavy breast. She squeezes her mound and baptizes you with a shower of her milk. It flows over your naked body and into your mouth in a warm, sweet, overwhelming flow.

  You swallow, tasting that sweetness all the way down your throat. Warmth blossoms in your belly and with it there is a flash of nourishing light. It swells and blots out even the beauty of Veleda.

  You are back, weeks (Months? Years?) before you succumbed to madness in the barn, standing before Gretchen in the straw-scattered farmhouse. She plays with her plump teats and you watch milk dribble down her mounds and drip to the floor. You recall Veleda’s massive, holy breast and the sweetness of her milk.

  Contrary to what Veleda said, the memory only makes you want to reenact it with the cow girl. Your cock jerks in your trousers and Gretchen laughs and squeezes her mounds again.

  “What are you waiting for, Lucas? Come and have a taste!” She swings her hips and plays with her nipples.

  What do you do?




  Special Ability



  It’s time to leave the sanctum

  “It’s time for me to return to the real world,” you say to Hina. “Before I go, can you tell me how things are going at my farm? Are you taking care of the property?”

  “Oh, yes, master,” she says. “The damage has been repaired from the vandals. In fact, the Gedry brothers came to visit and have helped re-shingle your house and purchase and install new windows.”

  “They did that?” You say with surprise.

  “Yes, I told them they should do it or I would pull their fingers off,” she says in her usual merry tone. “We also received a letter from your sister. It says she will be arriving in one week.”

  “Plenty of time to get home,” you say, smiling at the thought of seeing Genevieve after so long apart. With her away at wizard’s college, you have been strangely glad for all this immortal hero drama to keep your mind off the loneliness. Well, that and it’s hard to be lonely with a harem of monster girls tucked away in your sword. “I definitely better get back to the real world and find out if Theora has found the next monster girl.”

  Hina nods and hands you the pink control crystal. “Goodbye, master. It was a pleasant visit, as always.”

  You embrace her and kiss her on the lips, which seems to surprise the blue-eyed automaton. For a moment, her eyes flicker pink.

  “Oh… master.” She steps back and touches her fingers uncertainly to her lips.

  “See you soon!” You say, holding the crystal aloft and declaring, “SANCTUM EXITUS!”

bsp; There is a blinding flash of light and you are back in the hidden glade in the woods, holding the sword in your hand. Daylights streams through the canopy of leaves overhead, creating patterns on your sun-gold arms and face.

  “Theora?” You call.

  There is a rush of air and a rasping of leaves and Theora appears from the forest, her wings folding against her back as if she has just alighted form the air. Her brow is furrowed deeply and her silvery-blue eyes narrowed with concern.

  “Lucas.” She approaches you and takes your hands. The kind gesture makes you afraid about the news she brings.

  “What is it?” You demand. “Did you find the monster girl?”

  “Yes,” she says. “She is in Ulvenblad in the Nightlands to the east.”

  “That’s… that is very far,” you say, recalling your maps. “A month’s travel by foot.”

  “It is far, but we will not be going by foot,” she says. “The goddess will transport us to our destination. But the Nightlands are cursed and dangerous, Lucas, and the goddess’s power is much weaker there. And I fear this monster is among the most dangerous that exist.”

  “What is it?” You say, pulling away from her.

  “You must face a vampiress,” she says. “A blood-drinker and enslaver of humans. True evil, Lucas. Not warped humans like the others you have faced.”

  “I will face her,” you say. “But I must return to greet my sister.”

  “Yes, yes, we will find a way back,” she says. “If you survive. And…”

  She takes your hands again and peers into your eyes, emotion seeming to well.

  “…the goddess has seen something else, Lucas. It’s your mother.”

  “My mother?” You had thought your mother probably dead when she disappeared after your father’s death. You had held out hope for months, but that hope faded more than a year ago.

  “She is alive, Lucas,” says Theora. “And the succubus queen has her.”

  “Lady Rachelle has my mother?!” You yank your hands away from Theora. “I have to save her! I have to get her back!”

  “It might be a trap, Lucas,” warns Theora.

  “If my mother is alive, I will not rest until she is safe.” You look fiercely at Theora. “Do you understand? It would be like… if the goddess were in danger.”

  “But she is in danger, Lucas,” says Theora. “The whole world is endangered by the monsters that spread throughout the land. We must tread cautiously. And you must face the vampiress.”

  It is difficult, but you see the truth in her words. The goddess and the world must be protected from the monsters and you must beware the schemes of the succubus queen.



  Thrust confidently into Theora’s steamy pussy

  Grinding against your cock and fantasizing about fucking and sucking you is a clear indication of Theora’s true desires. You are more than happy to accommodate her.

  You grasp her hip and she jolts with surprise, her wigs twitching and rubbing soft feather against your chest and her firm buttocks tensing.

  “Lucas?” She gasps and looks at you over her shoulder. “You are awake?”

  “Difficult to sleep with the most beautiful woman in the world rubbing against my cock,” you say, thrusting your hips and rubbing your cock between her cheeks. “I am awake now. You are obviously awake. Why not take advantage of that?”

  You pull your hips back, popping your cock from her crack and adjusting your aim to press your swollen tip against her hot folds.

  “You need my cock,” you say, tightening your squeeze on her hip.

  “Y-yes,” she moans. “Yes, I do.”

  You thrust and sink your hardness into the hot channel of Theora’s perfect pussy. Her delicate folds part as your thick manhood stretches her slick cunt with each balls-deep stroke. She presses her ass back, grinding her firm cheeks against your hips. You reach a hand around to her folds and fumble for the bud of her clit. She sucks in a gasp as you find that sensitive spot and begin to rub vigorously with your fingertips.

  “Ohhhhhh, Lucas,” she moans as you fuck steadily into her pussy. “Oh, you are going to make me cum all over again.”

  It is only the first time. You feel her pussy spasm around your cock, her body arching and her wings twitching as you pound into Theora’s slick channel. You resist the urge to cum, powering through her orgasm and continuing to fuck her. Your fingers are relentless on her clit and Theora, recovering from her orgasm, resumes twitching her hips and begging for your cock.

  “Fuck me deep,” she moans. “Fuck me and cum inside me.”

  “You want it,” you growl, lips against her ear. You slide your cock out of her pussy and demand, “Turn onto your back.”

  She rolls from her side onto her back and parts her creamy thighs. Her pussy is soaking, glistening even in the faint moonlight spilling into the tent, her plump tits heaving with her excited breaths and her face flushed with her pleasure.

  You climb atop her, sliding easily into her slick cunt and kissing her on the lips as you take her again. Your thrusts are relentless, her body opening and inviting you deeper. She wraps her legs around you and kisses you back, begging, “Fuck me! Fuck me harder!”

  You pound into her, hips slapping against her and your balls tightening. She cums again and the feel of her clamping down on your hard cock is too much. You kiss her to stifle a cry of your own pleasure, moans vibrating between you as your cock finally explodes deep into her pussy. You slow your thrusts, seed pumping deep, smearing your balls as it oozes out of her pussy.

  “Incredible,” she whispers against your lips. “I have never known such pleasure.”

  “Me either,” you agree, slipping your cock from her pussy and rolling beside her. She nuzzles against you, pressing her face against your chest as you wrap an arm around her and stroke her feathered wings.

  “Theora,” you murmur, your voice barely louder than the sound of her breathing.

  “What is it, Lucas?” She whispers.

  You do not answer. You are already asleep and dreaming of her. In your dream, you and Theora share your farm. She tends to the cow and helps you with the harvest. You hold her in your arms and share the bed your father once shared with your mother. Theora is heavy with your child, her breasts swollen and creamy, her sweet kiss a constant luxury.

  You awake to pre-dawn light filtering into your tent. Theora is beside you, still snoring softly. You watch her for a moment as the tent slowly lightens. She hopes her eyes and looks up at you.


  “Good morning, Theora,” you murmur and kiss her on the lips. She tenses and gently pushes you away.

  “Lucas, no, this is all wrong,” she says, sitting up beside you. “We cannot do this.”

  She holds the blanket to preserve her modesty. You sigh and sit up next to her.

  “I should have known my dream was too good to be true,” you say bitterly.

  “W-what did you dream?” She wonders, curling a golden lock of hair behind her ear.

  “Don’t worry about it,” you say, pulling on your clothes. She grimaces and stands up, starkly nude, before waving her hand and conjuring her clothing.

  “It was a mistake last night,” she says. “Between us. It was my fault, but—“

  “Forget it,” you snap. “It’s over. I get it.”

  She seems about to say something else. Instead, her expression hardens and she ducks out of your tent. Theora makes a quick breakfast and you eat beside the campfire while Morelle peppers you with questions about what you and Theora were doing in the tent. She finally stops when Theora threatens to hack off Morelle’s horns.

  It is still early in the day as you break camp. You are glad to be on your way to leave the false hope of a romance with an angel. Theora assures you that if you make good time you will arrive in Bruno before nightfall.


  Surrender to the pleasure of her ass

>   Morelle’s tail tightens around your throat, probably choking off any cry you might try to make for help. You don’t even try though. You look up at her, eyes wide and fearful, but you only watch as her round hips begin to roll and her plump ass slides up and down the throbbing length of your cum-smeared cock. As she moves, her body gently heaving as if she is a ship riding upon ocean waves, her inner muscles grip and massage your straining cock.

  “There, isn’t that nice?” She purrs, looking back again over her shoulder.

  You nod weakly, surrendering to the pleasure of her diabolical derriere. She continues to watch you over her shoulder, moving with greater urgency, arching her back and thrusting her ass against you roughly. Her creamy cheeks smack loudly against you and the ample roundness of them quivers and deforms softly with each impact. Although you know your doom approaches, a part of you feels fortunate to witness such a perversely lewd sight as Morelle’s bouncing bottom.

  “Beautiful,” you try to say, but the word comes out as a muffled moan.

  “That’s right, Lucas,” she giggles. “Cum again for me.

  Without warning or seeming prelude, perhaps triggered only by her words, you cum again, firing your seed into her bouncing bottom. This pleasure of your eruption is heightened by the rush of your essence being sucked away as well. Violet embers fleck your vision and Morelle’s eyes flare with sinister power.

  Even after your orgasm has receded, she does not slow her ride atop your cock. Her preternaturally perfect posterior continues to bounce and milk your stiff manhood. One orgasm gives way to the rush of another and you let out a strangled croak of pleasure as you begin to cum again.

  “That’s it,” she laughs. “You are on the brink. Give it all to me, Lucas. Every drop!”


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