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Shared (Billionaire's Blood Slave 4)

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by Rosa Steel


  The Billionaire’s Blood Slave 4


  Copyright 2012 by Rosa Steel

  Smashwords Edition


  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews. This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.


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  She squeezed her thighs, clenched, but nothing gave her any relief.

  Alice whimpered around her gag, licking at the bit compulsively and wishing it was her master’s cock. How long has it been? Hours?

  She was sweat streaked and exhausted, mewling helplessly. Her asshole clamped down on a thick rubber plug, her aching cunt was soaked, pierced by something cold and hard and immense. Both were held deep inside her by soft leather straps that ran between her thighs, parting the swollen lips of her sex.

  Her hands were tied harshly behind her so she couldn’t relieve herself. They strained behind her back against her leather cuffs, twitching against the achingly tight bonds. After standing still so long her thighs were cramping so badly that her slender legs actually trembled.

  Please let him come back soon… she felt like crying, wracked by the force of her bondage. Her Master had left her here so long ago now with no explanation. Just a curt ‘stay’, then he was gone. Alice the slave was more loyal than a dog, but even she was close to disintegrating now.

  The pain was bad, but worse was the liquid tingle of her sex- the warm flush in her belly that was totally inescapable. Her mind was a tangle of sweaty fantasy, and every thought lead back to her eager cunt and the thing inside her. At that point she would have accepted any form of release, even a whipping. In fact, even the thought of Knight’s crop snapping against her treacherous slit had her moaning and sucking at the rubber bit between her teeth.

  Though she knew her Master would punish her, Alice couldn’t help squeezing the thing trapped in her pussy. It felt like glass, smooth and cool, and had absolutely no tenderness to it. Her muscles contracted desperately around it, but that little stimulation was just making things worse. She would never be able to come this way but she was getting painfully aroused by try. Her exposed clit stood up, pert and swollen, cooled by the empty air.

  She couldn’t take it any more. Without thinking, Alice let herself slide towards an antique armchair standing close by. The shuffling little steps massaged the rods deeper into her body, sending agonising tremors up her spine. This furniture was too good for her, and she had to squeeze her eyes shut before she reached it. If Knight found out her punishment would be terrible. When the soft cushioning and gilt wood ground against her thigh she bit down in surprise on her gag. Slowly, terrified, she twisted so the wooden arm of the chair slid between her damp thighs, bumped against the hard toys in both her holes. It was all she could do not to moan – at least she was gagged.

  Alice rocked, squirming and letting the prods sink deeper, her body humming with arousal. After a minute of grinding the glossy wood was slick with her juices and her body trembled. Deep pangs of pleasure rushed through her with each tiny grind…

  Behind her, someone laughed, harsh and loud.

  “You’ve turned into such a slut, slave girl,” came a raw voice behind her. It wasn’t Knight.

  Alice froze, panicked, her cunt throbbing with need. Oh god… She let out a muffled whimper through her gag.

  When he paced around her, grinning with wolfish pleasure she saw him – dark hair, exotic features. It was Victor, one of the two vampires that had helped capture her. His eyes ran contemptuously over her body as he circled her.

  Slowly he ran a hand through his short-cropped black hair, smoothed it back.

  “I’ve seen bitches in heat with better self-control. Down, doggy, that’s not for you.”

  Trembling in fear, Alice slid to the floor and crushed herself as low as possible, her bare breasts grinding into the carpet. She tried not to look him in the eye. Knight’s red ribbon felt glorious around her throat at that moment – Victor couldn’t hurt her no matter how he might want to. She hoped.

  “You’re lucky I’m not your Master.” He muttered, stalking around her.

  Where is my Master? She wondered desperately. Being exposed like this in front of Victor was horrible, worse than even the punishment her Master would give her. . This creature had once used her body while she was barely conscious, drugged out of her mind. Still, she needed to obey the other vampire – Knight would want her to.

  She flinched as the vampire’s hand brushed cold over her bare back. It slid further, sinking down the channel of her spine until the plush cleft of her ass. She squeezed her eyes shut, shaking, mewling into her gag. His fingertips snared the plug in her ass, twisted it so viciously that she cried out, clenching her cheeks. Some instinct made her crush herself lower, as if the ground could protect her.

  Victor grinned cruelly. “If you were mine I’d whip you bloody.”

  His fingers dug into her back as he slid them under her harness, then he yanked her up to her hands and knees. He dropped a heavy leather piece around her neck from behind. It cinched tight with a couple of buckles. They pricked cold against her skin. Collared? She wondered. Knight had never done this before, despite binding her in every other way. The collar was thicker than a dog collar, covering most of her slender throat in stiff leather and crushing the delicate ribbon to her skin. She could only barely turn her head. Something snapped closed at the back of her neck, with a metallic click. Instinctively she knew she’d been leashed.

  Vic leaned down, laughing, to take in her fear. His hand slid under her body, cupped the lush curve of her breast. She flinched, trying desperately not to meet his eyes.

  He only smirked. His fingers found her nipple, grazed it tenderly and then pinched. She squealed. Grinning he stood again, snapping on the leash.

  “We’ve got a party to go to.”

  Party? Alice didn’t have time to be confused before Vic yanked on the leash, so hard that she almost fell forward. She moved to stand and follow him, but he only growled at her, crushed her back down easily with one hand on her shoulder.

  In a single quick motion he loosed her arms, and she fell weakly on all fours.

  “Heel,” he laughed, sneering at her humiliation.

  Then he yanked again, and she understood she was meant to crawl. Vic pulled her along like that, forcing her to scamper behind him. Her shoulders shot splinters of pain through her at the change in position, but by now she was getting used to pain and she only whimpered slightly.

  His pace was fast enough that she had to trot at his heel, cheeks burning. She tried not to look but she could feel Vic’s eyes on her swaying ass. She could feel her exposed, split open slit peeking out from between her pumping thighs with each stride.

  Lush carpet gave way to marble and her knees started to ache.

  Why would my Master let him do this?
Alice wondered miserably, staring at the floor ahead through the sheen of tears. She’d thought she’d found a bottom to Knight’s cruelty, but she could see now there was a long way down yet.


  There was a party in the greenhouse. She heard it long before she saw it. They were going through the glass tunnel with the snow banked up outside. Crawling was hard work. She was panting in exhaustion at Victor’s heel when he chuckled, snapping on the leash gleefully.

  “See that?” He murmured, reaching down to grip her collar, bending her neck up.

  Silhouetted against the gold-clouded glass, shapes moved. Tall, dark shapes. Floating through the air came the particular sound of high-society party; soft laughter and clink of glass.

  “You’re going to learn what it really means to be a blood slave now.” Victor was grinning so wide that his fangs gleamed in the dim light. Alice mewled a little in sudden fear, tugging back against her collar. He ignored her, holding her still with easy strength. “No more nice safe playtime licking Master’s cock.”

  “He says tell you something. Ridiculous to talk to slaves if you ask me, but who am I to argue?” Victor looked a lot like he did want to argue. His hand clamped tighter over the back of her neck. He shoved her head slowly down, eyes blazing. Finally her face crushed up against cold tile, hard enough that she whimpered. “He says that anything he makes you do in there is for a good reason.”

  Is that it? She knew better than to ask and only looked up at him helplessly, eyes wide.

  Victor grunted, releasing the back of her neck only to snap hard on the leash, yanking her along at his heel. Golden light drenched her.

  Vampires. She knew immediately when she saw them - a room of people as perfect and unflinching as marble statues. There were males and females but the categories seemed almost meaningless. Their eyes were cold and distant as stars, and all of them wore clothes so crisp and expensive and impossibly clean that they didn’t look real. Against a backdrop of lush orchids they were deathly pale. A woman in a satin gown caught site of her and laughed lightly, touched the shoulder of the man next to her.

  The air prickled. Alice suddenly felt all their eyes on her shamefully bare body like the flutter of moth wings. Her impaled holes clenched around the toys, as if she could hide them. Victor dragged her crawling in, laughing at someone’s shouted greeting. Mostly, though, the room was deadly quite. They watched her with an unabashed intensity, like hawks watching a rabbit cross a field. Between the harness, the toys in her holes and the degrading position she felt more naked than she ever had in her life.

  She only realised she’d crept closer to Vic’s leg when he kicked her away.

  “Got her for you,” Victor called.

  Alice looked ahead to see her Master, deep in conversation, draped over an antique chaise longue. She felt a brief second of relief – surely he’d protect her? Her tongue played eagerly over the bit between her teeth.

  But something was wrong, he didn’t even look up. Knight waved them over, never for a second dropping his conversation with the man opposite.

  Before she’d dragged slowly behind Victor, but now Alice found herself racing ahead of him. She even tugged eagerly at the end of the leash, forgetting her shame in her desire to closer to Knight. As soon as she got close enough she dropped down next to her Master’s feet, folding over in desperate supplication. Please get me out of here. She begged silently, licking at her gag. He didn’t look at her. Slowly he unfolded his long legs, stretching as languid a panther. One hand rested on her head, stroked absently. Victor relinquished the leash to Knight before drifting away into the crowd.

  The vampire talking to Alice’s Master laughed loudly, and for the first time she looked carefully at him. He was taller and more broadly built than her Master. He had what might have been called a farmer’s build if he wasn’t so plainly supernatural – it was a strange combination. His face was built broadly too, heavy and thuggish like he’d been carved out of brick. High, Slavic cheekbones set off a blunt, hard brow. She’d never seen a vampire with facial hair before, but rough blonde stubble clung to his angular jaw.

  There was a wiry tension in the way he sprawled over the chair. Alice thought that, like a bear, he only superficially appeared to be relaxed. If something small and weak wandered past he could spring up and crush it in a second.

  The stranger’s fixed ice-blue eyes on her, letting his gaze roam with degrading slowness over her exposed flesh.

  Finally he looked up quizzically at Knight. “So this is distracting slave, who keeps you away from friends? Nice enough.” His voice was thickly accented. Russian, Alice thought. He scratched his chin, his stubble rasping. “I thought maybe she would be more beautiful?”

  Alice flushed, ducking her head and sinking lower on the cool marble. Her master grunted.

  “Please, Ivor, ’distracting’ still isn’t the right word.” Knight kicked his feet up. “I’m only weary of all the bullshit, so I remove myself.” His fingers toyed with the leather leash, sending little shivers down it into Alice’s collar. His expression was completely unreadable, but she thought something wasn’t right here. He’d left her bound and alone for hours, and now he was more cold and distant than ever.

  Knight’s hand stroked her head, in a way that might have been soothing if she wasn’t so terrified. Her whole body felt shamefully hot, her skin prickling.

  “Speaking of petty,” Knight continued, “Victor is still a little weasel. When are you going to take him back and send me a real ambassador?”

  Ivor laughed. “When you are talking to ambassadors then I give ambassador.” His voice was casual, but those hard blue eyes never left Alice’s body. If Knight had been trying to distract him then it hadn’t worked at all. The big stranger smacked his thigh.

  “Here, slave,” he growled.

  Terror struck her, at the same time as her natural urge to obey. She hesitated, glanced up at her Master. Knight didn’t respond, in fact he barely even moved. Through her collar she felt him tensing, the leash growing tighter.

  “Go on.” Her Master said at last, nudging her forward with his foot. Reluctantly she crawled forward, as he unclipped the leash from the back of her neck.

  “How can you live like this, Knight? Only one slave and she is so disobedient.” Ivor laughed as Alice crept towards him. “In the old days you would have waiting one slave for each of my men.” When she reached him his hand closed on the back of her neck. In one smooth motion he scooped Alice up off the floor, with her yelping, biting down on the gag.

  Knight’ voice was cold, forced pleasantness. “I’m afraid you’ll have to make do. I don’t keep any others.”

  Ivor grunted. His rough hand slid down between her legs and parted them. Soon she was straddling one of his broad thighs with her crotch pressed against his leg. She couldn’t help moaning as the prods inside her ground deeper.

  She flinched as his rough hands ran down her back, caressed the curve of her ass. His skin was hot as blood. The hard muscle beneath her flexed deliciously, and to her horror she felt the liquid evidence of her arousal soaking into the leg of his pants. He started bouncing her up and down, shooting pulses of pleasure through her.

  “She is still shy?” Ivor traced a fingertip along the hot skin of her cheek, smooth loose hair back under the strap of her gag. “I see maybe why you like this girl.”

  “Do what you want, but no blood.” Knight settled back, eyes half closed.

  “Also the others?”

  “Fine. But let’s not hear any more about my poor hospitality.”

  The others? Alice whined in fear. If they can’t have blood, what will they want? She stared at her Master with wild desperation, but he seemed not to even notice. Ivor grinned. The big vampire’s heel thumped the ground, jolting her up and down on his thigh. Alice realised with a sudden, sickening clarity she’d just been given to this pack of monsters to use, and her Master would just sit there and watch.

  The air was so thick and damp that
sweat was already coursing down the groove of her spine, slicking the gap between her butt-cheeks. Each jolt smashed through her like thunder. Ivor’s hand snatched roughly at her breast, tugged at her risen nipple until she squealed.

  Knight was watching with some unreadable mix of emotions. The muscle in his jaw tensed.

  Suddenly Ivor shoved her down hard, forcing her between his legs on her knees. The gag was yanked out of her mouth so fast that she coughed. Almost immediately she missed the comforting weight on her tongue. Ivor’s cock surged into her mouth before she’d even seen it, smacked against the back of her throat. He thrust, growling with each vicious stroke. His cock was as thick as the rest of him, filling her cheeks and tugging at the corners of her mouth. Reflexively Alice tried to turn away, gasping for air, but his fingers slid under her collar and yanked her back.

  He pounded her mouth with a heavy rhythm, crushing her tongue down and surging down her throat. Tears started in her eyes as she tried not to gag. Her whole body flinched, even as her treacherous slit gripped down on the glass toy.

  If this was her Master she would have tried to please him, but there was no chance with Ivor fucking her mouth this hard. Her invaded cunt and ass clamped down with each thrust, sending sweet shivers up through her belly.

  “Lick more,” Ivor groaned, pressing her face down into his crotch.

  She let out little muffled moans and squeezed her eyes shut. Something about this total violation was stoking her body to a furnace heat, even with the horror of it. When Knight used her it wasn’t like that. When she looked up at Ivor, mouth full of his cock, she saw absolutely no sympathy in his face. She was an object to him.

  The other vampires were staring openly, talking, with smirks on their flushed lips. She could barely hear the conversations over the pounding of her heart.

  “You also,” Ivor said over her head, to someone behind her.

  As the first rich drops pre coated her tongue Alice caught sight of something out of the corner of her eye. Someone laughed behind her.


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