Book Read Free

Caramel Flava

Page 20

by Zane

  You bet I will, Adele thought before immediately flushing with shame. Lucky for me, my skin’s darker than his. She turned to her charge. “It’s good to have you. Let me show you around.”

  Adele led Miguel out down the hall, suddenly very aware of her body movements. She realized that her hips were sashaying and her breasts bouncing more than normal. She wondered briefly if Miguel was watching her walk, but she shoved the thought guiltily from her mind.

  “These are the offices.” They left the narrow hall and entered the main space. “This is where most of the activity happens. It’s still a work in progress. We’ve partitioned off the daycare, kitchen, and storage closet so we can renovate the rest. Mornings are usually pretty calm. At least ’til school lets out.” She smiled at him. “Any preferences?”

  Miguel shrugged. “Wherever.”

  She thought for a moment. “How’s your Spanish? We could use a tutor.”

  “Don’t speak it.”

  Adele’s cheeks were starting to hurt from holding the smile. “Can you cook?”



  He looked at her. “Why you surprised? My mom and sister did all the cooking.”

  “No, the word is no, not nah. By the way, helping verbs are your friends.”

  He stared at her. To Adele’s surprise, a small smile spread across his face. “You sound like my mom. She used to teach English before we were born.”

  “You have dimples,” Adele blurted out before she could stop herself. “I mean”—she pulled herself together—“she didn’t go back to teaching?”

  The smile disappeared as quickly as it had come. “No.”

  Adele waited. When no explanation came, she decided to pry. “What does she do now?”

  “Some clerical work. When she can get it. Are you gonna show me what I’m gonna be doing? I don’t really care what it is.”

  Adele made a mental note to find out a little more about his background. “Well, I have a lot of little jobs that need doing.” She pointed at a window. “See the lawn? Not through that window you can’t. But if you could, you’d see it needs to be cut. The windows need washing. Badly. All the supplies are in the utilities closet and the shed out back. Most of what I’ll have for you now will be cleaning or repairwork. Can you handle that?”

  He nodded. “Where can I put my bag?”

  “I’ll keep it in my office, if you like.”

  He hesitated, then handed it to her. “Oh, wait.” He pulled out a small MP3 player and headphones. “See you later.”

  “Let me know if you need anything,” she called to his retreating back. Unlike most guys his age, his pants actually rested where they were supposed to and he definitely had a little junk in the trunk. Get a grip, woman. You have better things to do than ogle this guy’s ass…I mean butt! Lord forgive me!

  Despite Adele’s best intentions to keep her mind focused and pure, she found herself making excuses to go past the window or take walks outside to watch Miguel cut the grass. On her second peek, she noticed he had shed his tee in favor of the tank underneath.

  “That boy must be nearly dehydrated. It’s only right I bring him something to drink,” she told her assistant, Kim.

  “Mmm-hmm. I’ll go take it out.”

  Adele grabbed her arm before she could hurry off. “He doesn’t need some hot-blooded woman panting after him. Besides, you have stuff to do. I’ll take it.” Mindlessly, she adjusted her hair in the window.

  Kim burst out laughing at her friend. “Okay, Sister. But I don’t think it’s me he needs to look out for.” With a wink, she strode off to her office.

  Five minutes later, Adele went outside carrying a pitcher of ice-cold water and a glass. “Miguel!” She yelled to be heard over the lawn mower.

  He turned and waved to her. She lifted the water and motioned him over. As he got closer, she could see that his shirt was soaked through with sweat. The thin material clung to his chest. Suddenly, she felt a heat spread through her body, one that she couldn’t attribute to the warmth of the sun. It started somewhere so deep inside, Adele was hard-pressed to put her finger on it.

  “I brought you some water,” she heard someone giggle. To her horror, she realized that she had uttered the words like a silly schoolgirl.

  “Thank you, Sister.”

  “Adele. No one calls me Sister.” She pointed to the tattoo on his arm. “What’s that about?”

  He shrugged. “That’s past.”

  “You have nice muscles. You work out?”

  “Yeah, sometimes.” He gulped the water, then poured another glass. “That hit the spot. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome. There’s more when you need it. I don’t want you getting dehydrated.”

  He nodded and walked back to the mower. Adele grabbed the pitcher and went back inside. This time, she didn’t even fight the urge to sashay back to the building. She never turned around, but something told her that his eyes were on her the whole way.

  The rest of the day passed uneventfully. Adele finally pushed Miguel and his sculpted biceps from her mind long enough to get her work done. He poked his head in at four to collect his things, but she was too absorbed in her duties to do more than wave.

  Adele finally made it to her apartment after nine that night. Her eyes were heavy, but the heat had made her sticky with sweat. There was no way she could go without a shower.

  She relaxed under the warm water, feeling the tension seep from her muscles. She reached for her special supply of aromatherapy bath gel. She used it only on days like today, when she felt particularly drained. The tightness was good. It meant that she was getting things accomplished, things that would affect her community positively.

  She pulled on her bath gloves and lathered up. First her neck, then shoulders and breasts. She shivered as the coarse nylon slid across her nipples. She hesitated before drawing them back over them, playing with them until they hardened. The heat had returned full-force, but this time she could identify the source of the intensity.

  Adele hadn’t masturbated in years. Ever since she had taken vows, she relied on sheer will and prayer to get her through the temptation. This time, she found her fingers sliding cautiously down her belly to the swatch of hair between her legs. The gloves proved to be too rough for her sensitive nub, so she tossed them aside.

  “I don’t even think I remember how to do this,” she muttered.

  The initial touch silenced her doubts and gave her the courage to press on. Her fingers worked her clit, rediscovering the joys she had long ago buried. She traced her lips lightly and made her way further back until she felt her fingers slip inside her pussy. She pressed one in carefully, and added a second more urgently, thrusting wildly.

  When she was younger, she used to imagine she was with Willie Mansfield, the boy who lived across the street. He had been the sexiest guy in their graduating class. After high school, he had joined the service, she couldn’t remember which branch. Too shy to talk to him back then, she’d contented herself with imagining his penis buried deep inside her, while he whispered sweet nothings in her ear.

  Years later, she knew a lot more about sex and her thoughts weren’t nearly so innocent. This time, it was Miguel’s cock thrusting inside of her and his teeth grazing her nipples. His fingernails dug into her butt cheeks, the pain vying with the pleasure.

  “Yes! Oh God, yes!” Adele cried into the water. She could feel the orgasm coming; it was so close. She moved quicker, trying to hurry it up. To her dismay, the more she tried to force it, the more the sensation slipped away. With it went her image of Miguel and his large muscles.

  “Agh!” she yelled in frustration. “God da—” She broke off mid-shout. She had already broken one rule tonight. She didn’t think God would be particularly forgiving about her taking His name in vain.

  The next morning, Adele went downstairs earlier than usual. After the failed attempt in the shower, she spent a tormented night tossing in bed. When her alarm had gone off
, she’d already been up and dressed.

  It was too early for the staff to arrive, so Adele went outside to check the previous day’s mail. She tripped over something on the doorstep and fell, scraping her elbows.

  A pair of strong hands hauled her upright. “I am so sorry. I must have been asleep longer than I thought.”

  Adele rubbed her arms. She wasn’t sure if she was more bothered by the fact that Miguel was sleeping in The Center’s doorway or that he had seen her sprawled over the walkway. “What are you doing here?”

  “I work here, remember?” He offered a little smile. “You sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine. And I’m waiting for a real answer.” Her voice got steely. “Now.”

  He sighed and looked away. “I can’t live at home anymore. The project doesn’t let you live there if you have a criminal record. I had to leave so my mom and my sister wouldn’t get kicked out.”

  Adele nodded. She wanted to reach out and touch him, comfort him in some way, but she knew he would just pull away. “That’s a very noble thing you did.”

  He turned to face her. “How so? Now I’m just a homeless bum with a record.”

  “I remember this kid when I was younger who got out of prison and went back home. When they told him to leave, he refused and his whole family was kicked out. His grandmother, parents, siblings all forced out because he refused to leave and his mother wouldn’t make him go.” She stroked his arm gently. “You were being selfless.”

  “Well, now I have to find someplace to live and money to pay for it.” He buried his face in his hands. “This sucks.”

  She plucked him. “Stop griping. We just need to figure out how to fix it.”

  He glanced at her incredulously. “You’d really help me? What do you care?”

  “Yes. And because I do. Now come follow me before I change my mind. It’s been a long night.” She didn’t bother mentioning that he was the cause of it.

  She walked back upstairs, past her apartment to another door. “I live there and this is an empty apartment. A friend of mine used to live here, but she retired last year.” She opened the door. “It’s small, it hasn’t been cleaned in ages, and the dust is lethal. But if you like it, it’s yours. Until you get on your feet. It’s got a kitchen and a bathroom.” She stood aside. “See for yourself.”

  Miguel moved past her, taking in the apartment. “I can’t take this. I have no way of paying you.”

  “I’m sure I’ll find something for you to do.” She winked at him. “Why don’t you spend the morning getting settled in? You can get cleaning supplies from downstairs.”

  “Look, I want you to know.” Miguel fidgeted in the doorway. “I really appreciate you doing this. Thank you.”

  Adele gazed back into his eyes. The raw emotion she saw melted something inside her. “You’re welcome,” she said simply, before walking downstairs.

  Adele didn’t get a chance to check on Miguel until after closing. She took her shower, then knocked on his door.

  He answered the door in boxers and a black tank shirt. “What’s up?”

  Don’t look at the thighs, don’t look at the thighs. “Did you eat dinner?”

  He nodded. “My mom gave me some food. She sent over some dessert for me to give you.” He pulled the door further open. “You want?”

  “Sure, thanks.” Adele felt like a teenager, instead of the thirty-seven-year-old woman she was.

  “Sit down. You want something to drink?”

  She sat on the old couch. “Water, please. You did a good job in here. I need to hire you to clean my place.”

  “It’s the least I can do.” He handed her a plate and her water. “I hope you like flan.”

  “Love it.”

  They settled into a comfortable silence. Adele was enjoying the baked custard until she caught Miguel watching her. He looked amused. “What?”

  “Nothing. I’m just glad you’re enjoying it.” His full lips curved up in a smile.

  “This is so good!” Adele waved her fork in the air. “I’m serious;your mother is a genius.”

  “I didn’t think you’d enjoy it very much.”

  Adele stopped mid-bite. “Why not?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. Aren’t nuns all about denying themselves?”

  Adele thought guiltily about her shower escapade. “That’s not what it’s about. It’s about improving life for everyone through God.”

  He regarded her solemnly. “Is that why you became a nun?”

  Adele nodded. “More or less.”

  “But what about everything you have to give up?”

  “Such as?”

  He thought. “Nice things. Marriage. Children. You don’t want any of that? I’m not prying, am I?”

  “I don’t mind. Okay, I have nice things. Not expensive things, but I think they’re nice. I am married. To God. And my children are the people I help.”

  “And that’s enough for you?” His eyes bored into hers. She suddenly felt naked in front of him. And not the way she would have liked to be.

  “Yes.” She raised her chin a notch, as if to emphasize her point. “No muss, no fuss. Although, I might have liked to have a child of my own. But that’s water under the bridge now.”

  “You still could.”

  She laughed. “Miguel, I’m thirty-seven. It’s too late for me. I’m too old for that.”

  “Thirty-seven ain’t old. Shoot, all you need is a man and you’re in business.”

  “Right. And where am I supposed to find one that I want to share my life and my child with?” she challenged.

  “You’re a pretty lady. There are plenty of men who’d want to get to know you.” He spoke softly, looking into her eyes.

  Adele looked back at him, then wished she hadn’t. It was like looking into a mirror. His eyes were cloudy with lust. Every nerve in her body screamed at her to give in to his unspoken invitation. Adele was floored; until now, she’d thought the attraction was all in her head.

  “I should go!” she blurted, mentally kicking herself for her juvenile reaction. “It’s late. Thanks for the dessert.”

  “You’re welcome.” He stood up and stretched. Adele watched wordlessly, her brain greedily storing the image for later.

  “I’ll see myself out. Good night.” She hurried to the door, but he followed her and pulled the door open.

  “Good night, Adele.” He looked at her with those eyes again.

  It took all of Adele’s willpower to walk back to her apartment. She didn’t breathe until she got inside and bolted the door.

  Uncomfortable with her reactions to Miguel, Adele spent the rest of the week avoiding him. Any conversations were held with plenty of people around. In an effort to get her mind right, she went to confession. She was too embarrassed to visit Father Matthew, so she went to a church in the next county.

  By the weekend, Adele felt ready to pop. Since fervent prayers hadn’t worked their usual magic, she was at a loss. One more time. Then I’ll quit. No more masturbation. She removed the scowling Savior from the wall and placed Him carefully in her desk drawer.

  A few years before, at her sister’s bachelorette party, each guest got a bag of goodies. Adele had stashed the bag under her bed without another thought. But if she remembered correctly, one of the favors had been—

  “Got it!” Adele held the vibrator up to the light. “If this doesn’t work…” she shook her head, hoping for the best and trying to forget she was a nun. What was it about that boy that made her want to throw sixteen years of devotion to God out the window?

  Two AA batteries later, Adele was stretched out on her bed, panting. One hand grasped the headboard while Miguel’s tongue lapped at her pussy. Having learned her lesson, Adele kept the toy vibrating on a low level even though she craved the stronger sensations. She drew it around her clit, enjoying the attention Miguel was paying to her. She pictured his muscular thighs and his snug boxers and increased the intensity. Oral sex deserves reciprocation. I’ll h
ave to return the favor.

  She peeled her hand from the headboard and slid a finger over her tongue. Her mouth accepted his dick eagerly. She loved the taste of him; it was so…earthy, so manly. Her tongue raced over the damp flesh, trying to memorize the bumpy ridges and smooth skin.

  The combination proved to be too much for her. She felt the blessed shivers start in her core and radiate outward. She tried to cover her mouth, but some moans escaped into the air. Sated, Adele tossed the toy aside and curled up on top of her sheets.

  A knock sounded at the door. Miguel. She shot up, pulling her pajama top down and buttoning it up. “Just a moment.”

  She pulled on her pants and robe before opening the door a crack. “Is something wrong?”

  He leaned against the door frame. “I heard some noises. For a minute, I thought it was…but you’re a nun, so that’s out. So I figured something was wrong.”

  He gazed at her with such concern, Adele was sure she was going straight to hell. “I, um, just had a bad dream. I’m sorry to have woken you.”

  “I wasn’t sleeping.” His voice had taken on a deeper, more guttural tone. “I couldn’t sleep.” His hand reached out and hesitantly stroked her cheek.

  Something inside Adele broke. She grabbed his shirt and hauled him inside. His arms circled her waist, pulling her toward him. It had been a while since Adele had kissed anyone other than family and friends, but she found her rhythm quickly. She drew back slightly, drawing her tongue along his bottom lip. It used to drive men wild when she was younger, and she was pleased to see it had the same effect on Miguel.

  “I shouldn’t be doing this. Especially not with you.” She tilted her head to the side to give him better access to her neck. “This is so wrong.”

  Miguel paused briefly. “We can stop if you want.”

  She pulled him back. “No.”

  Miguel unbuttoned her top, peeling it off of her body. He cradled her breasts in his hands, drawing his thumb across her nipples. “You are so sexy. I thought so the first time I saw you walk.” He took one in his mouth, biting it gently.


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