Book Read Free

Final Quest

Page 12

by B. C. Harris

  Suu looks surprised by my question.

  “Who cares for the babies? Do children go to school?” I ask.

  “Everything in the Palace of Life is automated,” Suu says. “Children stay there until they are ten years old.”

  “And at the age of ten, what happens?” Michael asks.

  “At the age of ten, the children go their separate ways to become whatever kind of worker they were created to be.”

  For a moment, there’s a pause in our conversation. Jamie and Michael are looking at each other in disbelief.

  “Do people have relationships with each other?” Jamie asks.

  “What do you mean?” Suu says.

  “Do people have friends? Do people get married? Do people have any form of recreation or entertainment? Do people have any form of fun?”

  “No,” Suu replies. “Everyone, except for the Zelareans, works during the day and spends their evenings in the fantasy world provided to them by trichoma.”

  “What about the Zelareans?” Michael says. “How do they live? Do they work?”

  “The Zelarean live a different kind of life. They have various forms of entertainment and sports.”

  “What about Drew?” Jasmin says, bringing our thoughts back to the reality of why we returned to Drapesia.

  - 30 -


  As I turn away from the globe, I notice that there are beings sitting on each of the thrones: that is, on five of them.

  Suu walks to one of the two empty thrones. I’m surprised when Capurni walks over to the final throne.

  Zol stands.

  “Greetings again my friends. We are happy that you have returned to Drapesia. I would like to outline a plan to rescue your friend Drew.”

  Capurni is now sitting on the throne beside Zol. I will have to ask him about the significance of this.

  “You noticed that Capurni is now sitting on a throne,” Zol says as he looks at me. He has read my thoughts.

  I smile.

  “Each of the leaders who are sitting on a throne is a descendant of one of the original seven tribes who lived on Drapesia,” Zol says. “For a long time, we have had no descendant from the Cantil tribe. Now that Capurni has arrived, we have asked him to be a representative for the Cantil tribe.”

  Capurni is glowing with pride. I’m happy for him.

  “And one more thing,” Zol continues as he looks at me.

  One more thing? What else does he want to tell me?

  “I am a she and not a he,” Zol grins.

  I’m sure I’m blushing.

  “As for Drew,” Zol continues, “we have decided on various roles that each of you can fulfill in the rescue of your friend Drew.”

  I glance at each of the leaders sitting on the thrones. There is concern on their faces that wasn’t there before.

  “Emily,” Zol says, “we would like you to go with Suu. She is very knowledgeable about your emerald. We believe there are some new commands you can learn from her.”

  I nod. I like Suu.

  “Michael,” Zol continues, “it’s my understanding from Capurni that you enjoy technology.”

  Michael’s eyes light up as though it’s Christmas morning and there’s a big surprise waiting for him under the tree.

  “I would like you to go with Nakan. Before Nakan came to Elpis he was one of the leading experts related to security and surveillance in Zelares. He will be able to help you understand some of the security issues you will face.”

  At the moment Zol finishes her sentence, a being that looks like a clown stands. I guess this is Nakan. Nakan is short and overweight. He has a silly face with one large eye in the center of his forehead, a big round red nose, and oversized red lips.

  Nakan looks excited to be meeting with Michael.

  Michael is grinning.

  “Jamie, we would like you to go with Klom. He was once a planner on Zelares.”

  Another being stands. Klom looks like an orange ostrich, but he has a face that reminds me of a colorful toucan with a long blue and yellow beak.

  “He can help you to understand the layout of all the buildings on Zelares. He will give you a map that you can use to rescue Drew.”

  Zol turns to Jasmin.

  “Jasmin,” you will be partnered with Bantage.”

  Bantage stands. She has gorgeous long black hair, just like Jasmin. She’s wearing a flowing crimson robe. Of all the tribal leaders, her face is the hardest to describe. My first thought is that she has a somewhat human face, but the more I look the more her face seems to change. It’s almost as if she can alter her face in the same way that a chameleon can change its color. There is something hypnotic about her face. Her eyes are wide and welcoming.

  As I look back and forth between Bantage and Jasmin, Bantage is looking more and more like Jasmin.

  “Jasmin,” Zol says, “Bantage is a former member of the Stapols. She is going to help you understand the routines and habits of the Stapols. This will be helpful to you in rescuing Drew.”

  Jasmin appears to be mesmerized by Bantage. It’s almost as though she has come under the spell of a Siren, the beautiful creatures in Greek mythology that lured sailors towards them until their ships crashed on the rocky coasts.

  “We will meet back here later this afternoon. Your mission to Zelares will begin tonight.”

  - 31 -


  Suu leads me along a narrow tunnel. Similar to everything else that we have experienced since discovering this underground network of caves and tunnels, the walls and ceiling are mirrored. Unlike some other passageway that we have been in, there are no drawings on these walls.

  “Are the walls and ceiling natural rock formations?” I ask Suu as we make an abrupt turn into another hallway.

  “Partly,” Suu replies. “Much of what you see is from a natural rock formation, although many rooms and tunnels have been added over the years. There are some tunnels and rooms that date back to almost two-thousand years ago, although the area we are currently entering may date back to the beginning of time on Drapesia.”

  As Suu leads me into a cave that is about the size of my bedroom, I immediately notice that one of the walls is covered in drawings.

  “Have a seat,” Suu says as she points at a large flat rock in the middle of the cave. “The cave we are now in is a natural formation. It has not been altered in any way since it was first discovered.”

  There’s a sense of reverence in Suu’s voice.

  “Emily, in many of the tunnels and caves on Elpis, there are drawings that outline the history of Drapesia.

  “Where was the emerald discovered?” I ask.

  “It is believed that the emerald was found in this cave.”

  This cave? I think that this must be a special place.

  Suu walks over to the wall that is covered with pictures.

  “Look at this,” she says.

  I step towards the wall.

  Suu points to a drawing that looks like two figures in a boat.

  “According to a legend, and supported by the drawings in this cave, a boy and his father from Ananke were fishing in a small boat when they got caught in a storm. Their boat was pushed onto the island of Elpis. As they searched for food on what at that time was mostly a barren island, they discovered a cave.”

  Suu’s finger slides to another picture that appears to show a cave. In the next picture, the two figures enter the cave.

  “As they explored the cave and some adjoining passageways, they found this naturally formed opening where we’re now standing. It was here that the boy discovered a beautiful large emerald. That night, the boy fell asleep in this cave while dreaming of being back in his bed on Ananke. When he awoke in the morning, he found himself back home with the emerald in his hands.”

  Sounds familiar, I think.

  “And his father?”

  “No one ever discovered what happened to his father. A few search parties were sent to Elpis, but they never found
him. It’s believed that some of the drawings in this cave were actually made by the boy’s father.”

  As I look at the next few drawings, a single figure keeps getting thinner and thinner.

  “Did the father draw himself dying from a lack of food?”

  “We think so,” Suu replies.

  ‘”What happened to the boy?” I ask.

  “The boy vanished, but somehow the emerald ended up in a museum in Zelares. The story states that one day while the great leader Kienda was visiting the museum, he discovered a green light flowing from the emerald. After that, he took possession of the emerald.”

  Based on my involvement with Kienda on my planet, I would be more inclined to believe that he murdered the boy and took the emerald.

  “Do you know when the other drawings were made?” I ask.

  “No, we don’t know who made them. We think that they were made after Kienda left Drapesia with the emerald. Drawings in other caves tell our history from our beginnings up until the present.”

  I begin to look at some of the other drawings in the cave. Almost all of them have a picture of an emerald in them.

  “Most of the drawings on this wall are related to using the emerald,” Suu says. “I am hoping that I can teach you some new commands to use with the emerald.”

  - 32 -


  There are a myriad of drawings on the mirrored wall in front of me. Some are rather clumsy, although a few look like they were drawn by a talented artist. They are not as primitive as the pictures of prehistoric drawings I have seen in books on my own planet.

  At first I think there only three colors: red, brown and black. As I look closer there are shades of blue and green.

  Many of the drawings remind me of Egyptian hieroglyphics.

  “What do some of them mean?” I ask.

  Suu points at a group of symbols. The picture beside the symbols looks like a bolt of lightning. “These symbols translate into the word Abruella.”

  “Abruella,” I say, recognizing this command.

  A small bolt of lightning leaps from my emerald crashing into the walls around us.

  “Oops,” I say.

  Suu’s eyes are wide with surprise. “I guess we better be more careful. Let’s see if we can find some commands that are new to you. Perhaps as we look at them, you should refrain from repeating them in case your emerald responds in an unpredictable way.”

  I feel comfortable being with Suu. If I lived on Drapesia, she could be one of my close friends.

  “The next word,” Suu says, “is Akem.”

  The drawing beside the symbol shows a large emerald with several figures in it.

  “I know this one,” I say. “This command shows an image of people I might be looking for, or a place I might want to visit.”

  I turn to another set of symbols and pictures.

  Before Suu says anything, I say, “I know this command as well.” Beside the symbols is a picture of a shield or barrier protecting a being from a fierce looking creature.

  “Let’s look at some other ones,” Suu says.

  The next set of drawings show several pictures of a being. In each drawing, the being is a little more faded than the previous picture. I wonder what caused some of these drawings to fade. After a minute or two, I’m still uncertain what these drawings mean.

  “Perhaps this is a new command for you,” Suu says. “The command is Taka.”

  “Never heard that one before. What does it do?”

  “This command will make you invisible.”

  “Are you kidding me? Invisibility? Now that’s a great command. I can’t wait to use it to surprise my friends.”

  Suu looks happy as though she was hoping that there would be some commands on the wall that I didn’t know.

  “Is there a command for changing from being invisible to being visible again?” I ask. “I would hate to become trapped as an invisible person.”

  “Yes,” Suu smiles as she looks at other symbols on the wall. “The command is Detaka.”

  “I need to practice these two commands,” I say.

  “Yes, I think that is a good idea,” Suu responds.

  I practice both commands in my mind before I’m ready to actually try them.

  Holding my emerald before me, I say, “Taka.”

  Nothing happens.

  I guess it didn’t work.

  “Maybe I said the command incorrectly.”

  “No Emily, you did it perfectly. You’re invisible, although I can still hear you.”

  I can see myself as though I never vanished. I watch Suu looking around the room for me.

  This is exciting.

  “Detaka,” I say.

  “Now you’re back again,” Suu laughs.

  “What does the next set of symbols say?” I eagerly ask.

  Suu slides her fingers down the next row of symbols. The pictures beside the symbol show a light shining from a bulb in one picture and then the bulb is dark in the next one.

  “Kortonium,” Suu says.

  Sounds something like Sandarium, I think, remembering that this command means to travel to another place. I wonder if Kortonium has something to do with creating darkness or light.

  “Never heard of this one either,” I say.

  “I have discussed this command with several of our other scientists among the Forgotten People. The best answer we have is that this command would destroy all the power systems wherever you are standing.”

  Not exactly a command that I can practice here, I think.

  I consider what Suu told me. If she’s correct, this could be a very useful command. I might be able to knock out anyone using electronic surveillance equipment to track me or my friends.

  I repeat Kortonium over and over in my mind to ensure that I have it memorized.

  “Any other commands?” I ask.

  “One more set of pictures,” Suu replies, some concern in her voice.

  As before, Suu skims her long, slender fingers over the next row of pictures.

  One picture shows an emerald exploding while the next picture shows a planet being torn in half.

  - 33 -


  After an afternoon of training, we all meet again in the spectacular Hall of Mirrors.

  My friends and I are now sitting on a long intricately carved wooden bench that is located inside the circle of golden thrones. The seven leaders, including Capurni, are sitting majestically on their ornate thrones.

  I wonder what my friends have learned during the afternoon.

  I have learned a few more commands for my emerald, although the last few pictures have shaken me.

  “Let’s take a little time to review what each person has learned this afternoon,” Zol says. “Very soon, you will begin your rescue mission.”

  Zol looks like a god as she sits on her golden throne, her white robes flowing to the floor. Each throne is set on a platform that looks like it was made of highly polished white marble with gold veins throughout it. The main floor, a little lower than the raised area where each throne sits, is the location where I’m now sitting. Even though this floor looks like it was made of marble as well, it has various shades of blue rippling through it and is reflective like the mirrored walls. Overhead, several stunning crystal chandeliers reflect the light in every direction. It’s almost as if the room is alive. It’s dazzling.

  “Let’s start with Jamie,” Zol says sounding like she’s a teacher asking her students to present their homework.

  Jamie stands.

  “My main focus was learning the possible locations where Drew is being kept,” Jamie says.

  Possible locations, I think. That suggests that no one knows exactly where Drew is being held as a prisoner. That complicates our mission.

  “Zelares is divided into five major sections,” Jamie continues. “The main area where the Zelareans live is known as the Temple. Among these people are a small group of leaders who make all the decisions. The Ze
lareans live a life of privilege and wealth. They have endless servants catering to their every want. Surrounding the Temple area are high walls that are the home of the Stapols. It’s virtually impossible for anyone to pass beyond the walls to enter the Temple area. This area is known as the Wall. It’s thought that Drew is in a prison room in the Wall.”

  There is a look of anguish on Jasmin’s face.

  “What else did you learn about Zelares?” Zol asks Jamie.

  “The Temple area is one of five areas on Zelares. The Wall housing the Stapols is another area, leaving three other areas. A third area is known as the Palace of Relearning. After listening to Klom, I learned that this large complex is more like a prison. Anyone who speaks out against the Zelarean leaders is sent to the Palace of Relearning. Some of these rebels become part of cruel experiments while others are sent to Elpis to be hunted.”

  Part of cruel experiments? This sounds like the Nazis and their concentration camps.

  “It’s also possible that Drew is being held as a prisoner in the Palace of Relearning,” Jamie says.

  “How will we ever find him?” Jasmin cries in a dramatic outburst. “If we don’t even know where he is, how can we rescue him? We’re all going to die looking for him. I don’t want to be dropped off on this island to be hunted by the Zelareans or wild animals.”

  An awkward silence greets Jasmin’s comments.

  Unfortunately, she’s correct. Even with my emerald, we’re facing an impossible task.

  “Jasmin,” Zol says compassionately, “we all share your concerns. Once you have all presented what you learned today, you can decide whether you want to proceed with this mission.”

  “What about Drew? Can’t you help us rescue him?”

  The leaders all look at the floor. They are embarrassed. It’s obvious that they will not, or cannot, get involved in actually rescuing Drew.

  Zol looks at Jamie encouraging him to continue.

  “The fourth area of Zelares,” Jamie says, “is the Palace of Life.”

  I’m not sure I want to hear any more about what happens in the Palace of Life.

  Jasmin is sobbing.


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