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Cash's Fight

Page 6

by Jamie Begley

  “I’ll ride home with you, and Dustin and Logan can drive back home together,” Holly offered.

  “Sounds good.” It wasn’t far to their house, but Rachel would be glad for the company. She’d do anything to keep from thinking about Cash.

  Dustin reached his truck first.

  “I’ll follow you home,” he said, putting Logan in his car seat.

  “Okay.” Rachel had learned long ago not to argue with his over-protectiveness.

  As she put her key in the door to unlock it and Holly went to the passenger side, a loud giggle drew their attention. On the next row over, Cash was getting out of his truck, holding the door open for a woman to slide out. Rachel’s eyes widened when she saw Cheryl taking her time getting out, bracing her hands on Cash’s chest. Her hair was a tumbled mess and her top was messed up.

  It didn’t take a second for Rachel to figure out what had happened in his truck. Rachel felt as if a knife had been stuck in her belly.

  “Rachel?” Holly asked, trying to open her still-locked door.

  “Sorry.” Rachel fumbled with the lock, finally able to unlock the door.

  As she opened her own car door, her eyes were briefly caught and held by Cash, who had turned at the sound of Holly’s voice. She tore her gaze away, refusing to look at the couple as she got in the car, put her key in the ignition, and reversed out.

  “I thought we were supposed to wait for Dustin?” Holly questioned, staring at her curiously.

  Rachel’s shaking hands gripped the steering wheel, forcing herself to calm down. Finally able to breathe, she stopped at the end of the row long enough for Dustin to come up behind them.

  Her hands then clenched the wheel the whole way home as her mind played back the look on Cheryl’s face. She had to force herself to focus on driving and not the flushed satisfaction Cash’s expression had showed before he had seen her staring at him. Rachel wanted to cry over not being able to keep from revealing her own hurt.

  * * *

  Cash wanted to slam his truck door closed. Of all the times for Rachel to happen to be standing there, it couldn’t have been a more inopportune one.

  “Want to go back to my apartment?” Cheryl’s voice drew his attention back to her and away from the hurt look on Rachel’s face.

  He had gone to the fair with several of The Last Riders; however, he and Rider had broken away from them when Rider had run into Kaley and Cheryl. Rider had left not long afterward, headed to the nearby motel with Kaley. Cheryl had been all over him, so he had brought her to his truck. The lot only had a few vehicles left. Therefore, he had let Cheryl give him the blowjob she had promised, allowing her mouth to give him relief from the torture of wanting Rachel again.

  None of the women he had fucked since her had been able to, though, and he didn’t know why he expected Cheryl to. Still, her mouth had relieved the fire in his dick enough to keep him from sneaking into Rachel’s bedroom, whether she wanted him there or not.

  “No. I have something I need to take care of. Where’s your car?”

  When Cheryl pointed to her car three rows over, Cash walked her to it and waited until she was inside before moving away.

  He drove to his meeting spot, pulling into the dark lot of the clubhouse. The bikers gave him curious looks before turning away when they saw him take a seat at their president’s table.

  “Want a drink?” Stud asked, motioning for Sex Piston to leave the table.

  His wife’s lips tightened but she got up, going to sit with her crew at another table.

  “No, thanks. She’s going to make you pay for that.” Cash watched as Sex Piston glared at Stud from the circle of her friends.

  “What’s new?”

  Cash had to admire the way Stud handled his wife. There weren’t many men who would be able to handle the temperamental redhead. Cash didn’t want to think about his own problems with a certain redhead.

  Sex Piston and Rachel couldn’t be more different. Sex Piston’s hair was a reddish gold while Rachel’s was deep, burnt red. Stud’s wife oozed sex appeal, yet Rachel was quiet and softly feminine. Her appeal was more subtle, grabbing him by his balls and twisting them into knots of desire he couldn’t quench, despite the other women he mercilessly fucked.

  “Any news?” Stud asked.

  “They call themselves Freedom Riders. Scorpion is the leader; Vaughn is vice. They are a large club, mainly anti-government. I thought, at first, they wanted Jamestown to run their drugs or filter money.”

  “They don’t?” Stud’s surprise mirrored his own when he’d found out just what plans the Freedom Riders had for Jamestown.

  “No, they are in the process of buying a large piece of property that is mainly wooded. Two sides of the property are inaccessible by land or foot, leaving only the front and side open—one by road, the other by boat. It’s a nice piece of property; lots of game, trees, even enough to farm with a large house and barn.”

  “So, why do they want it?”

  “To train their anti-government supporters.”

  “Fuck.” Stud ran his hand through his blond hair.

  “I figure they think Jamestown isn’t big enough to fight them, and they will be left alone, bringing more of their men in once the sale of the property is final,” Cash explained.

  “Has the sale gone through?” Stud asked sharply.

  “Not yet. It’s selling for half a million, so whoever is behind them has some big bucks.”

  “Who owns the property now?”

  “Curt Dawkins. He’s the football coach in Treepoint.” Cash had dug into his past and saw no connection with the group.

  “I think we need to set up a meeting with him as soon as possible.” Stud’s tight voice said he already knew what Cash’s next words would be.

  “The Destructors are no match for them. I don’t think you have enough men even if you add the Blue Horsemen into the mix. They’re big, Stud, and deadly,” Cash warned.

  “I haven’t got any other option. When I took over The Destructors for Sex Piston’s father, I gave my word I would watch over them and protect them.”

  “You can’t protect anyone if you’re six feet under.” Cash saw Stud wouldn’t back down. “I’ll set up a meeting with Viper; that’s all I can do. It’s up to him if he wants to drag The Last Riders into your war.”

  “It’s not a war yet. I may be able to stop it.” Stud’s voice was filled with worry.

  Cash sympathized with the hard biker. He had a streak of loyalty that was hard to find in many men. Stud also had to be concerned for Sex Piston’s safety and his four children.

  Cash shook his head. “They are fanatical. Nothing but force will stop them.”

  Stud nodded. “Set up the meeting with Viper.”

  “Will do.” Cash stood.

  “You’re welcome to stay.”

  “No, thanks; I better head back. I want to talk to Viper.” Cash stared down at Stud, trying to convey his urgency. The Destructors were on borrowed time until the first strike was made.

  “Cash, you have my marker. If you ever need anything…”

  Cash stared down at Stud. He respected his desire to pay his debts.

  “Get Killyama to back off Train, and we’ll call it even.”

  It took him forty-five minutes to drive back to the clubhouse. Being Friday night, most of the brothers were still up.

  Train and Jewell were coming down the steps from upstairs.

  “Where’s Viper?”


  Cash went up and saw Viper’s bedroom door open. It was rare when the president let others watch; tonight wasn’t one of those nights, though. Viper was sitting at his desk in front of the computer with Winter asleep on the bed. Regrettably, he must have missed the show.

  “Got a minute?”

  “Yeah.” Viper leaned back in his chair, giving him his attention.

  Cash had already informed Viper of the information he was going to tell Stud that night before the meet. Subsequently,
Cash updated him on Stud’s reaction and his request.

  Viper remained quiet while Cash talked. When he finished, Viper looked at Winter lying on the bed. Cash could see the conflict in his eyes. Viper would want to help Stud out, but he had his own woman and club to watch out for.

  “The Freedom Riders aren’t going to give a shit about the Destructors, and everyone knows who runs them. They will go after Stud; he’s the only thing stopping them from controlling Jamestown. It’s going to go down hard on him. It’s inevitable unless we add our numbers to his,” Cash advised.

  “Tell everyone we’re having a club meeting tomorrow night. I’ll make my decision tonight.” Viper stood up, stretching.

  “Will do.”

  “Cash, anything bothering you?” Viper stopped him from leaving the room.

  “No. Why?” Cash paused.

  Viper powered down his computer, closing it before answering his question. “I don’t know; you just seem distracted lately. Now is not the time for distractions.”

  “My mind is exactly where it needs to be until this is over.”

  “That’s what I want to hear. We have wives and children to protect now.”

  “I won’t let you down,” Cash promised.

  “If you do, one of them could pay the price.”

  Viper’s grim warning was still on his mind after he’d left the room.

  Going downstairs, he passed the word about the meeting tomorrow night. Then, tired, he decided to go to bed.

  He was halfway up the stairs when Raci yelled up at him.

  “Want some company?”

  Rachel’s hurt face flashed through his mind.

  “Come on.” He held his hand out to her.

  With a huge grin, the woman came up the steps and took his hand. He couldn’t have Rachel distracting him. If he tried to see her again, her brothers finding out would be inevitable. What’s more, The Last Riders needed to have Stud’s back, not fighting a feud with three idiots.

  Inside his bedroom, Raci quickly removed her skimpy outfit.

  “What do you want tonight, Cash?”

  “Every fucking thing you’ve got.”

  Chapter 7

  “What do you want me to do with these?” Evie questioned as she opened the door for the men who were carrying in the furniture she was donating to the church store.

  “Bring it to the back of the store.” Rachel couldn’t believe the amount of furniture Evie was donating. Much of it was expensive and custom-made. “Are you sure you want to donate all of this?”

  “I’m sure. I kept what I wanted, and since King and I are living in his house and I’m selling mine, there’s no need to keep it. It will make me feel better that it’s going to good use. I only used it a few months before King and I got married.”

  Rachel directed Rider and Train where to put the couch. Not looking at Cash, who was holding the other end of the bed’s headboard, she directed Nickel to put it against the back wall. Razer and Viper were busy trying to maneuver the washer through the store.

  Rachel kept herself busy, directing the men as the household of furniture was all placed at the back of the store. She ignored Cash as best she could, making small talk with Evie while the men finished and left the store.

  “Pastor Merrick will appreciate the donation.”

  Evie’s expression went curiously blank.

  Rachel hadn’t pried Lily for information on why Evie no longer attended church, but she couldn’t help asking for herself. “Why did you switch churches, Evie?”

  “I don’t exactly get along with his wife.”

  Rachel didn’t care for Brooke Merrick, either. If she hadn’t attended the church since she was a little girl, she would have left, too. Truthfully, Rachel didn’t see Brooke staying long-term in Treepoint; she snubbed her nose at most of the women in the congregation. Rachel had never met a minister’s wife so totally unsuited for her husband’s profession.

  “That’s it,” Viper declared.

  “Next Friday, we’re having a birthday party for Mrs. Langley if any of your club wants to attend,” Rachel invited.

  Her brothers hadn’t been happy about her intention to invite The Last Riders, but they helped the woman out whenever she needed them, and she had a close relationship to Beth, Razer, and Lily. There was no way out of inviting them other than outright snubbing them, and she wasn’t going to do that.

  “We’ll be there,” Viper agreed, moving off with his men.

  “I hope you and your husband can attend,” Rachel teased Evie. “If I couldn’t have King, it’s nice to see both of you so happy.”

  “You’re lucky I’m not the jealous type, or I would whip your ass for that.”

  “I think I’m the last woman in Treepoint you have to worry about stealing King from you.” Rachel’s cheerful voice sounded fake to her own ears. Her simple dress was no comparison to the tight jeans and blouse Evie was wearing.

  “I don’t know about that. King still talks about your shooting. He asked me if I wanted to get a conceal-and-carry permit. I have no desire to shoot or carry a gun around with me.”

  “You might change your mind. I think several women in town won’t mind he has a wedding ring,” Rachel quipped.

  Evie laughed. “It might be a good thing Penni sent my gun back .”

  “Ready, Evie?” Viper held the door open.

  “Coming. See you Friday.”

  “Bye.” Rachel watched them leave; glad she had avoided talking to Cash. She wondered how long it was going to take her to get over being embarrassed whenever she saw him. For once, she wished she could use her powers on herself.

  Rachel straightened the things Evie had brought in, trying to organize the heavy furniture as best as she could. She didn’t want Lily trying to pull and tug it.

  She helped several customers find things they needed before she was able to close for the day. Locking the door, she turned to her car to see Cash leaning against the door.

  “What do you want, Cash?”

  “I wanted to talk to you to set things straight.” Cash ran his hand through his hair, clearly uncomfortable. “Rachel, I don’t want you feeling awkward around me.”

  “I don’t feel anything about you at all.” Rachel clutched her purse in a tight fist, belying her words.

  Cash’s jaw tautened.

  “Now, if you don’t mind moving your ass away from my car, I need to get home and fix dinner.”

  “Your brothers need to learn to fix their own dinner instead of having you do everything for them.”

  Rachel wasn’t about to let Cash badmouth her brothers. “When was the last time you cooked your own dinner, Cash? Washed your own clothes? Or better yet, when was the last time you worked? As far as I can see, you spend more time being an errand boy for The Last Riders than making an honest living.”

  “What do the Porters know about making an honest living? Your brothers sell weed and you con people out of money, selling fake medicine and hope.”

  Rachel’s head jerked back at his insults. “I’ve never made promises to any of my clients, and no one has ever been left unsatisfied.”

  “I can vouch for that,” Cash said crudely.

  Rachel’s face blanched. “Move.”

  “Rachel…” Regret showed in his eyes as he stepped away from her car, his hand reaching out to touch her arm.

  “Go to Hell.” Rachel climbed into her car, slamming the door closed.

  Tears escaped as she drove home because she was so angry. She was furious at herself, then at Cash.

  By the time she pulled up in front of her home, she had gotten herself back under control.

  Surely in a few weeks it would quit hurting so badly. It had to become easier, didn’t it? She had only had sex with him the one time. How long was it going to take to forget the feel of his body against hers, to stop wanting him? It was something he had no problem forgetting or moving on from. Rachel was sure he had been with more than Cheryl with a whole clubhouse to choose from.r />
  Cash was totally wrong for her, but the moment he had touched her, it had seemed so right.

  * * *

  Rachel discovered a therapy for getting Cash off her mind—work. She started her days even earlier, going out into the woods in order to search for new herbs and locations for Ginseng roots. She booked patients every day, further draining herself to the point her eyes became bruised-looking, and she had to wear concealer to hide her tiredness from everyone.

  After she worked in the church store for the afternoons, she would come home and change. Once there, she’d head to her greenhouse where she managed to find peace until she went to bed, only to stare at her ceiling, and toss and turn throughout the night until she got up early and started the whole thing again.

  On Thursday, she went grocery shopping for Mrs. Langley’s birthday party, going up each row to avoid forgetting anything and having to return. She had dropped Holly off at Mrs. Langley’s house to begin decorating so all they would have to do the next day was prepare the food.

  Rachel went down the frozen food aisle and was reaching in for pastries when Bliss and Jewell came around the corner, pushing a buggy. Train and Cash were following along behind them as they shopped. She couldn’t catch a freaking break.

  As they passed, she was determined to act normally this time.

  “Hi, everyone.” Rachel smiled at each of them, including Cash.

  “Hi, Rachel,” Bliss greeted. “Shopping for the party tomorrow night?”

  “Yes. I promised Logan I would make his favorite fruit tarts. I told Lily and Evie everyone is invited.”

  “We wouldn’t miss it. We’re always up for a party. It gives us a night off from cooking,” Jewell joked.

  “Good, I’m glad you’re coming. See you tomorrow.” Rachel waved casually as she pushed her buggy away. She saw Cash look at her, and she didn’t try to avoid his gaze.

  “Bye, Cash, Train.”

  She let out a small whoosh of breath as she checked out; relieved she had come through with flying colors. She heard them playing around as she paid but didn’t look again.

  She was rushing through putting her groceries in the trunk when she heard, “Need any help?”

  Rachel jumped; she hadn’t even heard him come up behind her.


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