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Emily's Passion

Page 12

by Storm, A J

  Flipping me onto my back, Alan peered into my face brushing his lips over mine continuing to harden the kiss with each pass of his lips. He finally pressed firmly against my mouth stroking my tongue with his, demanding that I give back willingly. Fire flamed my body as I pressed my thighs against his seeking what I wanted most.

  My hands roamed over his face, head, and neck down to the buttons on his shirt almost ripping them open. I helped slip his arms out of his sleeves as we remained locked in the kiss. His chest was muscled with a light dusting of hair which I played with, circling his nipples. His nipples pebbled at my touch and a chuckle came from his throat. I slowly traced my way down to his ‘happy trail’ teasing and circling just above his jeans. The button of his fly was being difficult but I finally reached his zipper pulling it down. It became evident Alan was commando once the zipper was open and free. I stroked him with soft, feathery touches with my fingers watching his cock twitch as I did. It was hard as steel but felt velvety soft as I passed my fingertips over and under the rim of the tip. His cock jerked and he let out a deep groan as he roused himself up on his hands.

  “Strip, little girl. Now!” he commanded.

  “Yes, Sir,” I replied and quickly began to unzip my own jeans. I worked them down my hips as I raised my butt up off the bed. He helped me by pulling my boots off as he worked on his own finally pulling his jeans off.

  Yanking the T-shirt over my head, he shoved me back onto the bed.

  “I want to taste you now,” he demanded. “I’m going to stick my tongue into your pussy and drink your very tasty honey.”

  I moaned at his words, feeling the luscious ache deep inside my pussy. I wanted him! I wanted his cock buried deep inside me sliding out and slamming back in. The feeling of pleasure he gave me was so addictive I had to have more.

  My clit was swollen and peeking out of its hood so Alan began teasing it with flicks of his tongue back and forth. I was writhing on the bed pulling his face into my pussy. He looked up at me with an evil grin on his face ignoring my clit.

  Frustration spread through my body as whimpers increased, becoming louder. I did everything I could to push my clit up to his face but he continued to move out of reach.

  “Alan, what are you doing? I am miserable,” I whined.

  “I’m watching your face. I love the look you get when you are close to cumming. You are beautiful,” he praised.

  “Fuck me, Alan! Please just fuck me! I want to feel you inside of me,” I begged.

  I didn’t have to beg again. His cock surged with blood as he ran it back and forth over my slit getting it wet and slick. Placing it at the entrance of my heat, he thrust his cock deep inside until his balls were up against me.

  He began to rock slowly at first teasing and building my desire. I dug my fingers into his ass pulling him closer to give me more. As he increased the speed of his thrusts, the sound of wet skin slapping together filled the air. It was music to me; I loved the sound of wet, horny sex and it drove me higher and higher.

  Alan didn’t hold back any longer and pounded his cock into me. My clit had become so swollen and big, his cock kept rubbing against it hurtling me over the edge. I thought he barely heard his name shouted as his own orgasm seized him shooting his cum inside of me.

  We continued bucking against each other until the last wave of pleasure rocked our bodies. He fell on top of me panting and sweating with a huge smile on his face. Realizing he was on top of me, he rolled us over on our sides and cuddled me. We fell asleep in each other’s arms thoroughly sated and content.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I bolted awake at five that morning realizing I never set the alarm. Panic grabbed control of me as I flew out of bed and began packing the rest of my things. A quick shower was needed! I raced through the shower, packing away my toiletries afterwards. I dressed quickly putting the rest of my clothing in the bag zipping it closed.

  Alan lay in bed watching me as I flew around the cabin making sure everything was packed and ready to go. My stress level was at maximum but I could tell he knew better than to interfere. Staying out of the way was his best choice of action.

  I finally fell into a chair, exhaustion showing on my face.

  “Are you all ready to go,” he asked.

  “I think so,” I replied looking lost and frightened.

  Alan got out of bed grabbing his jeans and heading for the bathroom. I couldn’t take my eyes off his beautiful body and massive erection. He chuckled knowing I wasn’t even aware I was staring at it. The door closed and within three minutes he stepped back out with his jeans on.

  Still sporting the lost look on my face, Alan spread his arms open giving me an order. “Come here, little girl.”

  I jumped up and immediately hurried into his arms as he wrapped them around me.

  “Yes, Sir,” I blurted as I began to cry.

  “Shh, little one. It will be okay,” he promised me. “When do you have to leave?” I could tell by the look on his face my sobs were breaking his heart.

  “I need to leave here in thirty minutes in order to get to the airport on time,” I sniffled.

  “Okay, let’s get your car loaded and then we can take the rest of the time for our goodbyes,” he suggested. He loaded my suitcases in the car and checked the cabin one more time for anything I might have left.

  Outside I stationed myself by my rental car, unsure about what I should do next. Approaching me, he held my face with both hands smiling and looking deep into my eyes.

  “You remember you asked me once why I always called you, little girl?” he asked.

  “Yes, and I recall you never gave me an answer,” I scolded.

  “When I first saw your profile picture online I studied your face and I saw the eyes of a small girl always questioning and always full of laughter. Your personality was playful and teasing. You were filled with such life, no one would have ever guessed your real age. Then when you came back online and posted a picture after your husband died, I saw the eyes of a lost little girl, full of fear and uncertainty. But you still had a spark of mischief and I tapped into it. I told myself then and there that I was going to make you my little girl before it was all over with,” he told me.

  “Am I your little girl, Sir?” I asked.

  “Do you really have to ask me that question?” he chided.

  “No Sir, I don’t. I am and will always be your little girl,” I affirmed.

  “Damn straight,” he echoed sweeping me tighter in his arms taking my mouth and tongue with his. My lips kissed back with the same sense of urgency and need. Slowly coming up for air, we stood with our heads together not wanting to say goodbye.

  “I’m going to miss you,” I told him.

  “And I will miss you more than you will ever know,” he responded.

  The rental car had automatic unlock and start button capabilities on the key chain. Pressing both I opened the door as the car idled.

  “Have a safe trip and let me know when you get home,” he told me.

  “You drive carefully going back. I expect you to let me know as well,” I insisted.

  Getting into the driver’s seat, I fastened the seat belt, backed out, and headed for the highway to Rapid City. I couldn’t look back as I drove off. My heart was breaking too much.


  Two months later I was back into the swing of things at home. I never discussed with anyone my meeting Alan. It was my secret and no one else’s.

  The flight back had been uneventful except for my constant need to cry. Thankfully the passengers around me gave me a wide berth. I had texted Alan once I was home and he texted back and thanked me.

  I continued to interact with his alter-ego, Ryan, online although I refused to call him that. We spent a lot of time in private message and on the phone. However, he still hadn’t chosen a weekend to get together. I was disappointed but knew in my heart it would be how things turned out. Feelings were being proclaimed, promises being made, but none kept. I refused to all
ow my heart to be broken. After all, I had agreed to the relationship and went into it with open eyes. We were still close friends and had fun talking, so that would be good enough.

  In fact, I had gotten off the computer no more than 30 minutes ago after playing around with Alan for fifteen minutes when there was a heavy knock on my front door. It was probably some of the neighborhood kids selling promotional stuff from school. Opening the door I stood facing a very tall man with long legs and blue-grey eyes that twinkled when he saw me. I opened the glass door jumping into his waiting arms. Our bodies meshed, lips pressed and tongues danced as we held on to each other not wanting to let the other go.

  “Pack a bag, little girl! I have a room at the Skirvin and we’re staying there for the weekend. From now on, we are going to meet every other weekend alternating locations. We’ll work out the details later,” he ordered.

  I looked into those incredible eyes of his, my finger tracing his moustache beaming, “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir. ”

  I tugged Alan into the living room hugging him again. I felt grateful just to be in his arms once more.

  “Wait a minute,” I scolded. “I was just online with you. How did you do that?”

  Alan laughed, “I parked on the side of the road and texted from my phone. I kept it a secret wanting to surprise you. Now go pack a bag. I can’t wait to get you in my bed.”

  I scurried to my room throwing toiletries along with a few clothes into a small duffle bag. Going over every item in the bag, I zipped it closed knowing I hadn’t forgotten anything. I was excited and nervous as I stepped back into the living room. He was looking at the pictures on the walls and commented, “You have a beautiful family, Emily. You should be very proud.”

  “I am proud of them. They are precious to me,” I answered admiring the photos myself.

  “Are you all ready?” he asked.

  “Yep, I have everything I need,” I assured.

  Alan carried my bag out to his Harley while I locked the front door. He was strapping the bag onto the luggage rack behind the passenger seat as I approached the bike.

  “I have missed this,” I mentioned.

  “Missed what, little girl?” he asked.

  “I have missed the bike, the riding together, but mostly I have missed you,” I confessed.

  Alan drew me into his arms pressing his lips tenderly against mine. His arms caressed me drawing me closer to his body. When he broke off the kiss he remarked, “I have missed you more than I ever want to again. Too much time passed by and I have no intention of letting that happen again. If I have my way, we will be together every weekend. There is one stop I need to make before we head to the hotel. Do you mind?”

  “No, I am along for the ride and the company. You are the boss and I will go where you go,” I answered.

  “Good. I don’t think you will mind this detour at all. In fact, you just may fall in love with it,” he hinted.

  We loaded up and drove off in a direction away from the City. I was enjoying being on the back of his bike and wrapping my arms around him too much to care. I had truly missed him fearing that what we had in South Dakota was just a fling and nothing more. When Alan didn’t immediately set a time and place to meet again, I figured he had changed his mind. I was ecstatic he showed up on my doorstep.

  We rode for approximately forty-five minutes when he turned down a dirt road surrounded by trees and a high fence. It must have been at least ten feet tall and stretched as far as the road was long. My imagination ran away with me with all sorts of thoughts of survivalists and military dissidents. I scolded myself knowing full well Alan would never take me to that kind of place.

  The road finally opened up to a large brick home at least it looked like someone’s home. A young good looking man dressed in what I would call a ranger uniform came out of the house and greeted us.

  “Hello, are you Alan?” he asked extending his hand.

  “Yes, you must be Sam. We spoke yesterday,” Alan answered returning the handshake.

  “Welcome,” Sam added. “I have them all rounded up for you and whenever you’re ready I’ll take you back.”

  Alan got off the bike helping me dismount and spoke, “I have another surprise for you, Emily. I want you to close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you.”

  I was scared but I didn’t dare tell him no, for fear of what would happen later at the hotel. Lord knows I didn’t want another spanking from him. I closed my eyes and let him lead me out beside the house towards the back. I heard dogs barking the closer we got to wherever we were going. When I heard the barks turn into howls my heart pounded against my chest.

  “Oh my God Alan, is that what I think it is?” I asked.

  “What do you think it is, Emily?” he asked back.

  “My passion. Alan, you brought me my passion,” I squealed.

  “Open your eyes, Emily, and look,” he ordered.

  I stood there looking at a ten foot tall fence surrounding a large compound containing wolves. My beautiful wolves were running, laying down, and staring back at me. A few were even jumping up on the fence trying to get me to pet them. Some were wary of us and stayed back but others were more trusting of humans and curious. They were different colors, ages, and builds and they were all gorgeous. All together there were seven wolves.

  I looked at Sam asking, “What is this place?”

  “It is a wolf sanctuary. Oklahoma doesn’t have wolves except for the people who think it would be cool to have one as a pet. We rescue them and bring them here. Some can be released where they are indigenous once they are deemed ready. But a few have to remain with us for one reason or another. We take very good care of them and love every minute of it,” he responded.

  I looked at Alan who was grinning at me because I had started crying.

  Sam spoke up, “Alan tells me that you have always wanted to pet a wolf, is that right?”

  “It has been a dream of mine for a very long time,” I choked out.

  “Well, I have three of our best behaved members who would love nothing better than to have you scratch their ears and rub their backs,” he chuckled. “Follow me.”

  We roamed further to the back of the house. I saw a huge pen separate from the rest of the compound with three beautiful wolves. I laughed and sobbed at the same time as Sam unlatched the gate and let us walk through.

  Sam and Alan stayed back towards the gate as I scooted closer to the center of the pen. I sat down on the ground holding my breath waiting for the wolves to approach. One beautiful female approached cautiously as I held my hand out for her to smell it. She was gorgeous with thick white, gray, and brown colors throughout her fur. Her eyes were a golden brown color that looked deep into a human’s soul. It was obvious she was the Alpha female.

  She sniffed my hand once, twice, three times before she trusted me to touch her nose. I squealed with pure joy when she licked my fingers and nuzzled against them. I slowly inched them around to her ears and began to rub them softly. Within minutes, she was moving her body into position for me to rub and scratch her all over.

  Almost as if a silent signal was given off, the other two slowly approached wanting their fair share of the loving. One wolf was almost a color in between white and gray and the other wolf was black with brown hi-lights. Before I knew what had happened the two were playing just like dogs and knocking me to the ground licking my face. The Alpha had quietly laid down near me observing it all.

  I was in heaven. I had never been so excited or happy in my life. My wish had finally been granted, granted by Alan. I looked up at him with tears streaking down my face and whispered, “Thank you.”

  I stayed in the pen petting and playing with the wolves for an hour before we decided it was time to go. We thanked Sam for his time and hospitality and were invited to come back anytime.

  Alan and I sped off on the bike heading back to our hotel in the City.


  I stood staring out of the window of our hotel room lo
oking at the beautiful lights of the City. Cars were each racing to their own points of interests for the evening and buildings down town were lit up like lights on a Christmas tree. Alan was taking a shower. I had already had mine wrapping myself up in one of their incredibly soft and fluffy white robes. I was waiting for him to come out so I could throw myself on him and attack. The only thing I wanted now was to have our bodies glued together in hot, passionate sex.

  Today had been the most amazing one I had had in a very long time. It ranked right up there with first kiss, first date, wedding day, birth of first child, and birth of first grandchild. All monumental days deserving of a special place in a person’s heart. My heart was certainly overflowing. Alan driving down to surprise me, booking a room at a luxury hotel, and the wolves. His gift of the wolves suggested more to me than all the ‘I love you(s)’ gathered up and tied together with a red velvet ribbon. I would never doubt Mr. Alan Cain again. I wrapped my arms around myself anticipating the warmth of his body.


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