The Road to Wrinkle Ranch

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The Road to Wrinkle Ranch Page 20

by Nick Russell

  She was standing at the entrance to the hallway and said, "I've been thinking. I’m not trying to push you about anything, but if we become an official couple, have you thought about our living arrangements much since we talked the other night?"

  “Not really," he admitted. "Why?"

  "I told you that the city’s insurance company offered me a lot of money for what happened. We could afford to build any kind of house we want, John Lee. I was wondering how in love with this place you are?"

  "I never gave it much thought," he said. “Don't you like it?"

  “There's nothing wrong with it, I guess. There's just… a lot of memories in this house, John Lee. I’m just wondering how you'd feel about starting over in a place that wasn't mine or yours but ours. A place where you hadn't killed somebody."

  She didn't say it, but John Lee suspected that other memories were of the women he had bedded in that house since he and Emily had separated.

  "Would it really be our place, Maddy?"

  "What do you mean by that?"

  "If you’re paying for it, it would be more your place than mine, wouldn't it?"

  She shook her head and said, "Don't even start thinking like that, John Lee. I sure don't."

  "I'm just saying that maybe you should put that money away for something you really need someday."

  "I've always been a minimalist, you know that. What do I really need?"

  "I don't know, Maddy. What do you really need?"

  She walked up and put her arms around him and kissed him. “You are all I need, John Lee. Nothing else in the world.” She stepped half a step back when Magic nudged his head against her leg and bent down and patted the dog and said, “Yes, I need you, too, silly boy."

  Since it was just past noon, they decided to have lunch there. Maddy found some lunch meat in John Lee’s refrigerator and made grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. As she was putting them together, she asked, “Did you get an eyeful of Amanda Agosti?"

  "I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't notice," John Lee said.

  "She wasn't hiding much, was she?"

  "Nope, she sure wasn't."

  “I think she likes people looking at her that way," Maddy said.

  "Yeah, I got that feeling. And I think her husband gets off on it, too."

  “What do you mean? Like they’re swingers or something?"

  “No, it's more that he likes to show off his toys. I remember him saying something about I couldn't afford a woman like her. He said that a couple of times."

  “Oh, so you've looked before?"

  “I'm not blind, Maddy."

  "I don’t know how a woman can put herself on display like that, John Lee."

  “I'm sure you saw girls in bathing suits like that at the beach when you were over there in New Smyrna, didn't you?"

  "Yeah, but that was different."

  "How is it different?"

  She shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know. Because it was the beach? But I didn't usually see women spreading out like that, making sure you can see everything they had."

  “I don't know," John Lee told her. “I don't think they’re swingers. I just think she's an exhibitionist and he likes people knowing what he's got that they don't have.”

  “I guess that’s good,” Maddy said. “I can see why any guy would want to swing with her, and probably a lot of women, too. But him?” Maddy shuddered visibly.

  She set his plate on the table in front of him, and John Lee said, "I remember the first time you made me a ham and cheese sandwich.”

  "You do? When was that?"

  “I don't know exactly when it was," he told her, “but Dan and me had been swimming and came back to the house and you made sandwiches for all of us."

  "Why would you remember that, John Lee?"

  “Do you want to know the truth?"


  He blushed slightly and said, "You were wearing this loose top and when you bent over to set the plate in front of me, I could see your boobs. You didn’t have a bra on. They were the first real boobs I ever saw, Maddy."

  "Really? You were looking at my boobs?"

  "What can I say? I was a kid. Anytime a teenage boy can look at boobs, he's gonna look at them."

  "There wasn't much there to look at back then," Maddy said, then added, "And there's not much more to look at now, either."

  "What's that they say? Any more than a mouthful goes to waste?"

  "Kind of makes me wish I was wearing a loose blouse right now," she told him.

  John Lee laughed and said, "Yeah, me too.”

  Maddy was tempted. Oh, how she was tempted! She could take off her shirt right there and let him look and touch as much as he wanted to. As much as she wanted him to, too. But would he want to do anything? Would the scars turn him off? Was it time to face that issue head-on? Just then John Lee's phone rang. He picked it up and said, “This should be interesting. It's Paw Paw."


  Paw Paw had thought a long time before he called John Lee. He had never tried to interfere with his grandson’s work before. Well, he guessed that wasn't quite true, John Lee had always turned a blind eye to him smoking pot, but this was something entirely different. He was torn between loyalty to his best friend, a man who was more like a brother to him than any blood kin could ever be, and his relationship with his grandson, who was family. Then again, did blood really make someone family? No, Paw Paw didn't think so. But still, he didn't like the position he was in and didn't like the position that John Lee was in, either. He had started to call twice before and stopped but decided this time that they had to deal with it sooner or later. When John Lee answered, Paw Paw asked, "Are you busy?"

  "We stopped at my house to have lunch before we go back out. What's up, Paw Paw?"

  "I guess we need to talk about Billy, don't we?"

  John Lee's voice was guarded when he asked, “What about Billy, Paw Paw?"

  "No use beating around the bush about it. Billy spilled the beans about what he's been up to."


  "What are you going to do about it, John Lee?"

  "To be honest with you, Paw Paw, I don't know."

  "I know what he's been doing is wrong. But he’s my oldest friend in the world, John Lee."

  "I know that, Paw Paw."

  There was hesitation for a moment and then Paw Paw said, "John Lee, I've never asked you for a favor before, but I'm asking you now if…"

  Before he could complete the sentence, both John Lee’s and Maddy's portable radios went off, the dispatcher asking for them by their call signs.

  "Hold on a minute, Paw Paw, Dispatch is calling me," he said.

  Maddy answered the call, responding, “This is County 28."

  "Is County 16 with you?"


  “We got a call from Darci McBride. She needs you guys at her house. She said it’s important."

  "10-4. Did she say what it was about?"

  “No, just that she needed you there in a hurry. She sounded scared or upset or something. And there was a man yelling in the background. I have another unit headed there, too.”

  "We’re on the way.”

  They headed for the Charger quickly, stuffing as much of their sandwiches in their mouths as they could on the way. Maddy threw the last of hers to Magic as she got in on her side.

  “What do you think this is all about?"

  "I don't know," John Lee said as he turned on the car’s flashing lights and siren. "But it sounds like it might be serious."

  Chapter 34

  Deputy Herb Glickman’s Ford Explorer was parked in the McBride driveway next to Vince Agosti’s Mercedes GLE, and while Herb was only of average height, he was still looking down at the irate man standing handcuffed next to the SUV. When they got out of John Lee’s Charger, Agosti said, “It's about time somebody with half a brain got here. Tell this asshole to get these damn things off of me!"

  "Don’t be calling anybody names, Mr. Agosti," John Lee said
. “We don’t have to take that nonsense from you."

  "You idiots don't know who you're messing around with."

  "How about you just keep your mouth shut for a minute or two," John Lee said. “Can you do that?"

  Agosti started to say something else but thought again and closed his mouth. The three deputies walked a short distance away and John Lee asked, "What's going on, Herb?"

  "I got a call for a disturbance here and the dispatcher said you were on the way but wanted me to come by, too," Herb told them. “This guy was standing on the porch yelling at the lady in the house, getting all kind of ugly with her. I told him to back off and he told me to go to hell. I told him to chill out and he ignored me and tried to push his way into the house. I went hands-on and put him down on the porch and handcuffed him."

  "Is Mrs. McBride okay?"

  "As far as I know, John Lee. As soon as I took him down, she closed the door and I haven't seen her since."

  "Put him in the back of your car and I’ll talk to her and see what's going on," John Lee said. He and Maddy walked up onto the porch and he rang the doorbell. It opened just a crack and Darci McBride looked out at them. "I'm so glad you guys are here!"

  "Can we come in?"

  "Yeah, let me get the security chain off." She closed the door and a moment later opened it fully and they went inside."

  “What’s going on, Mrs. McBride?"

  “Vince showed up here acting all crazy, said you told him what I told you about how he and Lonnie were mixed up in some kind of a deal that was going bad and how they had a couple of run-ins. He told me I needed to keep my damn mouth shut if I knew what was good for me or I might just disappear."

  “Disappear? He threatened you?"

  "That's the way I took it."

  The woman was visibly shaken and her teeth were chattering slightly. "Here, let's sit down,” Maddy said, leading her to the couch.

  "I don't need this crap," Darci said, shaking her head and wiping tears away. “I just want to go back home and get away from all of this. I just… I just can't take this anymore!" She started crying and Maddy put her hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

  "Nobody's going to hurt you, Darci. We promise. Don't we, John Lee?"

  "You got that right, he told her. “Did he put his hands on you at all, Darci?"

  "No, he was just screaming and yelling at me."

  "All right, you stay here with Deputy Westfall," John Lee said. “I'll be back in a bit."

  He walked back outside, where Herb was standing on the front porch protecting his shaved head from the sunlight.

  "Did you hear him threatening her when you arrived, Herb?"

  The other deputy shook his head, "No, he was screaming at her, telling her she was an idiot and that she needed to keep her mouth shut. But I didn't actually hear a threat, John Lee."

  John Lee looked around and saw that the closest house was far enough away that he was sure the neighbors would not have heard the disturbance, but he thought it was worth a try anyhow. "Why don’t you check out that house over there to the right, and I'll go to the one across the street. I want to see if anybody else heard any direct threats made."

  "Okay,” Herb said.

  Five minutes later they regrouped on the porch and Herb said, “The lady over there said she never heard a thing. How did you make out?"

  John Lee shook his head. "Nobody home."

  “Did the lady in the house say he threatened her?"

  "She said he told her if she didn't keep her mouth shut she might disappear."

  “But we don't have any witnesses to that."

  "Exactly," John Lee said.

  "What do you want me to do with him?"

  “I'd like to lock his ass up," John Lee replied. "Did he resist you in any way, Herb?"

  "No. He mouthed off a lot, typical bullshit we get from people, but he didn't fight back or resist."

  "Damn, I wish he would have."

  John Lee looked at Herb 's patrol car and shook his head, then went and opened the back door.

  "Get me the hell out of here and get these things off me," Agosti demanded.

  "You're not in a position to be giving orders, Mr. Agosti," John Lee said. “How about you calm down a little bit before you make your situation even worse?"

  “My situation? I've got a lawyer that could smash you without even blinking an eye, you hillbilly!”

  "You sure know how to win friends and influence people, don't you? You keep this up and I'm going to arrest you for disorderly conduct," John Lee warned him.

  "For what?"

  "For being a pain in the ass if nothing else," John Lee told him. “Now what’s this all about?"

  “Nothing. I just came over to check on Darci and she got all bent out of shape."

  "That's not the way I hear it. She said that you threatened her and told her if she talked anymore about any of your dealings with her husband, she was going to disappear."

  "I never said that."

  “Then why would she tell me that?"

  Agosti looked at the house and shook his head. “How many times do I have to tell you? She's a freaking airhead!"

  “According to Deputy Glickman, when he arrived you were being pretty loud with her."

  "What loud? I've from New Jersey, this is the way we talk!"

  "You're not in New Jersey anymore," John Lee told him.

  "No shit, Sherlock? I never noticed."

  John Lee shook his head and closed the car door. Walking back to the porch, he knocked for a moment and went inside. Maddy and Darci were still on the couch, and Darci seemed to have gotten her composure back.

  "Mrs. McBride, this is a wild shot, but you don't by chance have one of those Ring doorbells that you could have recorded the conversation you were having with Vince, do you?"

  "No, I don't," she replied. "Lonnie was talking about putting in a security system, but he never got around to it before he was killed."

  "I sure wish there was some recording of what went on here today," John Lee said.

  "Why? You arrested him already, right?"

  "No, ma'am. Deputy Glickman detained him, but he’s not under arrest yet."

  But you're going to arrest him, right? He threatened to make me disappear."

  John Lee sighed and said, "Unfortunately, this is a he said - she said kind of thing."

  "But he did! I'm not lying?"

  "No, ma'am, we don't think you're lying at all," John Lee told her. "I'm sure that he did exactly what you said. But there is no way to prove it and no way that it would stand up in court."

  "So, he can just come back and do it again whenever he wants to?"

  "No, that's not going to be the case, Darci," Maddy said. “We can trespass him off the property. That means if he comes back, he’ll go to jail."

  “You also need to go down to the courthouse and get a restraining order against him," John Lee advised. “That way if he comes around or contacts you in any way, we have cause to lock him up."

  Darci shook her head and said, "Come on, guys. We all know how worthless a protection order is. No piece of paper is going to stop Vince Agosti from doing something to me if he wants to."

  "Darci, these are the things we have to have in place," Maddy told her. "I promise, we’ll make sure that there's someone driving by all the time, and if you even see him around here, you call us. Day or night. I mean it."

  “A lot of good that does me," Darci said bitterly. “I called this time and you’re letting him go."

  "We’re giving him a strong warning,” John Lee said, knowing his words were of little comfort to the terrified woman. “You need to go to the courthouse this afternoon and get that paperwork for the restraining order taken care of, okay?"

  The woman nodded her head and said, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to bite your head off. I'm just scared."

  "You have every right to be scared," John Lee said. “Darci, do you have a gun?"

  "A gun? Why?"

  “If he comes back
, you have the right to protect yourself," Maddy told her. "Florida is a stand your ground state."

  "I could never shoot anybody," Darci said, shaking her head. "I don't like having to swat a fly, let alone kill someone."

  "Nobody ever wants to kill anybody," John Lee told her. "It's just about the worst thing anybody could ever have to do. But you do have the right to defend yourself."

  Darci shook her head again and said, “Just make him go away, okay? I’ll get the protection order, and if he comes around, I'll call you guys. But I'm still scared."

  Maddy squeezed her shoulder gently and said, "Remember what I told you. Call us, Darci. Anytime. We’ll be here. I promise. Something else that would help us if he does come back, is if you could record it on your cell phone. That way we have evidence, and it won’t be his word against yours.”

  They left her and walked outside. Herb opened his car’s rear door and pulled Agosti out.

  "You are trespassed from this property, Mr. Agosti," John Lee told him as Herb took the handcuffs off. “If you come back, you’re going to jail. Mrs. McBride is going to get a personal protection order against you, and trust me, if you come around here again, we’re locking you up. Do we understand each other?"

  Agosti wasn't the least bit intimidated. "You jerkoffs are lucky I don't sue all of you,” he said, rubbing his wrists.

  "Get in your car and go," Herb told him. "We don’t want to see your face around here anymore. Got it?"

  “I'm going," Agosti said. "But I’ll tell you what, you baldheaded prick. You put your hands on me again and you’ll be in big trouble."

  "Just get out of here," John Lee said. “All you’re doing is making it worse for yourself if you don't."

  Agosti didn't like it, but he got in his SUV and drove away, flipping them off as he did.

  "That's about the most miserable human being I've run across in quite some time," Herb said.

  Maddy laughed and said, “I pretty much told John Lee the same thing after we were at his house a little while ago."

  "Is the lady in the house okay?"


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