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Mirror in the Forest: Book One

Page 8

by B. Groves

  “The kitchen is that way. That’s where the bar is set up,” Mandy said pointing straight ahead.

  “Okay, thanks” Jessica replied.

  Mandy waved a hand, and walked off. She went and sat on a boy’s lap that Jessica didn’t recognize from school, and started to make out with him. Jessica had to turn away in embarrassment. One could never accuse Mandy Cooper of being the shy type.

  Jessica and Tessa exchanged looks, and decided to make their way to the kitchen to get a drink. Thankfully, the kitchen was a little emptier and Jessica felt like she could breathe again.

  “I’m just going to have one beer,” Tessa commented.

  Jessica frowned and said, “Are you sure?”

  “What are you my mother?” Tessa asked sarcastically, and getting some beer from the keg.

  She handed Jessica the plastic cup, and then poured her own.

  They decided to explore a little, and walked around. People were doing the Thriller dance in the middle of the living room to a crowd cheering. Well, at least they were trying to imitate Michael Jackson’s now famous dance routine.

  Jessica and Tessa watched and laughed at the dancers who weren’t very good or just very drunk.

  So, this is a high school party, Jessica thought looking around and observing the partygoers. It’s not so bad, she thought.

  She also found she was not crazy about beer. It was just not her thing. She made a disgusted face as she tried to take another sip, but decided to abandon it.

  Seeing her face Tessa yelled, “I don’t like it either, let’s try to find something else.”

  “Okay!” Jessica yelled back.

  They began to make their way back to the kitchen when Alex caught up to them. He had another guy with him that Jessica didn’t recognize, and he was already drunk. She almost laughed as he practically stumbled over himself trying to give them both hugs.

  Alex introduced the other guy, but Jessica couldn’t hear his name over the music.

  “Great party huh?” He yelled to them.

  “Yeah,” Tessa said beaming.

  Tessa pointed to their cups, and Alex caught on saying he would catch up with them later.

  They went back to the kitchen, and Tessa found some rum and made them both rum and cokes.

  “Cheers to a great night,” Jessica said lifting the plastic cup.

  “Cheers!” Tessa said, doing the same.

  They both made faces at the rum, but this time downed the whole drink.

  Jessica hadn’t really eaten much the whole day since she had been so nervous coming here, and now she felt a little woozy from the liquor already.

  She noticed the room swayed a little, but was still worried about Tessa who seemed to be fine.

  They walked around again, and were introduced to some group from another high school by Alex.

  Jessica found them to be really friendly and they all talked for a while.

  Tessa needed some water, insisting she was fine, but that was enough for her.

  “You have a good time, though,” Tessa implored to Jessica.

  Jessica went to get her some water, and make herself another rum and coke.

  She was feeling a little light headed, but shook it off. She was determined to have a good time tonight. Another opportunity like this one may never come again.

  “Hey,” a male voice to her left said.

  Jessica turned to see Danny Davenport standing there smiling at her, that Jessica almost dropped the water.

  He looked so handsome in his jeans and baseball T-shirt. Though, she almost frowned because the reaction wasn’t like it used to be when he came around her. This was the guy she was crushing on for years, and now she practically felt nothing.

  Jessica blushed, but said, “Hi there.”

  “Having a good time?” He asked with his wicked smile.

  Jessica smiled back at him. “A great time. Can you excuse me for a moment? I have to take this water to Tessa, she’s diabetic.”

  Danny looked over at Tessa in concern. “Is she okay?”

  “Oh yeah, she just needs some water to help keep everything even,” Jessica answered, and began to head to the kitchen.

  She noticed that he blocked her way a little. “Well, after you’re done there, wanna go talk?”

  Jessica could not believe her ears, and she then blushed profusely.

  “Sure….sure…I’ll be right back,” she said stammering.

  Danny finally moved out of her way, and gave her a grin that just made her want to melt right then and there, but the image of a certain Sheriff was flashing through her mind again, making Jessica curse a little. She wondered if she could like two guys at once. Was that even possible?

  Jessica flew past him, and met up with Tessa, who was grateful for the water.

  Jessica took her aside and said, “Can you stay with Alex?”

  “Sure. Why?” Tessa asked, sipping her water.

  Jessica looked back towards the kitchen and said, “Danny wants to go talk.”

  “Really? Oh…..oh my,” Tessa’s eyes widened when she realized what Jessica was saying.

  Jessica and Tessa turned when they thought they heard some yelling, but ignored it.

  “I’m good. Go!” Tessa said with a huge grin.

  Jessica hesitated; she hated abandoning her best friend.

  Tessa read her mind, and said, “I’m fine. Go!”

  Jessica smiled and walked back towards the kitchen. There was a part of her hoping that Danny had gotten bored and left her, and then the other part would be disappointed the rest of her life.

  She blushed again as he stood there and sipped a beer.

  He smiled softly at her, and suddenly took her hand. Jessica could only hope he hadn’t noticed her palm sweating. He led her to a den area of the house, and it was quieter in that room. Jessica noticed the whole house was basically decorated in with expensive antiques.

  He held up his cup to hers and said, “Cheers to our senior year.”

  “Cheers,” Jessica said as they toasted.

  They talked about everything from school to baseball to their other interests.

  Jessica was surprised that a single mother raised Danny, and he played baseball to grab scholarships to school since his mother couldn’t afford it. He also had an older brother in the army, and a little sister.

  He also loved cats, and worked on his grandfather’s pig farm in the summer.

  However, Jessica was having a hard time following the conversation, and hoped Danny hadn’t noticed. She wanted to be interested, she really did, but her stomach was in knots, and someone else kept popping up. She just sat there smiling and nodding, because Danny was doing most of the talking.

  “How come you never talked to me before?” He finally asked teasing.

  Jessica blushed again and said, “I don’t know, I guess I am just shy. How come you never talked to me?”

  “You always avoided me,” he said, teasing her.

  Jessica was now bright red. “I guess I did, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, you did,” he answered with a huge grin.

  Jessica laughed lightly. “I’m glad that changed, though,” she said seriously.

  He cocked his head at her and said, “Me too.”

  His blue eyes were so clear she thought they were spellbinding. She could have sworn they were glowing in the darkened room.

  She was seventeen and would be eighteen in a few months, but she had never been kissed. She was always alone in school except for Tessa, Alex, and maybe a few others. Some of her classmates thought of her as stuck-up, but she was just shy, and it took her a while to finally admit it.

  Right now, she didn’t know if it was liquid courage, but this was the most she ever felt alive, and she had her secret Spirit of the Mirror to thank for that. He really was her fairy godmother, even if he denied it.

  Jessica and Danny continued to stare at each other without words; she knew he was beginning to lean into her when they heard a huge crash that m
ade them both jump.

  She noticed Danny’s whole demeanor changed, and he seemed to go on guard.

  “This is my party! You will follow my rules!”

  Jessica was shocked as she heard Mandy Cooper begin to yell at people, and Jessica caught a glimpse of her throwing something. She also noticed Mandy slurring her words.

  “You fuckers can all leave, if you don’t stop your shit!”

  Danny let out a breath, and Jessica sensed his edginess.

  “Is everything okay?” Jessica whispered.

  Danny’s enchanting eyes darted around, and Jessica realized he was looking for an escape route.

  “No,” he answered, scowling.

  Something else crashed, and Jessica could hear gasps from the other people in the house.

  “This is my house, and my father owns this town, assholes!”

  Finally, Danny grabbed a surprised Jessica by the hand and he led her up a back stairway that Jessica hadn’t seen before.

  “What was that about?” Jessica asked as they reached the top of the stairwell.

  Danny turned and shook his head. “Mandy is a nasty drunk and you don’t want to draw her attention when she’s mad.”

  Jessica’s eyes widened, and she nodded in understanding. She felt better being around Danny, and out of Mandy’s line of vision.

  The crashing and yelling continued downstairs, and Jessica hoped Tessa was okay.

  Danny looked around to some closed doors, and finally found an empty room.

  Jessica almost gasped at the expensive antique décor inside of the room.

  It was old-fashioned but worth a lot of money.

  She almost ran out of the room in a panic when she spotted the antique bed in the middle, but tried to calm her breathing, and her pounding heart.

  She was still feeling light headed, and her stomach started to turn, but she tried to overlook it.

  Danny looked out of the door for a moment, and was satisfied as Jessica stood and waited.

  “I hate that bitch,” he muttered as he approached her.

  Jessica almost held her twisting stomach, and tried her best to calm it. She thought it was nerves from being alone with Danny.

  “Then why do you stay friends with her?” Jessica asked.

  Danny ran his hand through his hair as he looked down at her with softening eyes.

  “Jessica, you don’t understand. My Mom works two jobs for us, and I need these people to help pay for my schooling,” he explained.

  Jessica noticed Danny was leaning further into her personal space.

  “Danny, you can do it without them. I know you can,” she encouraged.

  “I didn’t realize you were such an optimist,” he said teasing.

  “I guess I do have some of my Dad in me,” she said smiling.

  “Much better looking though,” he said, cupping her chin with his hand.

  Jessica’s breathed in sharply when his deep blue eyes gazed into hers.

  “I never……kissed anyone before,” she said, trying to catch her breath.

  Danny shook his head in amusement. “It’s not hard, trust me.”

  He leaned in and Jessica could only close her eyes.

  At first, his lips just gently touched hers, and she was surprised at how soft his were. She always thought guys’ lips were rough.

  Then his lips parted her mouth, and Jessica tried to imitate his movements.

  “Good girl, just follow my lead,” he mumbled, taking her lips again.

  His tongue entered her mouth, and touched her tongue, and he began a dance with it per se.

  Jessica heard herself sigh, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  This was the greatest night of her life; she began to think as he moved his hands from her face and down to her chest, making Jessica gasp a little. Her eyes opened, but she closed them again, enjoying the feeling rushing through her.

  His lips moved down her neck, and her skin tingled with each kiss against her soft skin.

  Mary had told her about sex and she knew the basics, but none had ever mentioned the sensations that spread through your body when it happened.

  He cupped her breast, and then moved his hand down her waist and lifted her shirt while his lips never left hers.

  He touched her breast again over her bra, and his other hand moved over her butt.

  She felt really hot and wet in her private area, and she suddenly wanted to tell him to remove his clothes and take her right then and there.

  Finally, he took his hand from her breast and moved it down to her private area, making Jessica gasp louder, but then sigh.

  He then moved his lips from hers, and guided her hand. Her eyes widened as she felt the evidence of what he was doing.

  He reached into his pocket and Jessica spotted the condom go flying onto the bed, and she was grateful, because she never thought she would be in here tonight with Danny.

  Without a word he pushed her gently onto the bed, and Jessica sat there as he pushed her onto her back, and then began to kiss again.

  She helped him unbutton her shirt, and he removed his T-shirt revealing some black hair on a lean, muscular chest.

  Tentatively, she began to trace her fingers along the muscles on his chest and arms. His skin practically burned her fingers. Danny responded with a sharp intake of breath.

  This isn’t hard, she thought happily.

  Well, he is, she joked to herself.

  Then something happened as he moved up her bra and began to suck on her nipple.

  Jessica’s stomach started to gurgle, and she began to sweat.

  Suddenly, she felt really dizzy, and as Danny continued to kiss her. She finally had to push him off of her. The room was spinning, and Jessica felt the sudden urge to faint.

  He rose into a kneeling position on the bed, and asked, “What?”

  Before Jessica could answer, she sat up and the vomit started flying everywhere, with Jessica gagging and choking in the process.

  Danny stood and tried to get out of the way, but some of it hit him.

  Jessica began to choke as her stomach heaved, and her throat felt like it was closing on her.

  Tears ran down her face, and she sobbed a little still trying to catch her breath.

  She closed her eyes, horrified about what just happened.

  She finally looked up at Danny, who stood there mortified at what just happened.

  Jessica began to sob again, and whispered, “Danny, I’m so sorry.”

  Jessica had known humiliation, but this was the most horrific thing she had ever experienced in her entire life.

  As if things couldn’t get any worse, there was a sudden pounding on the door, making the couple both turn wondering who it was.

  “What is going on in there?” The voice demanded.

  Jessica felt fear begin to rise within her when she heard Mandy’s voice outside of the door. She looked to Danny for help.

  Danny looked up at the door, put his shirt on, and answered Mandy. “We’ll be out in a minute.”

  “Danny? You come out of there right now!” She yelled through the door.

  Danny took the moment and said, “It’s okay. I’ll stall her and you try to clean up a little.”

  Jessica looked at him in astonishment. She was so happy that he was going to protect her, and wasn’t angry with her.

  Danny walked over to the door when Mandy and her friends came tumbling through the door before Danny could block it.

  “Danny and Jessica whoa,” Mandy said, smiling at them.

  “Look!” Kelly Martin said, starting to laugh loudly and pointing her finger directly at Jessica.

  Mandy went from smiling to anger in a second when her gaze turned to the vomit on the hardwood floor, and part of the bed.

  “What the fuck is this?” She demanded.

  “We’ll clean it up Mandy,” Danny answered, trying to block her way into the room.

  Jessica could only flinch as Mandy marched into the room pushing Danny a


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