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Craving Mr. Kinky

Page 9

by A. m Madden

  I smiled, although she couldn’t see it. “Your neck…” My mouth sucked on her thundering pulse. “So graceful, yet it gives away your secrets.” Upon another thrust, I trailed my lips to her tits and bobbed between them, licking and nipping. “Your breasts… are a natural work of art.” Continuing down, I grazed my fingertips, tickling the ivory soft skin down her side, and I gripped her ass. “This ass… one day…” With each declaration, my hips accelerated and I pounded deeper and deeper into her.

  The only sounds she released were sexy moans of ecstasy, and then her pink tongue peeked out and set me on fire. Attaching my mouth to hers, I sucked forcibly on her bottom lip before saying, “And this mouth… like a drug to me.”

  Cassie had a white-knuckled clasp on the pillow but still held back. “Your pussy is gripping me, and my restraint is failing. I need you to come, Cassandra… now,” I demanded before crushing my lips to hers and using my tongue to mimic how my cock fucked her. Taking it one step further, I shoved a hand between us to manipulate a fingertip over her clit. My touch triggered her hips to buck, her gasps to shorten, and her tongue to fervently tangle with mine. Thank Christ, she finally quivered around me. It took less than three seconds for me to join her.

  The orgasm that wouldn’t end molested me from head to toe—my balls tightened, my cock pulsed. I came harder than ever, reduced to a mass of spent and exhausted muscle.

  Her soft curves molded around my hard body. “Wow,” she said, and I chuckled at her adorable exclamation. I raised the fabric of her shirt over her head, freeing her arms to allow her to drape them around my shoulders. “Hi.” She was even more gorgeous with that just-fucked look… a look I proudly took credit for.

  Kissing her eyelids, I smiled back. “Hi, are you okay?”

  “Yes, great, except I can’t breathe, and I’m dying of thirst,” she added with a beautiful smile.

  Not wanting to leave her warmth, I reluctantly pulled out of her with a groan. Cassie sighed before propping herself up. Those baby blues focused on my fingers as they rolled the condom off, tying it at the opening. “Wine? Perrier?”


  I laughed at her simple request. Cassie was refreshing on several levels. “Tap water it is. I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll be right here.”

  “I would hope so, because we’re doing that again.” I shot her a wink and stepped away. In no time at all, I had her water and returned. Before climbing back on the bed, I set her water down on the side table and took a moment to appraise the beauty that lay between my sheets. She removed her bra, and the sheet did little to hide the shape of her breasts.

  Getting in beside her, I propped up my head on my hand. Cassie remained quiet, but her eyes never left mine. “What are you thinking?”

  “That was amazing. I’ve never experienced anything like that before.”

  “I would hope not.” I kissed her temple. “Next time, I won’t rush it.”

  Her eyes widened, and her brows shot to her hairline. “Rush? And you’re quite confident there will be a next time.”

  “Are you saying there won’t be? Don’t you want to feel that again, to come undone… to feel unadulterated passion?”

  She reached over and took a sip of her water before answering me. “I’m not saying that. All I said was that you’re very confident.” Cassie’s trying to backpedal had me grinning. Realizing I wasn’t wavering on my declaration, she shook her head and conceded. “I want to be able to see you next time. You may see beautiful women all the time, but this isn’t a normal date for me.”

  I snatched the water from her grip and took a gulp before placing the glass on the table. “Cassandra, I meant it when I said you were beautiful.” Her head predictably tilted away from mine, and I gripped her chin to force her to look at me. “I’ll tell you that until you believe me. For instance…” My hand outlined the curves of her body from waist to hip to ass. “I like this.”

  “You like what?”

  “Curves. The women I photograph are rail thin. No softness, no curves.”

  She pulled the sheet up and tucked it around her. “Thank you… I think?”

  The sudden shield she created meant she doubted my words. In an instant, the confident, daring woman I just had sex with vanished. “No thinking, Cassandra. Do you trust me?”


  “Do you think I’d lie to you?”

  “No, but…”

  Placing a finger to her lips, I stopped her negativity. “No buts. You’ll learn that what I say, I mean. Lying isn’t part of my repertoire when it comes to my personal relationships. Do I embellish while I work? Yes, but that’s because models can be prima donnas and if I didn’t, my days would be torturous. You’re different.”

  “Okay. I believe you. Speaking of bodies, yours isn’t too shabby.”

  My hand rubbed my abs. “Meh, it’s okay.”

  Following my lead, she brought her hand to my chest and traced my piercing with her fingertips. My cock jolted in response. “Right, and…” She lifted the sheet that rested on my waist and stared at my cock. “That… well… let’s just say he’s quite skilled.” Taking me by surprise, she leaned down and kissed the tip and flicked it with her tongue. Fuck me. “Tastes good too.”

  “Keep that up and round two will begin immediately.” A mixture of pleasure and agony contorted my facial muscles. If I knew a way to fuck both her mouth and pussy at the same time, I would. “Cassandra, you’re killing me.” The smug look on her face caused me to pull her on top of me. “Open the drawer and get a condom. I wanted to wait, but you’re not giving me much choice.”

  She giggled, and the vibration caused my dick to throb even more. Once I was sheathed, Cassie lowered herself and rode me until we both came with pure satisfaction.


  Where the hell is my bra? On all fours I scoured the floor in search of the damn thing. The darkened room wasn’t helping my predicament, but leaving before the sun rose was my first priority. Finally, my finger grazed a piece of lace. Thank God.

  I slipped it on and then found my panties a few feet away from my jeans. Once I had my shirt and shoes, I could commence my walk of shame. Glancing back at a sleeping Dante, I smiled at the memory of our night together. He looked so peaceful, which I was sure to be the opposite of what he’d feel when he woke to an empty bed.

  Guilt began to settle as I finished dressing and then made my way to the door, but as soon as I saw that giant portrait of his beautiful ex, my guilt vanished… just like I did.

  During the elevator ride to the lobby, I couldn’t stop picturing details of his seductive foreplay. What I thought would be a wham bam turned into a major production. The man knew how to pleasure a woman, so much so I stared at the illuminated numbers on the elevator wall and contemplated pressing his floor indicator to go back up. The loud ding announcing I hit the lobby became my wake-up call to hightail it out of his building before I did something stupid… or more stupid than sleeping with Dante.

  Thirty minutes later, I walked into my apartment and straight into my bedroom. It was so different from Dante’s. Where his was large and belonged in a showroom, mine was a bit more of what I’d call shabby chic.

  I plopped on my bed and hugged a throw pillow my grandmother made for me during her infatuation with needlepoint. The yellow pillow had robin’s egg blue lettering stating Be Happy.

  Huh. I was last night, and then I panicked.

  Was he awake yet? If he was, why didn’t he text me? I tossed the pillow aside and decided to take a shower before waking up the one person I knew could talk me off the ledge.

  Not soon after, a sleepy Vanessa was at my door. “This better be good. I left a hot naked man in my bed with a sticky note stuck to his chest. Kyle isn’t going to be very happy that I’m skipping our morning sex.”

  I rolled my eyes at my friend. “It is good. I mean, bad. Actually, it’s scary… with a hint of crazy.” Vanessa poured herself a cup of coffee and sat on my couch
, watching me wear a path in front of it.

  “Cass, what the hell is going on with you?”

  My fingers twisted together before I forced them apart. Four steps in one direction, five steps in the other. Yes, I was counting my steps. Vanessa’s eyes followed my movements like I was a pocket watch attempting to hypnotize her. Stopping at my tenth pass, I flopped onto the chair, dropped my forehead into my hands, and let the confession fly. “I had sex with Dante last night.”


  After too long of a pause, she finally said, “Did you say you had sex with Dante?”

  Sitting upright, I nodded. “Yes, twice. Well, one night… two times. Ugh. V, I slept with Luca’s brother.”

  “You mean you had sex with a hot man. Who cares who he’s related to? Shit, Kyle could have been related to the pope and I still would have fucked him.”

  “You probably would burst into flames if you met the pope.”

  Vanessa shrugged. “Meh, it’d be worth it. That still doesn’t explain why I’m here and you’re not there.”

  “I panicked.”

  “Was his dick tiny? A grower-not-a-shower type? He did grow, right?”

  “Oh my God! No, he’s very well endowed.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Was it awful?”

  “No, it was the best.”

  “Then I’m confused.”

  “Me too, that’s why I left… I think.”

  I stood and Vanessa quipped, “I swear if you start pacing again, I’m going to tie you to that chair. Now sit down and tell me all about it.”

  “It started out very innocently. We went for a walk in the park, then he made me dinner at his apartment.”

  “So far, I’m not seeing a problem.”

  “I know, because there isn’t one. We sat on the couch and talked, and before I knew it he told me he wanted to kiss me, and damn what a kiss. I lost my mind. He forced my legs around his thighs, and V, it was unreal how he made my body spark to life with just his lips on mine. So what did I do? I asked him to take me to his bedroom. And before I knew it, I was blindfolded and on my way to having the best sex of my life.”

  “Hold the phone. Did you say the best sex of your life?”

  The fact she skipped over the blindfold part of the story wasn’t lost on me, but if she wasn’t going to dwell on it, neither was I. “Yes, the best.”

  “I still don’t understand why you’re here.”

  “I panicked,” I repeated. “For instance, he has a picture, and when I say picture I mean a mini-billboard, of his ex-girlfriend, Charlene Duplex or something, who’s a supermodel, plastered on his living-room wall.”

  “Wait, do you mean Charlene Dupree?” I tilted my head like a puppy waiting for an explanation. “Kyle and I looked at her for our spring ad campaign, but she was unavailable due to previous obligations in Europe.”

  “Well, that’s great.” I sounded like a jealous lunatic.

  “You yourself said she was his ex-girlfriend. I’m still not understanding.”

  “That’s not the point. Do you hear my phone ringing or him knocking on my door?” Vanessa shook her head. “Exactly, I probably did him a favor by disappearing and avoiding the awkward morning dismissal.”

  Bang, bang, bang.

  In unison, our heads whipped toward my door. “Kyle?” I asked in a squeaky whisper.

  “Cassandra, it’s Dante. Open the door.”

  I looked at Vanessa, who mouthed my full name. Waving my arms like an air traffic controller, I urged Vanessa to keep quiet. Naturally, my dear sweet friend ignored my plea and shouted, “Coming,” right before she opened the door. “Good morning, Mr. Kinky.”

  “Mr. Kinky… I see Cassandra is one to kiss and tell.” My temperature surpassed the normal 98.6 degrees while the two continued to banter about me as if I wasn’t there.

  “No, not everything, but the blindfold was a nice touch.” Vanessa slung her purse strap over her shoulder. “I better leave before Kyle is the next to show up, and then this’ll really be a party.”

  “Thank you, V,” I said sarcastically. “You’ve been quite a big help.”

  “My pleasure.” She flipped her hand in the air. “Bye, kids. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  When I turned, Dante crossed his arms in front of his chest and smirked. “Mr. Kinky? I’m flattered, and I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of kink.”

  Surface? Did he mean my surface? Mortification set in. Damn Vanessa and her nicknames. I nonchalantly played it off, but all the while I was sure my face blazed with embarrassment. “Vanessa likes to give men nicknames.”

  “How did I get blessed with Mr. Kinky? Divulging secrets?”

  “Me? No. Um… it was probably the nipple piercing.”

  “Or the blindfold.” That mischievous smirk reappeared. “I was serious about scratching the surface. That was just a hint of what can come. You have no idea of the things I’m capable of.” He winked, and I stared at his lips. “All you have to do is say the word, Cassandra, and I’ll bring you to heights you never imagined.”

  Holy shit. Needing to move on from this conversation, I asked, “Would you like a cup of coffee?”

  “No, I would like some answers.”

  “I need coffee.” He trailed behind me as I made my way to my kitchen.

  “Tell me why you left in the middle of the night.”

  “Technically, it was the morning.”

  He raked his hand over his more than five o’clock shadow. “Semantics. Talk to me, Cassandra.”

  “I got scared, I guess.” My feeble excuse didn’t even make sense to me. “Maybe scared isn’t the right word. I panicked.”


  “For one reason, you’re Luca’s brother.”

  “You knew that before we had sex. Next?”

  I blew a long puff of air through my lips. “Isn’t that enough?”

  “Like I said, that’s not new news. There’s something more that you’re not saying… did I do something wrong?”

  “Wrong?” This man standing in front of me was just the opposite. So much about him was right, yet a nagging feeling caused me to bolt that morning. “Dante, I meant it when I said it was amazing. But it all happened so fast. I’ve never had sex on the first date… if it was even considered a date, which makes this worse.”

  “Technically, it was our second date.”

  “Whatever. Maybe you’re used to casual sex, but I’m not. Hell, it’s been over a year since I’ve been with a man.”

  “So you prefer women?”

  “What? No. I meant a human man… you know, one that isn’t battery operated.” God, could this be more humiliating? Dante’s brown eyes darkened as he held my gaze.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m not understanding the problem. Luckily, I am all man, and I don’t require batteries.” Shit, all man was an understatement. “Let’s sit and talk about it.” He gestured toward my sofa, and remembering what happened on his, I chose to sit at my kitchen table instead.

  “Look, last night was incredible, and I don’t want you to think otherwise. But until I figure out what all of this is, we need to keep it to ourselves.”

  “You mean, I should keep it to myself. You don’t think Vanessa isn’t going to tell Kyle, who in turn will tell Luca? Believe me, before you know it, they’ll all know. That is, unless you swore her to secrecy.”

  Like a deer in headlights I stared at him and kicked myself for not insisting Vanessa not tell a soul. As quick as I could, I sent her a text. I let out a sigh of relief when she sent me an emoji with a zipper across its mouth. “She’s not going to say a word.”

  “That should make you happy.” Although he smiled, his words were laced with a hint of annoyance.

  Little did he know that I would love to tell all my friends I had the best sex of my life. That he made me feel alive, reckless, and more turned on than I had ever been.

  Dante didn’t waver. He kept his eyes pinned to mine, and I felt the need to say, “
I just need time to figure this out. This could be very awkward for all of us.”

  Dante stood and started toward me, causing me to stand as well. “You’re overthinking this. It was just sex, Cassandra. People do it all the time. And it’s no one else’s business unless you make it theirs. There’s no need for it to be awkward.”

  Just sex? Fine, maybe it wasn’t derived from an epic love story, or years in the making, but to me it felt more than just sex. My heart thumped against my ribs, and to be sure it wasn’t going to jump out and land right on my sleeve, I countered with, “Right, just sex. So why are you here again?”

  “For one, you were gone when I woke up. Two, you might think last night was a one-time thing, and so you can put your pretty mind to rest, just sex or not, I woke up craving you.”

  No one had ever said that to me before. Rather than be irked by his aloof demeanor, I was once again turned on. He assessed me as I processed what he said. By no means was he blind to my attraction. The sexual tension radiated between us in waves. He craved me? Well, I craved every inch of him filling me, his fingers touching me, and his mouth possessing mine.

  Once again, I was entranced by him. And just when I thought he would reach out and touch me, to satisfy the pulse between my legs, the heat that swarmed through my veins, he turned and strode toward the door. It was clear I needed to be the one to say something.

  “Dante?” He turned to look at me. “Thank you for last night. I really did have a great time.”

  “I did too. And Cassandra,” he said with an all-knowing smile, “I can’t wait to do it again.” Before my brain could signal my mouth to argue that we couldn’t do it again, he walked out.

  Chapter 11


  Tonight, Luca was home from his family vacation. To think my little brother had an instant family warmed my heart. He was always the most levelheaded and down-to-earth sibling, whereas Gianna and I liked to fly by the seat of our pants. Sadly, my sister wasn’t here to witness our brother’s joy. But soon enough, I was sure Luca would return to Italy to introduce Sabrina to our family. There wasn’t a doubt they’d love her, and her son as well.


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