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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

Page 122

by Amanda Clover

  Bolstered by Theora’s words, you set off for the jungle. You reach the wall of massive trees and find that there are gaps between the tangles of barbed vines that you could not see from a distance. Still, the jungle is dense, and thorns tear at your clothes. You draw your sword and cut your way through the thickest foliage. It is exhausting work in the heat and even Theora’s face becomes red and her golden hair heavy with the sweat and humidity. Strange, huge insects bite at your arms and try to crawl up your trousers. You are constantly swatting them away from your neck.

  “There,” says Theora, pointing out an archway formed by the interwoven lower branches of two nearby trees. The foliage thinned beneath the seemingly natural embrace of the two trees. As you approach, Theora points out a set of small footprints. “Goblin tracks.”

  “So if we go that way, there will be goblins?” You say.

  “Possibly,” she says. “Or whatever eats goblins.”

  “Is there another way?” You ask, not really wanting to find out firsthand what might snack on a goblin.

  “Listen,” said Theora, closing her eyes.

  You quiet your heavy breathing and listen to the overlapping noises of the jungle. Rustling cycads, croaking amphibians, the buzz of swarms of insects, the calls of birds and tree-dwelling primates, and… yes… there.

  “A river,” you say.

  “Yes,” she says. “We could follow it to the mountains. It will be difficult going, no telling what we might encounter.”

  “Or we take the path and get ambushed by goblins,” you say grimly.

  The prospect of finding a river flowing through the jungle and then following it, fighting your way through the undergrowth, not to mention what might come out of the river, hardly seems appealing. Goblins jumping on you from the trees does not seem very pleasant either.

  “Which path should we take?” Theora asks, looking at you expectantly, her beautiful face dewy with sweat.

  Which way do you go?

  Follow the jungle path

  Follow the river through the jungle

  Drink the blue milk potion

  If Lady Rachelle is the demonic peak of femininity, you must become the ravenous masculine ideal to overcome her! You dodge another lash of her lewd tail. You reach into the pouch on your hip and retrieve the bottle containing the blue potion. You flip the stopper off it and, ignoring the instructions given to you by Gretchen, you quaff the entire potion. It is a much larger amount of one of her elixirs than you have ever taken before.

  “What was that?” The Succubus Queen laughs. “One of your silly potions given to you by that big-breasted heifer? That will not save you now, Lucas.”

  The change begins almost instantly. You feel the hot, sweet liquid burning its way down your throat. It reaches your belly and seems to spread, sending tendrils of heat through your flesh. Your muscles begin to swell, your body growing larger and more broad-shouldered. Your neck and shoulders bulge with muscles, your chest rips open your tunic, and even your legs swell so much that they rip the legs of your trousers.

  “Oh my,” says the Succubus Queen, raising an eyebrow as she observes your masculine transformation.

  Your cock swells, lengthen, stiffens, and finally tears through your trousers. It is as big as you forearm, bulging with veins, your bollocks the size of apples in your huge sack. Your grotesquely massive cock sways as you take a step towards the succubus. You don’t just want to fuck her, you want to pound her into jelly with your massive cock.

  “Come here, demon,” you growl in a deep voice that is barely your own.

  “Oh, with pleasure my hulking young hero,” giggles Rachelle. She sheds her armored lingerie like a flower dropping petals after a frost. Your lust surges at the sight of her ample body. Her breasts are enormous, incredibly perky, and capped with wide areolas and the thick nipples of a nursing mother. Her waist is slender, but her hips are incredibly wide, drawing your attention to her blushing, lust-slick cunt.

  She saunters towards you, hips sway, breasts jiggling, and a fearless lust burning in her violet eyes. You leap at her, tackling her to the ground and savaging her with a forceful kiss. She laughs against your lips as you roughly for her plump thighs apart, the sensitive head of your cock rubbing against the hot, slippery furrow of her cunt. She tries to embrace you, but you snarl and grab her wrists, pinning them above her head with one hand. You kiss her neck and her heaving, jiggling breasts, slurping at her thick nipples and leaving them glistening with your drool. You smack her mounds, growling and watching them wobble, you oversized hands leaving red marks on her tender flesh.

  “Oh, you’re so rough,” moans Rachelle, crying out with each smack and rocking her hips to rub her steamy cunt against the underside of your massive cock. “I like it rough!”

  “You like it rough? Well, I’ll give it to you rough then,” you laugh, grabbing hold of your cock and slamming it down to the root into the hot, slick channel of her pussy. You drive until you can feel her walls reluctant against your tip and your huge bollocks mashed against her ass.

  “Yessss! Fuck me with that horse cock!” Lady Rachelle arches her back, offering her cunt up to you as you slam your hardness into her clutching tunnel. The pleasure is incredible as her walls ripple around you and her whole body jiggles and shakes with every mighty thrust.

  “Not a beast,” you snarl, sounding like one. “A man! To fuck your demon cunt!”

  “Yes! A big, strapping man!” Rachelle wails. “Pinning me to the ground and fucking me so hard! AAhhhhhhh! Cum with me!”

  You roar with savage lust, pounding your huge cock into her distended abdomen, plunging into her with such force that her breasts slap against her chin with each thrust. She wails, arching hard, her pussy clenching tightly and rhythmically around your thrusting manhood. Your roar grows even louder as your pleasure surges, your huge balls tightening and your cum bursting from your massive cockhead. Your seed pours into her stretched pussy, the orgasm intense and driven to greater heights by a powerful throbbing in your core.

  “Yesssss! Give it all to me!” Rachelle cries, her eyes open and staring into yours. You see the glow in those violet eyes and you know she is draining your essence. Not just feeding, but devouring you.

  “N-no,” you growl, trying to pull back. Your body moves as if of its own volition, thrusting into her in a frenzy, another orgasm surging through you and more of your cum pumping into her rippling pussy. You stroke again and again, your breath ragged, sweat falling from your muscular chest and dripping against her splashing tits. You weaken, losing your grip on her wrists. She pulls them free and braces your shoulders, helping you stay upright. Your hips continue to move, her sucking cunt devouring your cock.

  “Yes, every drop, Lucas,” she moans. “I need it all!”

  Her legs wrap around you, pulling your massive cock somehow even deeper into her core. It is as if her demonic pussy is sucking you, slurping and draining your life and your cum. You let out a strangled cry and cum again, gushing into her, darkness closing in all around you.

  “No,” you moan. “Noooooo…”

  Your croaking voice trails off as the darkness washes over you. That hungry darkness welcomes you as you fall, forever, into the depths of the Succubus Queen.

  You have been devoured by Lady Rachelle. There will be no rescue by Veleda. No last minute chance of escape. Your adventure is at an end.


  En Route to the Heavens

  The palace seems empty without your harem of monster girl companions. Theora was thrown into the world by Veleda. By your command, Hina sent the other monster girls and your mother and sister back into the world to escape the judgment of Veleda. Only you and the palace’s caretaker, Hina, remain behind to possibly face the angry goddess.

  The sunset pink light filtering through the windows of the castle flickers like the flame of a guttering candle. Trickles of mortar dust spill from the ceiling. A wave of force ripples over you and you stumble into Hina’s arms. The lovely
golem girl smiles at you.

  “Master, you must decide,” she says, a hint of urgency disrupting her usual calm. “You have only seconds before we are in the possession of Veleda. Once she holds the sword, I will be powerless to assist you. She will be my new master.”

  “W-what are my choices again?” Your insides feel as if you are in a wagon that has broken loose from its horses and is racing down a steep hill.

  “I have enough power to set you back to your home with the others,” says Hina. “If you go now you might be able to find one of them again if that is what you seek. You will not have a thousand lives nor the power of the sword, but you will have all the courage that was always within you, Lucas.”

  “What if I do not want to go back?” You cry.

  “I can create a place for you to remain within the crystal. It will be a duplicate of this palace and I will detach several golems to assist you. Food, drink, and pleasure will be plentiful, but you will never be able to leave.” Hina caresses your face, her glassy blue eyes looking into you. “But we will have each other, master.”

  “And what of Veleda?” You look into Hina’s eyes, holding her slender body against you.

  “She will never find you there,” says Hina. “And she will not know to ask where you are within the sword. However, if you do not act quickly, we will arrive in her realm. You will have no choice but to face the goddess.”

  “Will she punish me?” You ask.

  “I cannot know the mind of a goddess,” says Hina, “but I know her past deeds. Those who have crossed her or betrayed her, even for good reasons, are usually punished in terrible ways. Torn limb from limb, flayed down to their bones, dissolved in a whirlwind of acid, eaten alive by--”

  “Right, I understand,” you say. “A grisly fate.”

  You have knelt before the giant goddess more than once. You have faced her contempt and wilted. You can only imagine facing her fury instead. Would it be bravery or foolishness to confront her? Do you want to be eaten alive by whatever Hina was about to say?

  A rumble shakes the palace, tumbling alabaster bricks loose that smash like cannon shots onto the floor and burst apart. One of these lands close enough to shower you with dust and debris.

  “Master!” Hina cries. “Veleda is close! You must decide!”

  What do you do?

  Tell Hina to send you back home

  Stay with Hina in a copy of the palace

  Stay and face Veleda

  Settle down on the family farm with your mother

  You decide to stay with your mother and restore the Le Blanc farm. Genevieve stays for a few more days, helping you to buy new livestock and stock up on food in St. Ingbert. You stand before the statue of the saint in the town square. You think about all of the tales of his glory you learned in school and temple and you wonder how much of those stories were true. Did Veleda dispose of him as summarily as she probably would have disposed of you if you had given her the chance?

  “I don’t think they are going to build a statue you,” your sister chuckles, poking you in the side with her elbow.

  “What do you think happened to him?” You ask as you walk with her back to your cart laden with supplies to last you and your mother through the winter.

  “I would like to think he lived out his days on a farm somewhere, with a nice, beautiful wife and lots and lots of fat little children.”

  Genevieve gives your shoulder a squeeze as you approach the cart. You smile uncertainly and offer her a hand up onto the cart. As you are preparing to climb up yourself, you hear someone call out your name.

  “Lucaaaasss!” A woman calls out from across the market square. You look around and realize it is coming from the balcony on the second floor of the Bawdy Maiden. Your eyes widen and your cheeks redden as you realize Ella Deneva, the raven-haired beauty with the big breasts, is calling out to you from the brothel’s balcony. You try to hide your face, but it’s no use as she calls out again, “Lucas! Leave that skinny bird in the cart and come and spend some coin with me!”

  “I’ll have you know I’m his sister!” Genevieve shouts back. “And my brother does not visit brothels!”

  Your face reddens several more shades as Ella laughs at your sister’s declaration. Ella waves with a handkerchief, leaning against the balcony railing and flaunting her impressive cleavage before sauntering back into the brothel.

  “What a rude woman,” mutters your sister.

  You can’t make eye contact with her. You climb into the wagon and set off for home.

  “That woman that was waving to me?” You are miles from town when you finally work up the nerve to confess, “I know that woman. I’ve, um, visited her before.”

  “Lucas!” Your sister cries, scandalized. “You paid a woman of ill repute for…” She lowers her voice and whispers, “Sex?”

  “Yes,” you say, feeling absolutely humiliated. “Yes, I went there once or twice, to the, um, brothel.”

  “And you like that sort of woman?” You sister stares at you, her cheeks flushed as well.

  “Ella? She, um, she knew what she was doing.” Your sister quickly looks away from you, missing your ashamed grimace. “I won’t go back.”

  “What?” Genevieve seems even more shocked by you declaring you will not visit the brothel. “No, Lucas, you’ve been through so much. If you have, um, certain needs and you can afford to spend the coin, you should go and satisfy your, you know, your desires.”

  “My desires?” You say as your cock stiffens in your trousers at the memory of what you did with Ella.

  “I will never speak of this to mother,” says your sister. “She does not have to know.”

  Things return to normal between you and your sister before you arrive back home, but each time she catches your eye she seems to be smiling with the secret knowledge of your brothel habits. For your part, you are already fantasizing about next summer’s harvest, when you can pay several visits to the Bawdy Maiden. Perhaps you could even take some odd jobs in town and earn spare coin to seek pleasure with Ella Deneva.

  The next morning, Genevieve returns to the wizard’s academy in Elzeheim by means of a courier wizard. The blue-robed courier is gaunt and humorless as he waits for her to bid farewell and heft her pack onto her back. She takes the courier’s hand and with a quick incantation they vanish in a flash of rippling blue light. You witnessed this magic once before, when Genevieve left for her first semester at the wizard’s academy.

  “Now it’s just us,” says your mother, giving you a pat on the shoulder. “Let’s make a new life here.”

  You go back to work on the farm. With autumn upon you, there is little work to be done in the fields, leaving you time on most days to ride into town and seek extra work. You cook and clean at the taverns in St. Ingbert, paint houses, mend wagon wheels, and work in the smithy. By the end of the first month, you have more than enough coin for a visit to Ella at the Bawdy Maiden.

  “I knew you would visit me again,” she purrs, leading you to a small, dingy room that smells of sex. “Lay your head down on my breast, Lucas, and let’s spend some time together.”

  She opens her bodice and her plump breasts fall free, their pale magnificence marked with red lines from the bones of her corset. She pulls you to them and you breathe in her strong perfume as you kiss and lick her luscious tits. You suck on her nipples as she reaches a hand to your trousers and expertly takes out your cock.

  “Mmmmm!” You cry, your face buried in the warmth of her cleavage as she wanks you one-handed.

  “That’s it, my sweet boy,” she moans. “Suck them. Suck them while I stroke that lovely cock.”

  You maul her tits with both hands, shaping and molding them against your face as you kiss them and move back and forth between her plump pink nipples, sucking hard and making her moan with delight. Her hand never stops moving on your cock and it seems only moments before your cock is throbbing in her grasp. She quickly pulls her skirt up and away from your seed as it spurts across her crea
my thigh and against the fuzzy mound of her pussy.

  “Ooooh, you were so excited, Lucas,” she moans, wanking out every drop of your spunk. “You went off so quickly.”

  “S-sorry,” you say, shuddering with the sensitive aftershocks of your orgasm.

  “Don’t apologize, sweetie,” says Ella, stroking your face. “I tell you what, slip another three silver bits to me and I’ll let you recover, give it another go. What do you say?”

  You know you shouldn’t. You feel guilty enough with what you have already spent, but you cannot resist her voluptuous, aging beauty.

  “Right, yeah,” you say, paying her the three silvers. “Could I, um, you know…”

  “Probably, but you have to tell me, sweetie,” she chuckles, stroking your chin. “What do you want?”

  “Can I lick you until I’m hard again?” You ask, feeling a lash of humiliation as she raises an eyebrow and her smile spreads.

  “Lick a whore’s cunt?” She grins. “Not many men would ask. You know more than a few lads have been there today. I clean up after each, but...well, I wouldn’t blame ya for rethinkin’ things.”

  “I want to taste you,” you moan, feeling a surge of debased lust.

  “Well then,” she leans back and parts her shapely thighs to reveal her glistening, womanly cunt. “Taste me, Lucas.”

  You stare at the raunchy sight for a few seconds, your spent cock beginning to twitch as you watch her fat asshole clench and her fleshy cuntlips ooze with her nectar. She reaches up and grabs your head, saying, “If you’re going to lick me then get to it.”

  You moan with lust as she pushes your face down to her cunt. You breathe in the musk of her sex, sweat, and perfume mingling from her cunt to her wrinkled asshole. You lick her eagerly, tasting the faintly salty sweetness of her pussy up to her fat clit. You tongue her ample bud and she coos with pleasure, thrusting her swampy cunt against your face. You revel in the act of pleasuring this womanly whore. Ella is a goddess to you as you tongue her velvet asshole and her slippery cuntlips. She moans and fucks against your face, using you for her pleasure.


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