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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

Page 92

by Amanda Clover

“Because I surrender to you, mighty lamia,” you say, spreading your arms wide and taking a step closer.

  “You… you want to be eaten?” Her lips quirk into a smile. “Even though your goddess will not save you?”

  “Yes,” you moan. “Devour me.”

  “Prey are never so willing!” She laughs with apparent delight. “You should see them cowering and pleading for their pitiful lives. But you, brave Lucas, offer yourself as a meal to me.”

  “Yes,” you moan, your cock twitching at the thought.

  “I will take my time then,” she says, gently wrapping her coils around your legs. “I will make you enjoy every moment.”

  She draws you closer to her giant human upper body, lifting you off the floor in her coils. She holds you level with her huge face and reaches out a hand to tear off your robes with a single mighty tug. Your hard cock bounces free of your shredded underclothes and Yasmeen giggles at the sight of your manhood.

  “You must really want this,” she says, drawing you closer still to her face. “Does your angel know that you wish to be eaten?”

  “She… she doesn’t know,” you gasp, staring from Yasmeen’s massive breasts to her glistening lips.

  “She will certainly be in for a surprise when I tell her you are in my belly!” Yasmeen’s cruel laugh makes you shudder with fear. “But first, a taste of pleasure for a little human.”

  She lifts you with her tail and drags you into the soft valley of her cleavage. Your cock disappears between her soft mounds and she pulls your face to one of her rosy nipples, as long and thick as your thumb. You moan submissively, sucking at her huge breast as she kneads your cock between the huge cushions of her breasts. You pleasure builds and you begin to move your hips and fuck into the supple valley between her mounds.

  “Yes, that’s it,” she laughs, caressing you with a huge hand. “Enjoy the pleasure of my breast. Suck at them with your warm little mouth.”

  “Mmmmmm!” You cry, jerking your hips and fucking faster and harder between the huge mounds of her breasts. Your pleasure tightens in your abdomen, your wanton ecstasy only fueled by the knowledge of your looming destruction. She giggles as you humiliate yourself, humping away at her huge breasts, your cock swallowed up between them.

  “Spill your seed,” she gasps. “Go on, Lucas. Cum for the last time. Pump your seed uselessly between my breasts.”

  “Ahhhhhhhhh! Yesss, Yasmeen!” You cry, hunched over her bust, thrusting your hips to fuck between her enormous breasts and sloppily sucking at her fat nipple at the same time. Your pleasure surges and you explode into the warm, soft squeeze of her cleavage. You gasp your pleasure against her rosy nipple as she laughs cruelly.

  “Oh, Lucas, I feel your seed,” she laughs. “Spilling between my breasts. Sealing your pitiful fate.”

  “Ohhhhh, Yasmeen,” you pants, thrust twice more as the last of your cum spurts between her tits. You feel the slimy liquid smearing your cock as your manhood begins to wilt. Yasmeen, still holding your body in her coils, releases your cock from between her huge, cum spattered mounds.

  “Say goodbye to your life, Lucas,” she laughs and as you stare up in horror.

  Yasmeen’s already big mouth unhinges and opens impossibly wide. Her coils lift you to her mouth, hot and sweet, as you are impossibly swallowed into that huge maw. Moaning in horror, you are shoved down her gullet, sliding slowly down the silky walls of her throat and stretching into a belly.

  “Mmmmm, you are a bigger meal than I expected,” chuckles Yasmeen and you feel her hand pressing against you as she rubs her distended belly. “Now, dissolve into mush inside me, Lucas. When you’re all gone I will eat your presumptuous angel friend.”

  “What? Nooooo!” You cry, pressing against the walls of Yasmeen’s stomach. Her belly gurgles around you, but it is too late to escape. Digestive fluids soon cover your body and you sink back into the comforting warmth. You begin to soften as darkness closes in around you. Despite knowing that your doom is approaching, your cock stiffens and twitches a last few times, sputtering out your last orgasm.

  “Oh, did you cum again?” Yasmeen laughs at your pathetic display. “You truly are pitiful, Lucas. But you do not have to worry anymore. Just relax and dissolve.”

  The darkness comes like a cloak being draped over your head. Cold replaces the warmth of the digestive bath you are in as you slip into oblivion. The last sensation you experience before you disappear completely is the dull weight of Theora land atop you in the stomach of the giant lamia. She is helpless and will soon share your fate.

  You have perished and Veleda cannot rescue you.


  The pleasure of her breasts

  You are enraptured as you stare up at Yasmeen’s huge, creamy breasts, heaving with each breath, her thick rosy nipples jutting from her wide areolas. You want to fondle them and kiss them and suck them. You want to thrust your cock between them and know the pleasure of her gigantic mounds. Not even Gretchen’s milky udders can match the breasts of this giantess for sheer size.

  “Y-your breasts,” you stammer. “I want to, um, experience the pleasure of your breasts.”

  “Oh, of course, your mammal instincts draw you to my bosom,” she laughs. “Very well, Lucas. I will give you the pleasure you desire.”

  She wraps you in the coils of her serpentine tail and strips off your robes as if shucking the husk from a ganaba fruit. You gasp as her smooth scales rub against your aroused cock. She lifts you up to her huge, heaving mounds, each too large to hold in both hands, and she presses your face against them.

  You moan with delight, inhaling her exotic scent as she rubs your face and upper body back and forth against her yielding titflesh and her rosy, thumb-sized nipples. She slows her rubbing back and forth and you are able to grapple with the huge mounds of her breasts and run your tongue over her supple mound. She lets you a catch a nipple with your lips and suck eagerly at her, burying your face against her creamy flesh. You latch to her huge breast, hugging both of her mounds against you like the warm cushions of bed.

  Your cock is twitching with need and rubbing against her flat tummy. She slithers with you in her arms over to the cushions and falls gently onto her back, lifting you with her tail and drop you with your hips against her breasts.

  “Fuck them, Lucas,” she hisses, squeezing her breasts around your cock. “Fuck my breasts with your adorable little cock.”

  “Ohhhhhh, yesss!” You moan, grabbing a soft handful of each of her breasts and using this as leverage as you thrust your cock between her mounds.

  “So eager!” Yasmeen laughs, pressing with her hands and making her breasts squeeze even tighter around your cock. “Oh, pound them with your cock! Mount my breasts!”

  You work your hips furiously, pounding your cock into the warm, silky heaven between Yasmeen’s tits. Your cock leaks precum, smearing lubrication along your shaft and allowing you to fuck her tits faster and faster. She keeps her tail wrapped around your legs from your thighs down to your knees, but does nothing to slow down your rampant thrusting. You fingers tighten on her soft flesh and you arch your back, crying out with shameful pleasure as you explode between Yasmeen’s tits.

  “I feel your seed squirting between my breasts!” She laughs. “Squirt it all out, Lucas! Give me every drop!”

  You thrust your spurting cock between her tits until the pleasure begins to fade. You slow your strokes, but Yasmeen does not allow it. She tightens her tail around your legs and forces you to continue thrusting into her cum-smeared cleavage.

  “W-what are you doing?!” You cry as she forces you to fuck your overly sensitive cock between her creamy breasts.

  “Every drop!” She hisses. “You stop when I tell you it is time!”

  She forces you to fuck her massive mounds and you are too weak to resist. The feeling of being powerless in the clutches of such a dangerous woman is actually exciting and the more she makes you fuck her breasts the more you feel your pleasure rising again. You cry out wit
h agonized pleasure and explode again between her tits. Your spurts are quickly spent, but she continues to force you to fuck her mounds.

  “Ahhhh! Please!” You cry.

  “No! Keep that little cock hard!” She laughs, clearly enjoying forcing you to do this. “Look, it is trickling out onto my neck.”

  Her tail tightens almost painfully and she moves your body, forcing your cock in and out of that luscious valley. It is quite wet between her tits and each stroke is well-lubricated. Your pleasure rises again and you cry out, your cock pulsing quickly and Yasmeen unrelenting. She makes you cum a fourth time and a fifth. By the sixth time, you are barely able to stay hard, but you are still cumming between her soft, squeezing mounds.

  “No more,” you croak. “I can’t… can’t do it anymore.”

  “You have gone all soft, Lucas,” she coos with disappointment. “Very well, you have had your pleasure.”

  She lifts you away from her bust with her tail and sets you on the floor at the base of the pedestal. She sits up and inspects her cum-smeared breasts. She wrinkles her nose with disgust and wipes the seed away with a kerchief as big as a blanket. You steal the opportunity to pull on your robe and pick up your sword. Yasmeen finishes cleaning herself and tosses the kerchief away. She returns her attention to you.

  “Now then, Lucas,” she smiles and slithers off her pedestal. She looms above you, a terrifying giantess. “You must answer my riddle or you will be my next meal.”

  “R-right,” you say, fear and guilt rising within you in equal measure.

  “Paupers have it,” she says, her tone elevated, “kings need it. If you make your meals of it you will perish. What is it?”

  How do you answer her riddle?

  The answer is power

  The answer is nothing

  Use Startle Eye

  You need to even the odds against the giant lamia. The best chance you have is if you can eliminate one of your senses. If she can’t see you, she won’t be able to tell you are moving in for the kill.

  Running from Yasmeen, you begin to speak your prayer. It is more difficult than usual to call upon the righteous power of Veleda, but you feel it welling from inside your body, focusing in your clenched fist. Her magic might not penetrate this place, but Startle Eye comes from within as much as from the goddess.

  The prayer reaches its peak and you turn and thrust your fist at Yasmeen’s giant face. You open your hand, palm up, and wince away as the bright flash bursts from your hand. Even with your eyes closed you can see the details of the chamber around you.

  Yasmeen howls with rage and is still thrashing and grabbing her face as you turn to confront her. She stops moving suddenly, almost as if she has been stunned by being blinded. Her tail is stretched out nearly straight on the floor.

  Now is your chance, you realize. You take hold of your sword with both hands and run swiftly around her tail, racing towards Yasmeen’s heaving breasts. If you can plunge your sword between them or perhaps into her throat, you can end this fight and trap her in the Crystal Sanctum. Then she’ll answer your questions about Chthona!

  You draw back your sword to strike the killing blow and you are suddenly caught in the coils of her tail. She wraps you tightly and lifts you up off the ground.

  “You thought blinding me would take away by ability to sense you?” She laughs as she dangles you upside down over her face. “I am accustomed to being sunblind in the desert. I use my tail to sense the vibrations of my prey and you, conveniently, ran straight up to me. It is almost as if you wanted to be my prey all along.”

  You try to speak, to shout in anger or perhaps plead for your life, but her tail holds you too tightly. She unhinges her jaw and opens her mouth wide, revealing her fangs and her huge, pink gullet. You try to scream as you are thrust headfirst down her throat. In her stomach, bathed in her digestive juices, the last hope you have for escape fades away as you melt into mush.

  This was not the end you had hope for yourself.

  And Veleda will not come to save you from it.


  Time to return to the real world

  “Actually, Hina,” you say to the pretty golem. “I think it is time for me to return to the real world.”

  “I understand,” says Hina. “I wish you could stay with me forever, master, but I will be waiting for your return.”

  You give her a kiss on the cheek and step back. You grasp the pink control crystal in your hand and close your eyes. There is a flash of light as you return to the tent in the Sea of Sand. The storm has abated and daylight streaming through the hide walls of the tent reveal the storm-blown dunes that have almost buried your tent.

  You open the flap and sand rushes into the tent with you. It takes a bit of digging to get your head and shoulders out of the tent and into bright daylight. There is no sign of Saleen, the merchants, or the sand shufflers. Even the footprints of the beasts have been scrubbed away by the gentle breeze.

  “It would have been nice to say goodbye to her,” you mutter.

  You pull your head and shoulders back into the tent as there is a bright flash of light. Theora manifests beside you.

  “It is time for us to depart for your farm,” says Theora. “Yasmeen’s magic has faded and I feel my connection with the goddess fully restored. She will send us back to your home. Let us bid our farewells to Saleen and the others and—“

  “They’re gone,” you say. “They left without us.”

  “Ah, well enough then,” says Theora. “Are you ready to depart, Lucas?”

  “Yes,” you say.

  She takes your hand and gives it a squeeze. Her eyes lock with your for a moment and the faintest hint of a smile plays at her lips.

  “Oh, goddess, hear my call,” she begins her prayer. A moment later there is a flash and you and Theora are being flung through the sky at impossible speed. It only takes a few seconds for you to be transported thousands of miles by the power of the goddess.


  Visit with Gretchen the cow girl

  “Hina, please take me to see Gretchen the cow girl,” you say. “I think I owe her a visit.”

  “Very good, master,” says Hina, setting off through the palace. As you follow her, she warns, “Gretchen is very cross that you have not visited her in many days. She might be in a foul mood when you arrive.”

  “Good to know,” you say.

  The beautiful, exceedingly buxom cow girl is usually quite friendly, but she can also be very forceful, particularly when it comes to extracting your “milk” for you use in her alchemical experiments.

  You find the door slightly ajar to Gretchen’s laboratory. Hina waits in the hall as you step inside and find Gretchen’s neatly-arranged ingredients in disarray, the counter strewn with empty vials, and a pot of foul-smelling liquid boiling down to almost nothing on a tiny stove. You pull the pan off the fire and set it into a vat of cloudy water. It hisses and spits as it sinks down into the liquid.

  “Gretchen?” You call softly, pushing the leather straps of one of her hanging milking harnesses.

  There is no sign of her in the laboratory, but you hear muffled sounds coming through a heavy iron door. You listen, pressing your ear to the iron door, and you hear moaning, grunting, and steady thumping sounds almost as if something is being hammered on the other side of the wall. You turn the latch on the door and it creaks slightly on its hinges as you swing the door open.

  Gretchen, the buxom cow girl, is in full rut. She is standing up and thrusting against a massive, glistening, wall-mounted cock. Her plump ass smacks against the wall as she takes every inch and pulls back again, her huge breasts swinging and flicking drops of milk with each ride back onto the huge cock. Her hair is heavy with sweat, her body flushed and her face contorted with pleasure.

  “Mooooooooo!” She bellows.

  “Gretchen?” You say softly.

  She stops instantly, stiffening and swinging her head to look at you. Her nostrils flare and her eyes burn with se
xual heat.

  “Lucas!” She bellows and, with a loud, raunchy slurp, slides off the massive cock stuck to the wall. You realize it is a horse cock in design and scale and she has been fucking herself senseless with it, creating great puddles of milk and her nectar on the floor beneath her. You look up and realize she is charging straight at you, her head down and her horns pointed at your midsection.

  “W-wait! What’s wrong? I didn’t—“

  She runs at you and catches you, thankfully, with her shoulder instead of her horns. She drives you to the ground and is on you in an instant, sheathing your cock on her loose, well-lubricated pussy. She begins to ride you with an angry fervor, snorting and mooing as she bounces her big ass and hot cunt up and down on your hips.

  “Ahhhhh! Wait! I can’t… I can’t AAAAH!” The intensity of her sexual need drives you over the edge in seconds and you grab her thick hips and big ass and squeeze as you thrust upwards and explode into her dripping cunt.

  You are still spurting as she drops the weight of her tits onto your face and feeds a thick nipple into your mouth. Her silky sweet milk hits your tongue and you are flooded with lust. You latch to her breast, sucking greedily as her milky mound spurts over your tongue. The more you drink, the more you need, your hips working as you resume fucking her. Your cock stirs your cum inside her with every stroke. She moans bestially with pleasure, working her hips and grinding your crotch, her walls tightening and squeezing around you.

  “Drink up, Lucas,” she says. “Good boy! You left me for days and days! I have never been so long without your milk!”

  “Mmmmmmm!” You moan, drinking greedily from her teat as you thrust your cock faster and faster into her sloppy pussy. As her plentiful milk fills your belly, you enter a dreamlike state of pure pleasure, fucking her and exploding inside her. Her ride atop you slows as she squeezes out every drop of your load.


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