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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

Page 66

by Amanda Clover

  “Shhhhh,” she hisses. Her eyes glow brightly and that glow seems to wash over your body. Everything is white and warm and incandescent. You have a momentary sensation as if you are falling.

  “Ahhhhh!” You cry and sit bolt upright in bed. You are back in your bed at the inn. A wan gray light streams through the window. This is what passes for daylight in the Nightlands.

  You are alive! For the time being…


  Serving the vampiress as a vampire thrall

  You hear the carriage approaching down the misty road and you shift your cloak to reveal a bit more of your creamy décolletage. Your knee high boots and your long legs are revealed beneath your split-sided gown. The carriage emerges, its lantern light painting shadows and gold across your voluptuous body. For a moment you think they are going to pass you by and then you make eye contact with the mustached merchant riding within the carriage. He calls out for the driver to stop and the horses stop their clattering, the carriage creaking to a halt behind them.

  “Everythin’ awright, miss?” The carriage driver calls down from the running boards. You notice the powder gun that rests across his lap.

  “Oh, yes, now that you’ve stopped,” you call out. “I don’t suppose you are heading to Ulvenblad? I desperately need a ride. My father warned me there are dangerous men and beasts on the roads at night.”

  “’Tis true,” calls the merchant from the window. “Please, miss, join me in my carriage. We are on our way through the Nightlands, but we can surely make a stop in Ulvenblad to see you there safely.”

  “Oh, thank you, sir,” you cry with delight.

  The carriage door opens and the rather portly merchant helps you inside, his eyes practically bulging out of his head as he takes in your curves peeking out from beneath your carefully arranged cloak. You take your seat across from him, casually uncrossing your legs so he can see the taut gusset of your panties. He seems entranced by what he sees. You catch him staring up your creamy thighs and you smile at him seductively.

  “T-to Ulvenblad,” he stammers, thumping a walking cane on the roof of the carriage. The horses begin to move and the carriage sways into motion behind them. The merchant looks at you, “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Timov. I hail from Elzeheim and trade manufactured goods to the spice sellers of Prinzent. I take the spice back to Lorraine and trade for more manufactured goods.”

  “Oh, very clever,” you say, feigning delight. “You must be a very wealthy and very powerful man. Do you travel elsewhere?”

  “Oh, yes,” he says with a grand gesture. “Wherever profit takes me. I travel the world. You know, I could use a traveling companion. A beautiful young woman such as yourself might be just the sort of, um, company I would like to keep.”

  “Mmmmm, really?” You ask, biting your plump lower lip.

  “Yes, my girl,” he chuckles. “What is your name?”

  “Luciana,” you say.

  “Come and sit with me, Luciana,” he says, gesturing towards his lap.

  You smile sweetly as you climb across the moving carriage and settle your shapely bottom into his lap. He begins kissing you and fondling your breasts roughly almost immediately. You giggle with delight as he slips a hand under your cloak and begins fumbling between your thighs. All the while, your gaze is focused on the steady, rhythmic throbbing of his jugular in his neck. You can smell the blood within him.

  As his fingers press into your slick cunt, you begin to kiss his neck.

  Not more than an hour later, you slip into the castle by a servant’s door and descend to the crypt. Your belly is full of blood and the carriage is now resting in the courtyard.

  “You have returned,” notes Izabella, rising from a writing desk. “I was just composing my list of demands for the Count of Enzelvanya.”

  “Do you think he will fight us?” You ask.

  “Did you get the shipment of powder guns?” Izabella asks.

  “Yes, mistress,” you say and kneel before her beauty. “I’m afraid my hunger got the best of me and I devoured the merchant. I was able to enthrall his driver though and I believe he will be able to return with another shipment.”

  “Good, good,” says the vampiress, stroking your short, boyish hair. Since becoming a vampire, your body does not change. You are forever stuck as a voluptuous woman, beautiful, but with short hair. “Anything else for me?”

  “Yes, mistress,” you say, reaching into a pouch on your belt and taking out the velvet-covered box. “The merchant intended to propose to a woman in Prinzet. The daughter of a spice merchant. This was the bloodstone ring he intended for her.”

  You open the box and show her the ring, faintly glowing with natural magic. It is an extremely valuable piece of jewelry.

  “Oh, yes, how lovely,” says Izabella, sliding the ring onto her finger. She turns her attention back to you and motions you to your feet. “Well, you have equipped my human thralls with powder guns and given me a lovely ring as a gift. I suppose you deserve some sort of reward?”

  “Serving you is reward enough,” you say.

  “Oh, is it?” She softly murmurs, sliding the cloak from your shoulders and revealing your plump breasts straining the low-cut bodice. “I cannot interest you with, mmmm, a bit of reciprocation?”

  Before you can answer, Izabella presses a passionate kiss to your lips and gently cups one of your breasts. Your mouth yields to her in an instant as her tongue thrusts hungrily over your tongue. She fondles your soft breast, plucking at your stiffening nipple through your bodice.

  “Mmmmmm,” you moan against her lips, submitting to her lust and feeling your own desire begin to burn within your cold body. With a yank, she tears your gown open, freeing your breasts. She mauls your plush mounds in both her hands and kisses her way down your neck to your plump nipples. She sucks and licks them, eliciting a cry of pleasure as she teases them with her fangs. You hiss and bare your own fangs.

  Izabella’s hand presses between your thighs, her fingers so much more delicate and lovely than that fumbling merchant in the carriage.

  “You still grow warm when you feel desire,” she chuckles, lashing your tender tits with her tongue. “The blush of life is still upon your face.”

  “It is all the blood,” you say, embarrassed not to be completely cold and perfect like your mistress. Your shame is forgotten as she tosses you into the bed and tears your gown away completely. She descends upon your trembling mound and begins to lick your cunt. Only a few short weeks ago you could not have imagined such a thing, with your disgusting maleness, but now as a female you know the true pleasure of a woman’s touch.

  “Nnnnnnnnhhnn,” she murmurs, vibrating into your cunt, her tongue flicking your bud. Her fangs graze your tender folds and you yelp with anticipation. She does not bite, however. She clamps her mouth over your clit and begins to suck as she fucks three fingers into your tight channel. You wail with pleasure, arching on the bed, squeezing your shapely thighs around her head.

  Lost at the height of your pleasure, you barely hear the door open into the salon. The four men rush into the salon and before you have a chance to even scream they are upon you, driving a sharpened stake into your breast as another man attacks Izabella with a sword.

  “We are sent by the Theora and in the name of Veleda! Die, fiends!” One man bellows as you feel your life force draining. “You must be eradicated!”

  You smile dimly as Izabella tears the head off one man, showering your naked, withering body in blood. It is too late for you, but Izabella’s killing has only just begun.

  You gasp a final time as your body begins to crumble into dust.


  Saved from your demise at the fangs of the vampiress

  A warm glow surrounds you. A soft voice, almost musical, reaches out to your ears and sends a tremor through your warming body.

  “Lucas,” the softly musical woman’s voice seems to sing. “Luuuuucas.”

  You open your eyes slowly and
realize you are resting upon a field of green grass. The cloudless sky is blue and although you are at the feet of a giantess, you are not in her shadow for she radiates light. Her smile fills you with love and her kind eyes glow with golden purity.

  “Veleda,” you croak.

  “Yes, Lucas,” she says, running a massive hand gently over your body. You feel your strength being restored at her touch and you moan in holy ecstasy. She picks you up to your feet and you are wearing your clothing from before you succumbed to Izabella.

  “I-I failed you!” You cry out in desperation, your voice hoarse and your face burning with shame.

  “Yes,” she says, her smile never fading. “But the vampiress was a powerful foe. Even with all that Theora has taught you, all the power I can lend you, this was a difficult battle. You may have failed, but I know you will learn and grow and succeed.”

  You look around you and realize you are standing on upon a rolling green landscape dotted with wildflowers here and there. Numerous angelic figures walk along the hills, some leading other mortals and some alone or in pairs with one another. They all seem happy and the humans with them seem happy.

  “C-could I stay here?” You ask, feeling the draw of the other humans. You envy their blissful state.

  “Not yet, Lucas,” she says. “Someday, if you serve goodness, I will lift you up to live among all my children.”

  You realize you are weeping and you wipe the tears from your eyes. The goddess gives you a sympathetic frown and lifts you into her arms. She squeezes your body against her massive breasts, the warmth of her body soothing you through her silky gown. You are ashamed that her loveliness stiffens your manhood.

  “Oh, I think you are enjoying this a bit too much,” she giggles and your face burns with fresh shame. “Farewell, Lucas. May you be strong in the face of evil.”

  She lets you slip from her embrace. You cry out, falling from the height of her bosom, plummeting towards the grass ground. It parts beneath you and you fall through clouds and light, plunging through gloom and down into the darkness of the crypts beneath Castle Ulvenblad.

  You stand facing the vampiress, holding the Holy Sword of Veleda in your hands as you stare with determination at the savage beauty of Izabella. Your guts twist in fear. She stole your life with her hateful hunger… but she doesn’t know it. Time has turned back and you have another chance to defeat her.

  “What are you waiting for, Lucas?” She sneers, her red eyes flashing.

  “The right opportunity to strike you down, blood-sucking harlot!” You shout, swiping your sword to keep her at bay. “Your evil ends now.”

  “I doubt that, little warrior,” she laughs, baring her fangs as she glides towards you. “But if you are lucky, maybe I will decide to keep you around as a pet.”

  What do you do?




  Special Ability



  Ask her to ride atop your hard cock

  You don’t want to be parted from the smothering softness of Rianna’s lovely tits, but your cock is twitching with need. You give her closest nipple a kiss and then pull your head back from the barmaid’s lovely chest.

  “What is it, love?” She asks, looking down at you over her gently heaving mounds. “Made up yer mind?”

  “Y-yes,” you say, running your hands over her soft breasts. “I want you to ride my cock.”

  “Oh, is that it? Make me do all the work?” She winks at you to let you know she is joking. “I know how it is with you lads. You get one feel of my girls and you can’t imagine life without ‘em. Alright, then, love. Let’s see here…”

  She grips your cock in one hand, stroking it through the flap of your night shorts as she lifts her weight and carefully settles herself astride your hips. You feel a soft brush of her panties and then she drags those aside and lowers her hairless cunt onto your cock.

  “Ooh, that’s a nice one,” she says, rubbing her bare pussy against your hard tip. You feel her juices slick your manhood, dripping down your shaft as she plays her velvety folds against your cock.

  Your hands squeeze into the softness of her breasts, her creamy flesh pressing between your fingers and her fat nipples against your palms.

  She sweeps a lock of scarlet hair from her face, looking down at you as she asks, “Ya ready, love?”

  “Mmmm please,” you moan, playing with her thick nipples.

  “Here we… ooohhhhhh… are!” She moans as she sinks down onto your cock. Her slippery, soft pussy swallows you up as she rides down to the root of your cock and grinds her shorn cunt against your groin. You squeeze her breasts tighter as the slippery pleasure rides around your cock, hot and wet and sliding back up and back down again. Her weight bounces atop you, her soft ass slapping down as she begins to ride you in earnest.

  “Oh my gods,” you moan, looking up at her loveliness as her breasts heave and her hips work. Her velvet cunt squeezes around your straining shaft. Her depth press soft as silk against the head of your cock.

  “Ohhh, ya like that? Let me put a bit o’ twist on it,” she says, shaking her hips and rolling them with practiced ease.

  Rianna is not particularly tight and her weight is heavy against your hips, but she moves with the lightness and skill of a true whore. She even reaches a hand down beneath her bouncing ass and massages your bollocks as she works atop your cock. Her bouncing breasts and flushed face are beautiful, her nipples drawing you to sit up and lash them with your tongue.

  “Ohhhhh suck ‘em if you like,” she moans, cradling you against her chest as she ride her pussy up and down your cock. You lose yourself in the smothering sweetness of her tits, your pleasure rising in your cock as you kiss, lick, and even suck at her fat nipples. You latch to her right breast and fondle her left as your tension builds.

  “Mmmmmm!” You cry against her breasts.

  “That’s it, love,” she says. “Let it all out. Let it out for me.”

  “Mmmhmmm!” You reply, sucking hard at her nipple as you feel your balls go tight and your cock surge inside her.

  She lifts off you suddenly and grabs hold of your wet cock. She wanks you forcefully against her bare mound and belly. You explode in her grasp, leaning into her tits and crying out loudly as your cum spurts against her cuntlips and over her mound. She milks you deftly with her hand, squeezing out every drop and grinding her pussy against your balls.

  “Aw, now that’s a proper mess,” she laughs, looking down at your cum webbing her fingers and smearing all over her belly and cunt. She rises from you carefully, fetching a washcloth to wipe herself and her skirt and panties clean and then washing your cock and balls. You jerk from the over-sensitivity of your cock. She coos, “Oh, sorry, love, I’ll be gentle.”

  “Why did you, I mean, pull it out at the end there?”

  “Bad timing for me, love,” she says, tucking your deflated cock back into your night shorts. “Let you cum inside and I’d be likely to have a baby. Can’t go gettin’ knocked up.”

  “Oh, right,” you say, used to having sex with monster girls without apparent consequence. Other than occasionally dying.

  “Well, if you have enough coins,” she says. “Maybe tomorrow I’d be willin’ to let you cum inside. But it’ll be twice as much.”

  “Um, I don’t know if…”

  “Think about it,” she says, lacing up her bodice. She gives you a kiss on the lips, short and sweet, before departing from your room into the darkened hallway.

  Alone in the room, you sigh and snuff out the bedside candle. You sink back onto the bed, satisfied and exhausted, and sleep comes quickly.


  Let her pleasure you with her breasts

  Izabella offering up her luscious blue-gray breasts is an enticement you cannot refuse. Your cock twitches and you shift it in your straining trousers. Her red-eyed gaze flicks to the movement and she wets her lips.

  “Do not fight it, Lucas,�
� she purrs. “Let me atone for my sins. Thrust your cock between my breasts.”

  “Goddess preserve me,” you murmur, sheathing your sword to unbuckle your belt and unbutton your trousers. Your hard cock bounces free from your under shorts and Izabella looks on with delight. She grasps your fleshy sword without hesitation, her hand cool and soft as she squeezes you tightly.

  “Thank you for granting me my one wish,” she says, dripping more saliva from her tongue all over the head of your cock. You groan with pleasure as she leans forward, wrapping your cock in her soft breasts and squeezing you tightly. Your manhood is just long enough to protrude through her cleavage as she begins to wank your crimson cockmeat. The sensation of her breasts, cool like silken pillows crushing your cock, is nearly enough to make you cum.

  “Oh, goddess,” you moan, bracing yourself with one hand on a post of her bed.

  “Fuck them,” she says, lashing your cockhead with her nimble tongue. “I know you want to.”

  “Y-yes,” you moan, thrusting your hips and sliding your cock between her squeezing, spit-lubed cleavage. She licks you each time your crimson cockhead pops from between her breasts, the redness of your manhood a sharp contrast to the pale blue of her mounds.

  “Ohhhh, that’s it,” she says, leaning her shoulders back to make it easier for you to thrust between her tits. “The heat builds with every stroke. Like a fire inside you.”

  “Those breasts… they’re going to make me cum,” you groan, thrusting faster and make her squeezed tits shudder with each stroke.

  “Yessssss,” hisses the vampiress. “Spill your seed for me, Lucas. Coat me with your warmth.”

  You stop thinking about the danger she represents or even what she is doing and focus intently on your cock sliding between her plush mounds. You fuck her tits faster and faster, holding her head and tucking her chin against her chest, forcing your cock to collide with her lips and lashing tongue with every stroke. The pressure of your orgasm builds. You breathe heavily, single-mindedly on the purpose of your pleasure, slamming your cock into her breasts.


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