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Always You_A Friends to Lovers Romance-Book 1

Page 10

by Alexis Winter

  “Well there are a few things that can interfere with birth control like storage temperature and timing. Or if you switch methods, I think you’re supposed to use a backup method for seven days.”

  Bridgette shot up in her seta, “Seven days?! Shit I thought my doctor told me I was protected after 24 hours on the new one!” She placed her head in her hands as she repeated ‘no’ over and over again. “This is all my fault!”

  Harper reached over and grabbed her friends hand with one of her own, “Bridge calm down, it was a simple mistake. I realize that it’s resulted in a huge life changing thing but why are you so worked up? You have an amazing job, a supportive and loving boyfriend with a wonderful family and a strong support group of friends. You are going to be a kickass mom!”

  “Things were just falling into place Harper. I’ve waited almost half of my life to have a chance with Luke and now I’ve completely fucked it up! It’s my fault that I’m pregnant and now his life is forever changed!”

  Harper slipped into a parking spot outside of her building and put her car in park. She turned to her friend, realizing where all of her panic and hysteria were coming from. “Bridgette listen to me! Luke loves you so much, you KNOW that. He is not going to ‘blame’ you or feel like you’re ruining his life. Just give him a chance to react before you have a full blown panic attack. You don’t need to be stressing out right now, it’s not good for you or the baby. Now let’s take a few deep breaths and go upstairs and have some breakfast ok?”

  Bridgette nodded her head slowly as she took some long, deep breaths mirroring Harper’s behavior. “Okay.”

  The girls spent time making muffins and chopping fruit while they chatted about how she should tell Luke. Bridgette’s stomach had finally settled from the morning sickness and the nerves and she was able to keep some food and liquids down. “I know this is trivial but I’m just realizing that I’ll have to switch to decaf now. I guess I should pick up all those books about what to expect huh? I don’t really know anything about pregnancy.”

  Harper could see her friend about to spiral into another freak out so she quickly jumped down from her kitchen barstool, “I think the muffins are done!” Bridgette snapped out of her funk and smiled at her friend.

  “They smell amazing, my stomach is actually growling.” The girls enjoyed their muffins as they talked about their upcoming week. Harper reassured her that she was just like most new moms, not knowing the first thing about pregnancy or parenting but that she was confident her and Luke would be amazing parents.

  “So anything you feel like telling me about you and Grant?” Bridgette took a bite of her muffin to hide her smile. She knew that things were progressing between the two but they were keeping it very private.

  “Well actually, we hung out last night.” Harper laughed as Bridgette coughed on the muffin bite she had just taken. She knew her friend wanted to hear more so she took her time with the details. “It was nice, just casual. We went to dinner and that new arcade in Lincoln Park that has all of those old school games.”

  “So obviously you’re physically attracted to him but is there more to it than that? Or is it just a casual thing?” Bridgette didn’t want to pressure her for information but she also wanted to get her mind off of her current situation.

  “I’m just taking things slow, I don’t know if he is looking for anything more so I don’t want to go into it with that mindset. We have a lot in common and we’re just building a friendship right now. We aren’t hooking up or anything. I think I like him too much to just hook up and complicate it so…yeah that’s kind of how it is right now.” Bridgette stared at her friend with a huge smile on her face, “Stop it! I know, I know I caught feelings ok!”

  The girls laughed, Harper had always been the independent type that thought love was for suckers. Bridgette had been waiting for the day that Harper met a guy that swept her off her feet and it seemed like Grant just might be that guy.


  Bridgette left Harper’s house and made her way back toward Luke’s condo. She had gone over in her head what she would say to him, how she would break the news. She wanted to be honest with him and explain that she screwed up with her birth control timing. The closer the Uber got to his building the more nervous she became, it felt like her heartburn was going to burn a hole in chest.

  The elevator door opened and Bridgette stepped into the hallway, her legs felt like cement as she made her way to the front door and pulled out her keys. She opened the door slowly and poked her head inside looking around but not seeing Luke. She slipped in quietly and closed the door behind her just as Luke came around the corner startling her.

  “Hey baby how was the workout? You feeling better?” He pulled her towards him and planted a kiss on her lips. “I went out for a run and just got back so I could use a shower, you want to join me?” He leaned down and gave her booty a quick squeeze as he kissed her neck.

  Bridgette couldn’t hold it in any longer, “I’m pregnant.” Tears flooded her eyes and poured down her cheeks. Her original plan had gone out the window the moment she saw him, the fear and hormones took over and once again she just blurted out what was in her head. She placed her hands over her eyes as the tears continued to flow, she didn’t want to see the look on Luke’s face.

  She stood there in silence for what seemed like an eternity, just the sound of her sniffles and jagged breaths filling the void. She felt Luke’s hands on her own, pulling them away from her eyes and cradling her cheeks in his palms. He lifted her face to look at him, a small tear fell from his eye and ran down his cheek. “Sweetheart, first why are you crying? Second, holy shit! This is the most amazing news I’ve ever heard.”

  Bridgette was confused, Luke had a huge smile on his face as more tears of joy began to fall down his face. “We’re going to have a baby!” He pulled her into his chest and hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head. “Oh my god I”m going to be a dad.” He said quietly to himself.

  Bridgette pulled away from him, “You’re happy? I thought you would be angry with me. It’s my fault Luke, it’s my fault! I didn’t know that I was supposed to use backup birth control when I switched over a few weeks back. Things were just starting to fall into place with us and now what?!” Luke pulled her back into his chest and wrapped his arms around her tightly. He understood her panic and fear, most people in this situation would feel the same way but he also knew they would figure it out.

  He placed his hands on either side of her neck, forcing her to look into his eyes. “Baby of course I’m not mad! I know this isn’t the perfect timing and I know you’re freaking out but I want a family with you. This isn’t your ‘fault,’ please don’t think of it that way. Bridgette, you are the most amazing human I have every known. You’re so loving and caring and thoughtful. I feel so honored that I get to be with you and now I get to bring a child into this world with you! You’re going to be an incredible mother, our kid is going to be so god damn lucky to have you as its mom! You have made me the happiest man on the planet Bridgette Summers I can’t believe that you chose me!”

  Bridgette let out a long sigh she didn’t even realize she was holding in. She felt relieved at Luke’s lack of anger or at least unease but couldn’t help still feeling terrified. She hadn’t been able to think through how this would impact her career or her relationship but for now she was going to live int his moment and be grateful that she had the most amazing lover and best friend to share this journey with. She smiled and snuggled into Luke’s chest once again, she was home in his arms. “Luke Foster, YOU are the most wonderful man and best friend. I love you more than I can express and just so you know I always wanted it to be you…it’s always been you.”

  Luke and Bridgett’e story isn’t over yet! Needing You is coming this June!



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