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Field Stripped: 15 Steamy Military Romances

Page 19

by Marissa Dobson

  Oh, it is. I’m wearing a silver bracelet scattered with emeralds. “A girlfriend bought it for me.” Another lie to add to my list, but I’m content with my answer.

  He accepts this with another shrug. “They seem mighty generous, don’t they?” His nonchalant tone surprises me, and I freeze for a fraction of a second.

  I’m too thrown off to find a suitable fib, and he simply flashes me a smile before grabbing an apple from the fruit basket, and I carefully answer, “Yes. They do seem mighty generous!” The slight defiance in my voice startles me, but when he spares me a glance over his shoulder, I simper with feigned innocence.

  He in turn scoffs and the rest of what little time we have is ruined when I say, “I’ll be going . . .”

  “Out with your girlfriends,” is his reply. “I know.” He sounds tired and over it. “Have fun.”

  “I will,” I retort.

  For some reason, after a split debate of arguing with my conscience, I walk up behind him, resting my head on his back while my arms wrap around his waist. I breathe in his natural musk scent and say, “I’ll miss you.” I will miss him. He’s still my husband.

  “I’ll miss you, too.” If he suspects I’m cheating, he doesn’t give me any hints. He simply turns to hug me fully, and I bury my head into the crook of his neck. We’ve been here before, feeling at a loss of our future. The hand that combs through my hair gives me reassurance that some semblance of our marriage is still intact.

  I can tell Brody wants to say something by the way he sighs, but he opts to rest his chin on the top of my head. “I love you,” he whispers.

  My eyes sting from the tears I try to hold back. “I love you, too.” I really do.

  We separate and I hurry out of the kitchen. My brisk steps don’t go unnoticed by Brody, who follows after me.

  “I’m sorry,” he tells me. I can’t decipher if this apology is generated from making me tear up, or for our crumbling relationship in general. I decide it’s both, and before I can rush further off, he grabs my right hand.

  “I didn’t mean to make you upset.” He sounds sincere and that makes me all the more uncomfortable. I’m a horrible wife.

  “It’s not your fault. It’s mine.” That’s the first full-on truth I’ve admitted since my affair started, and the sensation of voicing it seems to lift one of the many weights I have sitting on my chest. My breathing becomes level, and I face him. “It’s all mine.”

  Brody regards this with a shake of his head. “Do you have to go out with the girls today?” There’s a plea in his eyes, and I still can’t tell if he knows what I’ve been doing. Every time I think he does, he seems to retreat from saying the obvious, “You’ve been caught,” line.

  “Don’t you have to go back to work?” I ask him, dodging the question. Lately, Brody comes home tired from working all day and I suspect that tonight will be another night where we plan to spend an evening together, only for him to either fall asleep or tell me he’s too tired for sex and then he’ll fall asleep. Either way, I know we aren’t going to end our evening in sync. Not anymore.

  “No.” Brody smiles. “I’m going to take the rest of the day off, and I’m taking you out.”

  I know he’s leaving, and I know I should take advantage of every opportunity possible to spend with him. Because of this, and with the utmost reluctance, I say, “That’s great, honey.” I want to see Kenneth and knowing I’m going to have to blow him off makes me want to scream.

  Brody seems genuinely excited. Because of this, I’m dreading what’s to come. Something about today doesn’t seem quite right, and after I tell Brody I’m going to go freshen up before we leave, I race to the bathroom.

  It isn’t long before I reach the area and shut the door behind me, wanting to call Kenneth and alert him of what’s happening, but . . . I realize my phone is still in the kitchen. “Shoot,” I whisper. This isn’t happening. I do have a lock on it, but it’s easy to see the caller ID flashing on screen when I have an alert of any kind. With a groan, I pull the door open, only to find that Brody is already there with my cell phone in tow.

  He’s smiling at my flustered state, and I get the feeling he has a lot to say. However, I’m not surprised when he simply places the device in my hand, nor am I fazed when he says, “One of your girlfriends called.” Okay. Now I know he means someone else like Kenneth until I check through my caller list.

  Oh . . . I watch Brody walk away. Well . . .

  Janie had called, and I’m relieved that it wasn’t Kenneth. I eye Brody retreating with suspicion, though, and wait for him to enter our room before I call Kenneth and discreetly make my way to the living room. I don’t care if I look like a disheveled mess right now. I need to talk to Kenneth.

  The moment he answers, I blurt out, “He knows!” I’m whisper yelling, but I don’t care. “Or at least suspects—!”

  “Calm down,” Kenneth advises. “You don’t know that for sure. You could just be paranoid.”

  I want to reach through the phone and smack him. He always sounds so sure about everything whenever he speaks, but today I don’t need his overconfident perspective. “He wants to spend the rest of the day with me.” The comment sounds stranger than I expect it to, and I pause. My brows are furrowing and before I can say another word, Kenneth beats me to it.

  “He’s your husband,” Kenneth explains. There’s a smug tease in his voice, one that’s silently telling me, “For now, anyway,” but I ignore it in favor of hearing him out. “Just spend time with him today and I’ll have you all to myself tomorrow.” He seems sure of this predicament.

  I roll my eyes. “I thought today you had something planned for us.” I’m whining, but I don’t care. Kenneth spoils me often, and I enjoy being treated like royalty. He gives me things I wish Brody could be able to afford, like the bracelet I’m sporting on my wrist.

  “Don’t let him touch you tonight,” Kenneth warns. “That’s not fair.”

  “He’s my husband,” I say in the same tone Kenneth had used on me earlier.

  He chuckles and hearing his laughter makes me grin. “I don’t want him touching you.”

  I make a point to look over my shoulder, checking for Brody. “What if I pretend he’s you?” I’ve done it before. Another night won’t hurt. Besides, I’ve never accidentally called Kenneth’s name during any of my fantasies, so I don’t see the problem with it.

  This too makes Kenneth chortle and I laugh along with him. “Fair enough . . .”

  As I hear Brody’s footsteps, I say, “So, we’ll reschedule, Janie?” My voice is higher in pitch, almost animated while I pretend to chat with my well-off friend. I honestly haven’t called Janie in a while, and I don’t seem to care.

  On the other end of the line, I feel the smile in Kenneth’s voice. “Yes, we’ll definitely reschedule.”


  The afternoon progresses better than I imagined. Brody takes me off base, and out shopping, literally to a designer store! I’m tentative as we walk through the double-door entrance and make our way inside, but also excited. However, I can’t help but think, Can he really afford this? I check one of the price tags. The digits are higher than I anticipated.

  “Uh, honey,” I say in an uncertain tone. “Can we afford this?” I choose my words carefully, knowing that if I had said, “Can you afford this,” it might trigger an unwanted argument.

  Brody catches on to the hesitation in my voice and offers a grin I’m not used to seeing. It’s strange, as if he wants me to feel remorseful. Then again, maybe I’m ‘paranoid’ as Kenneth had put it. My intuition says otherwise.

  “It’s fine,” Brody assures me. He takes my hand in his, squeezing it. “I want to spoil you today.”

  What about every other day? I think bitterly. We can’t afford this. “Is something wrong? You can tell me if there is.” My paranoia is taking over, but Brody looks unfazed by the situation.

  A store clerk dressed in black with dark hair and green eyes approaches us. “Do you n
eed help with anything, miss?”

  I look to Brody with weary eyes. How long will this charade of spending last? “I . . . ” I’m at a loss for words.

  Brody wraps his arm around my shoulders. “She does. She’s never been to a place like this before. I think something red and classy will make her look incredible.”

  The saleswoman leads me away, all smiles. “I think we have just the dress you’re looking for.” The truth is I have been here before with Kenneth. We’ve been going to various places since the affair and I’m sure Brody’s noticed my change in wardrobe. If he checks the tag on the back of my clothes, he’d see the store logo. Of all the stores to choose from, he chooses this one.

  I’m dressed to the nines before I have a chance to argue, not that I will, but I’m not enjoying myself at all. The red dress looks as sinful as I feel, and when Brody sees me in it, he nods. “You look perfect.”

  But I know I’m the opposite.


  Marisa is dodgy after we leave the store with the dress I purchased for her. She’s unaware I’ve bought her another dress that’s waiting on our bed at home. It’ll be perfect for where I’m taking her tonight. Everything about today has gone right, except Marisa being able to talk to me. All I want is the truth. I’ve given her more than enough opportunities to tell me what she’s been doing with Kenneth, but each time, she seems to chicken out.

  I’m not sure if Marisa wants a divorce, or if she wants to have her cake and eat it, too. I only know that I love my wife, and I’d give anything to have her be just mine again. The risks of showing her that today are going to be extreme, but I’m hoping it’s the push she needs to see why I’m the better choice for her than Kenneth.

  The rest of the day progresses, and I take her to some places that she and Kenneth have been to, places where I’ve followed them and gotten photo evidence of their affair. As the evening hits, she looks as nervous as I do, especially when I pull up to our next destination, which is home, on base.

  “We’re going home now?” she asks.

  “I just need to change into something better than this,” I explain. “I’m taking you to someplace fancy. You’ll love it.”

  Her eyes light up as we pace towards the front door before they’re masked with caution again. “Why are you spoiling me today?”

  Why are you cheating on me? I shrug, loving how nervous she seems. “Can’t a man spoil his wife?”

  “I . . . I guess.”

  You guess? “Marisa, enjoy tonight, alright?”

  “Yes, alright.”

  By the time I’m dressed and waiting in the living room, she’s walking downstairs in an outfit I know that Kenneth’s already bought her in green, but I’ve purchased the same dress in blue. The fear in her eyes is enough to make my smile grow.

  “You look beautiful,” I say. I mean it, she really does.

  “Is this necessary?”

  “Of course,” I say. “You deserve to be spoiled.”

  Her eyes become red and watery, and I can’t keep my grin at bay as I cradle her face in my hands. “Marisa, are you all right?” I know the answer.

  She nods. “I’m fine, honey.” Her voice is hoarse and she sniffles. “I just . . . excuse me for a moment.” She’s gone before I have time to say anything else and I know she’s probably going to go cry.

  I love that she’s feeling guilty, and I can’t help but cautiously follow after her. My stealthy tactics are put to good use once I hear her whispering in our bathroom. “No, Kenneth,” I hear her say. “He knows . . .”

  I’m stunned that she has the nerve to call him so quickly, but I decide to wait before I intrude. I want to see how everything plays out.

  “No,” she says again. “Look, I love you, I really do, but I love Brody more, and I can’t keep doing this to him . . . What do you mean, ‘why?’ Because I’m his wife, not yours!”

  “Kenneth,” she says, not whispering now. “I only had an affair with you because I thought my husband never had time for me. I thought I was the forgotten housewife who needed material things to have a great marriage, but . . . I don’t. I just need Brody, Kenneth. I only need, and want, my husband.”

  There’s another pause and then I hear Marisa bang the wall. “What do you mean, ‘he doesn’t know you like I do!’” She continues. “If he doesn’t know me, then how come today he easily took me to some of the places we’ve been together? He’s even taken the time to buy me a replica dress of the one you bought me last week. My husband knows more about me than I’d like . . . I just don’t think I’ve taken the time to notice until he threw it in my face today . . .” I can tell from her dejected tone that she’s apologetic. “Do you know what? I think I’ve spent too much time wishing that my husband could be more appreciative of me, that I haven’t been able to see how much I’m the one who underappreciates him . . .”

  I find myself feeling a little guilty by her comment, knowing that I may be more to blame for her adultery than she is.

  “I’ll send you back everything you’ve given me if you’d like, but I have no intention of keeping it,” she explains to Kenneth. “So if you don’t want it, I’m throwing it out.”

  I can’t make out what Kenneth is saying, but it isn’t until after I hear her say,

  “Goodbye, Kenneth,” that I feel proud of her. I hurry away from the bathroom, but I continue to look at her from the doorway of our other bedroom. She steps out of the bathroom, looking satisfied with herself, and the confidence radiating from her makes her all the more attractive.

  “Marisa,” I call her softly. I’m walking toward her now.

  She startles by dropping her phone, and her hand touches her heart. “Brody, I . . .!” I’m kissing her before she has a chance to speak, and I make sure that every bit of my apology is in that kiss. She needs to know how much I love her and the way she pulls me closer tells me that she shares the same sentiments.

  When we break away, I keep her close and hug her hips. “You don’t have to get rid of his things,” I say, taking off the bracelet he’d given her. “You could easily sell this to someone online.”

  She laughs at my comment “That’s true.” Her eyes are filling with tears again and her lips quivering. “I’m so sorry.”

  I shake my head. “Me, too. It was mostly my fault, though. I can’t give you everything you want.”

  “You don’t need to,” she says. “You’re all I need. It’s just taken me a while to realize it.” We press our foreheads together, eyeing each other as if we’d fallen in love for the first time again. “I don’t appreciate you,” she reminds me. The determined look in her eyes gives me life. “That changes today.”

  We bask in silence until her phone rings. Knowing it’s Kenneth, I step on it, watching it crack. “I’ll buy you a new one,” I offer.

  Marisa has a teasing look in her eyes. “Are you sure we can afford it?”

  I lead her toward our bedroom. “Can’t a man spoil his wife?”

  She laughs. “Sure he can . . .”

  After we arrive, I excuse myself and tell her that I’ll be right back. There’s something I need to take care of, one last thing. I rush to the kitchen, pull the photo evidence of my wife’s adultery out of my back pocket, and throw every picture in the trash. After pulling out my own cell phone, I call the restaurant and cancel the reservation I made. It’s the same place that Kenneth took Marisa the night their affair started.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” the hostess over the phone says.

  I grin, chuckling as I shake my head. “I’m not.”

  Piper Presley

  Get my free eBook APOLLO: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance when you join my mailing list!

  I’m a romance short story author who loves to write about bad boys, billionaires and hotties, like the kind and caring hottie Brody!

  If you enjoyed this cheating army wife story, you’ll probably enjoy my firefighter romance series - BLINDED BY THE BLAZE. In the series, John is a hands
ome, caring and respectful firefighter attracted to a beautiful redheaded lawyer named Carolyn, the woman of his dreams. He likes Patty, a cute and bubbly brunette, but just as friends. Even though Carolyn is gorgeous, are her looks deceiving? Is Patty better for John? Find out by starting with book 1: My Book

  For more information:



  Belinda’s Mission

  by Ellie Keys

  J.H.C. Inc. Series, Book 2

  Belinda Banneker (B.B.'s) world has been rocked in more ways than one and only one person can set it to rights. The only problem is no one knows where this man, well no one, but B.B.

  The key to life?

  I have no fucking clue.

  All I know are the things and people in my life.

  I didn’t know that trash that I tossed could come back to haunt me.

  * * *

  My mark was made on my skin and it’s an open wound.

  Jarhead Hunting Crew (J.H.C. Inc.)

  Chart #1

  Names: Ranks: Code Name:

  Brian WallaceSgt. MajorGhost (1)

  Trevor MarshallMGy SgtTrig (2)

  Thomas MadisonSFCHounder (3)

  Belinda BannekerFirst LtB.B. (4)

  Elijah ReynoldsCPO2Prophet (5)

  Samantha DavisMSgtTaps (6)

  Wellsie SharpSFCOne Shot (7)

  Charles HitchensPO2Charlie Boy (8)

  Isabelle Pinters Lang. AnalystLucky (9)

  Chart #2:

  Division Expertise:Code Name:

  Former MarinePlanningGhost (1)


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