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The Penthouse Pact

Page 17

by Cathryn Fox

His heart raced, okay galloped, as he stared at the text and considered his next move. But before he did anything, there was a call he needed to make first. He wasn’t sure why it was so important, only that it was. He punched in the number, and when his mother’s voice came on the other end, he asked, “Mom, did you love Dad?”

  A pause and then, “I’ve always loved your father, Parker.”

  “But you fought so much.”

  “Everyone fights, but I never stopped loving him. I don’t think he ever stopped loving me, either. It took a heart attack for him to realize that.”

  “Did you get pregnant on purpose?”

  She sighed. “Your grandma filled your head with stories didn’t she?”

  “Yes. But I want to hear it from you.”

  “I loved your father very much, Parker. I tried so hard to fit into his world, and because of it, I wasn’t the most attentive mother to you. I know that now, and it’s one of my biggest regrets.”

  It was clear she was hedging, with pretty much answered his question, but he decided to ask again anyway. “Did you get pregnant on purpose?”

  A long moment of silence, and then “Yes, I did.”

  “Did he marry you because you were pregnant?”

  “I suppose, but we were in love. It just took a baby for him to realize what he wanted. I might have done the wrong thing, but I did it for all the right reasons. Why are you asking this?”

  “Why did you approve of Layla, and none of the other women I’d been with?”

  “Oh, honey. Don’t you see? I wanted you to marry for love, like your father and I did. Those other women only wanted you for your money and status. They didn’t care about you the way Layla does.”

  “You think she cares about me?”

  “I see the way she looks at you Parker. She’s in love. Just like you are. What is going on with you anyway? Are you telling me she’s pregnant, that she’s tried to trap you? How can that be? You were already engaged. You are still engaged aren’t you?”

  He couldn’t bring himself to tell her they never were, probably because it was what he’d wanted all along. Yeah, he loved her. If she got pregnant on purpose, it still didn’t change his feelings for her, but as he considered everything they shared, the kind of person she was, he knew otherwise.

  “Yeah, we’re still engaged, and I have to go.” He powered down his phone, and pushed back in his chair, his thoughts still on the woman he loved, a woman who didn’t have a manipulative bone in her body. She was kind, sweet, caring, and he fucking loved her with everything he had in him.

  Goddammit, he’d been such a dick these last few days, sitting around thinking the worst when he should have been out there fighting to win her back. Three long days had passed, and he hadn’t heard from her.

  And why is that, Parker?

  Oh, because she wasn’t looking for anything from him and in no way was she trying to trap him.

  Then why did she run, asshole?

  Oh, because he straight up told her about that pact and that he didn’t like kids. Could he really blame her for running? Fuck no. He could only image how scared and upset she must be, not knowing which way to turn. His stomach twisted. He needed to make this right, even though he was a total dick who didn’t deserve a woman like her.

  He stood, stepped into the boardroom where his junior executives were seated around the table waiting for him, all looking nervous because he’d been such a fucking bear these last few days, and said, “I want you all to add dick to the top of the list you keep, then come with me.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Moving like a robot behind the counter at Uncommon Grounds, Layla filled coffee orders and kept her head down like she normally did. But nothing was normal these days. In fact, her life was the opposite of normal, and tonight she’d be ringing in the New Year pregnant and penniless.

  Well done, Layla.

  The last three days had been spent at Andi’s mom’s house in Bellevue. She was a nurse, and after giving Layla a check up, offered to help as much as she could. Layla was grateful, having no family of her own to turn to.

  She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. After her shift, she planned to tell Parker about the baby. It was the right thing to do. Yes, he could hate her—would hate her—but he deserved to know. Not wanting children was one thing, but having one and not knowing about it was something else entirely, and she’d never do that to him. She’d tell him she didn’t want money, that she’d raise the baby alone. No way would she force him into fatherhood.

  As the noon rush kicked in, she poured a cup of coffee and slid it across the counters. After leaving Parker’s place the way she did, she guessed he’d find a new favorite coffee shop, even though he swore she made the best, Grande Americano, extra shot.

  “Next in line,” she said.

  “Grande Americano, extra shot.”

  Her heart crashed as she slowly lifted her head to meet a pair of eyes so intense and serious her legs nearly went out beneath her. Was he really standing here, ordering a coffee, like nothing had happened between them? God, how could they pretend like this after she loved him so physically, so intimately? But more importantly, how was he going to react when she told him?

  How much was he going to hate her?

  She made a move to turn, but his hand snaked out to capture hers, his warm palm closing over her arm. Awareness flared through her, her heart aching with all the things she felt for him. She pulled her hand back and instantly felt the loss, her emotions in turmoil as the man she loved stood over her—acting like nothing had happened between them.

  “Hey,” he said.

  Trying for professional even though her insides were in chaos, she said, “Grand Americano, extra shot coming right up.”

  “It’s not the coffee I want, Layla.”

  Wait. What?

  Her lungs constricted, making breathing almost impossible “Parker,” she began, all eyes in the café suddenly on them. “Please don’t…”

  “I’m not leaving here until we talk. I know why you ran.”

  She gripped the counter to keep herself from falling. He couldn’t possibly know? “Not here.” Her boss was in the back room counting inventory. Any minute he’d be out to check on her, and no doubt she’d lose her job this time. “Not like this.”

  He folded his arms. “Yes, here. Like this.”

  She shook her head, her ponytail bouncing as her stomach lurched.

  One eyebrow shot up. “Did you forget I know how to get you to say yes?”

  Forget? How could she forget? One hot look from him, and yes was on her lips.

  “All I have to do is wear you out, and I plan to stand in this exact spot until you give in and talk to me.”

  “Please don’t make a scene. I need this job.” More than he ever knew.

  “Make a scene. When have I ever made a scene?”

  He snapped his fingers, and some young executive from SKYWEB held the glass door open. Wind rushed through the café as men filed in, all carrying bags and packages, and diapers, and strollers. Everything a new parent would need.

  “Oh. My. God,” she said, backing away. He really did know. “Parker…”

  “For the baby,” he said in a soft voice. “I wasn’t sure if it was a boy or girl, so I got one of everything in both colors.”

  “Parker, I can’t…how?”

  He pulled a “First Response” perforated piece of the pouch from his pocket. “You must have dropped this.”

  Heat moved into her face and tears fell. God, he knew. She expected anger, but when her gaze met his, all she saw was pure adoration. Love. She blinked her eyes, her mind spinning. How can that be?

  “You ran because I said I never wanted a family or kids. You ran to protect yourself, and to protect me from something you thought I didn’t want. But I do want this. So much has changed since I met you. I want the white picket fence, Layla. I want the family, babies, and middle of the night feedings. I want it all with you.”

nbsp; “Parker,” she said, hardly able to believe what she was hearing. Her entire body shook, as he offered her everything she’d ever wanted.

  “I know you didn’t get pregnant on purpose, Layla. You’re not my mother.” He sucked in a breath and let it out slowly. “Basically you ran because I’m a total dick.”

  He knows I didn’t do it on purpose.

  Just then a purring sound reached her ears, and from the bag over his shoulder, he produced a kitten.

  “The stray,” she murmured, her heart pounding in her ears. “You…I thought.”

  “I never should have said no. It’s just that…well, after Chester.”

  She frowned. “Chester?”

  “The stray I once had, remember?”

  “No…you never said anything…” When her voice fell off, he angled his head, those astute eyes of his moving over her face, reading her every thought, her deepest worries.

  “You didn’t think I meant… Oh, Layla. I took in a stray once. Chester died after a month, and it broke my fucking heart. Wasn’t sure I could do it again. That’s all. I thought I told you that story.”

  “You didn’t.” She looked at the kitten. “I can’t believe you brought her here.”

  “Anything for you, Layla.” He tucked the kitten back in the bag and straightened. “Now are you coming out here, or am I coming back there to scoop you up, and carry you out?” He grinned. “We never did have that contract drawn up.”

  She darted a nervous glance around. “Parker, everyone is looking at us.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “This is going to be all over the news.”

  “Good. I want everyone to know I love you and that you’re having my baby.”

  “You love me?”

  “Of course I fucking love you, now get over here.”

  “So bossy,” she said as she came from around the counter, her legs so shaky it was a miracle she could walk.

  He went down on one knee, and she gasped. “Marry me, Layla.”

  She shook her head no, and his grip on her hand tightened. “Layla—”

  “I don’t want you to marry me just because I’m pregnant.”

  “I love you. Pregnant or not, I want you to be mine. I have for a while now.” He brought her hand to his and kissed it. “Please say yes.”

  Her pulse shot up. “Parker, this is happening so fast.”

  He brushed a tear from her face. “Not really. I already had one of the spare rooms turned into a permanent art studio for you. I wanted to show you how much I needed forever with you.”

  “You did?” she managed to get out, a little whimper of pleasure and surprise catching in her throat.

  He did that for me?

  “Yes. I don’t want you to go to New York, Layla. I want you to stay here with me, and paint, and eventually open your own art gallery.” The muscles along his jaw tightened. “But if you want to go to New York, I’ll understand. We’ll just have to commute, find a way to work things out with the baby’s schedule.”

  “You want me to paint full-time, and build an inventory?” He nodded, and she said, “It will be years of work before I make a dime.”

  “Let me take care of you.” She opened her mouth to protest, and he pulled her to her knees. He cupped her face, his hand so soft and warm. “You’re not my mother, and I’m not your father, Layla. I’m not going to bail. Trust me.”

  She swallowed against the tightness in her throat and took in the man before her. A man who was sweet, loving, and sensitive. A man who cared more about others than money. A man who went out of his way to give her everything she wanted, but more importantly, everything she needed. A man she trusted like she’d never trusted another.

  She put her hand on his face. “I do trust you, Parker.”

  “You’ll stay?”

  “I’d like that very much.”

  He pressed his lips to hers and cheers erupted around them. The place had gone so quiet, she’d forgotten she was in a full coffee shop with everyone listening. She glanced up, and someone took their picture.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  “I love you, too, even though you’re bossy and always seem to get what you want.”

  He laughed. “Let’s get out of here and pick out some things for the nursery. I’ll call my decorator—”


  Unease moved into his eyes. “Layla, please…”

  “No, Parker, this is one thing I will fight you on.”

  “I don’t get it. Do you not want to come live with me? I love you. You love me. I want you to marry me. I even got us tickets to honeymoon in Jamaica. You always said—”

  Heart soaring, she pressed her finger to his lips. “Stop talking.”

  She took in the hard lines of his jaw as he squared his shoulders. “I will not—”

  “I want us to decorate the room together. No professionals.”

  Relief softened his features. “So that’s a yes, then. To everything.”

  “That’s a yes, to everything. But I think you might be forgetting something.”

  He looked at all the boxes and packages. “I did.”

  “Yeah, this is going to cost you five million dollars.”

  He grinned, pressed his lips to hers again and whispered into her mouth, “Doesn’t matter, you’re worth it.”


  “Holy God, did you see those groomsmen?” Andi asked, more of a statement than a question.

  Laid out on her lounge chair, the Jamaican sun warm on her body, Layla angled her head to take in her friend’s wide-eyed expression. She laughed when she caught her child-like enthusiasm, as she drooled over Parker’s college friends.

  “Yeah, kind of hard to miss them, considering they’ve been here all week, and stood beside Parker when we got married yesterday.”

  Since she was busy with school, Parker had planned the whole wedding, and as soon as she finished the last of her exams, he flew everyone to Jamaica to give her a nice warm destination wedding. She had to admit she was definitely pulling off lounging on a beach in style, despite the maternity bathing suit.

  Her best friend, Andi, who also stood as her maid of honor, took a long pull from her straw, finishing the last drops of her daiquiri, then said, “They’re all freaking hot, every single one of them.”

  “Oh, I know,” Layla responded, as she let her gaze stray across the beach. The Caribbean waters crashed against the shore as Parker, his four best men, and a handful of other guys, including his cousin Grant, all played volleyball on the sand. Andi was right. The guys were all athletic and good-looking, but none of them were Parker.

  My sweet, sweet husband.

  As her hand went to her growing belly, to feel another soft kick, her mind tripped back to earlier in the week. Upon first meeting Parker’s friends, they all seemed leery of her—suspicious for their own reasons—but it didn’t take them long to see just how much Parker and she loved one another, just how committed they truly were.

  And if she wasn’t mistaken, a few of them might even have been envious of their relationship. She glimpsed the looks on their faces as she walked down the aisle to her waiting fiancé, now husband. Lucas especially. Those dark eyes of his dimmed with longing. Yeah, they all had a million reasons not to walk down the aisle, but something told her he might be the next guy willing to part with his money—if the right girl came along.

  Parker spiked the ball, and the other team groaned as it hit the sand, ending the game. Not even breathless after all the physical activity, he ran to her and dropped to his knees in the sand. Her heart raced as she gazed at him, watched him place a loving hand over her stomach.

  “How are my girls?” he asked.

  “Your girls are great.”

  His blue eyes softened as he gazed at her. As she hit the five-month pregnancy mark, she was beginning to feel like a bloated whale, but he still looked at her expanding body with love and adoration, making her feel like the most important woman in the world.
  He leaned in and placed a kiss on her lips, and from beside them, Andi stood and whispered, “Get a room already.”

  They both laughed as she strolled to the water in a very skimpy bikini that seemed to draw an awful lot of attention, but Parker only had eyes for Layla, and that nearly filled her eyes with tears.

  She gazed beyond his broad shoulders for a second to see Andi stop near the shoreline to talk to Parker’s parents as they held hands and searched for seashells. She gave a contented sigh. Life was so strange, sometimes. Parker never thought he’d see those two together again and happy. Sure they sparred a lot. So did she and Parker. But she kind of loved their teasing camaraderie.

  The man she loved with all her heart frowned and glanced at the umbrella covering only half her body. “Are you sure you should be in the sun?”

  She smiled. Never in her life had someone been so protective of her, and while she loved it, she still liked to push back. “I’m fine,” she said, and gave an exaggerated huff.

  “Yeah, but…”

  His words fell off as she placed her hand on his face. “Are you going to spend our whole pregnancy hovering over me like an old woman?”

  “Hell yeah, I am,” he shot back quickly.

  She laughed, pressed her lips to his and said, “Good.”

  Catching her by surprise, he scooped her up, and she placed her hand on his strong heart, loving the feel of it beneath her palm.

  “What do you think you’re doing? I was perfectly—”

  “Taking you back to our room.”

  She wrapped her arms around him to hold on. “I told you I was fine. The sun isn’t going to hurt me, or the baby.”

  He started toward their honeymoon suite. “Maybe I want you in the room for other reasons, did you ever think of that?”

  “Oh,” she said, a tingle of excitement racing through her.

  He winked at her. “Yeah, oh.”

  “How very naughty of you?”

  “Naughty? I think that word’s already on the list, my sweet wife.”

  Her heart soared, loving how he called her that. “Maybe it’s time to get rid of the list.”

  His grin held all kinds of mischief. “Or maybe I can lay you out on the bed, strip you naked, and get creative so you can come up with all kinds of new names.”


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