Ionic Attraction
Page 8
Zachary nodded. “Of course. So the creation of an artificial magnetosphere is possible.”
“I do it every day, young man. If I thought about it enough, I could pluck an asteroid right out of the sky.”
“Thank you.”
“Once again, I am impressed,” Jane said as the woman continued her presentation.
“So am I,” a sultry voice said. “Hey, Zachy. Nice to see you on the outside.”
Zachy? Jane turned to see a tall girl about her age with dirty-blonde hair, a dark tan, and turquoise contacts, wearing a too-tight skirt and blouse.
Piper Dane. Halo Agent. Stunningly beautiful.
From the jubilant expression on Zachary’s face, he thought so, too. “Piper. Wow. Yeah…good to be out.” He hugged her like an old friend. “What brings you to a science convention? I thought you were into visiting prisoners and saving puppies.”
Piper laughed. “I’m into a lot of things. Who’s this?”
Zachary’s mouth hung open like the question confused him.
“Jane.” She held out her hand.
“A pleasure,” Piper said, taking it. “Enjoying the convention?”
“It’s fascinating.” Jane leaned against Zachary, not missing the fact that Piper never took her eyes off him. “How do you two know each other?”
“Pen pals.”
Jane tried to suppress a smile. Piper’s profile was accurate. She was a smooth liar.
Piper pursed her lips and turned to Zachary. “So, Zachy, I didn’t realize you knew so much about geomagnetism.”
“I wrote some papers,” Zachary said, still looking stunned. “I didn’t realize you knew anything about it.”
“I’m in the Young PhD Program at Quantum City U. I get credit for going to the convention. It’s for one of my electives.”
“That’s awesome. Jane and I are finishing high school at the Mastermind Complex.”
“So you’re classmates,” Piper said.
Time to set the bait. Jane cuddled up to Zachary. “Actually, I’m his girlfriend.”
“Oh, really? How is that possible, Joan? He’s been in juvie for the past year.”
Joan? Bait obviously taken. “We’ve been dating since before he went to juvie. I visited him every week. He’s innocent, you know.”
Piper sneered. “I visited him every week, too. Funny he never mentioned you.”
Jane shot a quick glare at Zachary, playing up the jealous girlfriend role. “He never mentioned you, either.”
Zachary caught Jane’s eye. “I, uh…”
Piper’s face lit up, and she folded her fingers together like she was praying. “Did you know they have a model space station on display here, Zachy? It’s supposed to simulate the way the InterMagNet monitors the magnetosphere, but I’ve heard it looks like the Death Star. If I remember correctly, you’re a Star Wars fan.”
“Really?” Zachary’s face brightened.
“I can show you,” Piper said. Then she turned to Jane. “You don’t mind if I borrow your boyfriend to explore the exhibits, do you, June? I promise I’ll return him unharmed.”
Jane crossed her arms and glowered at Zachary, hoping he would get it. A quick sparkle flashed in his eye.
“Of course she doesn’t,” he said. “She wants to hear the rest of this lecture, don’t you, June?”
Yeah. He got it.
“Okay, then.” Piper grabbed Zachary by the hand, and Jane acted appalled as they disappeared into the crowd.
The instant they were out of sight, she headed for the lobby. “That went well.”
“Zachy was very convincing,” Anna’s voice came back.
“Don’t call him that,” Jane hissed under her breath. She could hear Mina, Nolan, and Michael chattering in the background.
“His brothers are taking bets whether he’ll come back or not,” Anna said.
Jane’s heart stuttered. “They’re not serious, are they?”
“No.” Anna chuckled. “But they were very impressed by Piper Dane.”
“In what way?”
“Even you have to admit it, Janey. Piper is hot.”
“Really?” Jane huffed. “I hadn’t noticed.”
“Jane Ann Lew. Are you jealous?”
“Jealousy has never been a driving force in my life.”
Mina’s cheery voice echoed, “You didn’t answer the question.”
“We must have a bad connection,” Jane said. “I can’t hear you.”
She glanced off after Zachary, the cut of his slim body burning in her mind. Certainly, he looked good in that magnificent suit. And sure, it was nice when he stood up for her. And, yes, the memory of their simulation was—okay, that was just plain hot. But jealous? Jealousy implied they had some connection beyond the mission. Like when Zachary looked into her eyes and knew—yes, he knew, she was certain of it—that she was terrified of Benson.
She was jealous.
Chapter Thirteen
“That doesn’t look like the Death Star,” Zach said. The model space station was definitely amazing, but it looked just like every other space station. Solar panels, thrusters, observation decks. No plasma cannons, no death rays. It wasn’t even round.
Piper brought her face close to his. “I know, but it’s still fascinating, don’t you think?”
She was not the same Piper who visited him in juvie. That Piper was sweet. This Piper was hot.
“Definitely.” Zach faked a grin. “Didn’t mean to be such a nerf herder.”
“Nerf herder. That’s funny. How long have you and Jean been together?”
That Piper covered herself with baggy sweatshirts and jeans. This Piper’s tight skirt and low-cut blouse left little to the imagination.
“Jane. Long time. Year and a half.”
The Piper who visited Zach in juvie was nothing like the girl in the profile, but this one—she was rude to Jane, she lied about how often she visited Zach. He didn’t like her. He didn’t want to believe that the only person who was nice to him in juvie was a Halo Agent, but all the evidence… Zach’s juvie lessons kicked in. Trust no one.
“You here with anyone?”
“Hopefully.” Piper smiled shyly.
Zach ignored the hint. “Just wondering. I met some Einstein-lookin’ dude who said he’s in the Young PhD Program. Thought maybe you were with him.”
“Oh, you must mean Benson. He’s all I’m a personal friend of Professor Mamont.”
“That’s the dude.”
“Definitely not with him.” Piper frowned. “Total geek. Impossible to be around. So full of himself.”
“Is he really Mamont’s friend?”
“No. But I am.”
Really? Why didn’t he see this side of her in juvie? Piper felt slimy. So different than Jane. What was with that? Zach had learned not to trust in juvie. That’s how he survived. So why did he believe that Jane was okay? Aside from his brothers, Jane seemed like the only person who wasn’t out to get him.
“You never told me you were in the Young PhD Program when you visited me. Why not? You knew I was a scientist.”
Piper scrunched her eyebrows. “Who was in jail? Who needed a good listener, not a person who rubbed her freedom in his face? Zachy, it didn’t matter what I was into. When I visited, I was there for you. It was all about you. That’s what you needed. I was what you needed.”
“You didn’t visit me every week.”
“Why did you tell Jane you did?”
Piper’s face turned red. She took a deep breath. “I like you, Zachy. And now you’re out of jail, finishing school at the Mastermind Complex…and you have a girlfriend. I was jealous.”
Zach wished he could shut off his com-link. His brothers would have a field
day with this when he got back. And if Jane was listening…
“I blew my chance,” Piper said.
You got her, bro. Mike’s voice in his earbud startled Zach. Hmm. Not waiting until he got back. Move in for the kill.
“Huh?” Zach scowled.
This is your chance. Ask her what she does with HAVOC.
Piper sighed. “I didn’t tell you how I felt when I should have. I thought you’d be in juvie for another year. I wanted to get to know you, not be pushy. I thought maybe we had something. I never thought to ask you if you were with anyone.”
She’s caving, Mike shouted. Ask her!
Zach shook his head, wishing he could strangle his brother. Later. “Nothing to be jealous about. Not the Mastermind Complex, at any rate. Totally overrated. What’s the Young PhD Program like? As boring as the one I’m in?”
“Oh, no,” Piper said. “I’m in a program called Oh Three. We’re building technology to heal the hole in the ozone layer.”
“Really? I thought the hole has already been healing since they outlawed CFCs.”
Piper frowned. “At a rate too slow to do the world any good. Replacing chlorofluorocarbons didn’t solve anything.”
“The chemicals that replaced them are safe.”
“Unless you count skin cancer, blindness, crop damage.” Piper crossed her arms and talked through gritted teeth. “Those things are increasing, not decreasing. My mother died of skin cancer.”
Zach couldn’t tell whether she was an extremely good actress or the pain on her face was real. “I’m sorry. When?”
“It doesn’t matter.” Piper shook her head. “But humans aren’t the only ones affected. Animals are going blind and developing malignancies at a faster rate than we’ve ever seen. Plants can’t survive the midday sun, and insects are fried in open air just like they had a magnifying glass over them.”
“Where do you get your data? Because this is the opposite of what I’ve learned.”
Stop arguing with her, Mike snarled. You’re supposed to get recruited, not punched out.
Piper sighed. “Nobody wants to believe it. The real data is covered up by the chemical companies. They were happy to replace the CFCs with more expensive chemicals that were just as dangerous. Profits went through the roof.”
Mikey was right. Time to lighten up and get recruited. Zach relaxed and tried to look like he cared. “I had no idea.”
“Most people don’t. But, Zachy, the project I’m working on can fix it almost overnight.”
“You’re really passionate about this, aren’t you?”
“Have you ever lost anyone to cancer?”
Zach lowered his head. “Never lost anyone to anything. I can’t even imagine.”
Piper looked away. “You should probably get back to your girlfriend.”
He wanted to, but she’d be disappointed if he came back without getting into HAVOC. “She’ll be okay. Tell me more about your project. Better yet, tell me how I can help.”
Piper reached out to touch Zach’s cheek. “You’re too sweet. Are you serious? There are so many things you can do if you’re serious.”
Zach took her hand. “I am.”
“Oh, Zachy, I knew I was right about you.” She smiled. “Okay, here’s how you start. Are you sure you’re serious?”
“Totally,” Zach said. He had her now. He hoped Jane was listening. He could see her smile.
Piper took a deep breath. “Don’t use aerosol sprays containing chlorofluorocarbons. Don’t use fire extinguishers with halogenated hydrocarbons. Those chemicals are so aggressive. And there are really good organizations you could join. My favorite is a nonprofit called Friends of the Antarctic.”
Zach was momentarily speechless. Those were not the words he expected to hear. “Actually, I meant something more…hands-on. More involved. I’m a scientist. I was thinking that maybe I could, you know—”
“Join the Oh Three Program?” Piper’s face lit up.
Zach opened his eyes and mouth wide, faking the most surprised expression he could manage. “Wow. Join the program? Wow. I never thought of that. Wow—yeah, I’d love to. That would be…amazing.”
That was pathetic, Mike whispered.
“Oh, Zachy,” Piper said. Her eyes were wide. “Zachy, that’s so sweet.”
Stop calling me Zachy! He took Piper’s hand. “Your passion is contagious.”
Oh, puke. Mike made gagging noises in Zach’s earbud.
Piper squeezed Zach’s hand. “But this is a classified program. You have a juvie record. You’d never get clearance.”
“I can’t freakin’ believe it,” Zach said after he worked his way back through the convention center and found Jane at their rendezvous point in the lobby.
“I can see that from the afterglow,” Jane said. “Did you enjoy her ‘exhibits’?” She zinged off a set of air quotes.
“No. The space station didn’t look anything like the Death Star.” Zach raised his hands. “I thought she was supposed to be some big recruiter. She said I can’t get in. How’s that recruiting?”
“Maybe if you hadn’t argued with her every step of the way, things would have gone according to plan.”
“But her data was messed up.” Zach shrugged, wondering how it had gone so wrong. Why was Jane mad? “The ozone doesn’t need healing. The spotted owls won’t die from sunburn.”
“You actually did better than I expected.” Jane folded her arms. “Piper thought you were playing hard to get. She loves a challenge. We need to do something to put her over the edge. She doesn’t want you enough yet.”
“Doesn’t want me?” Zach had no idea what she meant by that. “What does wanting me have to do with recruiting me?”
“Just everything. I assume you still haven’t read Piper’s profile, or didn’t take it seriously.”
“I read it. You said it was incomplete. So, no, I didn’t take it seriously.”
“I didn’t say it was inaccurate.” Jane gazed up at the ceiling as though she was deep in thought. Her lips moved almost imperceptibly. She seemed to be having an argument with herself. Then she snapped her fingers. “I know what to do. I have to appear to be jealous.”
“Jealous,” Zach repeated. “Okay… What do I do? Kiss you? Kiss her? ’Cause if I had a choice, I’d pick—”
Jane kept right on talking as though she hadn’t heard a word he said. “The problem is, I don’t know if I can fake it. But if we’re going to get you on the inside, I have to convince Piper. She would like nothing better than to take you away from a jealous girlfriend.”
And you have to do it soon, Mike’s voice came over Zach’s earbud. Because she’s watching you right now.
“Copy that.” Jane glanced subtly to her right.
Zach looked across the room and saw Piper entering the lobby. “Now what?”
“This.” Jane glared at Zach and slapped him in the face. Hard.
“Ow!” Zach stood stunned, clamping his hand to his cheek as Jane stormed away. What just happened? His heart raced and his throat clenched and he had to fight the urge to run after her.
That was amazing, Mike said in Zach’s ear. I almost believed it.
“Yeah, me too,” Zach mumbled. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Piper coming toward him. He had totally forgotten about her.
Play up the red cheek for Piper’s benefit, Mike said.
Zach barely heard him. His gut screamed to go after Jane.
“I’m so sorry.” Piper was only feet away. She reached out to touch his arm but stopped short. “I hope I didn’t make her mad.”
Zach rubbed his burning cheek. That was part of Jane’s act, right? Her plan. She’s a planner. She wasn’t really mad. Was she? Oh, Piper was staring at him. Her eyes were brimming with tears. He had to play her. Lure her in. “No, she gets
that way. Sometimes I wonder if she was born mad. Hey, is there any program I can get into that doesn’t care about my record? Anything? Can I give you my number?”
Piper stared but said nothing. Zach was sure he had blown it. Too eager.
Then she nodded. “Let me make a few calls. I’ll let you know. You’d better get going. I know a mad girlfriend when I see one.”
“Okay, right.” Zach gave Piper a cocky grin. “Can’t live with ’em, can’t…whatever.” He shook his head then took off in the direction Jane had headed.
He couldn’t explain the feeling, but he had to talk to Jane. As far as Zach could tell, he’d done everything according to plan. The night sky was blinking with stars as he exited the building. Cars were jam-packed into the lot for as far as he could see. But Jane was nowhere.
He tapped his earbud. “Jane, where are you? Piper saw the handprint on my face. Nice touch, by the way. Are you mad? That was an act, right? Jane? Are you there?”
Mike’s voice came across his earbud. She’s offline. Not sure what happened. You’d better get back here.
Chapter Fourteen
“That went better than planned,” Jane said. She and the girls lounged in the classroom while they waited for Zachary and his brothers to arrive. Anna kicked back in her seat, long legs stretched in front of her, obviously comfy in her sweat pants and hoodie. Her long ponytail poked through the back of a Chicago Bears ball cap. Mina wore skinny jeans and a long-sleeve flounce top that punctuated how petite she was. She sat with her legs folded beneath her on the desktop.
“Mission definitely accomplished.” Mina took her bun out and let her curly hair drop around her shoulders. “But…”
“Do you think I went too far?” Jane asked.
“Not at all,” Mina said. “I would say that slapping Zachy in the face, leaving him stranded in the parking lot, and scaring us all half to death by invoking radio silence is totally rational. Y’know?”