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Disengaged (Terms of Engagement Book 3)

Page 42

by Melissa R. L. Simonin

  Rob refilled his water bottle, then left the sustenance on the counter, and checked the fire. It could definitely stand to be fed. He felt satisfaction as he added two large logs from the neatly stacked row that stretched from the stone hearth, to the backdoor. There was plenty of wood, anyway. He wondered if Samantha even noticed, and wondered where it came from. By the time she came out of the bathroom the night before, he’d gathered it, stacked it, and cleaned up the floor. The storm was raging again, and she didn’t seem to have any idea he ever left. She went straight to sleep on the couch, and he went back to the bedroom, where he’d been exiled just about every minute since.

  Rob’s heart felt heavy. He closed the fireplace screen, then stepped back and bumped into the coffee table. With a crash, Samantha’s handbag tipped over and landed on the floor. Rob spun, and hurried to gather its spilled contents. If she caught him, she’d think he was going through her purse! Not for a minute would she believe he was being thoughtful, and putting everything back for her. His heart hurt again, as he set the bag on the table, and reached under the couch for the card holder that slid underneath. It met his fingers, and he pulled it out. As he started to drop it inside the bag along with the rest, he stopped abruptly. Those weren’t credit cards. They were pictures, and…

  “What…?” he said faintly, as he stared at the photo of Samantha, in a hospital bed, holding…

  Rob dropped to the couch and clutched his head in his hand. His emotions went haywire and his stomach lurched, as he stared at the photo, and tried to take in the implications.

  Samantha wanted a baby so badly. But why? She already had one! She already had one, and who—how—

  Anger had no hope against the intense, gut-wrenching pain that gripped him. Rob stumbled to his feet, and shut himself in the bedroom once more. He locked the door, and sank onto the bed.

  How could she do that? Have a baby, with some other guy! And she was mad at him, for just speaking to Meredith. She talked about how Rob didn’t come after her, he didn’t contact her—but she didn’t contact him, either! And at least he didn’t have a kid to show for the two years they were apart!

  Grief gripped him again, and he sobbed into the pillow.

  “Please help me, You said you’d help,” Rob cried, and he reached for his phone, and the texts he received from Erik the night before. “You said—or somebody did, anyway, that since You went through suffering and testing, You’re able to help us when we’re being tested. And I am! And this says You’ll deliver me from every evil attack, and that’s how I feel, like it’s blow after blow. I believe You’re faithful, and that You’ll strengthen me, and guard me from the evil one. I really need that right now. You’ll never fail me, or abandon me. No one can snatch me away from You, because You’re more powerful than anyone, even my sinful nature, and the anger and pride that are torturing me. I know You’re working in me, so I have the desire and the power to do what pleases You, and doesn’t leave me feeling ashamed. I’ve come to You, so I know You’re close to me. I’m resisting the devil, and because You said it, he has to leave. Please make him leave.”

  Over and over, Rob prayed, until the shock was passed, and a measure of peace restored. He rolled over on his back, and stared at the ceiling. The dim light that filtered through the snowflakes churning outside, dappled the rapidly darkening room. He watched without seeing, as he thought over the past several days.

  As devastated as he was, he still loved her. She was still his wife, and… they had a lot to talk about. For one thing, when they planned to move into the apartment in her building, nothing was said about a baby living with them. Just that she wanted one.

  Rob frowned a little, as he turned that over in his mind.

  Erik didn’t say anything about a baby, either. If he knew… and he would. Wouldn’t he? Samantha lived with her sister, and Erik was spending all his time with Amber. He spent all of Thanksgiving Day with the Fieldses.

  Did something happen to the baby? Is that why she wanted one, so bad? Rob sat up and turned on the lamp. He didn’t remember what he did with the photo sleeve, after he saw the picture. Either he dropped it out there, or…

  Rob found it lying on the bed, and picked it up. In the first sleeve, was the picture of Samantha, holding the baby. Her baby. The next photo was a studio portrait of the baby. The next… Rob’s eyes filled with tears at the sight of a wedding photo. Their wedding, his and Samantha’s. He flipped rapidly through the rest of the sleeves, but other than a library card and grocery store and coffee shop reward cards, he found nothing else.

  He turned back to the photo of Samantha, and the baby. Her hair was longer, and… He looked closer. She was wearing her wedding ring. The realization caused his heart to warm, and ache anew. He steeled his nerves, and gave the baby a good look. Other than being very red, wrinkled, and wrapped in a blanket and sporting a knit cap, he could tell nothing.

  Rob turned to the studio portrait. The baby wasn’t as red, or wrinkled. His—he assumed it was a boy, anyway, because of the blue pajamas—his hair was as blond as Erik’s, and curled a little. The eyes might be blue. If he didn’t know better, he’d think the baby was Erik’s and Amber’s. If only that was the case, he sighed heavily, and carefully removed the photo from its sleeve.

  Caleb Robert Davison.

  Rob stared at the name in confusion. Caleb? This was the Caleb… and that was Rob’s own name. Why would she name her baby after him?

  The shock that coursed through him rivalled a lightning bolt, as he feverishly took in the date, August 1st, 2016, and did the math. He did the math again. He took out his phone and used the calculator app, to do the math a third time.

  Rob stared in amazement at the face of his own son.

  He snatched up his phone again, his hands trembling, as he selected Erik’s number.

  “Erik,” he said abruptly, before his brother could speak. “Do you know where Caleb is?”

  His heart pounded, as Erik considered the question.

  “I, uh… hold on. Amber?” Erik said off the phone. “It’s Rob. Can you pause it, and I’ll be back in a couple of minutes? There’s popcorn in the cabinet, if you want some... Okay, Rob, I’m here.”

  Erik shut himself first inside his room at the extended-stay hotel where he and Rob had been living for the past several months, then moved to the attached bathroom, for good measure.

  “Have you seen Caleb? Is he alright?” Rob asked, his voice shaking.

  “I, uh… have. And he’s fine. Why do you ask? What has Samantha told you?” Erik inquired cautiously, as Rob wilted with relief.

  “He’s my son, isn’t he. Mine and Samantha’s. He has to be, but—is he?” Rob asked anxiously.

  “Yes,” Erik answered. “What else do you know?”

  “Well—nothing! I don’t know anything! I found pictures, by accident. I thought—but then I saw his name, and the date. Why didn’t you tell me?” Rob accused.

  “I met Caleb Monday night, when I ran into Amber—or she ran in to me, is more like it. I assumed he was hers, and she let me believe it. I figured out the truth the next morning, when I saw the photos on her parents’ piano. I never let on I knew the truth, I figured she did it to protect Samantha and Caleb. That’s also why I didn’t tell you. It wasn’t my place, and… what would you have done if I had, Rob?” Erik asked.

  “That depends on when you told me,” he admitted. “I’m upset, but I get it. I do. What is he like? How old is he, now?”

  “He’s sixteen months old, and he’s great. He really likes cars, and has a ton of them. He’s extremely generous, especially when it comes to half-chewed Cheerios. I have at least a pocketful of them. I’ve spent quite a bit of time with him this past week, since Amber’s pretending he’s hers. I guess he is hers, but he’s mine too. He’s our nephew. I took them both to visit Gramma and Grampa. I was afraid it might be their only chance to see him, but… how are things between you and Samantha?”

  “Do you have any pictures of him?” Rob aske
d wistfully.

  “Yes. I’ll send you a couple,” Erik said with compassion, and did. “So… how are you?”

  “I’m in shock,” Rob replied, staring at the images as they loaded onto his phone. He brushed moisture away from his eyes, so that he could see. “He’s kind of cute. He looks happy.”

  “He is. He’s great.”

  Rob sighed, as sadness washed over him.

  “I’ve barely talked to Samantha since yesterday, when she said she wanted to be alone. I’m starting to think that’s all she wants.”

  “I’m sorry, Rob,” Erik said, as his heart fell. He wanted to be encouraging, but he didn’t want to hold out false hope. He had no way to gauge Samantha’s feelings, or her intent. “How are you holding up?”

  “Okay, I guess. I passed the test. If I didn’t, I’d be a wreck right now. But I’m trusting God, even though I don’t see a happy ending in sight.”

  “Do you want Amber to try talking to Samantha?” Erik asked.

  “Do you think it would do any good?” Rob asked half-heartedly.

  “I don’t know. But if it’s as bleak as you sound, it can’t hurt.”

  “Fine, if Amber thinks she can make a difference,” Rob replied, without optimism.

  “What are you going to do, now that you know about Caleb?” Erik asked. Rob thought about that, and shook his head sadly.

  “Nothing. There’s nothing I can do. Samantha doesn’t want me involved, or she would’ve told me about him. I think maybe she was about to, right before Meredith showed up. Now, she doesn’t want me in either of their lives. I don’t want to disrupt his. If I tell her I know, and insist on seeing him, it will. I have these pictures though, and that’s something. If you keep seeing Amber after this, then…”

  “I’ll let you know how he’s doing,” Erik promised.

  “Thanks. It’s a lot better than nothing,” Rob said, studying the pictures of his son.

  “Are you going to be alright?” Erik asked with concern.

  “Yeah, I… will be. We’re running out of food, though. The next time the wind stops, I need to get to the lodge. I don’t know when that’ll be. I’m hoping soon. So… I’m going to check the radar app one more time, and try and get some sleep. Sometimes there’s a break during the night. I want to be ready, if there is.”

  “Take care of yourself,” Erik said, his throat tight.

  “You too,” Rob replied. “Speaking of which, did you reach Conner?”

  “He wasn’t in. Since tomorrow’s Saturday, I’m not likely to reach him then, either. But I’ll keep trying, until I do.”

  “Let me know how it goes,” Rob said.

  The brothers said goodbye, and ended their call.

  AMBER removed the bag of popcorn from the microwave and shook it violently. It was movie butter, not something horrid like reduced fat, or light, so maybe it wasn’t necessary to shake it within an inch of its life, in order to distribute the butter evenly. Whether it was or not, she did, then poured it into a bowl, and chose drinks from the refrigerator. She carried her selections to the living room couch, and arranged them on the coffee table. Then she sat, and wondered what was taking Erik so long.

  “I was about to send out a search party,” she teased, as he joined her again.

  “Sorry about that,” he smiled, but he seemed distracted.

  “Something’s the matter, so spill it,” she ordered, as she snatched the remote out of his reach, and turned to face him.

  “Yes, dear,” he said, and she laughed, then looked fierce.

  “What is it? Don’t tell me it’s nothing. You were talking to Rob, are he and Samantha okay?”

  Erik sighed, and shook his head.

  “No. Their relationship isn’t.”

  “They were back together though,” Amber frowned.

  “Yes. They were. And making plans, and… then some of Rob’s so-called friends, including Meredith, the woman at the Christmas party two years ago, showed up.”

  “What—how?” Amber exclaimed.

  “They were at Alpine Run, they snow-mobiled over. I’d of done it myself, if the road up there wasn’t blocked. They were there already, so they showed up yesterday afternoon. Whatever Meredith said, it set Samantha back. She believed her, and has barely spoken to Rob since.”

  Amber scowled, and her eyes snapped.

  “That’s horrible! What is she, a stalker?”

  “Yes. I’d say she is, and because Samantha trusts her instead of Rob, their relationship is back where it started. He doesn’t believe she’ll give him another chance.”

  “Maybe she just needs time,” Amber suggested.

  “I hope so. All I have to go on, is what Rob told me. He’s doing okay, considering, and I’m praying that won’t change. I knew he’d be tested once he became a believer, but… this is maybe his worst nightmare.”

  Amber’s ears perked.

  “Wait, Rob’s a believer? Since when?”

  “Since Monday night. That may not seem that long, but this isn’t name-only. The transformation in him is real.”

  “Does Samantha know?” Amber frowned, her eyebrows knitting.

  “Rob was afraid she’d think he was using this to trick her, instead of believing he was sincere. So no. Is Samantha a Christian?”

  “After I became a believer at summer camp, it eventually spread to Mom and Dad. Then Samantha moved back, and she believed, too.”

  Erik was impressed, and gave her an admiring look.

  “Amber, that’s great!”

  “Yeah, I thought so too,” she said, and shrugged, as if she couldn’t imagine what the big deal was.

  “You led your entire family to Christ,” Erik pointed out in amazement. “I already respected you, your faith, and—but this is absolutely awesome. I’m impressed!”

  “I can tell,” she said, glancing at him sideways. “I don’t know why though, it’s the Holy Spirit who calls people to God, and works in their hearts.”

  “Yes, but He also gives us a part to play, and you did,” Erik replied.

  “It was no big deal,” she waved away his praise again. “It wasn’t hard. Not nearly like converting your brother. How many years did you work on him?”

  “Ten, I think.”

  “Then I’m impressed. If Samantha knew Rob was a believer, she would be, too. It could make all the difference. This is major, and she needs to take this into account.”

  “Will you tell her? I offered to ask you to talk to her…” Erik said hopefully.

  “Are you kidding? You don’t have to ask, I’m on it,” she said, and whipped out her phone. Her call went straight to voicemail, and she looked annoyed. “Fine, I’ll text her then, and tell her to call me, it’s important. I don’t know why her phone’s always off…”

  “Thank you,” Erik said gratefully, as the weight on his shoulders began to lift. “Maybe this will make the difference. I’ve been afraid his faith might crack under this.”

  Amber finished sending her text, then set her phone aside, and faced him again. Her expression was serious.

  “You don’t need to be afraid. You have faith. You could move a mountain, if you wanted to. Just don’t make it the Diente de Sierras, I’m kind of fond of them. But you have faith, and you need to remember God is faithful. We need to trust Him with this, He hasn’t dropped the ball, and neither have we. We’re both praying. Other people are, too. He’ll use this puzzle piece to create something good, even though it’s hard for us to see right now. But give it some time, and we will.”

  Before Amber made her speech, Erik was in love with her. Before she was halfway through, he was completely, madly, passionately, and whole-heartedly, hers.

  Amber glanced up and saw the look in his eyes, and her heart beat faster. As he leaned closer, she gripped the front of his shirt in her hands, and…

  She ducked. Again! Ug, she could just kick herself!

  “Why do I keep doing that!” she exclaimed, as she buried her face against his shoulder, and Eri
k laughed a little.

  “I don’t know, but I wish you’d stop,” he said, which made her laugh.

  “It’s habit, I guess. Or I’m determined not to have a second kid, or something,” she added, and blushed. That was a dumb thing to say, but for all he knew, Caleb was hers! Erik managed to assume a serious expression, rather than laugh out loud, at that. She glanced up at him, and winced. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. If you don’t want me to kiss you, I won’t. Obviously. It’s amazing how fast you can move,” he half-teased.

  “That’s not it at all. I don’t not want you to. It’s just that I’m a lot less experienced than you probably think,” she said ruefully. He saw the regret in her eyes, which he felt certain was due to letting him think Caleb was hers. He felt sympathetic, and led the conversation in a different direction.

  “As long as it’s not a sign you don’t like me anymore,” he smiled, and Amber’s equilibrium returned.

  “It isn’t. I do like you, and no going back on going out, just because I’m a little neurotic,” Amber declared.

  “I don’t think you’re neurotic,” he disagreed, as he put his arm around her, and they settled back to watch their movie. “Unless, of course, you’ll only kiss me if I go in a bar and get nearly skewered, first.”

  “Don’t you dare,” she said indignantly. She also blushed again.

  “I’m only joking,” Erik smiled. “I have no intention of putting myself in harm’s way, and that includes teasing you any further.”

  “Smart man,” she said loftily. Her phone buzzed, and they both glanced at the screen anxiously. Then they looked disappointed. “It’s not Samantha. It’s… Oh. I completely forgot.”

  “What?” Erik wondered.

  “I promised to meet up with a couple of friends tomorrow, for breakfast,” Amber said regretfully, then she perked back up. “I can’t wait to tell them all about my boyfriend!”

  “Since I’m pretty sure that’s me, then I’ve got no problem with that,” Erik smiled.

  “It’s you,” she smiled back. It always had been, and always would be, whether he changed his mind about her, or not. The way he looked at her, she didn’t think he would. The thought filled her with happiness. “It won’t take long, and I can talk really fast when I want to. Maybe we can hang out, after. I know we’re done investigating, and all... but I’ve gotten used to seeing you every day.”


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