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The Road to Wrinkle Ranch

Page 27

by Nick Russell

  “That sucks,” John Lee said. “I’m sorry he did that to you.”

  “Oh, I’m not the only one,” Patrick told him. “He stiffed George Worley for the work he did putting in the roads out there, and Stan Sullivan has a lien on Agosti’s house. He built it and Agosti never paid him either. And none of us were smart enough to read the fine print in our contracts, because even if we do eventually get to collect on the liens, the contract says we can’t collect any interest on the unpaid funds. So even if we do win, we’re still out all that interest. Like we gave him an interest free loan for years. Between you and me, I don’t know if George can survive the hit. He’s overextended big time. Hell, I don’t know if I can survive either if this drags out too long.”


  They spent the rest of the afternoon strategizing about ways that they could tie Vince Agosti to the deaths of the two real estate agents, getting nowhere.

  "Just because somebody overhears someone telling somebody else they're going to be dead, that don't mean he did it," Schroeder said.

  "Well, we know he had cause to," John Lee said.

  "Cause isn’t proof, Deputy. We both know that.”

  D.W. approached them where they were standing in the hallway and asked, “Ya’ll just loiterin’ or are ya doin’ actual police work?"

  "We’re trying to figure out our next move," Schroeder told him.

  “I just got off the phone with the state crime lab. They couldn’t find nothing on that pickup to tie it to the incident that killed those two.”

  “It was worth a try, even if it was a bust."

  “We’re stumbling around in the dark trying to get somewhere and nothing’s happening," Schroeder said, frustrated.

  "I didn't think it was Alice Shaw behind this," Maddy said. “There's no question she was heartbroken over the deal with Audrey, but the only person she killed was herself."

  “Well, keep at it," D.W. said as he started down the hallway to his office, then stopped and turned around and said, "But I'd sure appreciate if you figure out something soon. I just heard that Riley Clarkson stopped in the middle of the road and pulled a gun on the driver of a UPS truck that was following him a little while ago. Said he thought the driver was getting ready to run him off the road and into a train. Damn fool was four miles from the closest track and they were headed in the opposite direction. Deputy Mayhew arrested him and took his gun away, but he ain't the only idiot out there."


  Indeed, Riley Clarkson wasn't the only person in Summerton County doing something crazy that day. At 5 o'clock John Lee was about to suggest to Maddy that they call it a day when the radio broadcast an alert for a disturbance at the Twisters Tavern.

  "We’re a mile away, John Lee. Do you feel like breaking up a bar fight?"

  "Not really," he told her. “But I guess we should. At least it will be a break from talking to people and getting nowhere."

  A large crowd was milling around outside when they pulled into the parking lot of the bar, and six or eight men were gathered in a cluster, two them holding up a lanky man with blood pouring from his nose, and a couple others holding back Sonny Rittenhouse, who had fire in his eye and looked ready to tear the bleeding man apart.

  Getting out of the car, John Lee said, "Okay, let's break it up, people."

  "I want that crazy bastard arrested,” said Joel Williams, wiping blood from his face and pointing at Sonny.

  “I'm gonna bust your head in for talking about my wife that way," Sonny shouted, trying to break free from the people holding onto him.

  “I didn't say nothing that everybody else ain't talking about in this county, Sonny. Your wife was screwing that pretty boy real estate guy whether you like it or not. That's the truth. Just ask anybody!"

  "You need to be quiet, Joel," John Lee told him, stepping between the two men. “What’s this all about?"

  “It's all about him being pissed off at the world because his old lady got killed,” Joel said. “It ain’t my fault, I wasn't the one that pushed her in front of that train, and I wasn’t the one screwing her, either. Not that I wouldn’t have minded. She was a hot bitch, I’ll give her that.”

  “You son of a bitch," Sonny screamed with rage, trying to get to the man taunting him and almost making it before Maddy stepped in front of him and put her hands on his chest and said sternly, “Back off, Sonny. Back off now!”

  "He’s got no right to talk about my Audrey that way."

  "What are you gonna do, Sonny? Punch out everybody in the county? Because I'm not the only one saying it!"

  John Lee pointed a finger in the man's face and said, "Shut up right now, Joel. Do you hear me?”

  By then two other deputies had arrived on the scene to back them up.

  “Do you need medical attention, Joel?"

  “Hell, no, I don’t need no medical attention. That pussy couldn’t hurt me if he tried!"

  "Then get the hell out of here,” John Lee said.

  "It's a free country. I can do anything I want!"

  “What you can do is go to jail for being drunk and disorderly,” Deputy Samuel Gerrison said, pulling the man’s arm behind him and hustling him away before things got worse.

  “All right, the show’s over. Break it up,” John Lee ordered. “Go back inside or go home."

  The crowd began to disperse, and he looked at Sonny and asked, “Are you okay?"

  The man was obviously drunk, and he looked at John Lee with anger. “Do I look okay?"

  "Look, Sonny, there's a lot of idiots saying a lot of stupid stuff. And I know it hurts. You got to ignore all that, okay?"

  "Ignore it? How am I supposed to ignore my wife being dead? How can I ignore people talking shit about her behind my back? And right to my face! How am I supposed to ignore that, John Lee?"

  "Sonny, I don't mean any disrespect towards you. Not a bit. I know there's a lot of talk going on, but we can’t change that."

  “Maybe you can’t, but I can! The next person says something about my Audrey, you'll be putting them in a body bag."

  "That's enough of that kind of talk," Maddy told him. “That's not going to help anything, Sonny."

  The man shook his head and then started crying. "I loved her so much. So damn much."

  "I know you did, Sonny," Maddy said softly. She looked at John Lee and said, "He's in no condition to drive. How about we take him home?"

  “Yeah, that's a good idea,” John Lee agreed.

  Chapter 46

  "This isn’t like Sonny. He doesn't do things like this," the man's distraught mother said as they were helping him into the house.

  "He's been under a lot of stress," Maddy told her. "I guess it just got to be too much for him."

  "Is he going to be arrested?"

  "No, it was just two drunks getting stupid in a bar," Maddy told her. "I drove him home in his truck and John Lee followed in the police car. As far as we’re concerned, this never happened. But you need to keep him home until he sobers up, okay?"

  "I will, I promise."

  For his part, Sonny sat on a chair in the kitchen staring at the table.

  “Sonny, we're taking off now," John Lee told him. "Listen, I know you're having a hard time of it, buddy. I can't imagine what you’re going through. But you need to try to control yourself, okay?"

  If Sonny heard him and understood what he was saying, he didn’t acknowledge it, he just kept staring at the table.

  John Lee looked at him and then at Maddy and shook his head. “We'll get out of your way, ma'am. Like Deputy Westfall said, don't let him go back out until he's sobered up, okay?"

  "I will,” she promised.

  John Lee gave her his business card and said, “Call me if you need anything. Anything at all.”

  It was getting dark by the time they left the Rittenhouse place, and John Lee made a sweeping turn around the house instead of having to back out onto the roadway.

  “They've got a big place here," Maddy said, noting several large ou

  "Yeah, I heard Sonny say one time that Audrey wanted to subdivide the acreage and build a couple of houses on it that she could sell, but Sonny said he didn't really want neighbors that close. He’s always been into tinkering with old cars and trucks and wanted room for his shops."

  "It’s crazy how somebody can have everything in the world going for them one minute and the next time they turn around, it crashes down around them," Maddy said.

  They stopped at one of the many roadside diners that dotted Somerton County for dinner. John Lee ordered shrimp and grits and Maddy chose one of their famous barbecue platters. While they were waiting for their food, she asked, "Have you given any more thought to Uncle Billy?"

  John Lee shook his head. "I don't know what to do, Maddy. If I arrest him, would it even hold up in court? I didn't have a warrant to go into his motorhome."

  "You were after a burglar."

  "I know, but that didn't give me the right to go looking through the folders on his desk. And to be honest with you, I don't really want to do anything. I know that sounds terrible, me being a cop and all, but it's going to cause a lot of pain. Not just for Uncle Billy, but for Paw Paw and Mama Nell, too."

  "John Lee, you know that they would never turn their back on you for doing your job."

  "I know that,” he told her. “But it would never be the same between them and Billy. I don't know. It's just a mess, Maddy. Just an ugly mess."

  “Do you think Sonny's going to be okay?"

  "I don't know what to think about that, either. How can he be okay when he’s suffered a loss like that? Especially when everybody in the county is talking about his wife sleeping with some other man."

  “I hate to say this,” Maddy said, lowering her voice, “But do you think maybe Sonny was the one who…?”

  “I don’t even want to think that,” John Lee replied.

  “But if anybody had reason to, it was him.”

  “I know that. But according to Kimberly he was on his route. How could he be two places at once?”

  “Like you said, John Lee, it's all a big mess, isn't it?"

  The waitress brought their food, and as they were eating, John Lee noticed that Maddy seemed like she wanted to say something but wasn't quite ready. "Are you okay?"

  "Yeah, why?"

  "I don't know. You seem like you’re a million miles away."

  “No, I'm just thinking," she told him."


  "It's been over five days, John Lee."

  “Five days? What's been five days?"

  “It’s been five days since we were making out in the cab of your pickup."

  “Okay. And?"

  “You don’t know much about women's bodies, do you, John Lee?"

  "Well, I've gotten up close and personal with a few of them," he admitted. “So I guess I know my way around at least a little bit.”

  "I know that," she said rolling her eyes. “You were married and you still don't understand what I'm saying to you?"

  "No, I don't. Clue me in."

  Maddy twisted the paper covering from her straw into a long line, focusing on it, then said without looking up, “A woman's period normally lasts about five days, John Lee. Then it's over."

  "Okay and that means…," and then recognition came across his face, quickly followed by a smile. "Really?"

  “I can't make any promises about how things are going to turn out, except that I'll try real hard not to rip your balls off."

  “I'll take that chance."

  “Then I guess we’d better finish eating, shouldn’t we?"

  “Yeah, I guess we’d better," John Lee said.

  Neither of them knew that Maddy's plans for the evening would not come to fruition.


  They stopped at Maddy's place so she could pack an overnight bag with some things she would need, along with a fresh uniform for the morning. Sitting on her couch waiting for her, John Lee suddenly felt nervous. He couldn’t explain why. He and Maddy had always been comfortable with each other. And it sure wasn’t like this would be his first time to take a woman to bed. But he knew this would be different. This night would change their lives forever.

  "Okay, I think I've got everything," she said, coming out of the bedroom with an overnight bag and a uniform on a hanger. "Wait, did I pack a toothbrush?" She opened the bag and shook her head and said, “Damn it, I didn't. Hold on, I'll be right back."

  A few minutes later they were on their way to John Lee's house. At first, they talked about anything, just to break the silence, then they became quiet, neither knowing exactly what to say. When they got to his place, they sat in his car for a moment, then got out and walked into the house, holding hands. But, of course, not without stopping to give Magic some attention first. Inside, he fed the dog and then they stood looking at each other and Maddy said, "I'm as nervous as a bride on her wedding night."

  John Lee sighed and said, "So it's not just me?"

  "No, it's not," she told him. "Look, John Lee, I don't know what's going to happen. I mean you’ve held me and we've kissed, but we've never gone this far before."

  "Maddy, one step at a time,” he told her. “I promise, if you're uncomfortable about anything, we just stop, okay? And I won’t be upset or anything. We’ll take this at your speed."

  She looked at him gratefully and nodded her head, then said, “Let me go in the bedroom and change, all right?"


  "Would you mind putting Magic out? I love him, but I really don't want an audience."

  “Yeah, no problem,” John Lee said.

  The dog wasn't thrilled about having to go back outside but he went, looking backward at John Lee reproachfully. He closed the door and made sure it was locked, and a moment later he heard Maddy calling him from the bedroom. He started that way and stopped in the doorway, looking at her. "My God, you're beautiful."

  She was wearing a white negligee that did not leave a lot to the imagination, and he stood there in awe looking at her.

  "Looking is good, but touching is better,” she told him.

  He closed the distance between them and they kissed, a kiss that turned into a long passionate affair that involved a certain amount of moaning and four hands exploring bodies in ways they never had before. They made it to the bed and John Lee was taking his clothes off when his phone rang.

  "You're kidding me."

  “Just ignore it,” Maddy said. It rang four more times and stopped, and a moment later it rang again with the ringtone that the dispatcher used for emergencies.

  “No way!"

  "Answer it," Maddy said. “They're going to keep calling until you do.”

  He picked up the phone and pushed the button. “This had better be important.”

  “John Lee, we got a call from Claudette Rittenhouse. She said she needs you and Maddy at Sonny’s place right away."

  "I'm just getting into bed. What’s going on?"

  He expected the dispatcher to tell him that Sonny was trying to get the keys to his truck from his mother so he could go back out and get into more trouble, but realized it was much more serious than that when the dispatcher told him, "She said Sonny just walked out the door with a shotgun in his hand."

  Chapter 47

  "Get a unit rolling to Joel Williams’ place," John Lee said as they raced through the night, the Charger’s lights flashing and siren screaming. "Him and Sonny had a run-in a few hours ago. He might be headed that way."

  “10-4," the dispatcher said, then added, “I’ve more units on the way to the Rittenhouse place, too."

  John Lee set the microphone down in the console and said, "I understand the guy’s in a bad way, and I understand he's drunk, but his timing really sucks, doesn't it."

  "You think?" Maddy shook her head and said, "I hope he doesn't go to Joel's house and do something stupid."

  "Me, too. The frame of mind he's in, he could do anything." A fat raccoon waddled across the road in front of them and Joh
n Lee let off the accelerator and expertly maneuvered the car past it before pushing the pedal to the floor again.

  They could see red and blue lights flashing ahead as they approached the Rittenhouse property and pulled in to find Samuel Gerrison talking to Sonny's frantic mother. She saw them getting out of the car and rushed up, shouting, “You've got to stop him. You've got to stop him!"

  “Where is he, Mrs. Rittenhouse? John Lee noted that Sonny's pickup and his wife's Impala were both in the driveway.

  "Back there,” she said pointing toward three buildings on the back of the property. “Please, don't let him do anything bad!"

  "You stay here,” John Lee said as another car pulled into the driveway and Deputy Greg Carson got out. "Stay here with her,” John Lee ordered as he, Maddy, and Samuel headed toward the three buildings. Two of them were closed and dark, but a light came through around the edges of a door on the side of the third, a metal pole barn.

  Stopping a distance from the door, John Lee called out. “Sonny, it’s John Lee Quarrels. You in there?" There was no response and he looked at Maddy and Samuel, then called out again, "Sonny, if you're in there, come out where we can see you. And keep your hands up where we can see them when you do, okay?”

  Still no response.

  “Check out those other buildings, just in case he's in one of those," John Lee said. Maddy went to one and Samuel to the other, pistols in their hands because one never knows what a person will do in such a state of mind. They were both back soon.

  “Locked, Maddy said.

  “Yeah, the other one was, too,” Samuel said.

  “Then I guess he's in there."


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