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Mirror in the Forest: Book One

Page 25

by B. Groves

  She decided she would try one last time to make peace with Kelly Martin and the other girls and prove her joining the team was not about Mandy at all.

  She put her uniform in the locker and shut the door. Taking a deep breath, she approached the other girls.

  “Hey Jess,” Amber said. Amber was really the only teammate who was ever nice to her.

  The rest of the girls turned and staring at Jessica, trying to make her uncomfortable, but she lifted her chin in defiance. She was inwardly trying to gain confidence.

  Kelly stopped changing to stare Jessica down, waiting for her to say something out of the corner of Jessica’s line of vision.

  “I was wondering if….ummmmm…..well it’s my birthday in two weeks, and I wanted to have a party. Since we made the playoffs, I thought we could……”

  Amber gave her a genuine smile. “Your birthday is coming up? I think that would be perfect.”

  No emotion showed on the other girls’ faces except Amber’s and Jessica was about to give up and just leave when Kelly shocked her and spoke up.

  “That sounds like a great idea!” Kelly said, suddenly smiling at her.

  Jessica was taken aback by Kelly’s enthusiasm and apparently so was the rest of the team including, Amber who looked astonished at Kelly’s sudden change of attitude. A few mouths gaped open.

  “Really?” Jessica asked, her eyes darting to the other girls.

  Kelly shrugged a little and said, “Yeah, why not. We need to blow off some steam before we go to the championships.”

  “I agree! I think a party is a great idea, and your birthday is wicked timing,” Amber said, nodded her auburn head in agreement.

  “Awesome! I’ll talk to my parents,” Jessica squealed in delight.

  The rest of the girls started to speak to Jessica about her party, and Kelly was actually friendly to her the rest of the time they were in the locker room.

  Jessica felt elated that maybe she was finally able to connect to her team, and finally make more friends.

  Jessica made her way out to the car and a waiting Tessa.

  Tessa still looked paler than usual, but seemed to be feeling okay now.

  Tessa had stayed late to tutor a few students who were now at risk of not graduating, and Tessa always enjoyed that part of school.

  Both girls got in, and Jessica smiled widely at a questioning Tessa.


  “They accepted,” Jessica answered, still smiling.

  Tessa looked over at her in surprise. “Wow. They ignored you this whole time, and now they want to party with you? Weird….”

  “Maybe it just took me being nice to them too. Who knows, but I know Mom and Dad will be okay with it,” Jessica said, putting the keys in the ignition, starting the car.

  Jessica could see that Tessa was still having her doubts, however she kept her mouth shut. “Well, Amber seemed to be happy about it. She has been the only one nice to me anyway. Maybe she had a talk with the rest of them,” Jessica said, with a slight shrug.

  “I guess. Did you know Mandy is home, and under personal nursing care now?” Tessa asked.

  Jessica froze for a moment thinking back to the night of the homecoming game, and the night Mandy Cooper would be paralyzed the rest of her life. The memories almost made her begin to sweat as she thought of what the Spirit had done to the head cheerleader.

  “Are you alright Jess?” Tessa asked.

  “Yeah. Sure. I was just surprised that she is home so early,” Jessica answered, feeling her breathing calming a little.

  “Alex heard she may have to go back to Seattle for more surgeries, but her parents wanted her home,” Tessa answered, still eyeing Jessica suspiciously.

  “Good. She will be better off at home,” Jessica said.

  “I guess. Anyway, maybe that’s why they decided to come to your party,” Tessa said.

  “Maybe, but I’m excited for my first party!” Jessica squealed.

  Tessa smiled and said, “Can’t wait!”

  The two girls left the school, and Jessica frowned because it was another dreary, drizzly all around miserable night in Washington State. They were getting more rain and snow than usual this year, and Jessica could not wait to get out of this state.

  Besides her birthday party there was another thing Jessica had to be excited about; She had been accepted to New York University. She almost jumped out of her skin when she read the letter in front of her parents.

  Her mother began to cry, and her father jumped out of the chair cheered and bear hugged his daughter. Mary insisted it was because she was happy for her daughter, but Jessica knew better. It was because she was worried that Jessica decided to move that far away for school.

  Tessa had decided that she did need more sun, and was accepted to Berkley in California. Jessica would miss her best friend in the whole world, but knew their interests were taking them different places, but they made a promise one night they would never stop being friends just because miles separated them.

  “You want to hear something weird?” Tessa suddenly asked, after being quiet for a while.

  Jessica turned to her and asked, “What?”

  “I did a little research in Leon’s Crossing history,” Tessa began.

  Jessica rolled her eyes, and said, “That is so elementary school, Tess.”

  Tessa turned to her best friend beckoning Jessica to listen.

  “No. Hear me out on this,” she began.

  “Okay,” Jessica answered, trying to think back to the town’s history, not remembering much.

  “About one hundred and fifty years ago, the town founder Leon Avery was lynched by the townsfolk for practicing Satanism,” Tessa explained.

  “Okay….and?” Jessica wondered why she was suddenly feeling a little sweaty again.

  “Well, the book said he cursed the town as he was being lynched,” Tessa further explained.

  “Happens in these kinds of towns in the mountains. People were and are still very superstitious,” Jessica dismissed, trying to be logical, even though she had to grip the steering wheel with both hands now.

  Tessa put a finger on her chin in thought for a moment. “True, but it seems things happen here every so often. Some of the elders think Leon summoned a demon while he was being tried for his so-called crimes. They say the demon needs souls to replenish his power every so often. His accusers were a cult of young evangelists, making the claim. They never did have definitive proof he worshipped the devil.”

  “Sounds like the Salem Witch Trials. What is the point of this?” Jessica asked, a little annoyed at her friend. She knew for a fact that The Spirit of the Mirror was not a demon. He told her so, and he has not lied to her once about his intentions. However, she wasn’t going to pass that information onto Tessa.

  Tessa blinked at Jessica in shock.

  “Well, the point is there are strange things going on lately in this town ever since you saw the mirror in the forest,” Tessa said.

  “What? Come on Tessa. You can’t be serious.” Jessica tried to keep her breathing calm, and tried not to look as Tessa while her face began to flush.

  “Well, I was just thinking about it. You did see that mirror after all, and it supposedly disappeared after that.” Tessa said, giving Jessica a suspicious glance.

  Jessica felt so tense, that she thought she would just turn into a rock on the side of the mountain right then and there.

  “Really? Interesting. Do you think the mirror I saw is what the history was referring to?”

  “I think so, and I think Rick had seen it too. I haven’t gotten that far yet, but I want to look into weird accidents around town for the last twenty or so years, ” Tessa said, thoughtfully.

  “So what are you getting at Tessa? Really, I want to know,” Jessica fumed.

  Tessa sat there and thought for a moment. “I don’t know, Jessica. You said you saw the mirror and Rick did attack you screaming about it.”

  Jessica had enough, and pulled the car o
ver on the side of the road. She turned to Tessa, because she was downright angry now.

  “Are you accusing me of something Tessa? Because please, I want to know,” Jessica asked, seething now.

  Tessa looked over at Jessica in complete shock, and started to shake her head frantically. “No, no, no Jess. Jeez, what are you getting so pissed about? I was just telling you that so you’d know why Rick attacked you. He probably saw that you found the mirror.”

  At that moment, Jessica felt the relief wash over her like a tidal wave. Tessa thought that Rick had been stalking her, and when Jessica discovered his ‘mirror’ he flipped out on her.

  Jessica sat back in the seat, and took a deep breath while Tessa watched her wide eyed. “I’m sorry. I really thought you were accusing me of something.”

  The image of Sara Miller’s body flashed in front of Jessica, but she tried to push it away and hide her emotions from her friend.

  “No! I thought he was stalking you for a while about it. Something about that mirror is not right, and I think he was a victim of it,” Tessa declared.


  Jessica suddenly laughed bitterly, and said, “If he was, I never knew it. I wouldn’t know a stalker if he came up and slapped me.”

  Tessa smiled and both girls started to relax. Jessica could barely stand the relief she was feeling as her and Tessa pulled away and drove home. They started talking about the party, and Jessica was thrilled to change the subject about Rick Tanner, Sara Miller, and Mandy Cooper.

  Tessa asked if Jessica was going to try to invite a certain Sheriff to the party.

  Jessica felt nervous at the thought. “I don’t know, should I?” She asked, her voice raising a few octaves thinking about Mark.

  Tessa laughed out loud making Jessica frown at her. “I think you should. He kissed you for chrissakes! He obviously likes you!”

  Jessica sucked in a breath as she pulled into Tessa’s driveway. She hated that she kept sweating on this cold night.

  “He might have duty,” Jessica reasoned.

  “Well then he can come up and check on things to make sure you are keeping everyone under control,” Tessa said, with a wink.

  It was Jessica’s turn to laugh, and she had to admit her best friend had a good point.

  As Tessa exited the car and the two friends said goodnight, Jessica drove away still relieved that Tessa did not put two and two together about The Spirit of the Mirror. Her guardian angel was still her little secret.

  Chapter 30

  Sheriff Mark McKenzie sat there and finished up some paperwork at the end of the day. He was looking forward to going home and getting a certain young blonde off his mind with some beer.

  “Here you go, Sheriff,” Hal said, entering the office.

  Mark took the paperwork and reviewed it. Hal had a bad habit of leaving gaps in them.

  Satisfied, he signed them and handed them back to his uncle.

  “You want dinner tonight?” Hal asked as he put the papers back in the folder.

  “Nah, I’m just going to pick something up, and drink into oblivion,” Mark replied.

  Hal shook his head and said, “You need a woman.”

  Mark rolled his eyes, but didn’t say anything as Hal chuckled. Mark looked out of the window, and spotted none other than Jessica Winters enter the Sheriff’s office.

  Hal turned with a knowing smile curving his lips. Mark groaned a little as Hal went to greet Jessica. Marge had left for the day with a cold.

  They spoke for a moment, and Jessica’s eyes kept darting to Mark. Mark made no move to greet her. He hoped something wasn’t wrong, and she needed some help.

  Hal walked up with a smirk, and said, “You good to see the young lady? She states nothing’s wrong.”

  “Send her in,” Mark answered, leaning back in his chair.

  Jessica entered his office. She looked so much thinner from just months ago, and her face was more chiseled than before. Her blonde hair seemed like it had lightened a little again, and flowed past her shoulders over a red scarf. Her tighter jeans were hugging her hips, making Mark want to adjust his uniform pants again.

  Mark smiled up at her and said, “What can I do for you Jessica? Please sit down.”

  Jessica sat down, and Mark could see she was a little nervous and wondered what that was about. She fidgeted with something in her purse, and finally he spotted her clutching what looked like a little greeting card.

  “Hi, Sheriff,” she said, after a minute.

  Mark smiled in greeting. “Mark.”

  Jessica shook her head. “Sorry. Hi Mark.”

  “Everything okay?” He asked, while her eyes darted everywhere but on him.

  Jessica looked over the little envelope now on her lap.

  “Jessica, you can relax,” Mark said with a slight smile.

  Jessica flushed, but he could finally see her start to relax a little. She finally lifted her chin a little with determination as Mark waited for her to speak.

  In a surprisingly confident voice, she cleared her throat telling him, “My birthday is next week, but I am having a party on Saturday, and wanted to know if you wanted to come.”

  Mark’s eyebrows rose in surprise. He didn’t think she would have the guts to ask him for anything, but then he thought about the night they kissed, and how she made him coffee.

  Without a word he took the invite from her slightly shaking hand, and looked it over.

  Mark looked up at her. She was sitting there turning a crimson red, however, she tried to hide it.

  “Unfortunately, I have duty that night,” Mark answered, confirming the date on the invitation.

  Jessica’s face fell in sheer disappointment. Suddenly, she rose from the chair and began to get her cars keys out.

  “Hey! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it,” Mark said reassuringly.

  Jessica kind of shrugged and said, “No. I understand you’re a cop and have obligations. I promise to keep the party low key.”

  Mark could feel himself getting a little flustered as Jessica adjusted her jacket, and scarf to leave.

  Mark stood and walked over to her, and looked straight into her big brown eyes.

  “Stay there,” he ordered.

  He shut the office door, and closed the curtains to the street. He was the only one left in the office now. Hal had left for the night, while Paul and Bill were patrolling.

  Jessica stood there waiting patiently, and then Mark walked over to her, grabbed her, and kissed her.

  Jessica cried out a little in shock, and then giggled nervously against his lips. She opened her mouth to welcome his tongue. She moaned a little as his hands made their way from her shoulders to her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and pulled him deeper into the kiss.

  “That doesn’t mean I can’t stop by on my break or something,” he explained breathlessly, when they finally separated. He could feel the relief in her shoulders as they slumped a little, and then she suddenly smiled back at him.


  “Really,” Mark answered.

  “I’m glad,” she whispered. She blushed when she noticed he was still holding her firmly against him.

  “Me too, and I am glad you invited me,” he said sincerely.

  “I promise…”

  Mark shrugged and said, “Just warn them, but it will be fine.”

  Their lips were so close it took every ounce of strength in Mark to not kiss her again. He did finally step away, and found her flushed, and knew she was having the same thoughts as him.

  “You better go,” he said, “It might snow again.”

  Jessica smiled and this time she was more confident when she straightened everything.

  “By the way, we made the playoffs,” she said, putting her purse over her shoulder.

  “Right on! I can’t wait to see them,” Mark answered, while he moved around the office and opened everything up again. Jessica turned to leave, but stopped. “So, I’ll see you next week?”
/>   “I promise,” Mark answered, smiling at her.

  Jessica said goodbye, and left. He could see a difference in her demeanor as she walked out to the street and went to her car.

  He really could not believe the radical changes in her the last few months. It was like the ugly duckling blooming into the swan. A few months ago that girl would have never had the guts to ask him to her party, and she would have never had a party in the first place. She would have buried herself in her books that night, miserable and lonely.

  Sometimes, he did have his doubts. He wondered what she did or what happened to her that these changes suddenly came about.

  It still bothered him to this day about Rick Tanner attacking her, and the mention of a mirror. There was something about that connection that he couldn’t put his finger on. Rick’s death had been declared a suicide, case closed. Yet…...the doubts were there.

  Ever since he had spotted the mirror in the forest and the thing seemed to come to life, he had been having some nightmares about it. It was like the thing would not leave his subconscious even though he knew it was just his overactive imagination.

  Yet, something else disturbed him, and it was a conversation that he had with Bill and Hal before Christmas.

  “I’ve lived in this town my whole life, and don’t think I have ever had this many incidences,” Mark commented.

  Hal and Bill exchanged knowing looks and it didn’t get past Mark.


  “You must have forgotten town history,” Hal said.

  “Or Rick Tanner’s history,” Bill finished.

  “What do you mean?”

  “There were things going on about twenty years ago, but you’re too young to remember,” Bill said with a faraway look in his brown eyes.

  Hal handed Mark some old files on Rick Tanner.

  Mark mulled over them, and saw that Rick was involved in a few incidents in town, and the worst one was a car wreck that killed a few kids. They were never able to prove the wreck was anything more than an accident; meanwhile Rick had never been violent towards anyone. Mark paged through the file, and noticed a few pages missing. The biggest one was all the names involved in the wreck. He would have to look for the missing pages later. Maybe, he would have Marge do it for him.


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