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Malevolence - Legacy Series Book Two (The Legacy Series)

Page 13

by Devyn Dawson

  “We should stay here all night; that is sure to give them a scare.” Oakley thought.

  “Yeah, that would go over like a ton of bricks. You smell really good, is that the cologne my mom gave you for Christmas?”

  “Glad you like it, and yes, it is.”

  “Okay, Mr. Sexy Werewolf, what can I do for you, now that you’ve got me trapped behind the couch?”

  He closed his eyes and smiled. “I can think of a few things. Oh, you mean why do I have you safely hidden behind the couch? A guy can dream can’t he? I was making sure we had everything out of the cars, and noticed something in the seat where you’d been sitting. I found this book and thought it might be what you’re looking for.” He handed me a small leather book.

  “Holy crap! That’s the book that faerie was telling me she would get for me. I need to find Abel and give it to him.” The look of disappointment that flashed in his blue eyes didn’t mask the desire they emitted. “I guess it can wait for another minute or two,” I said as I closed the small gap between us and felt his mouth on mine. His arm around my back pulled me in and held on to me with a type of desperation.

  I slid my hand under his shirt, running my hand along the muscles on his shoulder blade. He teasingly took my bottom lip in his teeth, tugging slightly until he felt me shudder from his touch.

  “There is nothing and I mean nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I’d climb the highest mountain or shred apart any beast that tried to harm you. I’m in this forever. You know that Pru, don’t you?”

  “I know.”

  “Love isn’t even a strong enough emotion to describe my feelings for you. However, when this whole vampire battle ends, know that my spirit is always with you. You’ll never run alone again.”

  I pulled back to look at his face, confused about the way he was talking. “Oak, what’s going on? You’re talking like you’ll die or something. You know, you better not die. I don’t want to know what this world is like without you in it.”

  “It’s nothing P; I just want you to know how I feel.”

  I put my head on his bicep with my face buried in his chest. “I love you Oakley. Don’t die, please.”

  He kissed the top of my head and we stayed like that for a minute or two. “Go find Abe. Hey, I love you too.”

  Chapter 28. Ode

  “The soldier though of the great extremity in which he now found himself, and as he so often had gone to meet death, he resolved to risk it now also, and agreed to the terms.” Bearskin ~ Grimm’s Household Tales

  The aged paper was more light brown than tan and felt thick yet fragile as I scanned the pages. Everything written read as a riddle, and some as a poem.

  I read and reread the next passage before announcing what I’d found. It was so obvious that I wondered if it was a hoax. It couldn’t be a hoax; I couldn’t begin to think what it would do to Abel if we couldn’t save his sister. There were times when Abel and I went out running alone, his thoughts not blocked from me and I heard him thinking about her. Images of her and him growing up together and how close they were still haunted his thoughts. One time, we were running and I could see her teaching him how to ride a bicycle. It was cute; she wanted him to ride bikes with her to the seven-eleven to get Icee’s because she couldn’t carry two by herself. It was hard knowing that my best friend was suffering from the loss of his sister; it may have been worse than that of my dad, when he died. At least I knew my dad was dead, and safe, he didn’t have that.

  “Oh, here is something. I think this is it! Let’s meet in the dining room so we can all be together,” I said. “I’m going to show it to Abel real quick; we’ll meet you in there.”

  Abel and I sat side by side on the bench and read it together.

  Remedy of the Damned

  Taken to thee art of sleeping

  After blood hath been draining

  No fear shall strangle thee stilled heart

  Thrust forth into the threshold of living

  Vacant soul of Lilith’s charms

  Bring forth the final blood of that hath beget the damned

  Cradled in thee arms of thy creator

  Seven tears shed by angel guardian of thee damned

  The blade of Fergus mac Róichshall drip the crimson drops

  Into the hole which attached thee to thy mother

  Single rose of red for thy death, one white for thy birth

  A ring of gold to be placed upon the smallest finger on thy right hand

  Horrid doom shall befall if thy ring removed

  Thee living blood relative, not removed will cease to live

  Their heart will cease to beat and they shall rise forth

  At the vampire awakening, to roam the earth 213,000 nights

  Only to awaken in the arms of Lilith

  Thou shall spend eternity in the wrath of hells hellfire

  “Hell’s hellfire?” Oakley asked. “Catchy.” He had read the poem aloud to himself after I had read it to the group.

  Mom stood suddenly and stepped into the kitchen. “Anyone want something to drink? Coca Cola or possibly a shot of Jack Daniels?” She pulled down some glasses and I noticed she pulled out the bottle of Jack and a shot glass. “Anyone?”

  “I think I’ll have one,” Abel’s dad, Richard, said. “I dabble in historical folklore but I’m not sure who this Fergus mac Róichshall is. Have you guys heard of him?” He asked as he stood up and walked over to the kitchen to help mom.

  Soon they were joined by Gus and Natalie at the kitchen counter. Mom held her shot in the air to say a quick toast. “May we all go into battle as one; may we exit as one.” A collective “here, here” and they tilted their heads back and took their shot.

  Mom brought everyone a glass of ice and a bottle of coke. Richard set the bottle of Jack on the table as we made plans on how to save Allie and keep the Vampires silent.

  Gus grabbed the nearest laptop and typed in the name. “Google doesn’t have anything.”

  “Try shortening the name, I vaguely remember someone with the name Roich. Drop the ‘shall’.” Richard said as he stood over Gus and pointed to the screen. “Bingo! I knew I’d read something on this guy before. Its Irish lore, I remember because when all of this werewolf stuff came up, I started researching it.” Gus turned the laptop to an angle so we could all see.

  “Click on that picture of a sword,” Abel said. “Caladbolg, wow, it is number two in the top ten of legendary swords. I wonder who makes up these lists? Dad, do you remember anything about him or about this sword? We need to know where to find it.”

  “Vaguely, click on the Wiki to read what it says about it. We have to be careful though with Wiki, not everything is fact. Most of it is based on facts but isn’t necessarily accurate,” Richard said.

  My head was starting to hurt after staring at the computer and everything we could come up with about the sword. I could see the anxiety on Natalie’s face, my mom could to. Shaynie sat next to her and put her hand on her shoulder giving her reassurance. I hated it when she was nice, it made me think that maybe she wasn’t all bad.

  “How much time before Patrick arrives mom?”

  “Depends on how they are getting here. I suspect they’ll be here in the next few hours. You might ask Kenneth. He secured them a place to stay so I’m sure he knows when they’ll be here.”

  Chapter 29. Visit

  “Before many hours had passed came a servant from the palace, and told Hans that he must give her a hare instantly, for some visitors, had come unexpectedly.” The Griffin ~ Grimm’s Household Tales


  “They’re here!” Chad yelled out as he opened the front door for them. “I’m sorry sir, but we have to check everyone that comes in the house,” he said to Patrick. “If you could please announce your weapons and show them to me, the process will be faster.”

  Patrick was dressed casually in a pair of jeans with a white button-down shirt and brown sports coat. He was one hundred percent Irish in both looks and temperament.
“Understood, young man. Weapons, do my hands count?” Patrick said with a slight hint of humor. He spread his arms and legs in the police searching position. “Let’s see, well, I have a HK-45 under my arm, you’re blind if you haven’t noticed it. There’s a thirty-eight Smith and Wesson in my waistband, oh and two stakes, you never know when a vampire is around. There is a Ka-Bar strapped to my right calf and a survival knife strapped to my left bicep. If I forgot anything, I’m sorry; it’s been a long day.”

  One by one they were checked by Chad and Bryon; some understood and others didn’t hide their aggravation. Patrick must have scolded them because soon they were all cooperating and keeping their snide comments to themselves. Oakley and Pru held me prisoner in the living area ‘for my own good’, whatever.

  Patrick wanted to meet with me privately. I concentrated on keeping my pulse down so I wouldn’t show any fear in the meeting. I thought a real vacation would be needed when this quote, unquote, battle was over. “Stand straight, don’t hunch over, shoulders back, and never avert your eyes,” the General’s voice ran through my head.

  After what felt like hours we called Dolly and Parker in to help us set the trap. The day turned to night and the smell of pasta filled the room. I couldn’t remember the last time I ate and by the looks on Patrick’s, face he was famished too. Parker got a text that the Jacksons were in town. We had all agreed that we’d position them on the parameter of the battleground. Knowing that Pascal’s group wouldn’t recognize the Jacksons, we felt confident that we’d be able to pull it off.

  Kenneth rented a château outside of Paris. The St. Sauveur Le Clos Le Paris; too many ‘Le’s’ for me. Thankfully it was a three story place with plenty of room for both packs. The best part was, it was in the countryside with a place for us to run. Everyone in my group was due for a shift.

  Before I shifted for the first time, I didn’t really get the whole running and romping in the woods, now I do. Our ability to communicate and run free without inhibitions gave us an extra energy source. It kept us connected not only as a pack, but as friends too. I guess that was why I didn’t understand the rogue wolf thing. I wondered if that was why they are always in a bad mood, they felt disconnected.

  Chapter 30. Magic

  “When he had walked a while, he wished to make a trial of the magical powers of his knapsack and tapped it.” The Knapsack, The Hat, and The Horn ~ Grimm’s Household Tales

  After our run, I went to find Chrissy to spend some time with her. “Oh, awesome, they have a Wii, do you have to say we we to play?”

  “Ha! Ha! You’re hilarious,” Chrissy thought to me. She handed the controller to one of the Jackson girls. “How was the run? Did you find any rabbits to chase?” Her light pink, skin tight sweater made her hair stand out; her jeans fit her perfectly in all the right places. Stop it brain. I scolded myself.

  I took her hand and pulled her in for a hug. Breathing in her strawberry scented shampoo reminded me of all the fun we had together. “I saw some cupcakes in the other room, let’s grab one and go find someplace to hide.”

  She smiled up at me and said, “yay for cupcakes. I hope they’re chocolate.”

  We sat down and picked out the cupcakes with the biggest pile of frosting on top.

  “Aren’t you two cute with frosting all over your lips,” Oakley said.

  Chrissy frantically took her napkin and wiped her face. “Did I get it all?”

  “You’re so gullible,” Oakley said and she whacked him on the shoulder. “I hate to break up this little cupcake love-fest but we have company. Actually, Chrissy has company.”

  Chrissy pointed to herself. “I have company? What the?”

  “Pru’s friend Quinney sent her here for you. There’s a small office down the hall, we’re meeting her in there. Pru and Parker are already in there.” Oakley said as he swiped a cupcake off of my plate.

  The office was a simple white room, with a white desk, white furniture, white fireplace and white curtains. The only colorful thing in the room was one simple red vase that sat on top of a white shelf. The shelf just so happened to have a few books that had white covers on them. I’d never be able to pull off a white room like this. Good thing we didn’t eat our cupcakes in here.

  Everyone was smiling; I guessed that was a good start. “Hi, I’m Abel and this is Chrissy.”

  “Hi, it’s so nice to meet you both. I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am. Oh, sorry, were’s my manners? I’m Rain; yes I know what you’re thinking, and no my parents weren’t hippies.” She talked fast and made an effort at looking at each one of us. “Actually it’s my middle name, my first name is Jasmine but I go by Rain. Everyone in my family has a middle name that has something to do with the elements.”

  I took a good look at Jasmine Rain and I too felt comfortable. She spoke with a Hispanic accent and looked like some girls I met when I went down to Florida, but older. I guessed she was in her mid twenties and was probably one of those really smart girls in school. What I found striking about her was her clear blue eyes and how they were set off by her dark skin. “Hi Rain, it’s nice to meet you too. Quinney sent you to Paris to find Chrissy? I’m not picking up what you’re throwing down?”

  She looked puzzled. “Picking up what I’m throwing down?”

  “I don’t understand why he sent you here,” I said. Pru and Oakley shrugged their shoulders when I looked at them for answers.

  “Oh, right. First, I think you could use someone like me to help you with distinguishing the vampires’ quest. Second, I’m here to help Chrissy.” She didn’t sound nervous but her trembling hand proved otherwise. She linked her fingers together in an attempt to keep them from shaking. “I’m sorry; I’m going to have to talk to Chrissy and Abel alone. It’s nothing against you Pru and Oakley, but the rest of the meeting is secret. Parker, I’d love to finish our talk some time. Hit me up on Facebook when this is all done. Ya’ll do understand, I hope.”

  Both turned to look at me, I motioned for them to go.

  “If you don’t mind, I’m going to place a privacy spell on the room. Not that I don’t trust them, but everyone here is a werewolf and has amazing hearing.” She smiled nervously. Out of her purse she pulled a small book and a vile that had a clear liquid. Walking around the room she recited an incantation and sprinkled the liquid in each corner. We sat in the white chairs facing the fireplace. She pulled out a little candle and lit it before setting it down on the coffee table. Sitting back, she let out a sigh of relief. “I’m so sorry, but there is a lot of energy in this house. It was wrecking havoc on my inner peace. Chrissy, it had to be taxing on you to be around it non-stop the last few days.”

  “It hasn’t been that bad, not until the O’Connell’s showed up. The Jackson’s have a lot of energy too. I’m sure you didn’t come all the way out here to talk about the energy though.”

  “You’re right. Let me start by saying that what is said about whom I am, and what organization I represent, is incredibly secret. I trust that you understand that.” Rain said.

  We both nodded in agreement.

  “I am part of the Rosicrucian Order. There was a point that we were more secretive, but in a world of internet and Google, some things leak out. Although my group is part of the Rosicrucian’s we are a bit more secretive and selective. We are the Rosa Provincialis Order and our crest is a cross with a yellow rose in the center. Like this,” she said as she pulled her sleeve up a little to expose her wrist. A small tattoo on the inside of her wrist, right before the heel of her hand, looked as if it glowed.

  “Oh, that is pretty.” Chrissy said. I knew she wanted a tattoo for while but hadn’t decided what it would be.

  “If you notice how it is glowing, it is signaling that there are supernaturals nearby. The brighter it glows, like right now, means there are strong super’s around.” She pulled her sleeve down and sat back in the chair. “My position is that of a healer, just like you Chrissy. Your father had approached the Rosicrucian chapter in Oklahoma
a few years ago about you. He knew you would be a great healer one day and wanted you to join us. We had made arrangements for you to go to the Invisible School of Learning when you turned eighteen but never heard from him again. We don’t put addresses on our paperwork so our whereabouts is kept secret. Quinney contacted us after Pru had told him about you, and well, that is why I’m here. I’d like to extend this invitation for you to join us, and would like to help Abel fulfill his destiny. I need to arm you with some healing knowledge, how to use herbs and such for healing. Are you willing to accept this invitation Chrissy?”


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