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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

Page 129

by Amanda Clover

  You land with a crash, smashing a bush of some sort and rolling into a tangle of flowering vines. You pluck several thorns from your arms and legs and get to your feet, beating the heaviest of the dirt from your clothes.

  The ancient, massive jungle stands before you. A variety of fates await you depending on the path and person you choose. You want to avoid the goblins and their ilk without your monster girls to help you. You might find a monster girl lurking in the river or one in the flowery garden. Or you could return to the mountain that turns red at sunset and try to find the entrance to the underworld once again. Could the Succubus Queen really be there?

  Who do you look for in jungle?

  Seek out a monster girl in the river

  Search the flowery garden for monster girls

  Search for the Succubus Queen

  Refuse and threaten him for Yasmeen’s location

  You smile at Toad and stomp heavily on the potion in the sand at your feet. The glass bottle cracks and the pink milk potion loses its glow as it soaks into the sand. The guards murmur and tense. Toad sits forward in his throne, anger contorting his reptilian features.

  “How dare you refuse my offer!” He croaks with anger. “You are a fool—“

  “Be quiet!” You shout at the crime lord, making his guards bristle. “Do you think I’m afraid of you and these guards? I have defeated Yasmeen. I have been to Saturana and to the underworld where I defeated the Succubus Queen. You are no threat to me, Toad.”

  You speak his name with utter contempt. His guards start towards you, their weapons drawn. You continue to stare down Toad and he suddenly lets out a croak and holds up a hand to stop his men.

  “You know, boy, I like you,” croaks Toad. “Taking down Yasmeen and destroying Kazadar has made me very wealthy. Very well, I will repay you for your kindness. What is you want?”

  “Where is Yasmeen now?” You demand, stepping towards Toad.

  “I’ve word that a snake girl fell from the sky in Mubarrah,” said Toad. “It is not far from Vorokesh, just within the boundary of the Sea of Sand. Yartaugh! Bring me a map of the sands!”

  One of Toad’s men scurries off and returns with a large map. He unrolls it on the floor at Toad’s feet and the reptile point with a clawed toe.

  “There is Mubarrah,” he says, scraping his toenail against the map’s parchment. “Three day’s ride and near the red rock wall. Not the deep erg. It will be a reasonably safe journey for a solitary man. Particularly a man like you.”

  To your surprise, Toad provides you with a sand shuffler to ride and enough water and food for three days. One of his animal tenders even gives you a cloak of light brown cloth that will help you during the merciless heat of the daylight hours. The man advises, “Travel mostly by night and stay clear of any water you encounter. It is mating season for the sarodiles. They would make short work of you and your shuffler.”

  You set off in the evening, following the setting sun into the trackless wasteland of the Sea of Sand. You encounter few travelers on your journey and avoid dust storms and a slow-moving river that would seem to be sarodile-infested. Traveling through the shifting sands day after day is mind-numbing. You lose track of time and would lose your sense of direction were it not for the indefatigable sand shuffler continuing in one direction.

  It is morning and you have spent a third night journeying when you see the dark shape of buildings and the faint glow of morning fires on the horizon. Mubarrah is much smaller than Vorokesh, a scattering of sandstone hovels and sun-bleached yurts erected around an ancient temple of strikingly white stone. This edifice seems perfect from a distance, but as you approach the village you realize it is a ruin and only a single remaining tower of what was once a great castle of white stone.

  You are met at the gates of the village by several hard-faced men with swords. They do not ask your business, they simply confiscate your sand shuffler and drag you towards the ancient castle tower. You hear Yasmeen’s hissing laugh before you see her. You are dragged into a chamber that might once have been a dining hall. The roof is cracked, allowing shafts of light to illuminate the cool, dark interior.

  Yasmeen is as beautiful and terrifying as you remember, rising high above the humans in the chamber on her coiled, rusty-red serpentine lower body. Her human body is clad in a tight-fitting bodice of white and gold silk that clings to her immense breasts. She sees you being brought into the room and her lips curl into a smile of delight.

  “Found this one wandering outside the gates,” says one of the men who grabbed you.

  “Lucas Le Blanc!” Yasmeen hisses and slithers out of her coil with disconcerting speed. In a moment, she has you scooped into her arms, swinging her tail and shoving aside her men carelessly. She looks at them over her shoulder and commands, “Leave us!”

  The men quickly file out as Yasmeen returns to her perch and deposits you atop her coils. She cradles your head and shoulders in one oversized hand, holding you almost like a child beneath her gently heaving breasts. Her size makes you feel like a child.

  “Why did you seek me out?” She hisses.

  “I know we did not have long together,” you say, trying not to stare at her luscious breasts, “but I could not stop thinking about you, Yasmeen. Your beauty, your strength, and your intelligence. I craved it and could not stay away.”

  “Oh, Lucas,” she hisses, pulling you against her breasts and kissing you.

  Kissing a woman twice as big as you is a bit disconcerting, as if her jaw might unhinge and swallow you whole at any moment, but her nimble tongue and passionate kiss soon make you forget your worries. Your cock stiffens in your trousers as she cradles you and kisses you.

  “I’m so glad you came to me,” she hisses against your lips. “These others are so boring. They obey me, of course, but they have nothing in your skulls and have pointless lives. You are interesting. You will be good company.”

  “I want to stay,” you say. “I have nowhere I would rather be.”

  She giggles as she hooks a finger into the front of your trousers, pulling them down and causing your hard cock to spring free.

  “Yes, I see you want to be here,” she laughs. “Well, since you are off the menu for my breakfast, perhaps I will have a taste of something else.”

  “What? Ohhhh…” Your words trail off as she wraps you tightly in her coils and lifts you up. Her mouth easily engulfs your cock and her snakelike tongue coils around your shaft. The warm wetness of her mouth is incredible and when she sucks it feels as if your cock might dissolve like candy upon her tongue and disappear down her gullet. Her big eyes gaze up at the agonizing pleasure on your face as she sucks with rhythmic pulses, your entire cock buried in her mouth.

  “Oh, we mustn’t forget your little sack,” she giggles, opening her mouth wider and easily taking your tightening bollocks into the warm wetness of her mouth.

  “Yasmeen,” you moan. “Ohhhhhh, gods, that is good.”

  “Mmmmhmmm,” she agrees, not even bobbing her mouth, but using her tongue and alternating suction to provide intense, slippery stimulation. Your muscles tense and your pleasure builds inside the sucking vice of Yasmeen’s luscious mouth.

  “Ahhhhhh!” You cry, thrusting your hips and fucking into her mouth. “Oh, Yasmeen, I’m going to cum!”

  “Mmmmmm!” She looks up at you with her snakelike eyes, sucking relentlessly on your cock and clenching balls. You thrust into that incredible mouth and explode, your cum spurting across her fluttering tongue and down her throat in an instant. She swallows again and again, draining your load with ease.

  “Oh, gods,” you moan as she pulls you away and your still-stiff cock slides from her mouth.

  “What a delicious snack,” she hisses. “Relax, Lucas. I would never eat you alive. You will stay here with me as my…adviser. We will have so much fun together.”

  “Yes, Yasmeen,” you pant, still recovering from your intense orgasm. “Yes, I will never leave your side.”

  She coils her
lower body once more and settles you atop her coils, cradling your head against her huge breasts. You smile up at her, marveling at her giant beauty. It’s exactly where you want to be.


  Drink the potion and become Toad’s slave girl

  You lean down and pick up the potion. All eyes in the throne room focus on you. Even Toad sits forward in his throne, his gaze fixed excitedly on you.

  “Yesss,” he croaks as you pop the stopper from the potion.

  You know it is madness, but you cannot stop yourself. You press the rim of the potion to your lips and let the thick, sweet liquid flow into your mouth. You gulp it down, surprised by the syrupy sweetness of it and the tackiness in your throat as you swallow several times to drain the entire bottle.

  “Oh, Lucas,” croaks Toad. “You have made a very wise decision.”

  The words come to you as if from a great distance, for in that moment you are driven to your knees as heat and pain blooms within your belly. It spreads quickly through your chest and down to your cock. You feel your manhood beginning to retreat and invert. The sensation makes you want to scream, but your face, your shoulders, your chest, and almost every other part of you is changing simultaneously. You realize at once that this potion is much more potent than any Gretchen ever gave you.

  Your muscles go slack and your chest begins to swell. Huge breasts strain your tunic to burst with newly thick and sensitive nipples jutting beneath the taut fabric. Your waist grows more slender, but your hips widen and your ass becomes round and plush. Your face feminizes, with more delicate features and fuller lips. Your eyes even change and your hair, though still short, becomes fuller-bodied.

  “Look at her,” you hear one of the guards muttering. Through your new eyes you see that all of the men and Toad are staring at you with fresh lust. As realization hits you that you have become an object of lust for them, you feel your cock complete its transformation into a complete female reproductive system. Your ovaries throb inside you and your pussy trembles with newly feminine desire.

  “Lucas has become Lucia,” croaks toad, sliding heavily from the throne and onto his thick, muscular legs. Your breasts heave with your excitement and you moan at the sensation of your moisture gathering at your sensitive cuntlips. Toad looms over you, a grotesque green bulk, licking his lips as he gazes down at your voluptuous body bursting from your male clothing.

  You stare up at him, feeling a submissive thrill as you realize you are looking at your new master. His bulging eyes blink grotesquely and he runs his fat tongue over his lips again.

  “That potion,” he croaks, “was a permanent transformation potion. If you thought you could spend a single night of pleasure as a girl, you are mistaken.”

  “Permanent?” You gasp, looking down at your soft breasts and hefting them in your hands. “This is what I’ll be…forever?”

  “That is the meaning of the word,” croaks Toad with amusement. “Silly pleasure saves always become so stupid. Now, you are my pleasure slave. So prove your worth to me or I’ll sell you in one of the slave markets.”

  The thought of being sold to a stranger at a Vorokesh slave market sends a lash of fear through your body. It meets with the simmering desire to pleasure your new master, regal and plump, who towers above you in his reptilian magnificence.

  “Oh, yes, master,” you moan, stroking the trunks of his scaly legs to his smooth abdomen just beneath his belly. A slit opens in the scales of his groin and a thick, glistening pink wedge slides out from inside his body. Any natural revulsion you might feel is gone as you take hold of Toad’s fat cock with both hands and fall upon it with a perverse eagerness. You lick his salty-sour flesh, lapping at his slit and eliciting a croaking chortle from the bloated crime boss.

  “So eager,” croaks Toad. “I think you wanted this all along.”

  “Mmmmmmm!” You answer him, his cock stretching your soft lips.

  You tear open your tunic, freeing your plump breasts so that your master can see them as you worship his reptilian fuckmeat with your hands and mouth. He rests a big, possessive hand on your head, coaxing you to lick him and slurp wantonly at the slimy head of his cock. You wriggle out of your trousers, exposing your body to him fully. He leans over you, smacking your round, plush rear as you gurgle and slurp on his monstrous cock.

  This is it! The place you belonged all this time! On your knees, pleasuring a superior cock! A slave girl for the rest of your life!

  Toad croaks with pleasure, his throat inflating as you bob and slurp eagerly on his swelling maleness. You can taste that he is close in the sweet trickle of his precum. You want it, to taste it and swallow it, to bathe in his bestial cum. You’ve never wanted anything more and you suck him relentlessly. You hear some of the guards muttering in disbelief at your shameless display of submissive lust. You don’t care about them, only your master matters now.

  With a triumphant croak of pleasure that echoes in the throne room, Toad explodes into your mouth. His heavy spurts of cum gush out faster than you can swallow his delicious spunk, quickly overflowing your mouth and even dripping out of your nose. You don’t care about the discomfort, you suck him gratefully, drinking his thick cum even as it drips down your face and chin and splatters your heaving breasts.

  “You will be my concubine,” croaks Toad, pulling you off his cock. You gasp, catching your breath, licking his cum from your lips. All you can say is, “Yes, master.”

  You have willingly given up your male body and surrendered to Toad. You are owned by him now; his perfect, horny slave slut.


  Stay and face Veleda

  “I will face Veleda,” you say to Hina, holding her tight in your arms. “Someone must confront her for her misdeeds.”

  “Very well, master,” says Hina. “I hope you are not…”

  Her eyes flash and go dark. She slumps in your arms. The sensation of moving abruptly stops. The palace goes completely dark.

  “Hello?” You call out, your voice echoing in the darkness. “Veleda? Are you there?”

  You ease the limp doll of Hina down to the floor and call out, “Veleda! Show yourself!”

  With a terrible rending sounding, the sky is peeled open to reveal a golden light, and a glowing hand reaches into the darkness and takes hold of you. It draws you up into the sky. With a sickening lurch, you pass through the membrane of the crystal’s reality and into the golden temple of Veleda. The goddess tosses you to the floor at her feet with disgust. She stands over you, ten times your size and with a scowl of contempt on her otherwise beauteous face.

  “Where are they?” She demands, her voice rolling over you with the force of thunder.

  “Who?” You ask, resisting the compulsion to wail and grovel. You push yourself into a sitting position and then manage to clamber to your feet. “They are all gone, Veleda. Even the Succubus Queen. I sent them away.”

  “Fool,” sneers Veleda. “I will find another hero to carry the sword. He will accomplish what you have failed.”

  “You killed my father,” you say. “You betrayed Theora and tricked me!”

  “Yes, well, certain compromises had to be made.” Veleda scoops you up in her hand, her fingers wrapping around your body and holding you tightly against her palm. “Such as my choice of hero. You were hardly the sort of man I would normally choose. You are weak-willed and weak-bodied. Though I suppose Theora did shape you into a vague resemblance to a hero.”

  “Face me,” you cry, your arms pinned at your side. “You are coward. You lord your power over humanity and toy with us through your angels. Face me in battle.”

  “Battle?” Veleda laughs. “A man would no more battle an ant. But you have taken the trouble to come to see me in my realm, speaking insolently to my face. Few humans would have the bravery to confront me.”

  Her fingers tighten around you, crushing your arms painfully against your sides and making it difficult to draw air into your lungs. Your face reddens with trapped blood.

  “Th-Theora taught me this,” you gasp. “She showed me how to be brave.”

  “And look at her now,” laughs Veleda. “Her wings torn from her back, living with the humans as a mortal. She will grow old and die. But you, Lucas, will not.”

  With a squeeze of her giant fist, you feel the blood rushing painfully to your head. You hear bones breaking, the pressure building to agony, and suddenly a pop and everything goes dark.

  Veleda tosses aside the smashed remains of the boy she called the Hero with One Thousand Lives. His last life has obviously been wasted as he is nothing but a bloody smear on the floor of her palace. She laughs and walks away, her attention already on other, more important matters.


  Stay with Hina in a copy of the palace

  The thoughts of never seeing this glorious palace or your beloved golem companions again are too much to bear. You will forego all other romance, all other possible lives, and remain here with Hina, luxuriating forever in a hidden palace.

  “I want to stay with you,” you say, taken the hands of the golem girl and looking into her glassy blue eyes.

  “You will never be able to leave here, master,” she warns. “This cannot be revoked.”

  “I understand,” you say, tears welling in your eyes. “Quickly now, Hina, before we arrive in Veleda’s realm.”

  There is a sudden flash of pink light and a sensation as if you are falling. Although you seem to plunge a great distance, Hina’s hands never release you. The pink light fades and you are standing in the same place in the white palace. The pink sunset sky has stabilized and the immaculate white stones are no longer shaking. A peaceful, warm breeze blows through the window.

  “Everything… is the same,” you say, looking around at the great arches and the empty halls.


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