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Field Stripped: 15 Steamy Military Romances

Page 43

by Marissa Dobson

  “Fuck, yes!” she gasped.

  Logan did it again and felt her remove her hands. He glanced to her gripping her headboard again. He grinned and began thrusting hard against her, picking up his rhythm as he went.

  Sitting back on his heels, he pulled her hips up to his waist and held her body to his. Her breasts moved with each thrust, with each motion, then as she glanced up to him, the look she gave him, he almost lost it there.

  Miranda laid before him, naked, and in his arms. She was beautiful, more so than earlier in the garter, bra, and panties. Here, she gave herself, all of herself, to him. She only asked for him to trust her in return.

  Suddenly, his balls tightened and he groaned, “Fuck!” He thrust faster and came hard. He pushed a few more times as his dick throbbed with relief.

  Miranda relaxed in his arms as he laid her back onto the bed. He pulled out and collapsed next to her.

  She laid an arm over her forehead and panted, with a soft giggle. “My god, Logan. I had no idea, all of that, all of what we just did, was waiting for me. My god!”

  He chuckled. “You’re welcome, gorgeous.” He kissed her then stood from the bed and made his way toward her bathroom. He unrolled the condom and tossed it into the trash. Then as he began to wash his hands, he glanced to himself in the mirror.

  His lips were slightly swollen and his cheeks were flushed. Movement caught his attention and Miranda passed behind him in the room. Her hair was disheveled in a bad way, and her skin was red where he had kissed on her body. He blinked.

  What did I just do?

  What happens now?

  Do I leave?

  Do I call her?

  Motherfucking hell.

  He lowered his gaze and towel dried his hands. She went to pass him again but stopped. She pushed her arms around his waist and kissed his back. She held onto him for a moment, then made her way back to her room.

  He followed her as Miranda laid back down. She patted the side of her bed and pulled the cover back.

  Logan stared at her for a moment, then lowered his gaze. “I have things to take care of tomorrow.”

  What the fuck am I doing?

  “I’ll call you later?” he glanced up to her and found her with concern, then chagrin.

  “No, you will come join me here. Right now.”

  He furrowed his brows. “What?”

  “I want you to lie next to me and cuddle. I want you to remember what that feels like.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Look, Miranda--”

  She suddenly interrupted him. “NO! Logan, don’t do this. Come over here and lie down. I promise, it’s going to be okay. Now come on.”

  He made his way toward her bed and stared down at her. As much as he wanted to lie next to her, as much as his heart pleaded for him to stay, his mind told him no. Logan bent over and grabbed his clothes and pulled on his boxer-briefs.

  Miranda laid back in her bed and shook her head. She turned away from him and sighed onto her pillow.

  Fuck, she’s breaking my heart, he told himself. Just five fucking minutes. You can do this.

  Logan reached for the cover and slowly, pulled it back. Miranda turned to look up at him, she had tears in her eyes. Logan felt his heart pang.

  She moved over and made room for him as he climbed in next to her. He pulled the covers back up and wrapped a thick arm around her small frame. He drew her close and nestled into her neck. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  “It’s okay,” she responded with a sigh.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  At some point during the night, Logan fell asleep next to Miranda. He held this woman close to him, almost hugging her to his body. Leaning in close to her, he inhaled the scent of perfume, mixed with shampoo, and a hint of sex. He smiled softly to himself and turned on his back.

  What happens now?

  What if this ‘novelty’ of having her fades?

  Will I continue to want her now that I’ve had her?

  Logan closed his eyes and tried to push the negative thoughts from his mind.

  Once I leave for the field or deployment, it is only a matter of time until she fucks someone else.

  She’ll find someone better, someone more capable of taking care of her, than me.

  Logan shook his head. What the fuck am I doing? Exactly what she promised she wouldn’t do to me. He sighed, and continued his inner struggle. Maybe I need some space from all of this, just to know this is what I need and not just something I wanted.

  Slowly, he pulled his arm free from underneath Miranda and she stirred softly. He waited a moment, then nodded to himself she was still asleep. He stood as quickly as possible with the least amount of movements. Grabbing his clothes, he dressed himself and headed toward the bedroom door. Glancing back to the woman, he sighed and lowered his gaze, then took his leave.

  Logan quickly scribbled a note on a notepad sitting by her telephone.


  I had a few errands to take care of today. I’ll call you tonight. Last night was amazing.


  He stared at the note a moment, then folded it and wrote her name on it. He set it down then locking the door behind him, left Miranda’s home.

  A few hours and shower later, Logan made it back to base. He headed toward the physical training area, wrapped his hands, then pulled on boxing gloves. He laid into a punching bag and sweat began to build on his brow. He thought of last night with Miranda, the physical connection they had, the sex, the amazing chemistry, then falling asleep next to her.

  He punched the bag hard. It swung away from him and he grabbed hold of it. Laying into it again, he thought of Susan and finding her cell with the guy’s number on it she’d been fucking, and the messages he left her.

  He punched it harder this time and growled with it.

  “Remind me to never be on the other end of that shit.”

  Logan looked to the side as Brody walked up. His friend took to the other side of the bag and held it in place. He nodded to Logan and he returned it.

  He laid into the bag again; left punch, right upper cut, left knee, right hook.

  “What’s on your mind, battle?”

  Logan had not called anyone battle since boot camp. He grinned at the memory. Things were much simpler then. No special ops, no Susan, no drama.

  “Just… a woman, man, just a woman.”

  “Tell her about me. She sexy as fuck?”

  Logan chuckled and gave the bag an upper cut. “Fuck yes, in every sense of the word.”

  “You tapped it yet?”

  Leave it to Brody to cut to the chase. “Yeah, last night.”

  “Then why are you beating the shit outta the bag today?” He peeked his head around and smiled. “Don’t hit a brother now, only asking.”

  Logan chuckled. “Nah, I wouldn’t hit you.” He punched the bag again and shook his head. “I don’t know what it is, man. I like her, I really like her. She’s been…” he sighed and pulled the gloves off. “She was the counselor I had been ordered to talk to.”

  “Oh shit, man. Seriously?” Brody stepped around and leaned against the gym wall. “She and you? How?”

  “I made my interest known a while ago. She pushed me away for a while then I talked her into doing one-on-one sessions.” Logan shrugged.

  “One-on-one? Did you tap it while you met with her?”

  “Nah, man, she wasn’t like that at all. She’s classy.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  Logan shrugged again. “Ever get the want-what-you-can’t-have feeling?”

  Brody nodded. “Yeah, a few times.”

  “And the feeling stops once it’s yours, right?”

  “For the most part, yeah.” Brody paused. “You think this is the case where it’ll just… go?”

  Logan shook his head. “I hope not. I wanted her a long time. I chased after her, man. Like really chased. I took her out last night to a nice place and we danced. The woman has moves I n
ever knew about. She has this other side to her I was clueless on.

  “When she began opening up to me, something inside sort of turned on. I wanted her more since she was sharing.” Logan shook his head. “It’s hard to explain.”

  “Nah, I get it, man.”

  Logan sighed. “I left her place this morning. With a note. And left without waking her.”

  Brody lifted his brows in surprise. “I thought you were into her?”

  “I am.”

  “But now that the chase is over?” Brody asked.

  “Exactly,” Logan told him.

  Brody nodded. “I see your dilemma.”

  “Good, because I thought I was losing--”

  Brody interrupted him. “Get your head out of your ass, man! This woman has made an impact you on! What the hell are you doing with a fuck and run? Dude,” he shook his head, “you’ll be lucky if she takes your fucking call, man.”

  Logan lowered his gaze and sighed. “Yeah, I know.”

  “Is that what you wanted?”

  “No, yes, hell, I don’t know!” Logan walked away from his friend and stared out a window to the running track. “I don’t know what I want.”

  “Did you consider asking her what she wanted before you tapped that ass?”

  Logan sighed and lowered his gaze. “She was all in, told me she would be my person for anything in life, even if friends only.”

  “Dude…” Brody clicked his tongue in disappointment.

  “I left her a note I’d call her.”

  “And you meant it?” Brody asked.

  Logan shrugged. “Eventually, I will.”

  “You’re an asshole, man.”

  Logan sighed and nodded. “Yeah, I am. I’m a real douche.” He thought on his words for a moment, then looked up to Brody. “I need to get out of here a while, fire at something, maybe run through a drill. I’ll catch you later.” He walked past Brody and patted his friend on the shoulder.

  “Later, man,” Brody called after him.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Since the sessions ended, Logan received his clearance to return to his active duty missions, his life…whatever that might be now.

  He wanted to celebrate and invited his friends to the bar. Chase was back and he was ready. Taking a seat at the bar, the happy hour crowd was in full effect. Women chatted in groups and men lined the bar, looking for a hopeful hook up.

  In the bars around the bases, women who came usually were here for one reason. It was an easy hook up most of the time. The men would find a lonely woman and the fling would begin; an all-night ecstasy of fucking, followed by a casual wave. Most women did not put up a fight or expect boyfriend material return. The ones who did, well a few hearts may be broken if that were the case.

  Logan scanned the crowd and found a few he could do a definite hookup with. He had the need to sink himself deep in someone… but not just anyone.

  He wanted Miranda.

  That part of him was still scared if he gave in to how he felt about her, the actual chase would be gone. Ultimately getting a toy he’s wanted for a long time, and now that he has it, he doesn’t want to play with it anymore.

  A week had passed and he had not called her. She called him twice, left him voicemails, then nothing. Disappointment in himself did not begin to cover how he felt. He fucked up and knew it. He let a damn good thing slip right through his fingers.

  Best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. Time for the fuck-fest to begin. He rolled his shoulders then took a pull on his beer.

  He put on a buttoned down his dress shirt, left the top two unbuttoned, and paired his outfit with a pair of khakis and dress shoes. His plans involved Brody, Sterling, and a few others. Logan needed a change of atmosphere and this would do it for him.

  Removing his cell from his pocket, he swiped his finger across the screen, and tapped the message option. Brody, Sterling, then Miranda’s name sat at the top of his list. He stared at her name for a moment and tapped it. The last text from her looked back at him, daring him to reply.

  Logan what happened to you? Why will you not talk to me? Whatever is bothering you will pass, I promise. No matter what, remember, I’m your person, even if you do not want whatever this is with me. I’m here.

  He pressed the back button and brought up Brody’s last message.

  On my way.

  He pressed send and pocketed his phone. Logan leaned against the bar and took another pull on his beer. Checking out the people who were there; men, women, everyone seemed to be having a good time. Everyone but him. Something was missing.


  He set his beer down with a sigh when a woman approached. She was short and petite. She had long blond hair and dark brown eyes. She had a nice smile about her and an amazing rack. The blue dress she wore hugged her body and the hem barely reached her mid-thigh. “Hi, there. You look sad sitting over here by yourself. My name is Holly. Let me buy you a drink there, sugar.”

  He lifted a brow. “Sugar?” He chuckled. “Who am I to turn down a drink? Please, have a seat. The name’s Logan.”

  “Nice to meet you, Logan.” Holly smiled and sat on a stool next to him. She sipped her cocktail then set it down. “So tell me, Logan, why do you seem so frowny faced tonight? Girly problems?”

  Logan chuckled again. “Something like that. Why, are you a doctor or something? You coming to prescribe me something?” He grinned to her.

  She giggled. “No, I’m no doctor, but if playing doctor is something you’re into, I’m sure I can come up with some sort of diagnosis. Oh! I have it! ‘To-get-over-one-you-must-get-under-another-itis’!”

  Logan laughed at this, his own thoughts returned to him from earlier. It felt good to laugh. “Well, I think you have a really good chance in the field of medicine, Holly. Let me buy the next round for you making me laugh. I really needed that.”

  She beamed and bounced lightly in her seat. “Good! You are absolutely welcome!” She tapped his chest on her last word then gasped. “My god, you are a strong, big boy, aren’t you?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, I am. Comes with the territory of my job.”

  “And what do you do, if I may ask?”

  He waved the bartender down and pointed to her drink. “I’m a sumo wrestler.”

  Holly stared at him for a moment, then snickered. “No, really, what do you do, silly?”

  This blond girl was cute, but she wasn’t someone who struck a chord with Logan, other than a fuck and run. He knew he could score with this girl tonight, if he really wanted to. “No, really, I’m the only white boy stateside that’s a sumo wrestler!” He held up two fingers. “Scouts honor!”

  She smiled. “Oh my goodness! A white boy sumo wrestler! Wait ‘til I tell my mama about who I met tonight!” She bounced on her stool a few more times and as Logan glanced across the bar, he did a double take.

  “Miranda?” he said in a lower voice.

  “No, sugar, it’s Holly.”

  He glanced to the woman next to him, then back across the bar. She was gone. Whoever he thought he saw disappeared. He shook his head and took another drink. The bartender delivered whatever Holly had been drinking prior. He paid him, then turned to her.

  “Look, you’re a nice girl and all, and I appreciate your sense of humor. But I’m not looking for a woman right now. I’m here to have a good time.”

  She smiled and tilted her head. “Well, that’s good to hear. I’m not looking for a man, either. I thought you were cute over there, and you looked sad. If you want me to leave, I’ll take my happy ass elsewhere.” She smiled and nothing about what she said came out mean. If anything, she still sounded cheerful.

  This almost annoyed Logan. He thought about what it would be like if he fucked her. Her legs would be in the air and she would chortle like a fucking cheerleader.


  He cringed at the thought and shook the thought away.

  He glanced to Holly once more and leaned over to check out her goods. The chic would be hot naked. He took another pull on his beer and set it down.

  “You want to get out of here for a while?”

  She grinned. “Thought you’d never ask.”

  His door slammed hard behind him and Logan pinned Holly against the wall. She pulled at his shirt and the buttons ripped, firing off in multiple directions. She pushed the shirt away from his body and began kissing across his chest.

  He pulled up her dress and exposed her panties. Logan pushed them to the side and shoved a finger inside her.

  Holly gasped and gripped his shoulder. “You are so big to my small size. Don’t hurt me, He-Man.”

  He grinned at the nickname she gave him. No one had ever called him this before. “Don’t worry. I’ll try not to break you.”

  She reached for his pants and frantically unbuttoned them, and tried pushing them down. “Baby, I love you finger fucking me, but please, remove the pants.”

  Logan pushed his clothes down and stood naked, except for the pants gathered at his feet. He reached for her again and kissed her neck.

  Holly panted softly, then looked down and tilted her head. “Huh, I thought you would have been ready for me.”

  He pulled back with furrowed brows and glanced down. “Well, we did just get started. Don’t worry, come play doctor for me and earn that degree.” Logan felt awkward playing ‘doctor’ with a woman he just met, but he knew he would recover and finish this night off right. If she were to give him head, he would definitely recover.

  As if reading his mind, Holly quickly dropped to her knees and reached for his dick. She licked his head and lightly squeezed his balls. She sucked on his tip for a bit, teasing him, and humming against his skin. She ran her tongue up the length of his shaft.

  Logan tilted his head back and tried to make himself relax. Behind closed lids, Miranda’s smile, her laughter, and the way she screamed his name during sex, came to the forefront of his mind.

  “Umm, sugar?” Holly asked.


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