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Fate of the Fae

Page 2

by Jenee Robinson

  My mother laughs.

  “No, mom, I’m dead serious! I hate to admit it but I owe them my life. Just don’t tell them that.” I tell her.

  Seems like in no time dinner is ready. I’m about to yell up the stairs but my mom gives me the look. So I head up the stairs and knock on the first guest room. Callum opens the door. Damn those amber eyes again, I almost forget why I even came up here. “Dinner is ready when you guys are. Tell the others.”

  I trek to my room to braid my hair and make sure I have deodorant on. I’m not trying to impress anyone, considering they’ve seen me covered in blood and guts already, but I want to prove I do clean up as well.

  Exiting my room, I head to the stairs. Next thing I know I’m face to bare skin as I run into Anton. Bouncing off his chest I fall on my ass. He laughs as he extends a hand but I brush it off to stand without help. He catches me staring at his bare, chiseled upper body and his chuckling breaks the spell I’m under. I look up into his eyes and I just know that my cheeks are pink yet again. I duck my chin making sure I don’t have any drool to remove. I’m already embarrassed enough as it is. He appears to be just out of the shower and as I glance down I’m glad to see he didn’t forget his pants. That would have been mortifying.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going. I’m not used to having guests in the house. I’ll try and remember to look where I’m going from now on. Dinner is ready, and I have to help set the table.” I ramble while moving around him and head down to help mom.

  Slapping myself on the forehead as I descend the stairs, can I be more awkward? The answer is yes, I’m sure I can be.

  When I get down stairs, I’m not surprised to see my cousin, who is also my best friend, petting Max. That attention hog.

  “Raelyn stop spoiling him and give me a hug.” I tell her. I need it after the day I’ve had so far. “I hope your dad didn’t have a cow when our guests arrived.”

  Raelyn’s dad is my uncle and the head of the council. He’s just a few years older than mom, but doesn’t really look it.

  “No, he wasn’t pleased, but he allowed them to stay since they helped you out today. I told you to let me come along. One of these days you’ll learn to listen.”

  “Doubtful” I laugh.

  Raelyn’s dad, Wes, arrived and we are seated at the table waiting on the guests. Luckily, we have a big rectangle shaped table, capable of seating 12 comfortably. We finally hear their footsteps on the stairs signaling their arrival, good I’m starving since I missed lunch.

  Out of nowhere Max starts to growl so I rush him outside, before he disturbs our guests. When I return, Evans has taken the place next to my dad, which happens to be my spot, leaving me to sit between him and Anton.

  Great, not the spot I wanted to sit in. Now I have to suffer as I watch Raelyn throw goo-goo eyes at Callum. No surprise there. I’m not saying he wasn’t drool worthy but I couldn’t stop thinking about Anton. Those green eyes about did me in, not to mention that hard body. His fitted tee isn’t helping matters. Crap, is it hot in here?

  Evans was beautiful till he opened his mouth. He is blunt and rude but his piercing blue eyes seem to look into my soul. Not really sure how I feel about that.

  I slide into the seat between Evans and Anton and hear Raelyn giggle. Note to self: kill her later.

  “Please fold your hands as we say grace.” My father commanded.

  After my father says grace, we all look around awkwardly.

  “Thank you for the room and board, Mr. Hope. It’s great to have a hot shower and a warm meal.” Callum speaks up.

  “Least I could do for helping my girl out of a tough spot. She’s our best runner and our only child so we can’t replace her.” Dad added.

  “How do you have hot water when all the electricity is out?” Anton asked.

  “Well, dear I’m lucky enough to have an electrician for a husband. Liauna was able to find some solar panels and my husband and brother were able to connect our water and lights to them.” Mom replied. “Plus our water heater works on propane, which we have a little bit left.”

  Raelyn was chatting and giggling with Callum, making me somewhat jealous. Not sure where that came from. I tried to kick Raelyn under the table to shut her up. Just my luck I miss, kicking Callum instead.

  “Ouch. Who kicked me?” he asked.

  “Guilty!” Anton said, “You were talking too loud.” He looks at me and I blush. He knew it was me and took the blame anyways. Why? I’m not sure I want to know.

  I hurried through my dinner and then asked to be excused from the table. I was ready to go to bed after a long day or maybe read some of my book. Mom and Dad agreed, so I headed up the stairs. I change into a blue tank top with jean shorts and grab my book. Then I head straight to my chair on the balcony. Getting comfy I dive right into my book. Forgetting all about the run, the unintelligent mistake I made and the stupid creepers.

  Chapter Three

  Reading, I get lost in my book for thirty minutes or so when I realize I left Max outside. Yes, he’s a dog but he is a house dog. He can’t get into much trouble with the panels up and all but I don’t like him outside alone. Sticking a bookmark into the book so I don’t lose my page, I stand up to stretch, being somewhat stiff from sitting still so long. That’s when I hear Max start to growl. OK that’s weird, I think to myself. Grabbing my flashlight that’s sitting on my nightstand, I walk back onto the balcony and look down. I freeze. WTH? Creepers, in the yard? How the hell did they get in here?

  I run through my room snatching my knife and new baseball bat, forgetting shoes, I race down the stairs. Each step feels like it’s getting heavier as I take them two at a time screaming “CREEPERS IN THE YARD.” I catch a glimpse of the living room where my parents, cousin, uncle and our three guests are, but I’m on my mission to get to Max. As soon as the guys see me they jump up and follow me out of the house.

  “Max, here boy.” I yell. “Come on, Max, dinnertime boy.”

  Finally I see him bounding up to me, just as dad turns on the porch lights. That’s when I see all the creepers.

  There are at least a dozen of them. This doesn’t make any sense, where are they all coming from?

  Yelling for Raelyn, I tell her to take Max in the house and lock the door.

  Striding up to the first creeper I saw as the lights came on, I mentally prepare myself for the task at hand. The scent of this one is really rank, worse than the time Max ate a raccoon and threw it up. Gross, and that was no fun to clean up either. This creeper used to be beautiful, you can tell by what’s left of its face. Perfectly kept eyebrows, red pouty lips and searing blue eyes. It took care of itself before it became a creeper. I take my knife and stab it in the eye. It goes down, its body thuds on the pavement. Pulling my knife back out I ready myself to take on the next one.

  Looking around, I see Anton, Evans and Callum going to town, taking the creepers out left and right. They make it seem easy, almost effortless. As Evans impales the last one closest to the house, I take a moment to run back inside to grab some shoes. Thankfully I keep a pair by the front door.

  “I’ve gotta go check the rest of the faction.” I tell Rae and my parents.

  “Stay here and protect them!” I say facing my uncle.

  “Understood, and yes I know you mean the dog as well.” He grinned

  “Damn straight.” I yell as I head out the front door.

  After slipping my shoes on I exit the door, Anton, Evans and Callum are waiting on the porch.

  “A downed panel just to the left of your house was their source of entrance. We put it back up and made it secure again.” Evans informs me.

  “Thank you! I’m going to check for more creepers then do a house to house head count.” I tell them.

  “We will escort you.” Callum states.

  “I’m a big girl, but I’ve already learned I can’t stop you if you want to follow.” I tell Callum with a wink. “Is that a smile Evans? Did I die and no one tell me? I th
ink I like the brooding face better.” I laugh.

  He stops smiling and broods some more.

  “That’s more like it, I knew you had it in you.” I say.

  He is not amused, but I am. I shrug my shoulders. Oh well.

  We start our trek around the faction and with only a few porch lights lit at this time of night, its good thing I know it like the back of my hand. Growing up in this neighborhood on the edge of town has its perks, it also helps that it’s not too big. Clearing all the creepers is the top priority. We find a handful more as we make our way from house to house and they are dispatched quickly. I can breathe again as home is safe once more.

  “Alright guys, I have to check on our people after a quick shower. You are welcome to come along or relax at the house. Thank for your help tonight, this faction and these people are all we have left. It means a lot that you helped protect them.” I tell the guys as I walk back towards my house.

  “Evans, Callum, please collect the creeper bodies and take them out of the gates and burn the bodies.” Anton instructs.

  “You got it dude.” Callum says, making me wonder if he’s a surfer.

  Evans just grunts.

  Evans and Callum, start their collection the bodies of the creepers surrounding the house and then head to pick up the rest we left scattered around.

  Anton and I walk into my house so I can shower and change. I don’t want to freak anyone out and doing house checks in bloody, black stained clothes is not the best way to keep them calm. After reassuring my family that we’re all ok, I jump up stairs to take the quickest shower of my life. I’m in my tank top and shorts so I decide to get back into my jeans and tee shirt from dinner. What a look for me today. I’m covered in blood and guts again in front three hot guys. And yet, how do they stay so clean?

  After my very short shower, I look around and realize I forgot to bring my clothes in the bathroom. Since I’m sharing the second floor now, I’ll have to go down the hall in a towel. Just as I’m wrapping the towel around me I hear the door knob turning. I turn around and see Callum’s face behind the door.

  “Oh no, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize you were in here. I was just gonna clean up for bed.” He says.

  Standing there in only his boxers I see a trail of dark hair starting at his belly button and disappearing under said boxers. His rock hard abs and well toned arms are a sight to see. I wonder what it would feel like to trace them, think he’ll let me? Wait, crap. My face flushes as I remember I have house checks to do. I can drool later I tell myself and shake myself back to reality. Trying really hard to stop staring I catch myself still standing with only my towel on water still dripping down my body.

  “Let me get dressed and the bathroom is yours.” I tell him.

  He stands in the doorway still watching me, a heated look in his eyes.

  “I’ll tell you when I’m out, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.”

  As he closes the door, I see the look of disappointment on his face. Can the night get any more awkward? I ask myself, even though I already know the answer. Yes, yes it can.

  I’m so used to not having to lock the bathroom door that I make sure to lock it once he leaves. I mentally slap myself because I still need to grab my clothes. Wrapping the towel snug around me I dash to my room, quickly pick out some clothes and run back to the bathroom. Unwrapping the towel, I finish drying myself off and hang it on the back of the door.

  Finally dressed and looking half way presentable, I let Callum know the bathroom is free. Taking my time heading down the stairs, I see Anton is waiting for me by the door.

  “Ready?” I ask.

  “I’ll follow you.” He replies. Giving me a little nod.

  We say bye to my family and head out. I decide to head to the main gates to start house checks there and work our way back to my house. Going door to door isn’t a fun task, but it has to be done. One bite or scratch from a creeper is all it takes for this infection to spread.

  The house on the left of the gate is the first one we go to. It is one of the more maintained here because Mr. Johnson owned a landscaping business before all this started. Mrs. Johnson loves to paint and refinish things, including her house and porch.

  Headed up the front steps of the Johnson’s porch, I turn to see Anton waiting in the grass. Are his eyes glowing? Giving my head a shake, I knock and wait for a reply. I hear a little creak, then the door opens. Mrs. Johnson answered.

  “Mrs. Johnson, I’m here to do a headcount, may I come in?” I ask.

  “Of course, sweet girl!” She replied.

  As I walk in the door, I turn to tell Anton I am going in but he’s right behind me with one hand on the small of my back guiding me through the door. How the hell did he get behind me so fast? I’ll have to think on that later and return my focus to the task.

  “Mrs. Johnson, this is a new friend of mine, Anton. He is helping me with the checks.” I tell her.

  “Hello dear, everyone is in the dining room, we just sat down for dinner.” She says and she walks us into her dining room.

  Her twins jump up from their seats and tackle me with hugs causing me to fall back with a groan, I land on my butt which causes the girls to giggle.

  “We missed you today, Liauna.” They say at the same time.

  I laugh, “I missed you two as well. Maybe after chores tomorrow, your mom will let you come play for a bit.”

  “Liauna, that sounds like a wonderful idea.” Mrs. Johnson says. “A break from these tornados would be a welcome one.”

  We all laugh.

  “Hello Mr. Johnson, Eric.” I nod towards them, getting a little wave from both in return. “I see you’re all here and well, we will get out of your hair. Enjoy your meal.”

  Anton and I follow the same path out of the house. Once outside, we cross the lawn and head to the house on the opposite side of the street.

  Hesitating a little, I knock on the door. Anton is right beside me this time. Maybe he senses my tension? Just my luck Kyle is the one who answers the door. He’s shirtless and casually leans against the door frame. What is this, show off my muscles day?

  Kyle is around Anton’s height with brown hair and hazel eyes. He’s muscular too but I don’t have the time nor the want to drool. Nope, I already have three gorgeous men staying in my house, I do not have time for my ex as well. Ugh, men, it should really be required that you wear a shirt when you answer the door. Looking at him, reminds me of a happier time. I almost miss what we had, almost. Then he speaks and I remember why we aren’t together anymore. In a way he’s a lot like Evans. Hm, do I just have a thing for assholes?

  “Liauna, did you miss me so much you just had to come visit?” he says with a crooked grin that makes his eyes crinkle at the corner. The light is hitting them at just right angle you can see the golden flecks reflecting in the hazel.

  Sighing. “Sorry to burst your bubble Kyle, Anton and I are here to do a house check. Nothing more.” I tell him.

  Kyle just realized that Anton was next to me and apparently very close. I could see anger flare in his eyes.

  “Who are you and what are you doing with my girl?” Kyle spits through his teeth. Anger replaces his grin and he looks about ready to fight. Puffing out his chest, he clenches his fists into balls.

  Anton is mirroring Kyle’s stance so I lay my hand on his solid chest, reassuring him I can handle Kyle.

  “I don’t see your girl here Kyle. We broke up over a year ago. Please let us in to do our check. We still have the rest of the faction to do.” I state.

  “Fine, but that thing stays outside.” Kyle tells me, pointing to the porch.

  “Ok, but you’re to stay out here with him.” I declare as I push passed him, closing the door behind me.

  Taking a few minutes to talk to his parents and sister, happiness washes over me when I see they’re safe. Even though Kyle and I aren’t together anymore they still treated me as family and I still carry love for Kyle and his family in my

  Wishing I could sneak out the back, I tread slowly to the front. I’m not ready to face what may be out there. Hoping the testosterone outside has subsided, I slowly open the door. Anton is causally leaning on the railing of the porch and Kyle is staring at him as if he’s ready to pounce.

  “Are you sure you’re safe with this jerk? I can do checks with you.” Kyle asks.

  “Kyle, he has saved my life more than once today, I know I’m safe.” I say while turning and walking down the steps. I hear Anton snicker as he follows. When I turn and wave at Kyle I see the dumbfounded look that he’s snickering at.

  We head for the next house walking side by side. Not really touching but enough that our arms graze each other.

  “So, how long have you lived here?” Anton asks.

  “All my life” I say with a smile. “I’m grateful that it’s still standing after the infection started. If it was gone, I think I’d have lost the last bit of sanity I have left.” I open up.

  “I’m glad that you have found a safe place, there aren’t many left in this world.” He replies. “My aunt and uncle were some of the first to be infected in our area. That’s what they got for trying to help. After I buried them, I hit the road to see how far the infection went. I have yet to find a place it hasn’t been affected.” He continued, sadness was written all over his beautiful face.

  “I am so sorry to hear that, we have had some loses here that hit us hard, but nothing close to that.” I tell him, “Where did you live before all this?”

  “In the mountains of Colorado, after we heard the reports of infection we thought we were safe, but no one really is.” He replies. “Makes me wonder if anywhere is safe?”

  “Do you have any more family out there? “ I ask.

  He shakes his head.

  “My grandparents had already passed before all this started. My father is an only child and my mom has the one brother, who you met earlier. I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose them. I hate you had to go through that with your aunt and uncle.”


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