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The Alliance Boxset 2

Page 65

by S. E. Smith

  It was still dark out, but the hint of sunrise was beginning to lighten the horizon. His gaze caught on the movements of another runner. It only took a few seconds for him to recognize Julia. He waited as she jogged closer. He knew the moment that she realized that she was no longer alone.

  “Good morning,” he called out when she slowed to a walk.

  Julia glanced at him and placed her hands on her hips as she drew in deep, steady breaths through her nose to calm her respiration. She gave him a curt nod before she glanced at the fitness watch on her wrist.

  “Good morning,” she finally replied. “How are you settling in?”

  “Not bad,” Josh replied with a shrug. “I take it the small accommodations here at the compound are to prepare us for our living quarters in space.”

  Julia gave him a slight smile and walked in a tight circle as she continued to cool down. Josh watched her as she bowed her head. She appeared to be distracted. Whatever was bothering her, he still got the feeling that he and Ash weren’t being told everything and she was struggling with that. Julia had left shortly after the meeting that first day, so he had not been able to confront her about his suspicions.

  “There will actually be more room on the Gliese 581 than is normally allocated on a spaceship. Privacy was taken into consideration when the design was finalized due to the length of time we will be gone,” she finally said, drawing in a deep breath while standing with her back to him and looking out over the horizon. “I love this time of the morning, don’t you?”

  Josh heard the hint of wistfulness in her voice. “What’s really going on? I think Ash and I deserve to know the truth,” Josh demanded in a quiet tone. “What aren’t you telling us? I know you explained in the briefing that this was an exploratory mission to test intergalactic travel, but I can’t help but feel it is more than that. We aren’t heading to Mars as I originally expected, but into a section of the solar system that makes no sense to me from the information in the briefing that you gave us before the meeting. Why? I get the dangers, but I would have thought Mars would have been mankind's first attempt at long distance space travel.”

  Julia slowly turned to study him. He stared back at her, not breaking her intense gaze. He saw the flicker of uncertainty in her eyes before she released her breath and nodded.

  “Yes, you do deserve to know the truth. All of the crew does. I couldn’t say anything until I received permission. That took more time than I expected,” she admitted. “The original crew knew what they were facing. Because of the classification of the mission, Lydia and I could not share it in the briefing the other day which is why Lydia did not answer your question when you wanted to know where we were going. Besides a very select group, only Lydia and myself are aware of the actual destination. It was important to keep it secret to prevent any leakage to the press. Even Sergi and Mei were not privileged to the information I’m about to share due to the complexity of the mission. It was important to prevent the public from discovering what my father had found,” she explained, staring intently up at him.

  Josh returned her intense look. “Trust is a very important factor on any mission,” he said in a blunt tone. “Without trust, it isn’t a mission, but certain death to one or all of those on it. If the government expects us to put our lives on the line, the least they can do is tell us what the fuck is going on.”

  Julia’s jaw tightened before she drew in a deep breath and released it. “My father asked me a question six years ago when this project was first conceived that I will now ask you, Commander. Would you still agree to go on this mission if you knew that you would probably never make it back to Earth?”

  Josh reflected on the softly asked question. Would he? What did he have to come back to? He wasn’t married. Hell, he wasn’t even seeing anyone at the moment. He didn’t have any kids or family to return to. The only real friend he had was Ash, if he admitted it. His gaze flashed to the horizon and the soft glow. What would it be like to wake up and see the stars instead of the sun for the rest of his life?

  “I don’t really have much to keep me here,” he replied, turning to look at her. “What about you? Surely you have a reason to return.”

  Julia shook her head. “Not anymore,” she responded in a light tone. “Thank you for your answer. It is only fair that I ask the others the same question. Hopefully, they will feel the same way that we do. I planned on calling a meeting this morning for the team now that I’ve received permission to proceed. If you’ll meet me in the conference room in half an hour, I’ll explain everything. I promise, there will be no more deceptions or half-truths.”

  Josh reached out and touched her arm when she started to turn. “I knew when I applied for the space program that if I was accepted and sent into space that there was always a chance of never returning to Earth. I still wanted to go.”

  Julia stared back at him in silence for a few potent seconds before she stepped back. “Admiral Greenburg was right when he said you were the right man for this assignment. The President also agrees. I would say that is a significant level of trust, Lieutenant Manson,” she responded with a somber smile. “I’ve been ordered to answer any and all questions that you or the rest of the crew have. I promise to be transparent in my answers.”

  Josh watched as she turned on her heel and quietly jogged away. He turned his head and he absently watched the horizon as the sun came up. For a moment, he felt a strange sense of surrealism, as if it was just an illusion before it rose above the curve of the tree line in the distance.

  Turning, he headed back to the apartments set up for the crew. He would pose the same question to Ash. Deep down, he hoped his friend agreed, because something told him he was going to need Ash’s expertise on this mission.

  A half hour later, Josh and Ash stepped into the conference room. Mei and Sergi nodded to them in greeting. The other two members looked as puzzled as he felt.

  Julia glanced up when they entered and she released the breath that she was holding. Her eyes swept from Ash to Josh.

  “Thank you,” she said in a quiet voice. “Once again, I apologize for all the secrecy; I was only given final approval late last night to share the information.”

  “Don’t thank us yet,” Josh warned in a slightly curt tone. “Since we were given this assignment, I would have expected that all clearances were approved. I don’t like walking into a situation blind or with half the Intel.”

  Julia nodded. “Normally that isn’t the case. With the sudden deaths of the majority of the crew, it has created a vacuum that was unexpected and had some of our supporters questioning the success of the project. As I told you earlier, Commander, the President has ordered me to answer any and all questions,” she responded in a light tone. “If everyone would please have a seat, I’ll explain everything from the beginning. I hope to answer any questions that still remain afterwards. It is understood that any information shared here is classified and must remain confidential.”

  Julia picked up the remote for the project and turned it on. She knew each slide by heart. They were a combination of ten years’ worth of work. Only a very select group of backers, including some of the highest-ranking officials in the world, knew about Project Gliese 581g.

  She swallowed as she turned back to look at Ash and Josh. They were staring up at the slide with a frown. She knew what they were staring at. It had been the same one that her father had presented before the Senate subcommittee during a closed session.

  “Ten years ago an astronomer was doing deep space astrophotography in the hopes of discovering a star system that had the potential for Earth-like planets. During his search, he thought he might have found several such systems. Gliese is the eighty-ninth closest star to the Sun and is located in the constellation of Libra. It is a spectral type M3V star, which is also known…”

  “As a red dwarf,” Ash responded, giving Julia a crooked smile. “What can I say? I love watching the Science Channel.”

  “Ah, another true science fan, S
ergi,” Mei teased. “You should be happy now.”

  “You can learn a lot from the Science Channel, eh, Ash,” Sergi retorted with a grin.

  Julia chuckled and relaxed. “Yes, it is known as a red dwarf,” she repeated with a smile. “It is located approximately twenty light years from Earth and is estimated to have a mass that is about one-third of the Sun. Observation shows that the star may have planetary movement around it based on current evidence. There is speculation of some additional stellar activity that could be the result of mimicking from the radical velocity variations of orbital planets. At this time, there are three suspected planets. Gliese 581c is considered to be similar to Venus.” Julia turned and clicked to the next slide. “Rampant greenhouse effects make the planet too hot to be habitable. Gliese 581d and g have come under closer scrutiny, though doubt has been raised as to whether either one has the potential for life. Still, they have not been completely ruled out.”

  “If there is doubt, why call this project 581g? Why send a mission to explore it when the likelihood of finding a habitable planet twenty light years away is virtually impossible? You’d have a better chance of finding a diamond in the middle of the Sahara,” Josh observed, folding his arms across his chest and staring at the grainy image with an ironic twist to his lips.

  “Because it isn’t the planet that we want to explore,” Julia replied in a soft voice. She raised the remote and clicked to the next slide. “My father was looking in the direction of Gliese 581 for planets. Instead, he found this.”

  Julia watched as each member of her audience frowned and sat forward. Their gaze was glued to the image, or rather, the strange, unnatural object in the image. She clicked to the next slide. This picture was taken just six months ago by a new Russian space telescope. It was slightly smaller, but more powerful than the aging Hubble.

  “What the…?” Ash exclaimed, rising out of his seat.

  “What is it?” Josh demanded, glancing at Julia briefly before turning his gaze back to the slide.

  “It looks mechanical,” Sergi exclaimed.

  “It is too symmetrical to have been made naturally,” Mei whispered, sitting forward in excitement.

  “We don’t know, but we are going to find out,” Julia replied. “This is our destination. The Gliese 581 is almost complete. A select group of top scientists from all over the world have been working day and night for years. This project was too big for just one country and if we find what we suspect is out there, it will affect every person on this planet. This could be the answer to where we came from… and whether we are alone or not in the universe.”

  Mei glanced at Julia. “If word of this spread to the public, there would be world-wide chaos,” she stated in concern.

  “Yes,” Julia agreed. “In addition, the President thought it best that the launch occurred before the new presidential elections to prevent the project from either being canceled or publicized. That is the reason for the short window of time.”

  “Good ole politics, ruling the roost again,” Ash muttered under his breath. “I’d like to send a few politicians on this one way trip.”

  Julia bit back a chuckle and nodded. She turned and watched as Josh stepped forward toward the screen. His face was chiseled into a hard mask. She turned to stare up at the screen. It didn’t matter how many times she gazed at it, she still felt that yearning deep down inside to know if the object in these images her father took were real, and if they were, why were they there?

  “How long will it take to reach it?” Josh asked in a quiet tone.

  “Approximately thirteen months,” Julia replied. “The object is twice the distance from the Earth to Jupiter.”

  “Thirteen? What type of propulsion system does the spaceship have?” Ash asked in surprise.

  Julia smiled when she heard the curiosity mixed with a touch of wonder in Ash’s voice. “A new combination ion-solar propulsion system that was a joint effort between China, Russia, and the U.S.,” Julia answered, “The scientists in China and Russia are just as curious as we are to see if it works. Of course, due to the nature of this mission, it is for a different reason. They believe we are going to Mars.”

  “This is why my father is backing this project. He has always believed that it was possible to go to another planet. Does he know about the true nature of this mission?” Mei asked. “Does he know that I have been chosen to be a member of the crew?”

  “He does now. That is one reason I was delayed. Your father’s company, and his standing with the Chinese government, was imperative to the success of this mission. I met with the President and your father last night. You are one of the most qualified members of this project to slide into the position. I needed the clearance to not only tell all of you, but also to meet with your father. He has agreed to continue to offer support and to remain quiet about the true destination,” Julia replied. “I admit, there was some hesitation about allowing you to be a part of the crew because you have a family. Your father wanted me to assure you that he is very proud to have you as a member.”

  Julia drew in a deep breath and braced herself for the question that she knew was bound to be asked. It was a question she and the original crew members had discussed numerous times over the past several years. She briefly closed her eyes when she heard Josh draw in a deep breath and she stiffened her shoulders.

  “None of us have a family, that was why we were chosen, isn’t it? There is an expectation that we won’t make it back. Why?” Josh asked.

  Julia opened her eyes and gazed back at the expression of hesitation and suspicion in Josh’s eyes. A rueful smile curved her lips at the corner, but didn’t quite reach her eyes. Now was the moment of truth. Would everyone still agree to the mission or would they decide they didn’t want to take the chance?

  “Because my father and I suspected that it might be a gateway. New data continues to support that possibility. If it is, there is a chance we might activate it,” she whispered.

  “Are you saying like a Stargate of some kind?” Ash asked.

  Julia looked back up at the blurred circular object. “Yes,” she replied.

  “Well, shit,” Ash muttered, stepping over to stand near Josh. “I always knew following you was going to get me into a world of trouble. I just never expected it to be out of the solar system.”

  Josh grimaced. “Isn’t that the truth,” he muttered under his breath, staring at the image again.

  Julia turned to the small group. “So, do I tell the President that it is a go?” she asked in a slightly tense tone.

  “Go for me,” Josh replied, turning to look at her.

  “It’s a go for me,” Ash said with a nod.

  Julia turned to look at Sergi. He was frowning up at the screen before he turned and gave her a crooked grin. She returned his smile.

  “Someone has to figure out how to make it work,” Sergi replied with a shrug. “I can fix just about anything. I will go.”

  “Mei?” Julia asked in a soft tone. “Out of all of us, you have the most to lose. You have your family.”

  Mei glanced at the others before rising and taking a step closer to the screen. She was silent for several long seconds before she turned with a serene smile on her face. Her eyes glowed with determination.

  “My family will understand,” Mei said. “My father has always been proud of my achievements. He would never have backed this project if he did not believe in it. It is an honor to go.”

  “Thank you,” Julia breathed in relief.

  Eighteen months later:

  Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan

  “The first umbilical tower has separated,” Launch Control stated.

  “Copy thirty-eight,” a woman’s voice echoed in the background. “Auto-sequence has been initiated.”

  “Roger, twenty seconds and counting,” Launch Control responded. “The final umbilical tower has now separated. Engines have fired with maximum thrust and we have liftoff from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 1:42 a.m. on t
heir way to Gliese 581.”

  “Good first stage performance,” Josh said sixty seconds later into the microphone attached to his helmet.

  “Roll pitch is nominal,” Ash stated. “All systems normal.”

  Josh breathed in and out, in calm even breaths, as the Soyuz rocket went through the different stages necessary before breaking through Earth’s orbit. He followed Ash’s self-assured movements over the controls as he monitored their flight path and the systems.

  “Welcome to the twilight zone, boys and girls,” Ash said as they exited the outer atmosphere.

  Josh kept his eyes focused on the paper in front of him. This was their second trip into space. The first had been a year ago. That was when he caught his initial glance at Gliese 581.

  It had been one of the most magnificent pieces of technology that he had ever seen. He remembered Sergi and Mei teasing him and Ash. It was at that moment when he knew he had made the right decision.

  “So, you thought we were going to travel through space in a tin can?” Sergi had asked him with a grin. “If it helps, my friend, I felt the same way when I first saw the Gliese. She is magnificent ship, is she not?”

  “She had better be! She has some of the most advance technology known to man aboard her,” Mei replied.

  Sergi rolled his eyes. “Mei’s father’s company supplied a great deal of the technology being used,” he murmured, before wincing. “She didn’t want anyone to know that, though.”

  “There is no keeping a secret with you telling everyone. My father has always had a fascination with space,” Mei growled in exasperation before she grinned. “Besides, every time Sergi tells someone, it gives me a chance to hit him.”

  Sergi gave him and Ash a pained expression. “I should never have shown her how to fight,” he muttered in pretend resignation.

  Mei and Julia’s laughter filled the cockpit. Sergi and Mei’s constant picking on each other had become a source of entertainment among the crew. They were both intelligent and enjoyed the banter, which made it even more fun to watch as they tried to outdo each other.


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