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Emily's Passion

Page 9

by Storm, A J

  I crawled onto the bed letting him pull the covers up around my chest tucking them around my body. Alan turned off the overhead light then stumbled over to the other side of the bed getting in between the sheets. He scooted to the center of the bed pulling me against his body with my head resting on his chest. I began to trace my fingers in his hair in slow circles. Drowsiness overtook me and my circles slowed to a stop as I fought to stay awake.

  Alan drew in a deep breath whispering, “I am so glad you sought me out and I am so grateful you forgave me.” He dragged me closer as his breathing slowed down. I drifted off to sleep satisfied.

  We awoke early the next morning. When Alan crawled out of bed his cock was in dire need of attention. I could never take my eyes off that beautiful specimen of manhood and I could hear him chuckling.

  “I am going to have to relieve myself in the shower but I have no idea how long it will last. You, woman, keep me in a constant state of wood!”

  I grabbed my turn taking a quick “sponge” bath in the sink. He helped me re-braid my hair and then dug around in his suitcase for some cereal bars. Tossing me a couple of the bars along with a handkerchief to tie around my head, he grabbed his helmet from the floor, and opened the door for me. I went to change my underwear and shirt while he got the bike ready to go. After slipping into my jeans again, I stuffed my feet into my boots. I tied the handkerchief around my head, looked in the mirror, and busted out laughing. “Grannie is hell on wheels,” I shouted out loud. The revving of the engine outside was Alan’s way of telling me he was ready to go. I stepped through the doorway. One look at me and he howled!

  “You look like one badass mother!”

  “Yeah right!” I replied.

  “Little girl!” he growled.

  I winked, ducked my head, and lowered my eyes whispering I was sorry. Once perched behind him on the bike, I reached my arms under his, over and around his chest. He punched the gas and we were off.

  The ride wasn’t nearly as long this morning since it was approximately forty miles to the memorial. I was interested in everything about Indian history and culture. Crazy Horse was revered by the Lakota tribe and chosen by Native American Leaders to represent them to be a role model of selfless dedication and service to others. Regarded as a hero in his personal life, he was to his people as well.

  We spent the morning going through The Indian Museum of North America, the sculptor’s studio and home, Native American Educational and Cultural Center, and of course the Gift Shop. Alan watched me as I soaked up all of the information I could gather. He was looking at me as if I were a child with a pile of presents to open waiting to give him a big thank you hug.

  I looked over at him while he was watching me with a smile on his face that reached all the way to his eyes. Blushing bright pink, I grinned back and he grabbed me kissing the top of my head.

  “Shit, you are beautiful when you do that,” he spoke.

  After we bought a few souvenirs and left a small donation to the project itself, we headed back to the cabins. I was starving leaning over his shoulder shouting we needed to stop by the restaurant before actually going to the cabins. He always gave into my cravings. The hamburger, fries, and coke tasted like pure heaven after the cereal bars this morning. My tummy was full, satisfied and I was ready for a nap.

  Back in my cabin, I was ready to stretch out on the bed when a knock on the door stopped me. The door was unlocked since I knew it would probably be Alan wanting to do more cuddling, I hollered “Come in!”

  A folder containing papers was in his hand as he stepped into the dining/ living area giving me a hug. He ushered me to the table near the kitchenette having me sit. Handing me the folder, he explained the papers inside were a BDSM check list for hard and soft limits.

  “Read through them carefully! In the first column put a yes or no if you have had any experience with each item. The second column is for you to answer if you are interested to try the limit by indicating a level number. The levels are from zero to five with zero being a “don’t like it” to a five meaning it is a “definite turn on” for you. If you refuse to even attempt an item put No,” he explained. “Do you have any questions? Oh, and if there is something you don’t know what it is, put a question mark by it. We will go over it later!”

  I looked through the pages my eyes growing big as I looked back to his sexy face. “The thing is twelve pages long,” I complained.

  Alan sauntered towards the door smiling. “I know. That’s why I’ll give you a couple of hours then I’ll be back to talk about it with you!”

  As I read through the list my eyes became larger and larger! “What in the hell is that?” I exclaimed shaking my head. I would definitely need the whole two hours!

  Meticulously going through each item, I answered as many as I could. Half of the list I had no idea what they were. The hard part came trying to decide what level to put for my ‘maybes’. It was hard to decide whether I might want to experiment with it or not. I had no problem with the definite negatives. If I didn’t care one way or another I would put a lower level and make sure Alan discussed it with me. ‘Surely we aren’t going to try all of these in one day,’ I thought to myself.

  I finished the list in an hour and a half. “Not bad for an amateur,” I squealed strutting around the room. I stretched out on the bed and before I knew it I was asleep. Another hour and a half went by and I woke up looking directly into Alan’s eyes.

  “Hello beautiful,” he purred.

  “Hi,” I whispered. I snuggled into his arms making my own purring sounds against his chest.

  “Mmm, little girl, you’re gonna make me break my promise,” he threatened. “Oh and next time, lock your door after I leave!”

  “Yes, Sir!” I answered.

  “You make my cock harder at just the sound of your voice so willing to comply,” he groaned.

  I let out a long sigh as I breathed in his smell of musk with a hint of deodorant. It was all man smells which I loved.

  “Are you ready to go over the list?” he asked me.

  “Yeah, and may I just say ‘Holy Crap’! I have been sheltered my entire life,” I answered.

  Alan laughed at my reaction to being propelled past my comfort zone. “This will be one sub I will love pushing past many limits,” he threatened.

  “I guess what I should ask you first, is if you have decided to let me be your Dom tomorrow and let you experience a couple of scenes?” he asked.

  My eyes shined with mischief, excitement, and joy as I gazed at him with self-confidence. “Yes, Alan, I have. I must admit the list made me hesitate a bit but I trust you even though I haven’t known you long,” I responded.

  “The important thing I need you to know Emily, is when I step into the role of Dom, I take it seriously and I expect you to as well. We won’t be playing at this, it will be real and I will expect your respect,” he sternly suggested.

  “Okay,” I responded lowering my eyes.

  “And in return I promise to respect and love you as a sub. . .my sub. You can trust that everything I do will be for your benefit and to bring you pleasure. Do you trust me to take care of all of your needs?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir, I trust you,” I affirmed.

  “Good! I know the list probably scared you but I am only going to focus on two items for you to begin with. We will discuss the entire list later, once we decide where and how this is going to play out between us. Now, in a little bit I am going to take your list and study it tonight while we spend the rest of the evening apart,” he informed me intently watching my eyes. As I expected, he saw the surprise and sadness cross over my face.

  Alan continued, “The reason behind this is simple. I want you to give this deep, serious thought. I want you thinking about what you want to get out of our relationship. For me, I need to study your limits and prepare my plan of action for tomorrow. This lets me be confidently prepared and lets you wonder and fantasize about what I will be doing. It will heighten your lev
el of excitement if you have no idea what I will do. I will pick you up after breakfast to make the trip back to Sturgis and just to reassure you, my friend won’t be there. We have total use of his house and dungeon. You should wear comfortable clothing.”

  “Right now,” he added, “I want to hold you in my arms and love on you for a bit. It isn’t only you that is sad at the thought of being apart.”

  Quiet filled the room as Alan held me close. He moved a few strands of hair out of my face while I played with his moustache and lips. He closed his eyes while my fingers brushed over the hair surrounding his soft lips and let out a satisfied moan.

  “What was that moan for?” I asked.

  “If I’m not careful, I could fall for you, little girl. And that scares the shit out of me!” he replied.

  At seven o’clock Alan gave me a hard, deep, passionate kiss while running his hands up and down my entire body resting with a grip on my mound. He released my lips and trailed them over to my ear whispering, “Little girl, I can’t wait to take control of you and do things to you that will make you moan and scream my name over and over. I’m getting harder just thinking about it.” Giving me a soft kiss, he climbed off the bed pulling me with him. He scooped up the list as we edged to the door.

  “I will see you in the morning. Get a good night’s sleep.” he told me. He closed the door behind him. I reached and turned the lock which he heard and replied, “Good girl!” I heard the gravel crunch under his boots as he plodded to his cabin.

  Chapter Twelve

  I was sad I wouldn’t be seeing Alan the rest of the evening but I understood his reasoning behind it. I showered, washed my hair and blew it dry before dinner. The silky floral print dress and white sandals were my choice to wear to the restaurant. For some crazy reason I wanted to feel feminine when I went to dinner. Once again I sat alone at the back of the restaurant so I could watch the people coming and going. I knew part of the reason was so I could see Alan if he decided to show even though I knew he probably wouldn’t. I couldn’t stop wondering what he was doing or what he thought of my answers on the list. There was an awful lot of the list that I wanted nothing to do with and I hoped he wouldn’t try to talk me into them. So many of the items were just plain bizarre and scary to me. My trust in Alan was what I was hanging on to and in my heart I knew I would be fine.

  The waiter was very attentive to my needs and shamelessly pampered me. He even brought me a slice of German Chocolate Cake on the house. The attention plus the effects of the wine I was drinking had me giggling like a silly school girl. I tipped him heavily.

  After dinner, I chose to take the path in front of the cabins instead of the road behind. I would be able to see the creek running at the base of the hills and walk barefoot across the grassy lawns. Carrying my sandals in my hands, I strolled past the other cabins smiling and speaking to any who happened to be out front of their own. A chase lounge in front of my cabin looked inviting. I stretched out on it while watching the horizon over the hills looking for stars as the sky darkened. I hadn’t been this content since before Doug died. I could honestly say I was actually happy again. Doug would always be my soul mate but I knew I would now be able to love someone else again and that made me happy. My head lay back against the chair as I gazed off into the sky with a smile on my face.

  I watched the sun set from my chair as the moon and stars rose in the sky. When it became too cool I decided to go back into the cabin. Alan’s cabin was totally dark as I swept my eyes over it. A brief movement in the window caught my eye. ‘Probably just my eyes,’ I thought to myself. ‘I won’t be able to sleep tonight. I just know I won’t. I am going to worry all night long.’ Once I was inside, I locked the door behind me remembering his sullen face and words. ‘When it came to my safety, he could be such a grump,’ I thought as I chuckled. I set the alarm on my phone to wake me in the morning. T-shirt and black boxers were lying on the bed so I slipped off the dress, put them on, and climbed into bed with my e-reader. If I couldn’t sleep then I sure as hell could read until I passed out.

  Startled, I woke when the alarm went off at five thirty. I didn’t even remember being sleepy. Actually, I didn’t even remember reading. Throwing back the covers, I ran to the toilet first thing. At my age, I never ignored the call of the Urge as I liked to call it. My morning routine usually consisted of a warm leisurely shower, shaving all appropriate areas, washing and drying my hair, brushing my teeth, and applying make-up. This morning I would have to race through everything, however, washing my hair was out. I did that the day before and it was still good to go. The more I could occupy my mind, the less I would be able to worry about the rest of the day. Not knowing what to expect, I didn’t have a clue how to prepare mentally for this. Hopefully I could make time to sneak down to the restaurant for a muffin and some juice. My stomach was in knots.

  After applying my mascara, the last of my make-up, I shoved my legs into my jeans shaking my hips to scoot down into them. I threw on a black polo style shirt and shoved my feet into my boots.

  Sticking my head out the back door, I looked around. There was no movement coming from Alan’s cabin and his bike was just as he left it last night. It was a perfect time for me to slip down to the restaurant and grab a muffin. So I did.

  When I paced back to my cabin, off in the distance I could see Alan leaning against his bike with his arms folded across his chest. He looked like sex, raw and tasty. ‘Dear God in Heaven,’ I thought to myself, ‘he’s wearing black leather pants that show off his crotch and ass!’ I could already feel my heart pounding and warmth spreading over my body. His face was unreadable as I approached him. This was it, the day I had waited all week for. There would be no turning back now!

  Alan stood up straight as he watched me approach taking a bite from my muffin. A smile played with the corner of his mouth as he watched my fearful face anticipating the unknown. The wind was lightly playing with my hair making it billow around my body in waves.

  “Morning, little girl. You’re making my pulse race and dick get hard with those snug fitting jeans and damn boots,” he teased.

  “These jeans? They make my butt and thighs look fat,” I snapped.

  “I don’t want to hear it. Yeah, you carry a little extra weight on your body but it is all in wonderfully pleasing places. I love your curves. They’re perfect for holding and grabbing your ass. It arouses me to say the least,” he smirked at the same time he winked at me.

  His eyes drank in my face as I strolled up to him taking the last bite of muffin. I grinned as I stuffed it into my mouth and he watched as the grin crinkled my eyes and lit them up from the inside.

  “Damn, I am in deep here,” he teased as he shook his head. “Are you still interested in what we are about to do?” he asked as if searching my face for any hint of change.

  I looked back into his eyes answering boldly, “Yes, Sir. I am ready and willing.”

  “Brave little girl,” he mumbled.

  “Then, little girl, let’s ride,” he ordered.

  I climbed on the back wrapping my arms and body around his, enveloping his ass with my thighs. I loved snuggling against him on the bike. Before he drove off, I removed a scrunchie out of my jeans and tied my hair back in a ponytail.

  He revved the engine and sped off down the road heading toward Sturgis. He told me it would take a little over an hour to reach the house, which should put us there no later than ten thirty in the morning. He reported his friend assured him the fridge was stocked with beer and food and the dungeon was stocked with bottled water. My body felt warm and excited as I draped myself around him making him let out a sigh. He pressed against me grabbing hold of my hands with one of his giving them a squeeze.

  The time crawled by for me. I wasn’t sure if I wanted it to go any faster fearing what would happen but as soon as the thought hit me, we were turning onto a dirt road heading the opposite direction of Sturgis. We wound around curves, through dense trees until they turned into the drive for a hug
e log and brick house. It was two stories nestled back into the trees with large floor to ceiling windows covering the front. I thought to myself the view from those windows must be spectacular. The garage was off to one end of the house, totally underground. Alan drove into it and parked waiting for me to climb down. He then got off the bike grabbing a bag out of the saddle bag.

  I wrinkled my eyes at him stating, “I didn’t think we were staying overnight!”

  “We’re not, it’s not that kind of bag," he chuckled. He ran his hand over the top of the door casing until he found the key to the back door. Unlocking it, we stepped into a huge, dimly lit game room or at least that was what I thought it was.

  Alan turned up the lighting and gave me freedom to walk around and inspect everything.

  I was shocked at what I saw. There was no pool table, no Ping-Pong table, and no card game table. There was only strange shaped wooden furniture, some with padding and some without. A long table was in the center of the room which looked an awful lot like the one at my gynecologist’s office, feet rests and all. A wooden cross in the shape of an X was off to the far side of the table attached to the wall. It had chains coming off each of the four ends of the cross pieces with cuffs attached to each one which I guessed was for hands and ankles. On the other side of the table was a piece of furniture that I recognized as a spanking bench. At the very far left end of the room was a huge four poster bed with leather straps attached to cuffs on each poster. Covered with lots of big fluffy pillows, a plush black velvet comforter draped the bed. I looked around at the walls made from waxed split logs beautifully polished. The opposite wall from the bed contained whips, floggers, paddles, riding crops, and canes of all shapes and sizes. Below them were cabinets with drawers of various sizes. I opened one of them and quickly slammed it shut! Butt plugs of every size and shape were pristinely lined up in it. No way was I about to snoop through the rest of them. I turned wide eyes back to Alan who was leaning against the gyno table with arms and ankles crossed grinning at me like a Cheshire Cat.


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