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Field Stripped: 15 Steamy Military Romances

Page 130

by Marissa Dobson

  "Prove it, Tyler. And I'll tell you another secret." That was it for me. I reached down between her legs and rubbed against her wetness. I slipped inside her easily and my body shuddered in unison with hers.

  In and out, my fingers slipped over her core until arousal heated my skin and I couldn’t take it anymore. I definitely needed to taste her. "Straddle my face."

  "I can't—"

  "Shh, yes you can baby. I want to taste you. Everywhere." Slowly she moved over my head and positioned herself above me.

  "I don't want to hurt you," She murmured as she lowered herself so her slick pussy was a fraction above my eager lips.

  "You'd never hurt me," I said on a sigh. I licked against her soft skin and she bucked her hips. "That's it, baby. Ride my face."

  Everything I thought about this woman. Everything I'd fantasised about her was wrong. It was so much better than I could imagine. She was so much more than I could ever have dreamed of.

  "Molly," I said as I kissed her intimately. "You're driving me crazy."

  "I need you inside me, Ty." Her pussy clenched as I trailed my tongue over her. She tasted sweet and I couldn't get enough of her. Never would.

  "I'll be inside you soon. Trust me. I can't last with you writhing on top of me." I held her hips steady as I covered her in kisses. "Don't hold back."

  It was like I'd given her permission, or something. She held her breath, clenching her thighs around my head.

  "I'm—" she didn't finish. Her orgasm was quick and hard and I carried on tasting her until she crumpled over me with jelly legs. "That was..."

  She paused as I manoeuvred her down onto the bed and braced myself over her. "Ready to come again?" She shook her head and softly laughed, but the light in her eyes told me she was. Her fingers moved down my chest, over my taut belly and took little Ty in her hand and rubbed it up and down in slow, bold movements. He was fucking ecstatic at the attention.

  "Prove it. Ruin me for anyone else."

  "That sounds like a challenge, and I never back down from a challenge." I moved myself to her pussy and nudged against her. I looked up into her flushed face. "Last chance to back out, Molly."

  "No." There was no hesitation so I slid in as far as I could as Molly opened herself to accommodate me. "No regrets, Tyler," I heard her mumble on a sigh.

  No regrets. I repeated that as I moved in and out of her, enjoying every last moment I had with the woman who had my heart and didn't even know it.

  Chapter Seven

  This couldn't carry on. I needed her to know the truth.

  Molly was still asleep in the bed and it was 6:45 a.m. on, what was supposed to be, her wedding day. Guilt wracked me once more. I could have come clean to her about why I was in Vegas. I didn't.

  And then I'd slept with her. What a low-life I was.

  I shook my head as I tied my training shoes. No, I didn't just sleep with Molly. I made love to her. I tasted every part of her, and I fell just a little more in love with her. If that was even possible.

  The smartest thing to do was stay away. Assume this was for one night only. I have my memories. Given my job, there was no way she should be stuck with someone like me. Someone who couldn't be there for her for months on end. Someone who might end up dead in a black hole of a country. No, this was for the best. I'd hopefully stopped her marriage to Harrison. That had to be enough.

  I heard her gentle snores in the background and turned to look at her. Her blonde hair was ruffled against the white of the pillow and her long legs hanging out from the bed in what looked like the most uncomfortable position. A smile lifted my lips and stayed there, right until I made it out of the hotel and onto The Strip.

  It was for the best, I kept telling myself.

  I hit the road hard, my feet pumping heavy against the paving. Dark clouds gathered, a summer storm ready to hit at any moment. It was quiet this morning, barely a soul around with only a handful at the bus-stops as I passed by.

  Exercise and working my body physically was mindless and I could forget everything. The touch of her gentle hands on my body, the feel of her underneath me as I pushed inside her. Molly's gentle moans as I kissed her... I pushed myself harder, knowing there was a point when everything would disappear. There had to be.

  If my team were here, they'd rib me about unnecessary distractions. My CO would have killed me for touching his sister. But they'd tell me that no woman was worth all this.

  I'd have to disagree. Molly always had, and always would be, worth it. If no other man saw that, then that was their problem, not hers.

  I ran up to what used to be the Sahara but was now a trendy, generic hotel which didn't look inviting—at least to me, stopping only at a drug-store to pick up a water.

  It was there I got a phone call, giving me my new orders. The team would be back in California by the middle of next week and briefed for our next mission.

  Time had run out for me and Molly. If there ever had been time. It was for the best, I chanted once more.

  Large drops of rain began to fall when I was almost half way back to the hotel, passing Trump's gold beast of a building, glittering in the fading light.

  Cars splashed through puddles, soaking me through, as the rain got harder and the sky darkened.

  Emotions gathered, not unlike the clouds above. My intention was to forget, but it wasn't happening. I was remembering everything about her. The way she smiled shyly when I told her a joke. The way she rode me hard and fast, bringing herself to orgasm. The way I'd always been in love with her.

  Molly was everything. Everything I'd ever wanted and everything I'd ever feared. And nothing that I wouldn't die for.

  My heart was on the line whether I wanted it or not and, right now, I wanted to tell her that more than anything.

  I pushed back my wet hair and kicked again, needing to get back to the hotel, to see Molly, to tell her everything. I couldn't leave her here not knowing the truth about last night and way I felt about her. And, if she married Harrison because he was the only man to ask, I would never forgive myself.

  I ran up the long driveway to the hotel entrance and slowed when I saw Molly waiting in line for a taxi, a suitcase by her side and Harrison behind her.

  Anger bubbled over as that piece of shit put his arm around her shoulders. Really? This was how it was?

  A large group of tourists moved in unison ahead of me then and I lost sight of her and the jerk. My t-shirt and shorts stuck to my body, my running shoes squeaked from the wet, but I didn't care. My focus was on getting to the woman I loved and asking her—no—begging her not to marry this guy.

  "Molly," I called out when I could finally see her again. She was moving toward a waiting taxi, the driver moving toward her suitcase to put it into the vehicle. "Wait. What are you doing?"

  Molly stopped and looked at me, her beautiful blue eyes icy and red-rimmed. She glanced once toward the open car door where Harrison was waiting for her, a smug look on his face as he watched me, and looked back at me.

  "What am I doing?" Her voice was quiet and I struggled to hear her beyond the fucking tourists jabbering around us. "I'm doing exactly what I should have done yesterday and finding another hotel. Away from you."

  I stopped in front of her, breathing hard, trying not to listen to the cutting words which were threatening to tear my heart apart. "Why?" Was all I could say, although it was pointless even asking. I knew.

  "Why? Why?" Her voice became a high-pitched wobble and people around us turned to stare. I didn't take no mind of them. Fucking Harrison stepped forward and touched her arm again.

  "Darling, let's not make a scene. He isn't worth it." I snarled at Harrison and stepped forward. He quickly shuffled back to where he was. "See? He's a thug. How can you possibly trust him? Come with me, Molly."

  "Maybe I am a thug. But if I had a woman like Molly, I wouldn't be fucking around." Harrison reddened, blustering. Molly paled. I instantly regretted my words.

  "You have no right to judge anyone
else with what you did."

  "I'm sorry, Molly—"

  "Sorry? Sorry for not telling me you were here to ruin my wedding? Or sorry for sleeping with me to do so? Maybe you're sorry for using my emotions against when I admitted I had the hots for you when I was younger?"

  I cringed. "I'm not sorry for any of that because this prick's not worthy of you. Anyone can see it. If you marry him you'll regret it for the rest of your life." I slicked back my wet hair again with my hand. Lightning glittered along the sky, and thunder rumbled not too far away. "And I made love to you because I wanted to. I needed you, more than any woman I've ever met. There was nothing sordid about what we did. Please don't leave like this."

  Harrison was making noise again, trying to usher her into the waiting car. People congregated around us, waiting for taxis. Waiting for what happened next.

  "You lied to me. How can I trust that this meant anything to you?" A large tear ran down her cheek and plopped onto her white shirt. I stepped toward her, to comfort her, but she held out her hand and I halted. Wiping the tear with the back of her hand, she then dried it on her dark, fitted trousers. "Am I really just someone to mess with? Do you and my brother think of ways to screw with me? Is it all a big laugh to you"

  I was already shaking my head. "Alex didn't want you to marry this idiot. Neither did I—"

  "Why? So that I could be another notch on your bedpost? Because I turned you down years ago and you saw a way of getting me back?" Tears dropped in earnest down Molly's face. My chest ached that she was hurting. And it was all because of me. It wasn't meant to be like this.

  "No." I shook my head, looking up at the flashing sign at the entrance of the hotel telling people there was coffee and donuts inside. I looked back into her eyes. "Because I'm in love with you. And I always have been."

  The world stopped—or maybe I thought it had. I never imagined saying those words out loud to anyone, let alone the one woman I actually wanted to say them to.

  A woman in the small crowd whooped, but silence extended between me and Molly and slowly a watery smile erupted from her face.

  "You love me?" Her voice cracked. "How do I know you're telling the truth?"

  "Of course I love you," I admitted immediately. "Why else would I be standing outside of a busy hotel in a summer storm, begging you not to leave the hotel? Or me. Telling you that you mean more to me than possibly anything outside of the team."

  Molly smiled again, hiccupping in a cutely charming way as she wiped her tears.

  "I hate to break this up," Harrison said, stepping up to Molly once more. "But you said you were going to marry me. We had plans."

  Molly turned to the little shit beside her, her smile dropping immediately. "No, I said I was moving hotels because I needed to think. I already told you I couldn't marry you, Harrison. I don't think I actually ever loved you. I just always wanted to be in love. And let's face it. All you wanted was my money and a wife in name only. I was a convenient way of making it back into the better social circles again."

  "Well this is just fantastic," Harrison huffed, turning around to make his exit into the still waiting taxi. "I tell you the truth about this man and you want him over me. I have a title, you know."

  I stifled a grin as he slammed the door to a barrage of claps and cheers from the crowd.

  When the taxi had pulled away, Molly turned back to me and stepped forward so she was almost in touching distance. I looked at her long and hard, realising that my life would be better if she was in it. Hell, I would be a better man if she were my wife.

  Wife. My throat closed down a little as the full weight of my feelings hit me. This was getting heavy but I might be in exactly the place I wanted to be in life.

  "So tell me, tough guy. What happens next?"

  It was a loaded question, but I had the simplest answer in the world.

  "This," I said, slipping to one knee as Molly's mouth fell open. I pulled my signet ring off my little finger—a remnant of when I first joined the marines, way back when. It was a plain ring with a simple engraving etched underneath. Always faithful.

  "I haven't got any beautiful words to say here—in fact, I'm pretty sure I'm about to screw this up." Molly smiled, the light in her eyes spurring me on. "But you will always be the reason I fight to come home. I want to wipe your tears," I reached up and wiped my thumb across her damp cheek. "And kiss your lips. I want to be the man you spend the rest of your life with—not because I'm the only one who asked—but because you can't stand to be away from me. Molly Tucker, I'm less of a man without you. Will you honour me by becoming my wife?"

  You could have heard a pin drop in Arizona. The crowd leaned further in and I held my breath as I waited for Molly's answer. Seconds passed and panic began to surface. What if she said no?

  "Tyler Beck. You're a good man. I'll be honoured to be married to you. Yes. Please." Molly threw herself at me, and I caught her as we tumbled to the pavement. She planted kisses cross my jaw and my mouth as I enveloped her in my arms, not sure I could ever let her go again.

  The small crowd cheered and clapped as Molly put her mouth to my ear and whispered. "But if I hear you've been up to any mischief with Alex, I'll beat your ass. Navy SEAL or not..."

  "Yes, ma'am." I kissed Molly, sealing our deal. For better or for worse. I couldn't believe my luck. I'd come to Vegas and won more than money. I was such a lucky bastard.

  As soon as I was done kissing my bride-to-be, I was going into the casino and putting it all on red.

  Xandra James

  Xandra James is a British author over 30 *cough*, slightly obsessed with caffeine, and definitely addicted to chocolate chip muffins.

  When not reading romance books, she's writing them. And she can get so far into the new worlds she's creating, that you can often find her still slobbing around her house after lunchtime with bed hair and no idea what day it is! Sign up for her newsletter for goodies, freebies and random gossip...


  For more information:



  Blurred Lines

  by Calinda B

  A 3-part Military Romance

  Book 1 in the Point of Contact Series

  I didn't know how badly I needed to change until I met the sexy submariner I called Adonis. He got me into a mess of trouble that I'll have to deal with - later. But for now, I'm going to enjoy the moments I have with him to the fullest. Heading home will come soon enough.

  When the beautiful, young, college art student, Tara Lynnes sets out for a weekend, summer romp with her long time boyfriend, the last thing she expects is to be stood up by him - he promised to treat her right, this time. It's not the first time he's bailed on being with her, but she's determined it will be the last.

  A Navy soldier catches her eye on the Greyhound bus. He's tall, handsome as sin, oozing a sexuality so potent, it should be bottled and sold on the black market. And, it looks like he's available. So, with twenty four hours to experience to the fullest, Tara embarks on a journey that will brand her for the rest of her life.

  Book 1 - The Beach: Navy seaman Zack Brannon's on shore leave, healing from a broken heart. Kentucky born Tara Lynne's on vacation, heading to San Diego...alone, thanks to her loathsome boyfriend bailing on her, crushing her dreams. When she spies the handsome soldier on the Greyhound bus, bearing a mysterious scar on his face and a limp to his stride, their worlds collide in a fiery summer explosion. Forbidden passions are explored. Scandalous lines are crossed. Dirty fantasies are created. A blurred reality forms in which neither one knows who the other is. The only thing they know is, for a scorching hot twenty-four hours, they can't stay away from one another. Will her brief encounters with the heartsick seaman be enough for Tara to make lasting change?

  Book 2 - The Boardwalk: After a brief, scorching, surprising encounter with the Navy soldier she calls Adonis, Tara tries to play along with his cautious rules to stay away. She ca
n't do it. She finds she craves more. He's awakened forbidden desires, while making it clear this is only an encounter. She's determined to make the best out of her twenty-four hours, regardless of the cowardly restrictions he tries to impose on her. She searches for him, finds him, and discovers new, scandalous passion in unexpected places.

  Book 3 - The Hotel: Tara's been seduced by military Navy man twice in her twenty-four hour sojourn. He's told her no more. He's shown her the rules to extremely sexy, consensual games. He's shown her cautious restrictions in what he's willing or unwilling to give to her. He's shown her mind-blowing, sexual fulfillment. She wants more - she wants intimacy and deeper connection, and she intends to get it. Unwilling to be banned from his life, she chases after him on the streets of San Diego. As their time together grows short, she challenges him to let go of his assumptions of what's possible between them. She holds the reins at last - will Zack Brannon be man enough to yield to her desires?

  Mature content for an audience of 18+.


  Book One

  “Where are you?” Tara searched for a seat on the Greyhound bus, clutching the iPhone to her ear, talking to her boyfriend. “You told me you’d be here! You promised!” she hissed into the device. “Now I’m stuck on a stupid bus by myself.” Her oversized orange and yellow cloth bag slung over her shoulder and filled with everything she’d need for an overnight stay, flopped against each seat making it difficult to maneuver through the narrow aisle.

  A balding, middle aged man wearing a Hawaiian shirt covered with brown surfers and orange pineapples lifted his head from his magazine, raised his eyebrows as he saw her and smiled. He inclined his head, indicating the seat next to him.


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