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Getaway (Restless Motorcycle Club Romance)

Page 3

by Julia Marie

  “Oh my god!” My stomach flipped. He had been winning until I opened my big fucking mouth.

  The agent still had his gun in his hands, but hadn’t been able to bring it to bear against Shane, who outweighed him by at least a couple dozen pounds. Now that he was on top, he gained some ground and pointed it at Shane’ head.


  I lunged from the awkward position I was kneeling in. My body, wielded less with grace and more like a blunt instrument, slammed into the man just as he pulled the trigger, and my soul flinched as the sound of the shot reverberated around the small living room. The gun, the target of my attack, flew from the agent’s hand but not before the bullet had left the muzzle.

  Was I too late?

  It was too easy for the agent to bodily push me aside, taking my breath away as his arm swept into my sensitive stomach. I fell to the ground and stared helplessly as the agent got to his feet.

  A second bang rang out, and the agent slumped to the ground, first falling to his knees before landing on his face.

  Shane lay on the ground, one hand raised and holding a small gun. A wisp of smoke curled from the tip.

  “Shane!” I rushed over on my hands and knees, not wasting the time to stand up. “Are you okay?”

  He didn’t move as I got closer, and I feared the worst.

  When I got over top of him, his eyes found mine. I searched them for the pain I didn’t want to find. He smiled.

  “That was close.”

  An inch to the right of his head, the old hardwood floor had a slug buried in the wood, splintering the grain.

  “You saved me.”

  I couldn’t believe he was here. It didn’t seem possible. It was surreal.

  There was no avoiding it – my lips dropped of their own accord and met his as I pulled his head gently towards me. Even from below he controlled things as we moved at his pace. His teeth playfully nipped at mine, deepening the kiss and bringing the heat forth from my loins. The combination of almost dying, Shane’ rescue, and my own small involvement in the fight had my body completely keyed up.

  Just as Shane’ hands started to creep up my shirt – reminding me and my hard nipples that I had left my bra at the clubhouse earlier that day, not to mention my panties – someone cleared their throat behind me.

  “Who’s there?” I shouted, but felt like an idiot when Shane barely moved beneath me. He must have known that there was someone else around and just hadn’t cared.

  “Where the hell were you, Marshall?” Shane said. “I could have died there; I thought you were right behind me!”

  A tall man leaned against the doorway back into the kitchen. His eyes were cool and had a certain hardness to them that I had never seen before. There was a definite vibe that this was a man I never wanted to piss off. “You had it covered.”

  Shane sat up, incredulous. “Covered? I was an inch away from being ended, man! I swear to you, I would not have been upset at you saving my ass there.”

  “Ah, the lady was up to the task. I was watching the whole thing from right here, and if I thought he was going to kill you then I would have stepped in.”

  The biker just shook his head. I had the impression that there had been many conversations like this one between these two.

  “Whatever. Let’s get out of here. I can’t believe they only had one man here. Then again, maybe it’s not that big of a surprise if this is the work of the people we think it is, that way they could off Jackie without too much fuss.”

  I had been so grateful to see Shane that I had almost forgotten the circumstances.

  “You,” I said, poking him in the chest, “have a lot of explaining to do. What the hell is going on here?”

  I didn’t want to leave the house before getting my explanation, but Shane and Marshall didn’t want to stick around where the FBI knew I had last been. Considering that the agency’s man had been seconds away from killing me, I hesitated only momentarily before following them out to the black sedan and climbing into the passenger seat while Shane drove and Marshall sat in the back seat.

  “It’s a long story,” Shane said. “And it’s probably going to sound pretty fantastical at times, but I swear that I wouldn’t lie to you.”

  I reserved judgment on that front, but since I was the one who had stolen from the motorcycle club and fled, there wasn’t a whole lot of high ground for me to stand on.

  “Okay, well you have to start somewhere. Maybe you can tell me about those files that I saw. Why did you have men killed? Were they bad men? And if so then why was the FBI so upset about it?”

  He sighed. “There’s a lot more to it than you could possibly guess, but I suppose it’s as good a place to get going as any. The first thing you should know is that I used to be in the marines before I retired from active duty. I served my country, and I did everything they asked me to do. Once I got discharged, I helped out a couple of friends in the Bureau from time to time.

  “A couple of old friends of mine had this little motorcycle club, and there were a number of other ex-military men in there. The FBI wanted me to go in and keep an eye on things, make sure they weren’t up to anything illegal.”

  Shane paused and laughed. “Turns out they were keeping busy fooling around with some little bullshit. Instead of turning them in, I joined them. It was a natural fit, and after you see and commit some of the atrocities of war, a little petty crime doesn’t seem like as big of a deal as it’s made out to be.”

  “You were in the marines?” I looked at him with new eyes. The muscles arms, the strong hands on the steering wheel, and the way he carried himself; suddenly I could see it. It was a wonder I never had before.

  “I was,” he nodded. “I was proud as hell about it, too. But that all changed with the war. I saw too much shit, did too many things that I could never forgive myself. When I realized that it was all a sham, all a way for some politicians to do favors to their lobbyists, I lost all faith in what we were doing. It was all for nothing, and definitely not for our country’s freedom.

  “We got involved with progressively darker and more intense crimes, but still not the sort of thing that would seriously harm anyone. I always cautioned against going deeper, but I was a lone voice of reason and would get dragged along with whatever schemes my friends hatched.”

  “Why are you still with the club?” I asked. He seemed conflicted about what they were doing, and it didn’t make any sense that he would stay involved. “You had an easy out, you could have just gone to the FBI.”

  “Because the club is my family now,” Shane said. He looked at me and shrugged. “I would rather be with them taking delivery of a shipment of coke than sitting at home with memories of the war and a bottle of Jack Daniels.”

  I thought about how few actual friends I had. There were none that I would be willing to risk my life for. I wish I had some of that. The comradery that Shane had with his biker gang was somehow more human and wholesome than my lonely existence to this point.

  “Why did the FBI come after me?” I asked. “They already had their man on the inside, what use could I be to them?”

  The dim light of the passing streetlights lit Shane’s face for only a moment at a time. He looked to be fighting for the right words.

  “That’s an easy one. They either know or strongly suspect that I’m not their man anymore. The Restless MC has grown so rapidly that I think we caught them off guard, and they are scrambling to learn everything they can. I doubt they even know exactly how much influence we have.

  “We went from nothing to controlling half the business in the state in only a couple of years, and we’re good enough at it that it just looks like we’re operating a regular shipping business. They’ve tried busting us but can’t manage to crack our operations.”

  The hint of pride in his voice was unmistakeable. “You love it, don’t you?” I said slowly as I pieced it together. “You love getting away with these things underneath their noses, a fuck you to the government that sent
you off to get killed.”

  I could understand the sentiment. Considering the way I’d been treated over the past couple of days, I had my own share of distinctly uncharitable thoughts towards the government.

  There was something he hadn’t addressed. “Hey, you never said what the deal is with that letter and those articles!”

  “Oh, that’s right,” he said. “The men were members of my squad in the marines. Just as we took care of each other while we were in the force, we had each other’s backs once we got out.”

  The incongruity of his statement struck me – you didn’t send someone to kill your friends. I held my tongue though, ready to hear him out.

  “All of the men on that list loved their country. Just like me, they didn’t get a true retirement when we got back from the Middle East. Instead, we were pressed into service for government agencies, convinced to serve on home soil. It didn’t seem like a bad deal, and some of the men found their niche, just like I did with the Restless MC.”

  “So why the letter?” I asked. “Why would you send someone after them?”

  He laughed, only it was a short bark, and completely humorless.

  “Someone had begun targeting the ex-marines. The FBI thinks it was me, and based on the letter you gave them, I don’t really blame them. How carefully did you read the letter?” he asked. “I never said anything about killing anyone. It says specifically to take care of the men, and make sure they are never heard from again. I wrote it to Marshall, here, and that was his signal to help each man stage his death and spirit him away somewhere that he would be safe.”

  “You faked their deaths?” I was dumbfounded. Something about the whole situation had been off, but I hadn’t expected this. “You mean you didn’t have them killed?”

  “Why would I?” He looked at me. “Those men were the center of my life for eight years. We are closer than blood. The problem is that I am positive it is someone within the FBI who was responsible for the actual killings of marines, and now that they have the letter, they will be able to figure out that their job isn’t done yet.”

  It was a lot of information to digest.

  And just think, only half a day ago I was underneath Shane, coaxing him on as he stroked deep within me…

  The memory made me shiver, in a good way. My body was still all keyed up, and learning that Shane wasn’t some crazy bad guy after all was giving me some serious trouble focusing on anything other than his powerful frame and strong jawline.

  We eventually pulled into the drive of a plain corrugated steel building. It looked like the same neighborhood as the clubhouse, but I didn’t recognize the surroundings.

  “Where are we?” I asked. “This isn’t the clubhouse.”

  Shane shook his head. “I can’t take you back there, it’s being watched. We own this place as well, but it’s a block away. It should be safe here, they don’t know it exists.”

  Marshall excused himself off into the night and Shane and I headed inside. Neither of us seemed to worry about the other man’s safety.

  “Does he always give off that vibe?”

  “You mean like he’s on a hair trigger and if you say the wrong word then it may be your last?” Shane laughed at my face when I realized that he had put into words exactly what I had felt about his friend but couldn’t express. “I’m afraid so. Even after all I’ve been through with him, I still never know for sure that he won’t just take me out for reasons of his own.”

  Shane guided me through the small building. There wasn’t much to it, just a small bathroom, an office that looked like it had never been used, and a small room with a bed. The garage looked like it took up half the square footage, but Shane ignored it. He showed me into the bedroom, instead.

  “I’m sure you are exhausted, so I can just leave you here to sleep while I go back home,” Shane said. “You’ve been through enough today.”

  He pulled me into an embrace. No matter what he thought, the feeling of his body pressed against mine was bliss, and I didn’t intend to let him go.

  I went on my tip toes to whisper into his ear. “I feel like I haven’t been through enough. Don’t feel like you have to go for my sake.”

  He looked into my eyes, as if to be sure. Whatever he saw there, it must have been good enough for him. His hand rose to my head and sank into my hair. He pulled my head back gently and took my mouth, his lips almost bruising on mine with their intensity.

  “I thought I was going to lose you there,” he said when next we parted. “That would have been unacceptable.”

  I wrapped my hands around his shoulders to steady myself, light-headed from the kiss. “Unacceptable?”

  “Yes. Because you are mine.”

  His words sent a thrill through my body, made me moan and press myself against him harder as this time my hands pulled his head down to meet me. Not content, I helped him shrug off his leather jacket.

  Suddenly we weren’t naked enough, and in a mad dash to create as much skin-on-skin contact as possible, we ripped our way down to nudity.

  “Down,” he gasped as we broke apart.

  I was waiting for the command, coming to know that he was in control of me, would always be the dominant one in the bedroom. And I was discovering that I was made for it, to satisfy his desires. With all the grace I could muster, I sank to my knees, eyes hungry and fixated on the prize that he had for me just out of reach.

  “Come to me.”

  I crawled forward, swaying my hips from side to side as I crept towards my reward. When I reached it, I wrapped both hands around his length and savored the feeling of the flesh under my fingers, and the way the skin slid smoothly over top of the hardness.

  When I brought it to my mouth, I made sure to look up along his rippling abs to his face. He watched intently as the head of his cock entered. My performance was inspired as I sought to pleasure the man who had saved my life. I owed him every ounce of satisfaction I could possibly manage.

  His groans and the way his hands tightened in my hair drove me to new heights, forcing more of him inside of me and against the back of my throat, pushing my limits, drawing tears to my eyes as I sought to bring him to a much deserved release.

  I felt the way his hips started to move, and then his eyes closed and announced his orgasm as clearly as words. His already thick member swelled in my mouth as it started to shoot ropes of cum.

  So intensely was I focused on his pleasure that it hadn’t occurred to me to pull away as I normally would have done. Instead I kept my mouth on him, continuing to stroke him with my hands, lips and tongue as I coaxed maximal pleasure out of his manhood, trying my hardest to make his legs shake the way he did to me just by looking at me in that certain way.

  His essence was salty, but sweet in a way. Not as bad as I would have thought, and certainly worth it considering the amount of pleasure I was able to give him by continuing to suck through his orgasm.

  Eventually it became too much for him, and he pushed me away from his sensitive organ, struggling to find words. I smiled up at him, waiting patiently for him to gather his thoughts.

  I was so turned on from servicing him that it was practically dripping down my thighs. My hand slid down my stomach until it found my cleft, and I started to rub in small circles, so primed for it that even that little bit was enough to make my toes start to curl.

  “That was incredible,” Shane said as he looked back down at me. “And that is very sexy. I love the look on your face when you play with yourself.”

  He must have liked it – his manhood still stood at attention despite just being drained.

  “You saved my life and almost died doing it; it’s my duty to make sure that you’re well taken care of in every way. You have as many blow jobs coming your way as you can handle,” I said, only partially joking. “Why don’t you climb onto the bed, and I can find another way to take care of you?”

  I followed him there, and climbed onto the soft covers after him. Only when he was there and I swung my le
g over to straddle him did I remember about protection.

  “Do you have condoms?” I asked. My eyes closed in pleasure as I settled on top of him, his cock rubbing against my folds.

  He shook his head, eyes wide. “I’m clean, Jackie, if you’ll trust me. I have told you far more serious things about me than to lie to you now. I trust you. Are you on birth control?”

  His cock against me felt so good.

  I nodded. “I kept taking it even though I was never getting laid. I don’t know why. I liked the way my boobs seemed bigger on it, I guess, and I kept thinking that eventually I would find a guy.”


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