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End Zone Love (Connecticut Kings Book 4)

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by Love Belvin

  by Love Belvin

  MKT Publishing

  Copyright © 2017 by Love Belvin

  All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without written permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidences are fictitious and a product of the author’s imagination.

  Cover design by Visual Luxe

  Table of Contents























  ~Love Acknowledges

  ~Other Books by Love Belvin



  My eyes circled around the place as my fingers pulled at my beard. High ceilings, long windows, showing off the New York City skyline. I could see the Hudson from here. Earlier, when we were in the dining room, it felt like we were eating outside; the windows were that broad. Every area of the room gave you a street view of the traffic below us.

  This place is dope…

  “You like Global Tower, huhn?” Larry laughed as he handed Jade a glass of wine then took his seat back in the sitting room. He must have caught me drifting. His wife, Sylvia, chuckled along with him as I turned to watch my girl closely. They’d been offering her wine all night, all for her to say no politely. My “bourgeois” chick preferred hard liquor. Funny… If they offered Patron, Jade would’ve been all over it. “This is probably the best property investment I’ve made in years.” Larry brought my attention back into the conversation. “You know we have the small beach cottage just north of Wildwood in Avalon, and the barn house in Salem County.” He shrugged. “This was the ‘next’ thing we’d been waiting on to complete the property investment portfolio.”

  I nodded, swallowing most of my Malbec. “This one in the city—basically the top of the state—the other two at the bottom. Whaddup with the middle?”

  Larry laughed, looking at his wife, who giggled herself.

  “Nah,” Larry sighed as he spoke, cheeks pink under his brown frames. “I like it at the bottom. We can easily get out of the state if needed.”

  “I can see you in something like this, Trent,” Sylvia shared with a shrug of one narrow shoulder while holding her glass. You’re familiar with the trappings of a city. New York isn’t too fast-paced of a place for you. This property reminds me of you: urban-sexy, sophisticated, and indefatigable,” she damn near growled, turning herself pink.

  My eyes shot over to Jade, ready to act. But she stayed in her seat, short legs crossed at the ankles, and her hands stretched over the arm rests, wine colored nails splayed. A soft smile playing at the sides of her lips. She was good.

  Good girl…

  She’d been getting better. The marriage enrichment classes at Redeeming Souls had been paying off. Jade sat poised and confident next to me. Sylvia’s hand flew to cover her face as though she let something slip. Larry howled his ass off, his hand going up in the air, eyes closed.

  “My wife has had the biggest crush on you, TB. I’ve never shared it because she threatened a back alley orchidectomy if I spilled the beans to you.” He kept with his laughter.

  “Are you a surgeon?” Jade asked, eyes sharp with curiosity.

  Sylvia shook her head, her lips pursed to keep a threatening laugh from busting through.

  I reached for Jade’s hand. “Nah, baby.” I chuckled to be polite. “Syl’s a freelance writer.”

  “Oh.” Jade’s brows met.

  I could understand her confusion. She didn’t know these people. Larry had to be in his mid-seventies. His wife was just a step behind, possibly in her late fifties.

  “Well, that’s enough of that.” Larry’s voice went up an octave as he straightened his clothes in his seat, trying to refocus the conversation. He brushed the front flap of his silky chestnut hair from his face. “I didn’t invite you over to have my wife charm your cleats off. I wanted to welcome myself back to the TB brand. I’m honored to lead it, man.” He took a humble neck bow. “I’m looking forward to making you a positive and influential household name again. It would be my honor.”

  Larry Tinsel was my product project manager at Love is Action, a small but powerful subset of Dynamic Branding’s public relations firm. Jackson Hunter and his crew decided to assign a handful of his team to athletes specifically. Larry had just come over from a large firm that I used to be signed to before my arrest, trial, and conviction. The one that cut ties with me overnight. Larry kept in touch, making it clear he didn’t agree with the firm’s decision. So, when I signed with L.I.A. and was given Larry, a Jewish dude with crazy experience in the field, I was good on it.

  “I’m witchu, my dude.” I gave a neck bow and placed my right palm over my chest. “Salute.” Sylvia clapped in response, unleashing a cheery smile. “Thank you for the hospitality tonight, Tinsels.” I sat up in my chair, putting the empty glass on the small coffee table in the middle of our huddled chairs. “We got a sick seven year old at home. I gotta get momma bear back to her cub.” I stood and reached for Jade’s hand.

  “Seven,” Larry repeated while standing himself. “Wow. He’s throwing the ball?”

  I nodded. “Batting it, too, and now wants to kick it.”

  “No basketball?” Sylvia asked, joining her husband at his side.

  “Maybe next year,” Jade added. “We have enough to keep up with between sports, his school work, and Trent’s travel.”

  “Oh!” Sylvia perked up. “I can only imagine. Life’s busy for you. It comes with the role of standing next to such a tall man—no pun intended.” She nodded without a smile.

  Jade’s hazels swung up to me and she smiled softly. “Yup. Pretty busy, pretty fast, and pretty tall.”

  Larry started out of the open room to lead us to the door.

  “We gotta have you guys over once the weather breaks. Jade’s redesigning the back patio,” I offered while in step. “With what we’re spending, we’ll be putting that joint to use er’ weekend.”

  Sylvia gasped, her silk salt and pepper strands swung back as she looked at Jade. “You’re redesigning a home while planning a wedding? My god, I remember that stamina. I could take on the U.S. Army with the energetic optimism I had from the vim of being a bride. Trust me, once you’re Misses, you’ll be over it all. It’s like you’re preparing for this new identity or event in life, just to find out you’re still the same you. And after you say ‘I do,’ life is…eventless.” She shrugged with her mouth, now at the door.

  Jade’s brows met again and her head swung over to me, long lashes batting together as a conspiratorial smile played at the corners of her mouth. I studied her nicely made up face. She chose soft tones for her eyes and lips, her hair back into a big poufy ponytail. She wore a fitted tan dress that came just beneath her knees and a simple pair of nude pumps. I helped her into a pink duster coat as both Larry and Sylvia smiled. She swept her puffy ponytail out and I helped with a bit of it proudly.

  My little one always made me look good. Put together. Here I was in a grey sweat suit and Timbs, and she wore heels and a sexy ass dress. We were mismatched, but came off as polishe
d. That’s what my wife brought to my life. It was too bad the Tinsels had no idea we were official. Jade was my wife, giving off the same stamina she did when we were just sexing and engaged, if not more. Not many knew that, but we did.

  I winked at that silent message she was sending about our secret nuptials.

  “Good kicking it with you tonight, Larry.” I offered him my hand for a shake.

  “Always, TB. You’ll be hearing from me in the morning about the baseball cap line.”

  They offered Jade their goodbyes and promises to keep in touch. Jade kept with a humble demeanor, not giving off much really, just being graceful. In no time, we were off to the elevators.

  As we waited, neither of us spoke. I eyed her, wondering what was going through her head. It was never Jade’s style to be so quiet after a business meeting. Even though this was at Larry’s crib and we did a lot of small talk and laughed along the way, this was business. Jackson wanted to be sure I was comfortable with Larry before getting started. Yeah, I knew him and had worked with him, but I was a new man after prison, and Jackson knew I wanted to move smarter this time around.

  Since losing the Super Bowl to the Patriots almost two weeks ago, opportunities had been coming in spades. It was weird being the loser that everybody now wanted a piece of. It was my redemption period. The time when everyone was watching to see what my next move would be. It was proven I still dominated the field from bringing my team from a 1-3 start of the season to taking them to the Super Bowl. That act was highly improbable, but God made it possible for me.

  Jade sighing while stretching her neck, rolling it around as we waited for the elevator caught my attention. She was tired. I’d just flown in from L.A. this afternoon, finishing up a round of inspirational talks to incarcerated juveniles. Elle had started lining them up since last fall to improve my image. I was with it, happy to share words of encouragement and wisdom to young soldiers, fallen to the system.

  In between those visits, Jackson had me meeting with web designers for my new site, ghost writers for a potential book, and a group of producers to talk about a television series on my life. I hadn’t decided on rolling with all of those opportunities, but told him I’d keep an open mind about everything.

  It was a crazy few weeks, but now I was back home with my warrior. Jade. She almost flew out to be with me a few days ago, but Kyree started running a fever and that nixed the idea.

  After leaving the elevator and walking through the fancy lobby of Global Tower, we stepped outside in the brisk New York City winter air. February could be a monster with brutal low temperatures. Tonight wasn’t the worst I’d seen, but a big difference from Southern Cali weather.

  The valet pulled up with the white Range, which reminded me I had to look into replacing it. It was a five-year-old model that I’d had for the same amount of time. Jade had been driving it since she moved in and never complained, but I had the sense to know a woman of her style and grace should be in something more upgraded. She’d just had a birthday in December, but for her next one I thought about dropping a few on a new whip. My cheap ass would just have to bite the bullet and hook her up.

  That and pay for a big ass wedding that’s going down this year…

  I walked Jade over to the passenger door and noticed when she stopped and lifted her coat from her shoulders. It had to be about thirty degrees out, which made it weird. Without thinking, I helped her out of it, tossing the duster into the back seat after closing the passenger door behind her. I acknowledged the valet before hopping in the truck.

  The ride home was chill, filled with the smooth sounds of Sade. It was one of Jade’s stations on Spotify. It worked for me, helped me relax into being back home. I’d planned to play it easy over the next few days before hitting the road again. It had been a crazy run since Super Bowl. This down time felt good. We cruised the Palisade Parkway in quiet.

  My phone went off. I looked down to the middle console quickly and saw Jordan Johnson’s name lighting up and I smiled.

  He must be calling about camp…

  I’d be starting a football camp for at risk kids next week. I asked Jordan to help me try out the finalists chosen by a few coaches who signed on at the last minute to help me with this project. He said he’d make it happen. He was likely calling about that. I sat back, sighing. Funny how I could feel my body decompressing just at the reality of being back.

  I don’t know how I survived six months of being out of the pen before Jade and Kyree moved in, and damn sure had no clue what the house was like before my bid. But now, home was where I refueled. I looked forward to being there.

  Jade’s hand brushing onto my thigh had me twitch at first. She rubbed across it, easing me into her surprise touch. The song switched and Sade belted about being a soldier of love. Her fingernails scraped up the cotton covering my thigh. She moved up and clawed my waistband, pulling it out enough to push her hand down. My stomach crunched at her touch and to rebound, I pulled my right arm back, hanging it over her headrest.

  The tips of Jade’s nails scuffed against my skin, into my pubes. I curbed a moan and dropped back on my headrest. She did it twice more, never failing to make my abs jump. I felt myself thickening and she hadn’t even touched my cock yet. Then her index finger and thumb folded to make a ring around the base of me, tightening and relaxing as she twisted her wrist. My ass squeezed on the leather seat. Her little soft hand pulled me out, swollen and throbbing, and she fisted me.

  Damn, baby. We’re almost home…

  I looked over at her and found her eyes on my wood, teeth scraping against her bottom lip as she watched her handiwork. Before long, she shifted at my waist band that was already low, signaling me to lift. I took a minute to consider my weight before adjusting my foot on the accelerator. She tugged my pants and boxers down just enough to move the strain of the elastic band. From the corner of my eye, I could see her legs working, possibly kicking off her heels. Next she unclipped her seatbelt, all while stroking my dick that was so hard, it hurt. Jade twisted in her seat until she was on her knees, her body so small in the big truck she could easily go unnoticed by lurking cops and passing cars.

  The smell of her hair winded past my face as she dipped low and swirled her tongue around the head of my cock. I pulled in a hefty breath through my nose. She used one hand to pull down the poof of her ponytail over her right shoulder while the other fisted me. My heavy eyes trailed over her petite body stretched out over me, her spine arched the perfect angle for her fat peach to scream for my attention.

  As Sade’s tracks switched into “Never As Good As the First Time,” I reached over and grabbed her at the ass, squeezing it as her tongue and lips worked over my dick. The inside of her mouth was soft. So goddamn soft and wet… The skin of her tightened fist was soft, too, reminding me of the magic of the feminine touch. God worked a wonder when creating woman. There’s no other pleasure derived from another source for a man. Women reign supreme, and mine was created with specifications of my needs and pleasure. It was something I was taught by my pastor. Something I didn’t find easy to believe at first.

  …but when she did shit like this…

  I moved to leave the highway at Exit 2, measuring my pressure on the brake as I did. Her tongue swirled, lips tightened, and hand gripped perfectly. Once off the exit, I smacked her peach and landed with a tight grip. Jade’s back curled even more and I felt her moan over me. She kept going and going. And I knew the rule. She established it a while ago.

  “Don’t come until we arrive at our destination.”

  And I fought each second to obey. But…


  Now onto a neighborhood road, I pulled her dress until I could see the caramel of her dimpled skin. I ran my middle finger down the seam of her cheeks. Jade wiggled for me, loving it. I reached over enough to slide my finger through her gelled pussy, landing me on her clit. Jade arched even more, giving me access to rub it. Her little hand went down to cup my heavy sacs. She knew exactly where to co
ncentrate her two fingertips to rub, pushing with the right pressure to make my damn spine jerk.

  I turned onto the road that would count down the rest leading to our home and slowed down.

  I wiggled her naked flesh then pulled her over toward me. “Climb on top.” I didn’t recognize my heavy rumble.

  Jade’s head came up and she looked outside to see where we were before lifting to climb over the console. I slid my seat back just a little to give myself more room. Jade needed none, she was so small. Built perfectly for me.

  As one hand grabbed my beard, her other shaky palm held my swollen cock in place to help land, and she gyrated onto me, letting a moan escape. Her head came to my neck, under my beard, and she angled it to give me full view of the road. I felt a stroke of her tongue against my skin then the scraping of her teeth under my ear. Her thighs tightened around me, squeezing and lifting. Her pussy pulsated around my cock, and I could now hear her little cries. It still took Jade a minute to adjust to my dick, but she stayed at it until most of me was inside her. My little lady rode me all the way home.

  When we made it to the gate of the house, I rolled down the window to punch in the code, and she yanked my face to her mouth by the beard and kissed me with tongue, lips, and soul. That’s when I knew why she asked me to grow it back not too long after I cut it when she moved in. The gates opened and before I accelerated in, I tugged down the front of her dress, exposing her black lace bra. I pulled down both cups as I veered to the right toward the garages. Her little arm reached up to push the remote on the sun visor that opened one of them while pushing her one tit in my face.

  “Mmmmmmmm…” she moaned when I sucked it deep in my mouth before letting go.

  That must have started her avalanche because she dove into my neck, wrapping her arms around me as she danced on the drive, quaking all around me.


  She was coming and hard. And so damn soon! Her shoulder jolted back and she pushed against the window of the door, screaming as she bounced on me. I ducked my head around her, trying to see my way into the garage, knowing I was seconds away from blasting off my damn self.


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