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Pretty Girl

Page 5

by Alexa Riley

  “Yeah,” she agrees with me.

  “You won’t be alone ever again.”

  She rests her head on my chest, putting her body weight into me. I wonder if those shoes are starting to hurt her feet. I mutter a curse when my eyes go over her head to see Kale Cane strolling towards us with a smirk on his face.

  He’s got his eyes on my girl. “Mila!” he shouts enthusiastically. She turns a little in my hold. He tries to pull her into a hug and one of those cheek kisses everyone’s doing, but I feel her body tense up. I step back and take her with me.

  “We don’t touch.” I make my tone hard. Mila stifles a giggle next to men and she rubs her hand up my chest.

  “He’s protective.” Mila smiles at Kale. I don’t even fucking like that, but I know she’s too sweet to do anything else.

  Kale’s eyes run over me, taking me in before going back to my girl. “Didn’t know you were seeing anyone.”

  “It’s new,” she tells him.

  I lean down and kiss the top of her head. “And very serious,” I add, giving him a don’t fuck with me look.

  His eyes dart between us. “Have your publicist call mine, Mila. There are things we need to set up.”

  I can’t fight the rumble that comes from my chest, but the prick darts away as quickly as he says the words. I want to go snatch him and teach him a lesson about sniffing around another man’s woman, but I don’t want to make a scene that might embarrass Mila.

  “God, I hate him,” she mumbles. That makes two of us.

  “Didn’t you date?” I ask, even though I shouldn't. I don’t want to know details about her with someone else, but maybe I’m a masochist.

  She snorts. “Heck no, I mean, people think we did.” She rolls her eyes. “Sometimes publicists have you go on fake dates for publicity. I should have said no, but I was told it was what I was supposed to do. So I did it.”

  “That shit’s fucking done.” Over my dead body would she even be going on fake dates.

  “Is it wrong that I like when you get jealous and possessive?” She peeks up at me through her eyelashes, a hint of pink hitting her cheeks.

  “Is it wrong that it makes me want to steal you away from the rest of the world so only I can have you?” I toss back at her.

  “Not sure you’d have to steal me. Don’t think I’d put up much of a fight.”

  “Don’t tempt me,” I warn. I already have plans set, but she’s making this all too easy. Everything with her has been easy. Right. “If I told you that I wanted to take you away from here, go away for a while, because I was worried for your safety and, to be honest, my own sanity, would you come with me?”

  “Told you already. I trust you.” Then she repeats my words from earlier. “I’ll go anywhere you lead.” That has me pulling her from the event and taking her for my own.

  Chapter Eleven


  Kisses rain all over my face, and I slowly open my eyes to stare up at Jax. “I passed out on you, again, didn’t I?”

  “You sleep deep, pretty girl.” Concern shows on his face.

  “I know, I’m just a little worn out,” I admit. I went from Fashion Week in Europe straight to New York. The time change always messes with me. I barely got any sleep before I was thrust into my next big campaign.

  “We’re going to change that.” He lifts me and puts me in his lap. I lay my head on his shoulder.

  “You don’t want to wear me out?” I tease before kissing his neck and biting it gently. His cock jerks under my ass.

  “I will always do what’s best for you.”

  “Like stealing me away?” I smile against his neck. I know it’s going to cause a shitstorm. My agent and publicist are probably losing it.

  “I think you’ll like my home.” I sit up, almost hitting his head with mine, but Jax has quick reflexes.

  “We're going to your house?” I’m almost bubbling over with excitement at the idea.

  He smiles and nods. “I love how excited you are to see it.” He has no idea. Being out in the Colorado mountains in a home away from the rest of the world where it’s only him and me sounds like the most wonderful thing in the whole world. He better be careful or I may never want to leave.

  “Sir, we’re landing.” The flight attendant bends down to pick up his coffee. “Can I get you anything before we start our descent?”

  “No, thank you.”

  She gives a polite nod before heading back towards the front of the small plane.

  Jax sets me down in the seat next to his before buckling in me. I lean my head on his shoulder again. “Is this your plane?” I ask. “Didn’t know retired FBI agents did so well,” I fish.

  “No, it’s Sam’s. But I’ll get you one if you like. Family used to have one when my grandpa traveled a lot more, but I sold it after he passed. I’m more of a homebody now.”

  “I was joking.” I poke his side but only come up against hard muscle. His home must have a gym in it somewhere.

  “I wasn't,” he teases me back. I’ve seen the inside of enough planes in my life that owning one of my own doesn't even sound appealing. When I was younger the trips for work were exciting, but not so much anymore.

  Jax tells me about his home and life growing up with his grandpa. He never knew his parents, who both died in a freak skiing accident, but his grandpa was more than he could have ever asked for and was hard to lose. I enjoy listening to him talk and telling me about his life.

  When we exit the plane there is a truck waiting for us. Jax opens my door, helping me in. “Going to have to get side steps,” he laughs. I didn't know they even made trucks this tall. He puts our bags in the back before hopping into the driver’s side of the truck. It’s still dark out.

  “Drive is going to take a little. We’ll probably make it home before the sun comes up.”

  “Dang. I was excited to see everything.”

  “We’ll have plenty of time. I’ll show you everything.” He reaches over and slides me closer to him. He buckles me in and places his hand on my thigh in a possessive hold.

  “I can’t wait.” I want to forget about the rest of the world for a while, but I’m not sure how easy that will really be. I know I still have some responsibilities that need to be taken care of. “What did they say?”

  “They work for you, pretty girl. I want you to remember that,” he responds. I don’t even have to tell him who I’m asking about. I know the call with them must have been heated, and I’m also guessing he made it while I was passed out cold because he never left my side since we left the event and we went straight to the airport. He already had us ready to go. I didn't comment that it was clear this was already planned because, well, I kinda liked it. He keeps taking care of me and I keep falling deeper and deeper for this man. My warrior. My protector.

  “I know.” Right on cue my cell phone rings. Jax pulls it out of his coat pocket. I see my mom’s name. “Crap,” I mumble, taking the phone from him. He doesn't look like he wants to hand it over, but he does.

  “Hi, Mom,” I say, glancing at the clock. It’s three in the morning here, but who knows where she is. It might be the middle of the day for her.

  “You canceled your shoots!” she yells into the phone. Jax growls and tries to snatch the phone back from me, but I dodge him, knowing I need to face her. I love my mom, but this is my life.

  “I trust Jax. He thinks it’s safe for me to take some time off with all this stalker stuff going on.”

  “Mila, please. You’ve had dozens of stalkers. What’s so different about this one?” I glance over at Jax, who has the steering wheel in a death grip. To be honest, I have no idea how to answer my mom’s question.

  “I told you, I trust Jax,” I say again because that’s all I need.

  She lets out a long, loud sigh. “I guess it is a little extra that he broke in and did all that crap in your new home.”

  Jax must hear her because he lets out a string of curses that would make a sailor blush.

ll, you don’t have to worry. Jax would never let anything happen to me.” I’m not sure if I’m reassuring her or myself, but I believe it. Jax won’t let anything happen to me.

  “From the pictures I saw of you two last night, he looks like he might be a stalker of yours as well,” my mom says tartly. “Be careful. I told you what men want from you.” I feel Jax’s body go rigid beside me. I glance down. I hate when she says that. It’s probably why I’ve stayed away from dating for so long. Well, real dates anyway. With Jax, I couldn't fight the pull. I want to retort that she only wants one thing from men, too, but I stop myself.

  I get my looks from my mom. She is beautiful and has never had a problem finding a man or husband. Whichever she wants. She leaves them quickly, taking a stack of cash with her. But I don’t say that. I know my mom falls in love quickly and falls out just as fast. Maybe the money is only a byproduct of that.

  My mom loves me in her own way, and I actually think she pushed the modeling thing because it was a way to use beauty without having to spread my legs.

  “Don’t talk about Jax like that,” I snap, shocking even myself. His hand on my leg starts to softly stroke me.

  “You like him.” My mom’s voice quietens. “Mila, your career, you only—”

  I cut her off. “Mom, let me do what I want. It’s not like we need the money or something. I just want to be happy and this isn't working for me anymore,” I confess.

  “Okay, honey. Just take a few days. Rest. You don’t need to jump into making any decisions. Know from your mama. Men come and go.”

  “Okay,” is all I give her. I already know what my mind is set on. It’s three in the morning and I don’t want to fight about this right now. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, honey. Be safe.” With that she hangs up. I hand the phone to Jax. He rolls down the window and throws it out. I sit there for a second before I burst into a fit of laughter. When I’m done we sit in comfortable silence for a little.

  “I wouldn't mind if you stalked me.” I peek over at him. His face is unreadable. The dark doesn’t help.

  He glances over at me. “I don’t have to stalk something I’m never letting out of my sight.”

  I smile, liking the sound of that probably more than I should.

  “You really think you might give it all up?”

  I shrug. I don’t want to come off too needy. I haven't even seen his place yet but I’m already imagining holing up there with him for the rest of my life. Maybe a few kids running around. It all sounds too perfect to be true. “Guess it doesn't matter. Until this stalker thing is handled.” I watch tension as reenters his body at the mention of the stalker.

  “For the record, I don’t only want you for sex. Being near you would be enough for me.”

  “Not me!” I throw my hand over my mouth. I can’t believe I just said that out loud! I’ve been trying to get this man to go all the way but still no luck.

  He laughs, deep and sexy. God, I love that sound.

  “It’s bad isn't it? The stalker?” I finally ask.

  “Yeah,” he admits.

  “You don’t want to talk about it?”

  “Don’t want it touching you in any way. I just want to get it handled and for you not to even have to think about it. That’s what I want.”

  “Okay.” I wrap my arm around his, resting my head on his shoulder again, a habit of mine now, it seems.

  “I love how much you trust me. It means everything to me that you give me that.”

  “Never break it and you’ll always have me,” I tell him. I mean it.

  “Never,” he vows.

  Chapter Twelve


  She lies in my bed, her hair spread out everywhere, looking like an angel. Relief filled me the moment we pulled onto my land. I knew in that moment no one would ever touch her. She’d be safe here. I could finally breathe a little.

  I made her something to eat and we went and lay down. I could tell she was still a little tired. The nap she got on the plane not enough but now we have all the time in the world. She fought to stay up until the sun came up and was dying to have a look around. When I got my face between her thighs, I got her to pass out after the third orgasm.

  I hated to leave her in bed, but I wanted to make sure all my security was in place. After a quick shower I slipped into bed and pulled her into my arms. It wasn't long until I was out. I only ever need a few hours a sleep. It’s something that I trained myself to master.

  I stroke her hair, thinking about what she said to her mom. God, I hope she really wants to give that life up. I hate the rest of the world getting her like that. I’m a selfish bastard and want her to myself. Our children. I fight back a satisfied growl at the idea of putting a baby inside her little body.

  I worry it might be hard for her to carry one. She’s so small and I’m so fucking big. It’s the one time in my life I’m cursing my size. She stirs in my arms, and her eyes flutter open. A sleepy smile pulls at her lips and it hits me right in the heart.

  “Hi,” she whispers. She moves, sliding on top of me. I moan as her pussy drags across my cock. She’s still naked and I’m only in a pair of briefs. It would be so easy to slide them to the side and push inside of her.

  “Morning, pretty girl.” I push her hair out if her face. “Well, afternoon.”

  She pops up so she’s straddling me, her tits bouncing. I can’t stop myself from reaching up and dragging my fingers across her nipples. She lets out a little gasp, giving a wiggle. “I wanted to look around but maybe…” She licks her full lips.

  “Mila,” I warn. God, I want her so bad, but I wanted to make our first time special. I’m pretty sure my girl is a virgin. “Your first time should be—” I’m cut off when she drags her pussy against my cock, making me growl.

  “I don't want to wait any longer. Anytime with you will be special.” Her hands come down to land on my chest. “Make love to me, Jax. Make me yours.”

  “You are mine,” I promise, flipping her over so she’s under me. I pin her to the bed. “Say it.”

  “I’m yours. You know that. I just want to feel you everywhere. Want you to be mine.”

  I drag my nose along her neck and bite her there, marking her skin. Not too hard but enough to show. She gasps again. “Then you’ll be my wife.”

  “Yes!” She wraps her legs around me. I pull back to look down at her.

  “You mean that?” I breathe out. I need to make sure I heard that right and that she heard me.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” she yells, with the biggest smile on her face. I let go of her hands that I have pinned over her head. Reaching for the side table, I open the drawer and pull out the small box. Her eyes grow round as I flip it open and pull out the ring my grandpa left me.

  I slide it onto her finger. It’s a band, studded with diamonds, understated but beautiful. Her eyes brim with tears.

  “My grandpa loved my grandma more than anything in the whole world. He told me that everyone has another half out in the world, and if you’re lucky enough one day you’ll find that person. When you do, that first moment you lock eyes with her, you’ll know.” I tell her what my grandpa told me so many times. “I thought he was nuts, but I should have known better because that man was always right.”

  A tear slips free. I lean in, stopping it right in its tracks.

  “I knew the moment I turned around and saw you standing there you were mine. My other half. I knew one day I’d put this ring on your finer. I just didn't know it would be so soon. That you’d give me all of you so quick. I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

  “It’s because I knew, too. From the first moment. I felt it. I’d never felt anything like it before.” She reaches up, cupping my face. “We were made for each other.”

  “My pretty girl.”

  “Yours,” She whispers as my mouth falls onto hers. I kiss her deeply, pouring everything I can into it.

  “Going to make love to you,” I say between kisses.

“Yes,” she moans, moving her hand across my back. I lean up and pull my briefs down. She tries to help me, and her hands are everywhere. She’s just as eager as I am.

  I kick them off before kneeing her legs apart. Spreading her wide. I want to taste, but I can tell by how tight she is holding me she isn't going to let me go. My cock brushes her clit, making us groan.

  “Fuck, you’re wet.” I close my eyes and try to get myself under control. Cum is already leaking from my cock as she pulls me down to kiss her. Our tongues tangle. I taste her sweetness. She moves under me, her body begging me to slip inside her. I line my cock up with her opening. When I pull back and look down at her, all I see is trust there.

  I slide in a little, and her wetness makes it so easy.

  “Oh,” she breathes, pushing her hips up, begging for more.

  “I love you,” I tell her right before I push inside of her, breaking the barrier of her virginity.

  Her mouth falls open and I lock my lips over hers, taking in her small scream. Her fingernails dig into my back. I stay as still as I can, but my cock jerks on his own, cumming deep inside her. Unable to control myself, I growl into her mouth. It’s a bittersweet feeling. I know she hurts and here I am knowing what heaven feels like.

  I pull my mouth from hers and kiss her face. “I love you, too,” she rushes to say. “Love you so much.” My eyes lock with hers, but she doesn't look like she’s in pain. No, she’s smiling up at me.

  Her words send me over the edge and break my control. I pull out and thrust back in. She moans my name, and her eyes fall closed in pleasure.

  “You’re mine now,” I tell her as I thrust in and out of her. I already feel ready to cum again. “Say it again,” I command.

  “I love you,” she moans. Her tight pussy sucks me in and out. With each thrust, it tries to grab hold and keep me. Fucking greedy. I never should have been worried that I wouldn't fit inside of her. She was made for me.

  Her hard nipples rub against my chest. Her breaths become shallower. I know she’s about to cum and she’s going to take me with her. I’m already fighting it.


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