Book Read Free

Complex Dimensions

Page 6

by Brenda Murphy

  Millie grimaced. “I’m fair certain something made its home in the engine over the winter. I’ve put off finding out.” She unscrewed the bolts holding the cover over the dual air filters. She lifted the black cover down and out of the way. Leaves, cat hair, and chewed bits of the air filter stuck out from the edges of the filter compartment and were tucked into the round center of the filters, foul evidence mice had taken up residence as Millie had suspected. She jerked back, dropped the cover on the ground, and stumbled away from the car. Her face was pale and she swore softly under her breath.

  She benches one eighty and is scared of mice? Veronica’s smile at Millie’s reaction faded when she realized Millie was shaking. “Hey, you okay?”

  “Do I look like I’m okay?” Millie glared at Veronica before she raised her chin and fixed her gaze on the ceiling. “I hate mice.”

  Veronica touched Millie’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. I know it’s not funny.”

  Millie brought her gaze back to Veronica’s face. “It’s not. I fucking despise the little bastards. They were everywhere in the house I grew up in. I would hear them in the walls at night. Nothing was safe from them. Nothing.”

  “You have a vacuum? I’ll clean it out.”

  Millie blushed. “I feel so damn silly.”

  Veronica squeezed her shoulder. “Hey, no judgment from me. You have to promise if we run into any bats you’ll take care of them.”

  Millie laughed. “They’re mice with wings, but it’s a deal.” She walked to the back of the shop and plucked two black nitrile gloves from a box and passed them to Veronica.

  “Sexy.” Veronica grinned at Millie as she tugged the gloves on.

  Millie guffawed as she rolled the shop bin closer to the car.

  Veronica leaned over the engine and pulled two large handfuls of debris from around the air filter housing. She scooped up the remaining bits of the mouse nest and dropped it in the trash bin. She vacuumed around inside the filters before she tugged both of the air filters clear of their mountings and disposed of them. “You have a rag? I want to wipe the mounting seats.”

  “Here.” Millie handed her a red shop towel.

  “Who drives this one?” Veronica wiped the mounts down.

  “It’s mine.” Millie rolled the bin back to its place.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  Millie rested her hands on her hips. “It didn’t look like this when I bought it. I had to strip her down to the frame, rebuild the engine, everything.”

  The unmistakable pride in her voice sent a rill of pleasure through Veronica. She likes to work on cars. As if she wasn’t sexy enough. I’m so gone. “My first car was a ’72 Mustang I rebuilt. Do you have photos of when you bought it? I love before and after shots.”

  “I’ve a whole book. Mistress Lucia photographed it and Myfanwy made a photo book for me.” Millie’s eyes were bright as she met Veronica’s gaze. The delighted expression on her face and the light in her eyes caused Veronica’s stomach to tighten and her heart squeeze.

  “Will you show me?” Veronica held her gaze.

  “I’d love to show you everything.” Millie’s husky voice made Veronica tremble.

  “Yeah?” Veronica kept her gaze fixed on Millie’s face, watching the way Millie’s eyes darkened.

  “The photos, I mean.” Millie shoved her hands into the back pockets of her coveralls.

  Veronica retrieved the air filter cover from the floor and wiped it down. She started when Millie touched her shoulder.

  “On your application you listed hiking as a hobby.”

  “I like day hikes. I had a lot of time on my hands after my release. I spent as much time outside as I could.” Veronica passed the air filter cover back to Millie.

  “Would you like to go on a hike sometime?” Millie clutched the filter cover to her chest.

  Veronica peeled the nitrile gloves off her hands and disposed of them in the bin. Be cool. She asked you to hike, not a date or anything. Or is it? “Sure. When?”

  “This Wednesday?” Millie’s knuckles were white where she gripped the cover.

  Veronica groaned. “I can’t. I have to be here for the vet.”

  “Oh. Okay. Some other time then.”


  “It might be difficult to find another time.” Millie’s voice was clipped.

  “I’m sure Myfanwy’s schedule is tough to plan around.” Veronica swallowed her disappointment and wiped her hands on the red shop rag.

  Millie frowned. “Why would her schedule be an issue?”

  Oh. She wants me to go with her. Alone. On a hike. Away from anyone seeing us. Don’t freak. Ignore it. Let it go. Veronica forced a smile she didn’t feel. “Is there anything else I can help you with? I’m a fair mechanic.”

  Millie glanced at the clock on the wall of the garage and a fleeting shadow of sadness crossed her face before she smoothed her features. “No. I have to make a run to Portree later.”

  Veronica glanced around for a place to deposit the shop rag.

  “I’ll take it.” Millie held out her hand.

  “Okay. Um, see you at dinner?”

  “I won’t be back for dinner.” Millie’s flat voice echoed in Veronica’s head.

  “HE LOOKS FANTASTIC. You’ve done a marvelous job with his mane.” Lucia rubbed Marco’s neck. “What’s your secret?”

  Veronica adjusted the girth on Marco’s saddle. “Gallons of very cheap hair conditioner. It makes it easy to comb and plait.”

  Lucia smiled at Veronica. “The horses have never looked better. Several of our guests have remarked on how helpful you were.” She lifted her chin and pinned Veronica with her eyes. “Are you happy here?”

  Veronica shifted her feet, trying to escape the intensity of Lucia’s gaze. “Enough. I like the horses. The barn is the best I’ve ever worked in.”

  Lucia’s gaze softened. “You don’t socialize with the rest of the staff and you skip meals. Are you sure you’re happy?”

  “After being forced to share my life in an open-plan dorm with a shit-ton of people and having no privacy, I’m not much for group activities. I’m okay with being alone.”

  Lucia’s eyes held kindness. “I understand.”

  Her voice and her expression told Veronica she more than understood. “You do, don’t you?” She tilted her head to study the elegant woman in front of her, trying to imagine her in the drab tan jumpsuits she’d had to wear. “You were incarcerated?”

  Lucia pursed her lips. “There are many kinds of prisons.”

  The scuff of boots on the floor interrupted their conversation. Martha strode into the space. She leaned in and pressed a kiss to Lucia’s cheek. Lucia turned her head and cupped Martha’s face and kissed her. The soft needy sounds Martha made sent a flush of heat through Veronica. It was clear from the kiss exactly who was in charge in their relationship. Lucia swept her other hand up and cupped Martha’s breast. Veronica stared as Lucia pinched and rolled Martha’s nipple through her shirt. Lucia turned them and forced Martha up against the barn wall. She moved her hand languidly down Martha’s body. Martha spread her legs, and Lucia cupped her and moved her finger in slow circles.

  Veronica trembled, her mouth dry. Do I look away? Pretend I’m not here? Oh man. They left this out of the orientation packet. Fuck. Don’t watch. Veronica stepped closer to Marco’s side, using his body to block her view and give them privacy. She leaned her head against the horse’s shoulder, holding on to his saddle to ground herself, willing her body to not respond to the display she had witnessed. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. A long few moments and the unmistakable sound of Martha’s climax reverberated through the barn.

  Grateful for the horse’s calm energy and his broad body that offered her a place to hide, Veronica waited. Now what? What do they expect me to do? Should I say something? Damn, that was intense.

  “Veronica, did Robin bring out the brunch I ordered?” Martha’s voice settled over Veronica like a balm. As if it were
commonplace for two women to enjoy each other in the early morning, in the middle of a barn, without a care who was watching. Not in Kansas anymore, Toto. Damn it, now I’m going to be wound up the rest of the day.

  “Umm, yes. I’ve packed it in Bruno’s saddle pack. Marco’s ready, and if you give me five minutes Bruno will be too. He’s groomed. I still need to tack him up.” Back to normal. Like it’s every day one of your bosses mauls the other one in front of you.

  Martha unclipped Marco’s crossties. “I’ll take care of Marco. We’ll wait for you outside.”

  Lucia and Martha walked out leading Marco, their heads bent so close together they almost touched. The low murmur of their voices and the easy way they were with each other made Veronica ache for love, for desire so strong it was palpable, and intimacy, the sheer delight in knowing and being known.

  “EASY, GIRL.” VERONICA attached the crossties to Luna’s halter. “Let’s get you dolled up for your Mistress.” She rubbed her shoulder, and the horse settled. The afternoon sun made the barn warm, and Veronica stripped her shirt off to work in her tank top.

  Veronica selected the rubber currycomb and circled it over the Arabian’s white coat, the loose hair gathering on the surface before falling in a soft cloud to the floor. She assessed the horse as she groomed her. Her build was light but strong, running true to her breed, her bearing regal. Her eyes were intelligent and held a bit of mischief. The horse stamped and shook her head. Veronica stroked her shoulder and made shushing sounds. “I know. You want to run. I’m hurrying.” The horse rubbed her head against Veronica once and settled.

  Veronica had seen enough of Elaine’s imperious nature over the last month to know she and the horse were well matched in temperament. “I bet you’re a lamb with her, aren’t you? You just need a firm hand.”

  She shook her head once and blew out a breath. I’d like to apply a firm hand to Millie. She’s so damn hot. And has a lover. She’s so weird since she asked me to go hiking and I couldn’t go. She’s not into me. Veronica had borrowed a book on shibari and spent most of the previous night imagining Millie bound in intricate knots, her thickly muscled body displayed to perfection. She had spent more than one evening in her room, attending to herself, Millie starring in all of her one-handed fantasies as she imagined what it would be like to smooth her hands over Millie’s body, to kiss her, to command her obedience, to bind her. The thought of such a powerful strong woman surrendering tripped her trigger every time.

  After their near kiss in the gym she had contented herself with stolen moments of observing Millie at staff meals. When Millie came to discuss guest arrangements she avoided Veronica’s gaze and kept to the business at hand, timing her visits to the barn so they were never in the same space alone. The change in Millie’s behavior solidified Veronica’s belief she wanted to be with her behind Myfanwy’s back, certain her coolness toward her was because of her failure to respond to their almost kiss in the gym and then doubling down by saying no to her suggestion of a hike.

  Veronica sighed. What was I thinking? Why did I ever think she’d want me? Only she does. Maybe. But as a plaything. Not for real. She switched to a stiff brush and flicked it over Luna’s hide, getting rid of the loose hair left from the currycomb. A wave of despair filled her and she stilled. What is wrong with me? Here I am, obsessed with another unavailable woman. Robin is so sweet. And Tessa. Why can’t I be attracted to them? Hell, Ashley falls over herself trying to be with me. She leaned her forehead against the horse’s shoulder, seeking the soothing contact of her simple affection. “I’m so fucked. Doesn’t matter. She’s not into me like that. She’s got Myfanwy.”

  “If you’re talking about my sister, or Lucia, I warn you I never keep secrets from them.” Elaine’s husky voice cut through the quiet of the barn.

  Veronica stepped back and stumbled into Elaine. Strong hands gripped her shoulders and held her up. Those same hands spun her around and she found herself much too close to Elaine.

  “My God, you are exquisite.” Elaine’s dark green eyes reflected her desire for Veronica as her lips curled into a tight smile.

  Veronica stilled as her body responded to Elaine’s hands on her, her dual nature, switch that she was, stimulated by Elaine’s intense scrutiny. “No. I…” Veronica trembled in Elaine’s grip, caught up in the power rolling off her.

  Elaine brought her lips close to Veronica’s ear. “I’d like to spend some time with you away from the stable. Are you interested?”

  The sensation of Elaine’s breath on her neck as she spoke into Veronica’s ear had her struggling with her desire. Let go. Let her take care of you. Give in to her. Surrender. Don’t think. No. No. No. She’s my boss. She’s beautiful. Such a Mistress. She’d be so deliciously cruel. Roxy. She loves Roxy. I’d be a plaything. I’d be entertainment. A new conquest. Nothing real. A hookup. I want. So much. So much more than this.

  Veronica placed a trembling hand on Elaine’s chest and stepped away, her breath ragged. “No. No, thank you.”

  Elaine smirked. “I couldn’t help overhearing you. If you’re waiting for one of the holy trinity you’ll be waiting forever.”

  “Holy trinity?” Veronica gripped the brush with both her hands.

  “Martha, Lucia, and Myfanwy. They’re pledged to each other.”

  Veronica sucked in her breath. “What about Millie? I thought…” She flushed with her confession and confusion. “Never mind.”

  Elaine arched a brow. “What about Millie?”

  Veronica dropped her gaze and focused on the toes of her boots.

  Elaine stepped close and lifted Veronica’s chin with two fingers, her expression sharp. “I know you’re a free agent, Veronica, but when I ask a question I expect an answer.” The agitation in Elaine’s voice pricked Veronica’s conscience.

  “I’m sorry. I thought Millie and Myfanwy were…” Veronica faltered, not wanting to give voice to what she had thought.

  Elaine lowered her hand and stepped back from Veronica. “Hmm, yes. Well, they are close, best friends since university. But Millie—” Elaine’s voice took on a softer tone, the change making Veronica cock her head to study the Mistress in front of her. “Millie’s not, has not been with anyone since…” Elaine’s expression shuttered. “Let’s say a long time.” Her haughty tone and Mistress mask were firmly back in place.

  Veronica studied Elaine’s face, curious about her discomfort at discussing Millie’s past.

  Elaine rested her hands on her hips. “Will you make sure Bella is ready as well for this afternoon? I’ve a picnic with Roxy planned.” Her predatory expression returned. “Are you sure you’re not interested? We would love some company.”

  “What about Roxy? Wouldn’t she be jealous?”

  “Roxy never minds a third.” Elaine pursed her lips. “She’s the one who requested I invite you. Being the generous Mistress I am, I agreed.”

  Veronica grinned at Elaine. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t flattered. And tempted. Thank you, but I’ll pass.”

  Elaine snorted. “Suit yourself. Good thing Roxy and I have solid egos.” She left the stable humming the “Ride of the Valkyries.”

  Veronica rolled her eyes at Elaine’s retreating back and placed the stiff brush back in the grooming box and pulled out the soft brush and began working over Luna’s coat. Millie’s not attached. Does she hook up with whatever woman catches her eye? I haven’t seen her with anyone, or even look at anyone like she’s interested. Elaine’s hiding something. She doesn’t seem like the type to spare feelings.

  VERONICA SETTLED BACK into the black leather seat of Millie’s red roadster and reveled in the wild beauty of the hills and mountains as the car swept past them. When Millie repeated her offer of a hike, Veronica rearranged her schedule and bribed Benita with her share of Robin’s shortbread to get her to cover for her. Millie was quiet on the ride, focused as she guided the little car around the single-track road to their destination. They passed by several small crofts, and then the road
ended in a rough gravel car park. Millie parked close to a large metal farm gate.

  “Coral Beach.” Millie turned and grinned at Veronica.

  “Where?” Veronica raised an eyebrow. “Y’all have a funny idea of what a beach is if this is it. And that gate is locked.”

  Millie exited the car and Veronica did the same. “We go through the kissing gate.” She pointed at a smaller gate by the side of the large one.

  “Huh. A kissing gate.”

  The way the passage was built it would be easy for someone to hold it closed to the next person and demand a kiss to be let through the gate. If only. “So, I’ll have to give you a kiss, like a toll?” Veronica grinned at Millie, enjoying the slight flush coloring her cheeks. Now she knew Millie was single, flustering Millie had become her favorite pastime, when she wasn’t recovering from being flustered herself.

  “Err. No. The gates aren’t fixed. The part you pass through kisses the posts. It’s built so sheep and cows can’t get in or out but people can.” Millie shouldered her daypack, studiously avoiding Veronica’s eyes.

  Not as much a player when we’re alone. And I am deep in the friend zone. Veronica sighed quietly and placed her daypack on the ground. Working together, they pulled the roof of the convertible up and secured it. They walked toward the gate without speaking, their boots crunching the gravel of the car park loud in the silence between them. They navigated the gate, no kissing involved, much to Veronica’s disappointment. The stony well-worn track was an easy walk. Millie’s shoulders were squared, her body was stiff, her usual easy athletic gait absent.


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