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La Gitana

Page 17

by Carol Ann

  “I know how you feel, my darling,” said the Queen archly.

  “As long as you do, my love, I am happy. You are an excellent helpmate, particularly in matters of business. Perhaps we shall adopt the French mode of government. I have much to discuss with Louis,” said Carlos.

  “Why improve on perfection? Have We not brought in some able statesmen?” said the Queen.


  “You acted without my council, Dear Wife,” replied Carlos. “While We were ill, I might add.”

  “It is good to see such a happy home life. It brings me much joy. We see clearly how your relationship goes. God bless and keep you, Carlos,” said King Louis.

  “You are an astute and perceptive man, Louis,” said Carlos.

  “A King must have an iron fist within a velvet glove, Carlos. When shall We go to her gravesite?”

  “On the morrow as the sun rises. The rays of the morning sun delighted my Marie. She liked the quality of light. We breakfast at five in the morning. And furthermore, We request no more stimulating conversation from my wife as long as the King is visiting. We are too sick to hear stimulating conversation.”

  “You cannot just silence me, Carlos. We have much to say to you in private,” said Maria Anna.

  “We will show you what We can do. Hortencia, take my esteemed wife to the North Tower. Learn solitude, Dear Wife.”

  And that is just what happened. Carlos for the time had regained his mental capacities even if he was physically weak. The Queen had not been aware of his new found strength. Louis merely asked to be shone to his quarters and thanked them both for an interesting afternoon. King Carlos informed King Louis that there would be a ball in his honor that evening and Louis then apologized saying he was over tired from the long journey and that he would send his Minister, Jean Babtiste, and entourage in his stead.

  He also mentioned that He was overcome with grief and needed to rest. Carlos politely said He understood and felt the same.


  Then Louis turned to me and said, “Fond friend of my Marie, We have need of your presence in my quarters this eve. You meant much to Her and We wish to reminisce.”

  When I arrived in the King’s quarters he was sitting in semi-darkness and it looked as if He had been crying.

  “She was so young, only twenty-six. She was more like me than my own son, Louis.

  So forceful, so full of life. Greedy for life. She was denied the right of motherhood.

  I sold her for tracts of land. For power. Maybe if she had had a real man she would not have turned to women. Instead she was forced to take that imbecile, Carlos. I ruined her life.”

  I told him she had a happy life and for all his faults that Carlos gave her the world. He even let her, with my help, rule Spain, and Marie loved power and achievement. Carlos really loved her, adored her and worshipped her. She would not have changed her life for anything. I told Him she would never have chosen any man: She only desired women. I said that Carlos should have never been a King and that it was an accident of birth but that He did try his best given his limitations. I said I was her love and loved her in equal measure, and that all three of us were as happy as we could possibly be. He asked if I was lying to him to make him feel better.

  I said, “No, Louis, Carlos loved her and I loved her as much as I ever loved any man.”

  “Does that include Us?” He asked.


  “I never loved anyone the way I love you, Louis.”

  “When We met Madame, We thought there was no other women who could love me in such full measure. Then We met you with your hot, gypsy blood. Now Madame is our duty and you are Our love. We want you to come back to France with us. We will keep you in a villa in Versailles and visit you every week. Madame must never know.

  She is a good woman though you might not think so.”

  “I cannot leave: Marie Luisa made me promise to look after Carlos. There have been attempts to poison him. One taster has died: one is still gravely ill. I have the only key to a locked food larder and prepare all his meals. It is only a matter of time before someone succeeds. I am not sure it is not that bitch, Maria Anna. She is power hungry and not content to let the Junta del Gobierno advise Carlos. Besides, I have come to think I have a responsibility to the Spanish people to see their taxes and laws are fair and just. I must take my fate as it comes.”

  “Damnit, woman, We are your destiny. You are having Our baby. Feel this cock of steel. You belong with Us: you belong to Us. What about those priests you defrocked in the Inquisition? You think they want you alive! You will be poisoned too. When Carlos dies Maria Anna will execute you. Think of Our baby and your son, Antonio.

  They could destroy your children to get to you!”

  “The nobles support me and the Spanish people love me. She would not dare.”

  “People will do anything for self interest: We wouldn’t bet on the support of the nobles. The masses can be manipulated. ‘La Gitana was gravely ill and died a natural death. She will be missed. Such a pity.’ Wake up, Carmen. The most powerful man in the world is on his knees begging you to come with him. People are not loyal: they 198

  follow the influence of power not their tender feelings of fondness. You are in a nest of hornets. Be loyal to Us! Fuck Spain. And as for Carlos, it is hopeless. He swings back and forth between sanity and madness. He has been dying his whole life. A small flame cannot be a raging fire. We love you from Our mind to deep in Our cock and balls.

  You’re an obsession to Us: there’s never a day We do not think of you.

  “One day Louis I will come to you bare-foot and hatless but not yet. I promised Marie Luisa I’d protect Carlos on her death bed. I must keep the promise: she saved my life.”

  “Oh, my darling, you will be killed. I am the one person who can save you. I am the one man who can give you the world. You notice I did not say We. This is Louis the man begging you: not Louis the King.”

  “Take my boys back with you, Louis. I know this baby is a boy. Take them.

  Protect them. Antonio can be on his own with a pension and clients. Stay until I give birth. It will be soon now. Oh, Louis, I love you more than God.”

  “You hurt Us more than anyone can, Carmen. We will never let you go. Yes, We will take your boys and We will pray every day that you stay alive. We know you cannot be swayed. Fuck Us now like tomorrow will never come.” The entire room became a dark moist cave and everything became Louis. Louis stepped out of his robe. I slid out of my clothes and looked like a snake shedding its skin.

  They fell from my body, soft and dangerous like my man’s heart. The tip of his cock was pink in the half light and I drank in its beauty. I slid into him from the top and said to hell with my big belly and swollen breasts. Love has no shame. The familiar goat smell of Louis suffused the air and I tasted the dark wine on his lips. His dark eyes had a 199

  reddish tint and he never looked away from my gaze. In them I saw hatred, rage and love. I rocked to and fro for on this night I was truly a mad woman. I rammed and rammed taking him in ever deeper. His hands cupped my swollen breasts and I ran my hands through the dense hair on his chest. It felt like wild sage on the desert. I wet him as I climaxed and he said “It’s all you, darling. Don’t be ashamed.” Then he pushed up brutally and came a river. Then we lay in the wreckage of our tainted, purple love. No words were necessary just the familiar loving hand on my pussy and the stars swirling around in an indifferent sky. The universe has no regard for lovers.



  I awoke the next morning and saw Louis sleeping, so fierce and passionate in repose, such a dear face, careworn, tough, and sensitive. My Falcon King. I knew I had found the man for my life, the first man who wanted to give to me and not just take.

  Jito was a friend and valuable ally but Louis was truly my lover and my man. My heart grew soft with longing: he was my man, my sovereign, my liege lord. What a life I would have if I went with him but my first love
was my country, and I had a duty to Carlos who saved me from the Inquisition. I was the only thing standing between Spain and the foreign influence of Maria Anna. It was August of 1690 and I was caught up in a destiny not of my own making. I longed to lie forever in Louis’s arms like a pearl congealed in the blood of lust. But my duty was to Spain and to Carlos, whom I had learned to love. I had decided to send my sons to France where they would be safe.

  Louis awoke and said, “My love why do your eyes fill with tears. Have you changed your mind? Will you come away with Us?”

  “What makes you think that Madame, herself, might not have me killed if I came?”

  Louis laughed. “Surely you don’t think Our women run Us? She would be afraid to do so. Wanting to kill you and actually killing you are two different things! We rule Our women as We rule my country. Do you think We would have gotten this far if We let Madame rule me. You amuse me, Carmen,” he said putting my hand on his cock.

  “She knows We would behead her for such a revolt.”

  “You would do that?”


  “We would without hesitation. You are precious to me. The first woman We ever had who was my equal in spirit and courage.”

  “My heart goes with you: my body remains here,” I said.

  “Let us bathe again together. We wish to rub your pregnant belly and wash your tits, and smell the scent of lavender on your pussy. And We want to smother your mouth with kisses. You shall be my love now and forever.”

  We were just out of the bath when the servant summoned us to breakfast. Carlos had spared no effort. There was ham, sausages, bacon and numerous egg dishes with wild mushrooms. There was a fruit and melon platter and numerous hot muffins and buns, and best of all, the finest French champagne. The coffee, dark and odiferous, was from Africa. Louis toasted his host, complimenting on the fine spread.

  “Carlos, We want you to know one thing. Carmen is Our woman and We are the father of her child. Our protection extends over her from across the seas and you will do everything in your power to keep her safe or We will become a danger to you. Your life depends on her safety: We mean it. My reach extends beyond continents and seas.”

  “We understand, Louis, and We shall keep Carmen safe. We are pleased our Gitana has found love again. Let us proceed to my garden where Marie Luisa is buried.

  We are glad my burdensome wife will not be in attendance.” Marie’s grave was on a windy hill with wildflowers growing in abundance. Their musty fragrances drifted through my nose. She wanted to be buried where there was wind and wild things growing where one could hear wind sighing through the trees.


  Marie had said, “The wind is me, Gitana. We will always be about. We will not leave you in death as in life.”

  I told Louis that and he wept. Carlos kept his sorrow to himself: he did not want to appear weak before Louis. He placed one white rose on her gravestone but it blew away with the wind. He smiled and said it was Marie who moved the flower. In the morning mist we must have appeared like a coven of ravens. I wore a black velvet gown because it was the darkest thing I knew and because Marie had given me the gown. I was like a dark, and mad sullen crow and could do nothing but weep.

  “Our wife, my love, may you rest in peace. You were much loved and hated by a few. You never did any unkindness to Us and were loyal and loving. You were as beautiful as the moon and Our heart yearns for you. We have no love for my current wife, and wish it were she who lay here and not you.”

  Louis spoke next. “No one who is truly vivid is loved by all. But from these people here, We know you were loved in abundance, sweet niece of ours. Our heart lies with you in your grave. We commend your passion and your rage to live each day to the fullest. Let us pray for our dear Marie.”

  As I closed my eyes to pray, a vivid picture of Marie in rapture as we made love arose in my mind. I knew it was Marie’s spirit trying to comfort me, and I wiped the tears from my eyes and I said, “Marie, you are my only woman, now and forever. I loved you as much as I loved any man. Come back to me, sweet Marie, come back.” I shook and trembled and Lady Magdalena put her arms around me, and Louis came over and wiped my eyes.


  “Be brave, Gitana, you are surrounded by friends, Carlos, Us, Antonio, and the Lady Magdalena. Take Our arm and walk with Us. Marie’s spirit will accompany us.

  Carlos, We know your heart aches. We shall leave you that you may commune with her in private.”

  As we walked Louis asked me is it was true that Carlos had Marie’s body exhumed that he could hold her in his arms once again. I acknowledged the truth of it.

  “We pity the poor wretch. He is ill and that wife of his is known to be a real bitch,” said Louis.

  “I always picture her on the toilet when I see her sitting so haughty and arrogant on the throne. She passes royal turds shaped like diamonds and smelling of vanilla, I am told,” I said.

  Louis laughed his big baritone laugh from deep in his chest. “Gitana, you are so witty, perhaps even more then Madame, my wife. How is it you are so educated?”

  “Can a gypsy not buy a book? When you buy a book you acquire the author’s mind, and soul. It is like a gift and it makes you more powerful.”

  “Carmen,” said Louis putting my hand on his cock, “Are We not man enough for you? Why can’t you just leave and have a happy life with Us?”

  “You know why. I must protect poor Carlos. It was Marie’s death wish.”

  “Why must the wishes of the dead supersede those of the living? There is a magnificent greenness to the trees in France and always a gentle wind to impel you forward. Our palace is the finest in Europe and Our cock is always ready for you.” 204

  “And education. We could give you the finest education in the world. You yearn for books: We could get them for you. We could open the universe for you. And We will raise both your boys as princes. And We will not stint in Our love for Antonio even though he is not from Our loins. Anyone who comes from you, We love wholeheartedly.

  You have gone from bandit to King, beggar to opulence. We can make the world yours,” said Louis.

  “And what of Madame? Will she not hate and resent my children?”

  “She will have nothing to do with it. We perceive that the Lady Magdalena is gentle and wise. If you will not come she will raise the baby and guide Antonio with my assistance. A boy needs a strong man to guide him. We are that man. We will inform Madame that any wickedness or interference will be rewarded with a trip to the towers.

  Just her and a spool of thread. She will be resistant and angry at first but We will prevail.

  We always win, and that will not change for you either. When Carlos dies, We will send someone for you and you will come whether you like it or not. And even if We have to imprison you to have you, We will do it.”

  “I believe you mean that.”

  “You may stay for as long as Carlos lives. When he is dead and turned to dust, you will come to Us.”

  “There is no way to reason with you.”

  “We are perfectly reasonable, always.”

  “My king, my liege lord, my lover, I worship you.”

  “Of course, there’s the matter of the Duke of Osuna.”

  “You know.”


  Louis replied, “I know everything about you. I am going to send a generous stipend to your aged parents each month so you can stop giving them money.”

  “You knew I was doing that?”

  “You think We don’t have spies on the court of King Carlos II? You are not to make love to the Duke. We are to be your only man. You may be friends: that is all. We understand he is very useful to the crown and important to the hidalgos (nobles). My seed is the only seed you may have. It is all right to have a women friend in that way if you must. But if you go to him again, even once, We will kill him, and you. Believe me, Gitana. There is great heat emanating from between your thighs. See that you obey me.”

  “You have it all planned out.�

  “Because We say so, my love, because We say so.”

  “I will do as you say, Louis.”

  “Don’t keep me waiting. Now you can truly say you know your Falcon King.” The trees swayed in the breeze and I knew it was Marie giving me her blessing.

  St. Sara had given me a full life. My life was a taut string stretching from heaven to hell.

  My destiny was to sleep on the edge of a knife. My perilous love, Louis. My heart belonged to the Lion of war.

  The baby came in late August 1690. It was a difficult birth and I thrashed about for three days in utmost pain and even cursed Louis for getting me with child. The baby weighed nine pounds and he was furious with screaming. He began to suckle immediately even before we could clean him up. Louis, Antonio, and Magdalena attended my birthing, and were right by my side throughout. A pinkness infused the 206

  baby’s cheeks and he had Louis’s dark, wild hair, black eyes, and angry, full mouth.

  There could be no doubt who the father was. Some babies come into the world as lambs: mine had come with a fury like a lion. He looked out on the world as if he owned it.

  After the feeding and the cleaning of the baby Louis gently took him in his arms, and ran his hands down the baby’s back and cupped his sweet head in one massive palm. I remember the image of Louis’s big hands holding the baby like a fragile snow flake.

  Such tenderness from a man so dangerous and powerful. The hand that held the scepter of the world gently holding my son. Louis emanated light and suffused the room with his warmth and strength and my baby drifted off to sleep in his powerful arms.

  He gave the baby to the nurse saying that the Lady Magdalena would cleanse me and wash my hair and arrange my bed things. He further said he would be back later with a gift for me. Antonio wept at the sight of his new brother and asked if he might stay in Spain to look after me. I explained that I had many enemies and it was no longer safe for him in Spain. I told him he would be raised as a prince and that his new brother would be named Julio Luis. I could not very well name him Louis as the King already had a son by that name. The King extended his hand and Antonio took it and they both walked out together.


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