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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

Page 106

by Amanda Clover

  The yegrilla snarls and launches itself at her upper half. He slams into her with surprising force, knocking her back and smashing her into one of the ruined houses. Although Yasmeen was caught off guard by his initial attack, she recovers quickly, grappling with him and wrapping him up in the coils of her tail. He manages to force her to release him by delivering what seems to be a painful bite to her reptilian lower half.

  “You awful beastie!” Yasmeen howls, flinging him away. The yegrilla lands on his feed, leaps to the top of one of the ruined houses, and leaps again to grab at Yasmeen’s neck and shoulders, his hand like feet digging into her chain sling and tearing it away from her enormous mounds. His frantic scrambling to get a good grip on her squeezes and mashes her breasts in his fight to subdue her.

  It is a hopeless fight. He may be strong and fearless, but the lamia is just too large to be overcome. She throws him to the ground so hard that it stuns him and then seizes him so tightly in her coils that he cannot hope to bite her.

  “Put down!” The yegrilla cries.

  Yasmeen shifts her coils, chuckling softly as the yegrilla’s thick pink cock suddenly protrudes between her coils. She squeezes and slides her tail against his cock, making the yegrilla groan with dismay. She leans over him, dangling her breasts in his fast but keeping them out of reach of his fangs.

  “This not how mate!” The yegrilla moans unhappily.

  “But it feels nice, doesn’t it?” Yasmeen hisses as she wanks him with her coils. “You just want to explode all over my tummy.”

  “Noooo,” moans the yegrilla. “Put down! I… I mate right!”

  “I don’t think so,” laughs Yasmeen. “I recognize that glowing rune on your chest. You have been marked with a fertility sign. One drop of your seed would be enough to stuff my belly with your babies.

  “Yes, do that,” pants the yegrilla. His cock, jutting between Yasmeen’s coils, is beginning to ooze precum, which further lubricates her smooth reptilian body.

  The yegrilla is unable to resist his building pleasure and begins writhing and thrusting through Yasmeen’s coils. His cockhead pulses and bubbles with spunk like a candle shedding a stream of wax.

  “Yes!” Yasmeen cries, her reptilian tongue flicking out. “Cum for me! Cum against my breasts.”

  She slides them down his furry body and positions her huge mounds beneath his cock. He hoots desperately, fucking between her writhing coils. His cock, now almost crimson, pulses and shoots out massive streams of beastly spunk. His cum spatters against her dangling breasts, dripping from her wide areolas and thick nipples. She laughs and continues to milk his cock with her coils.

  “S-stop,” he moans. “Too much! It hurt!”

  “Oh, but it hurts so good,” laughs Yasmeen, an evil glint in her eye. His cock turns from red to purple and with another desperate snarl he cums again, thinner spurts of his seed spilling into her cleavage and glazing her dangling titflesh. Yasmeen laughs and says, “Now I will eat you up.”

  She begins to unhinge her jaw.

  “That’s enough,” you shout. “Let him go.”

  “Right,” says Yasmeen. “He is filthy. I would probably catch some sort of disease.”

  She unfurls her cum-spattered serpentine half and deposits the yegrilla on his back on the ground. He struggles to his feet, clearly weakened by Yasmeen’s rough handling.

  “I not forget this,” he curses and hobbles off into the jungle.

  “How about you, Lucas?” She says, wiping the yegrilla’s cum from her breasts. “Would you like to be my meal today? I’ll swallow you and that self-righteous bird woman as well.”

  Your cock twitches in your trousers. Before you can reply to the perverse suggestion, Theora interjects.

  “Absolutely not,” says Theora.

  Seeing sense, you lift your sword above your head and command, “Yasmeen return!”

  The huge lamia vanishes in a flash of pink light. The sounds of the jungle slowly return to normal.

  “We should be on our way,” says Theora.

  You adjust your trousers, hoping she does not see your cock stiffened from watching Yasmeen handle the yegrilla. You and Theora set off again into the jungle, heading towards the mountains that loom like shadows through the jungle.

  Onward to find the mountain stained red by the sunset.


  Rescued by Veleda

  You thought your quest was over. You were certain you had failed in your mission. Yet here you are, kneeling in the vast heavenly temple of Veleda. Golden light streams through the open ceiling and flocks of white doves take flight. You can hear a chorus of female voices singing in the distance.

  Veleda appears with a warm flash of light, glorious and huge, with ringlets of blonde hair spilling over her alabaster shoulders. She wears a thin, veil-like gown similar to the one Theora wears. Her eyes are sympathetic, but not completely forgiving.

  “You have failed again, Lucas,” she says, her voice booming over and around you in waves you can feel physically in your body. “In your most important task. You have failed.”

  “I… I am weak,” you say, groveling before her.

  “Yes, this is true,” says Veleda. “But you are my chosen warrior. You must locate the entrance to the underworld to end the monster girl incursion.”

  “Y-yes, my goddess,” you moan, your face touching the cold stone.

  “You know that I cannot simply mend wound or turn back time to the exact moment of your defeat in this jungle,” says Veleda. “Saturana defies my holy interference. I can save you though, Lucas, and return you to the moment before you entered the jungle. Do not make the same mistakes again.”

  “N-no, my goddess, I will not,” you say gratefully.

  “Rise, Lucas LeBlanc, and face me,” she commands. You tremble with her holy majesty, rising to your feet and forcing yourself to look upon her radiant face. Her beauty is stunning, reminiscent of Theora, but perfected and even more delicate. Her eyes glow with golden light that becomes brighter and brighter. “Do not fail me.”

  You hear the words echoing through a golden haze. The floor gives way beneath you and you are falling, faster and faster, plummeting back to the earth from Veleda’s temple in the heavens. The cool, whistling air and glorious, cloudy terrain gives way to the stifling heat and the endless green of the jungle of Saturana. With a last cry, you drop to the ground.

  Theora places a steadying hand on your shoulder.

  “Lucas, are you alright?” Theora asks, placing a steadying hand on your shoulder.

  “Y-yes,” you say. “Just a bit delirious I think. I had a vision of the goddess.”

  She takes your hand and gives it a squeeze.

  “She will be by our side, Lucas,” she says, her silvery-blue eyes burning with her righteousness. “We will find the entrance and we will rescue your mother and your sister.”

  Bolstered by Theora’s words, but unable to shake the feeling that you met with the goddess, you set off for the jungle. You reach the wall of massive trees and find that there are gaps between the tangles of barbed vines that you could not see from a distance. Still, the jungle is dense, and thorns tear at your clothes. You draw your sword and cut your way through the thickest foliage. It is exhausting work in the heat and even Theora’s face becomes red and her golden hair heavy with the sweat and humidity. Strange, huge insects bite at your arms and try to crawl up your trousers. You are constantly swatting them away from your neck.

  “There,” says Theora, pointing out an archway formed by the interwoven lower branches of two nearby trees. The foliage thinned beneath the seemingly natural embrace of the two trees. As you approach, Theora points out a set of small footprints. “Goblin tracks.”

  “So if we go that way, there will be goblins?” You say.

  “Possibly,” she says. “Or whatever eats goblins.”

  “Is there another way?” You ask, not really wanting to find out firsthand what might snack on a goblin.

�� said Theora, closing her eyes.

  You quiet your heavy breathing and listen to the overlapping noises of the jungle. Rustling cycads, croaking amphibians, the buzz of swarms of insects, the calls of birds and tree-dwelling primates, and… yes… there.

  “A river,” you say.

  “Yes,” she says. “We could follow it to the mountains. It will be difficult going, no telling what we might encounter.”

  “Or we take the path and get ambushed by goblins,” you say grimly.

  The prospect of finding a river flowing through the jungle and then following it, fighting your way through the undergrowth, not to mention what might come out of the river, hardly seems appealing. Goblins jumping on you from the trees does not seem very pleasant either.

  “Which path should we take?” Theora asks, looking at you expectantly, her beautiful face dewy with sweat.

  Which way do you go?

  Follow the jungle path

  Follow the river through the jungle

  The mountain stained red by the sunset

  You and Theora arrive at the so-called Jaws of the Beast with a sudden emergence from the jungle. You step out from the trees and find yourself looking up at a monumental wall of gray and white stone. The mountain’s roots of jutting bedrock are furred with foliage, but the jungle itself ends absolutely, the trees forming a wall like a military formation arranged respectfully before the awesome sight of the mountains.

  Some of the mountains are quite close to the jungle’s edge, others crowd out the horizon, misty and purple in their distance. Most are low enough to have vegetation all the way to their peak, though a few farther away rise so high into the cloudy sky that their tops are bare but for snow caps.

  “I hope this red mountain isn’t one of those,” you say, pointing to the distant mountains.

  “It is almost time,” says Theora, studying the sky behind you. “Look, the red of sunset paints the golden clouds at our backs. Soon those rays will reach the mountains.”

  The sun slips beneath the clouds and edges the tops of the jungle’s highest trees to create long, strange shadows on the mountains. A moment more and in a burst of scarlet light, one of the peaks in the Jaws of the Beast transforms into a great bloody fang. You and Theora both gasp in amazement at the sight.

  “There it is,” you mutter. The coloring is much more pronounced than you had expected.

  “Then that is where we are going,” says Theora. “Come on, Lucas, we are almost there!”

  You run towards the mountain, leaping easily over a stream and dodging around boulders overgrown with foliage. Even as the sun sets and the moonlight is your only guide, it is not hard to find a mountain. Finding the entrance into the underworld is a different matter. You follow the irregular rock wall. Theora flies above you, searching for a sign that you have found the right location.

  It is the echoing sound of your footsteps that betrays the hidden entrance. You can hear them echoing as if they are inside the mountain.

  “Something is concealing an entrance,” you say. “I can hear it! Listen!”

  You toss a stone and the clattering sound echoes nearby as if the sound is reverberating in a tunnel shaft. You approach your best guess for the location of the sound. Feeling on the rock face, you suddenly plunge into a void that appears to be solid rock.

  Before you can even shout, you find yourself sliding down a steep tunnel. Theora calls out, her voice echoing farther and farther behind you as you skid down to a rocky chamber. The moment you enter this room, groaning from some rough bumps, several torches burst into flames. The room is rough hewn through rock. Someone or something powerful has created this place.

  “There you are,” cries Theora with relief, skidding into the room behind you. “I thought I had lost you to some sort of trap.”

  You glance at her, but your attention is drawn to the huge door of burned black iron that stands against the far wall of the room. Walking slowly towards it, you can hear a faint rumble through the metal. Heat radiates from the door.

  “This is it,” you say and reach out a hand to the door’s pull ring.

  “Wait,” says Theora, moving to your side. She puts her hands on your shoulders. “Just wait, Lucas.”

  “Why?” You release the ring with a clang and look at the angel. “My mother and sister are down there. We have braved the most dangerous place known to man to reach this door. Why stop now?”

  “Because,” says Theora, her brow furrowing. “Because… I cannot let you through that door. Stop. Stop here. I… there are things you do not understand.”

  “Now you speak madness,” you say, anger flashing. “We are here, Theora. It is too late for this.”

  She cries out as you turn back and pull the iron door open with both hands. For a moment, you think you are not strong enough to open the door. Then its hinges given a terrible screech and the massive door begins to swing open, shedding flakes of ancient iron. The door swings faster and faster until it open the last few feet and slams into the wall with a resounding clang.

  Beyond the doorway stands a curtain of red velvet. You touch it with your fingertips and it ripples like a cloth floating on the surface of a body of water. Or oil. Like a cloth floating atop oil. The inherent wrongness of this sensation makes your guts twist with fear. Your heart pounds in your chest and you try to take a deep breath to steady yourself.

  “Lucas,” whispers Theora.

  Turning back to look at her saves you from being blinded by the flash of golden-white light that explodes between you and curtain. You are knocked back, tumbling past Theora and landing awkwardly on the stone floor.

  You manage to turn over quickly and sit up. Standing blocking the strange red curtain is the goddess herself. Veleda is beautiful, as always, but her eyes glow with golden fury and a holy fire seems to wreath her entire body. Her hair swirls around her head in the radiance that burns from her divine image.

  “Veleda!” You cry.

  The goddess ignores you and you are almost grateful as she casts her wrathful gaze upon Theora.

  “It is time,” says Veleda, her voice so powerful that it tears at your mind.

  “N-no,” says Theora, holding her hands over her heart. “No, my goddess, please. I cannot do this.”

  “W-what?” You stammer, seeing the fear on Theora’s face. “What is this?”

  “It. Is. Time.” The voice of the goddess booms through the room, sending flakes shivering from the iron door and causing several of the torches to sputter and go out.

  “I cannot!” Theora cries.

  Veleda’s hand reaches out towards you and you feel a tug at your waist. The Holy Sword of Veleda flies from its sheath and into Veleda’s hand. The pink crystal in the hilt grows so brightly it is almost painful to look upon. The goddess glides towards Theora, who trembles with fear.

  “Strike him down,” says Veleda, holding the sword out to Theora.

  “I will not do it,” whimpers the angel, looking as if she might fall to her knees.

  “He will not do what must be done,” says Veleda, her voice booming with contempt that does send you to your knees. You cry out in anguish. She continues, “He is weak and of her flesh. It will cause him to succumb like all of mortal blood. Take his strength and pass through the gate.”

  “Theora,” you croak. “Please, I don’t know what this is about. I—“

  Theora moves with sudden determination, taking the sword from Veleda’s grasp and stalking towards you. Tears spill down her cheeks. You cringe, imagining her swinging the blade down to take off your head. Instead, she reverses her grip on the sword and holds it out to you.

  “Take it,” she hisses, tears dripping from her chin. “Take it and go, Lucas. Now!”

  . You take the sword and sheath it on your belt. Theora pulls you to your feet and shoves you towards the door.

  “No!” Veleda roars with rage, causing you to stumble and nearly collapse again. You stagger towards the door, but cast a glance at the goddess and alm
ost scream at the horror of her visage. Her body glows with crimson fury, her eyes red and her mouth open to reveal fangs. She appears demonic, her hands clawed and her flesh aflame.

  Theora steps between you and the goddess.

  “Strike him down, Theora,” snarls Veleda. “Claim his soul with that sword and fulfill your duty.”

  “Every action I have undertaken in your name has made this world and its suffering worse,” cries Theora. “I am done performing evil in the name of good!”

  “You insolent little harlot,” roars Veleda. “You cannot understand good. You do not know the suffering weakness will cause. Your sympathy for the mortal will not save him.”

  “Not sympathy,” says Theora, wiping her tears and facing the goddess. “Love.”

  Veleda howls with rage and you stumble towards the scarlet curtain, glancing back as the goddess takes hold of Theora’s wings. The feathers combust and with a sickening crunch and rip, Veleda tears Theora’s angelic wings from her back. Blood gushes from the wounds and Theora howls with agony.

  “Go!” Theora cries, looking at you, her face contorted in pain. “Go, Lucas! Go!!”

  “I made you in my image,” screams Veleda. “But you are not divine, so you shall be mortal! You will live out your days on earth! Wallow in the misery of these pitiful creatures!”

  A gesture from Veleda flings Theora head over heels through the air and up to the tunnel towards the entrance in the mountain. You hear your companion’s agonized scream receding into the distance.

  The goddess turn her attention to you, her demonic image seeming to ripple with glee.

  “Now, as for you—“

  You swing the holy sword at Veleda with a desperate cry of anger and betrayal. The blade strikes what would be the goddess’s breast. She explodes as easily as a bubble filled with glittering dust that sparkles as it falls to the floor. For a moment, you think you might have captured her in the sword like all of the monster girls you have defeated. Then her image reforms several paces away, beautiful for a moment and then instantly more terrible and angry than ever before.


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