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General ‘Boy': The Life of Lieutenant General Sir Frederick Browning

Page 46

by Richard Mead

  Du Maurier, Daphne (see Browning, Daphne, Lady)

  Du Maurier, Sir Gerald (Daphne’s father) 46–8, 50, 52, 98, 202, 211, 245

  Du Maurier, George (Daphne’s grandfather) 46

  Du Maurier, Guy (Daphne’s uncle) 50

  Du Maurier, Jeanne (Daphne’s sister) 47, 193

  Du Maurier, Muriel, née Beaumont (Daphne’s mother) 46–8, 50, 192–3, 218

  Dungeon Party, The 68, 89, 236

  Dyrda, Lieutenant J. 140

  Eagger, Brigadier A.A. 67–8, 76, 85, 99, 122, 135

  Eaker, General Ira C. 86

  Earl, George (Boy’s great grandfather) 4

  Echo, yacht 222

  Eden, Sir Anthony (Earl of Avon) 10, 212, 254

  Edinburgh, HRH Prince Philip, Duke of 199–200, 203, 212, 217, 220, 226, 252, 253

  meets Boy in Kandy 170; marriage to Princess Elizabeth 198; Boy’s regard for 199; Patronages 200, 207–9, 220, 253; shared interest with Boy in sailing 201, 209; at Menabilly 201–2, 210, 221; and Clarence House 205, 207; posted to Malta 205; returns from Malta 206; household after the Queen’s accession 207, 215, 218, 254; and Olympic & Empire Games 209, 211, 215; response to Boy’s breakdown 218, 219

  Edward VIII, HM King (previously Prince of Wales) 28, 53

  Egypt x, 12, 53–5, 57, 90, 128, 166, 195, 245, 246

  Eisenhower, President (also General of the Army) Dwight D. 86, 90, 110, 111, 121, 123, 152, 156, 226, 228

  visits Airborne Division 78; in North Africa & Sicily 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92; appoints Brereton to FAAA 108; writes to Marshall concerning corps command 109, 157; meeting with Montgomery 116–17; nature of support for ‘Market Garden’ 117, 150, 152, 248; meets Boy in America 202, 217, 253

  El Alamein 54

  Elephant Point 176, 184

  Elizabeth II, HM Queen (until 1952 HRH Princess) 201, 203, 205, 206, 208, 209, 212, 217, 218, 220, 226, 254

  visits 6 Airborne Division 102; marriage to Duke of Edinburgh 198; household after marriage 198, 199–200; Boy’s feelings for 199; in Malta 205–6; accedes to the throne 206, 207; receives Boy on his retirement 219; visits Menabilly 221

  Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, HM Queen 69, 75, 102, 201, 207

  Elst 133, 139, 161, 164

  Essame, Brigadier H 164, 250

  Eton College 1, 3, 8–10, 32, 39, 45, 58, 192, 210, 219, 243

  Evans, Lord 217

  Evercreech 59

  Fanny Rosa, motor fishing vessel 99, 187, 188, 190, 196–7, 201, 210, 248

  Farquhar, Ruth 38–9

  Feilding, Major General Sir Geoffrey 28

  Ferryside 45, 47, 48, 73, 99, 193, 245

  Fields, Dame Gracie 46

  Firbank, Lieutenant Colonel T.J. 105, 135

  Fisher, Admiral of the Fleet Lord 16

  FitzNicholl, Sir Thomas 1

  Flavell, Brigadier E.W.C. 67, 75, 83, 84, 96

  Flaxley Abbey 43, 44, 244

  Foch, Marshal of France Ferdinand 24

  Fonteyn, Dame Margot 203–4

  Ford, Lieutenant Colonel Sir Edward 63, 253

  Fornham St Martin 2

  Forster, Margaret x

  Fowey x, 45–6, 47, 49, 52, 55, 73, 86, 89, 93, 187, 216, 220, 223, 224

  Fox, Angela 232

  Fox, Edward 228, 232

  Fraser, Brigadier the Hon. W 62

  Fraser’s Hill 186

  Free Foresters Cricket Club 3

  French, Field Marshal Sir John (Earl of Ypres) 16, 18

  French Indo-China 180, 182, 185

  ‘Freshman’, Operation 83

  Freyberg, Lieutenant General Lord 14, 243

  Frost, Major General J.D. 73, 128, 131, 136, 160, 204, 227, 230, 253

  Fuller, Major General Horace H. 170, 171

  Fuller, Major General J.F.C. 69

  Gaby, Fred 32–3

  Gairdner, General Sir Charles 87

  Gale, General Sir Richard 77, 96, 153, 204, 221, 250

  commands 1 Parachute Brigade 67; appointed Deputy Director of Air 75; fears over future of Airborne Forces 82, 83; commands 6 Airborne Division 89; and campaign in Normandy 93, 98, 102, 104, 153; and ‘Market Garden’ 120, 121, 154, 158, 248; relieves Boy as Brereton’s deputy 167

  Garrod, Air Chief Marshal Sir Guy 171

  Gathorne-Hardy, General Sir Francis 53

  Gauche Wood 22–4, 253

  Gavin, Lieutenant General James M. 110, 126, 135, 136, 147, 149, 150, 161, 212, 228, 253

  warned about Boy by Ridgway & Barker 101; commands 82 Airborne Division 109; priorities for ‘Market Garden’ 120, 158–9; actions on D-Day & D+1 127, 128; meets Boy and Horrocks 128, 129, 130; and crossing of the Waal 130–1, 249; fends off German attacks 131, 137–8, 149; relationship with Boy 138, 163, 214, 227; and U.S. official historians 213–4

  Gee, Lieutenant 126

  George V, HM King 2, 13, 23, 53, 244, 245, 253

  George VI, HM King 69, 75, 102, 168, 193, 198, 199, 201, 205, 206, 251, 254

  Gibbons, Carroll 211

  Gibbs, Patrick 230

  Giffard, General Sir George 94

  Gilliatt, Penelope 230

  Ginkel Heath 119

  Girdwood, Major General Sir Eric 40

  Goldman, William 228–30

  Gordon Boys School 212

  Gordon Lennox, Lieutenant General Sir George 62, 92, 171, 176, 181, 185, 225

  Gort, Field Marshal Viscount 14, 27, 44, 88, 194, 243, 244, 252

  Goschen, Lieutenant Colonel J.A. 67, 76

  Goschen, Brigadier W.H. 169

  Gough, Colonel C.F.H. 203, 227, 231, 253

  Gough, General Sir Hubert 24

  Goulburn, Major General E.H. 128, 130

  Gouzeaucourt 21–2

  Gracey, General Sir Douglas 35, 169, 181, 182

  Graham, Major General Sir Miles 248

  Grasett, Lieutenant General Sir Edward 101

  Grave 112, 117, 120, 126, 128, 130, 137, 138, 149, 151, 158, 159

  Greater London Fund for the Blind 212

  Greenwich Hospital, Plymouth 224

  Gregson-Ellis, Major General P.G.S. 58

  Griffith, Lieutenant Colonel S.C. 126, 249

  Griffiths, Dame Anne 212, 253

  Griffiths, Maurice 210

  Grigg, Sir James 75, 178–9

  Groesbeek 120, 126, 131, 135, 149, 159, 160

  Groesbeek Heights 120, 127, 129, 158–9, 212, 213–14

  Gruenther, General Al 212

  Guards Depot, Caterham 17, 30–1, 34, 35, 130

  ‘Gunnerside’, Operation 246

  Gwatkin, Brigadier Sir Norman 128, 129, 133, 253

  Haakon V, King of Norway 209

  Hackett, General Sir John 93, 212

  meets Boy 88; unhappy about Down’s appointment 94, 247; on morale 111, 123; concerns about ‘Comet’ 112; at Arnhem 128, 146; writes letter on A Bridge Too Far 231

  Hahn, Kurt 208

  Haig, Field Marshal Earl 18, 20, 21, 26,

  Hailstone, Bernard 252

  Hakewill-Smith, Major General Sir Edmund 135–6, 159–60

  Hamburg 195

  Hamilton, Lieutenant Colonel Claude 29, 30

  ‘Hands Up’, Operation 107

  Hapgift, aeroplane 174

  Hardinge, Field Marshal Viscount 57

  Harley, Staff Sergeant Bill 12

  Harmel, SS Brigadier General Heinz 132

  Harris, Lieutenant Colonel Anthony B. 93

  Harris, Marshal of the RAF Sir Arthur 81–2

  Harrison, Major General D. 174, 184

  Hartenstein Hotel 128

  Harvey, Air Marshal Sir Leslie 66

  Harwell, RAF 109, 110, 125

  Hawthorne, Major General D.C. 182

  Heelsum 119

  Helbert, Lionel 7–8

  ‘Hell’s Highway’ 137, 145, 149, 163

  Hennessy family 3, 20

  Henniker, Brigadier Sir Mark 37, 67–8, 69, 72, 77, 146, 227, 236

  Hesdin 25

  Heumen bridge 126, 127, 131, 159

  Heveadorp ferry 136, 140, 160, 164

  Hibbert, Christopher 227

  Hibbert, Major J.A. 156

  Hicks, Brigadier P.H.W. 128

  High House, Hammersmith 96, 97

  Hill, Brigadier James 89, 102, 227

  Hindenburg Line 26, 27, 121

  Hoare, Sir Samuel (Viscount Templewood) 3, 43

  Ho Chi Minh 182

  Hodges, General Courtney H. 117

  Hohenzollern Redoubt 15

  Hollinghurst, Air Chief Marshal Sir Leslie 98, 102, 118–19, 150–1, 154–5, 163, 175, 203

  Holt, E.J. 32, 196

  Holyrood House 201

  Honinghutie bridges 127

  Hope-Thompson, Brigadier M.R.J. 94

  Hopkinson, Major General G.F. 67, 86, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 102, 152, 247

  Hore-Belisha, Leslie, Lord 252

  Horrocks, Lieutenant General Sir Brian ix, 118, 139, 149, 162, 164, 165, 189, 197, 250

  XXX Corps plan for ‘Market Garden’ 118, 157; takes 101 Airborne Division under command 127; meets Boy and Gavin at Nijmegen 129, 130; and crossing of the Waal 130–2; meets Dempsey with Boy 135; detaches 32 Brigade 137; controls battle north of the Waal 138, 148, 157; meets Mackenzie and Myers with Boy 139; at Valburg Conference 140–1, 160–1; and decision to evacuate 1 Airborne Division 140, 143, 146; meets Dempsey in St Oedenrode 141, 145; impact on ‘Market Garden’ 150, 152; on The Struggle for Europe 212–13; representation in A Bridge Too Far 228

  Horsley, Wing Commander Beresford 207, 209

  Houlthurst Forest 21

  Howlett, Brigadier B. 97, 153

  Huckins, Frank 187

  Hunkin, George 45, 50, 80, 193

  Hunkin, Mrs 46, 50, 210

  Hunt, Brigadier Lord 208

  Hunter, Colonel E. 196

  ‘Husky’, Operation 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 101

  Hythe 57, 58

  Imphal 169, 184, 247

  Ijsselmeer 115, 150, 157

  Ijssel, River 157

  Ironside, Field Marshal Lord 61

  Island, The (Oberbetuwe) 138, 139, 140, 148, 149, 160, 250

  Ismay, General Lord 66, 74, 82, 85, 246

  Ives, Burl 219, 254

  I Zingari Cricket Club 3, 12, 43

  Jachnik, Lieutenant Colonel J. 239

  Jacob, Gordon 204

  Jacob, Lieutenant General Sir Ian 74, 246

  Jacobs, Josef 63

  Jane Slade, schooner 48

  Jeanne d’Arc, ballet x, 204

  Jeanne d’Arc, wishbone ketch 210, 222

  ‘Jedburgh’ teams 103

  Jeffreys, General Lord 15, 16, 18, 20, 29, 30, 35, 243

  Johannides, Corporal A. 77, 97, 125, 171, 186

  Johnson, Guardsman 60, 77, 97, 125, 171, 186

  Johnston, Brian 128, 203

  Jones, Major General A.G.C. 249

  Jorhat 174

  Kairouan 92

  Kalemyo 169

  Kalewa 169

  Kandy 170–5, 176–83, 184, 186

  Kelly, Frederic 227

  Kent, HRH Prince Edward, Duke of 209

  Kent, HRH The Duchess of 230

  Kentish, Brigadier General R.J. 33

  Keynes, John Maynard, Lord 243

  Kiekberg woods 138, 149

  Killearn, Lord 186

  Kilmarth 226, 233

  Kimmins, Lieutenant General Sir Brian 171, 181

  Kindersley, Brigadier Lord 89

  Kingswaldenbury 60, 63

  Kipling, Rudyard 12

  Kipling Society 204

  Kitchener of Khartoum, Field Marshal Earl 12–13

  Klagenfurt 195

  Knatchbull, Norton (Lord Brabourne) 230

  Knox, Collie 11–12

  Kohima 169, 184, 247

  Korda, Alexander 188

  Krafft, SS Captain Sepp 155

  La Mouette, sailing cruiser 187, 210

  Langley End 60, 61, 63, 73, 86

  Larking, Major C.A. 64, 245

  Lascelles, Sir Alan 198, 207, 253

  Lathbury, General Sir Gerald 67, 75, 84, 92, 94, 97, 128, 146, 204, 212, 247

  Lawrence, Gertrude 46, 202, 210, 211, 217, 254

  Lawson, J.J. 181, 193

  Laurent Giles, Jack 187

  Laycock, Major General Sir Robert 35

  Leclerc, Marshal of France Philippe (de Hautecloque) 182

  Lee, Wing Commander A. 123

  Lee, Major General William C. 78, 79

  Leese, Lieutenant General Sir Oliver 173, 189, 246

  at Eton 10; in BEF 58; in ‘Husky’ 93; commands ALFSEA 167, 169, 172; meetings with Boy 170, 172, 178; relationship with SEAC & Mountbatten 172, 176–7; and ‘sacking’ of Slim 177–8; relieved as C-in-C ALFSEA 178, 251

  Leigh-Mallory, Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford 93, 108

  Lester, Mrs 195

  Levine, Joseph E. 228

  Liddell, Eric 32

  Liddell Hart, Sir Basil 68

  ‘Linnet’, Operation 110, 111, 121, 154

  ‘Linnet II’, Operation 110, 121, 154, 248

  Llewellin, Colonel J.J. 74

  Llewellyn-Davies, Arthur 245

  Llewellyn-Davies, Peter 217

  Llewellyn-Davies, Sylvia 46, 245

  Loftus, Lieutenant F. P. 22

  Loring, Colonel G.M. 67, 68, 148

  Louis, Captain 125, 247

  Lovat, Brigadier Lord 104

  Lower Rhine, River 117, 130, 132, 136, 138, 143, 145, 149, 150, 155, 160, 165

  Loyd, General Sir Charles 61–2

  Ludendorff, General Erich 24, 25, 26, 41

  Lunn, Sir Arnold 33

  Luschwitz, Maureen (see Baker-Munton)

  Lyttleton, Edward 8, 10

  Lyttleton, Oliver (Lord Chandos) 10

  Maas, River 110, 112, 116, 117, 120, 126, 130, 138, 149, 150, 159, 163, 213

  Maas-Waal Canal 117, 120, 126, 131, 137, 149, 249

  MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas 108, 179, 180

  McBryde, W.G. 99

  McCreery, General Sir Richard 10, 39, 93, 189, 195

  MacDonald, Malcolm 186

  Mackenzie, Brigadier C.B. 106, 139, 143, 146

  Mackenzie, Colonel E.D. 35

  McLeod, Brigadier R.W. 100, 103

  Macmillan, Harold (Earl of Stockton) 18

  McSwinney, Helen 195, 225

  Maczek, Major General Stanislaw 100

  Malaya 177, 179, 180, 181, 185, 186

  Malden 129, 135, 160

  Malet, Lady Oriel 211, 218, 225

  Mallaby, Brigadier A.W.S. 188

  Malta 88, 92, 205, 206, 254

  Maltravers, Sir John & Lady 1

  Mandalay 169, 172, 174,

  Margaret, HRH Princess 204, 205

  Marie Louise, lugger 49

  ‘Market Garden’, Operation viii, ix, 115–162, 163, 166, 190, 212–14, 227–233, 235, 236, 246, 250, 253, 254


  conception 115–17


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