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This Is Our Legend

Page 5

by Jamie Gandy

  I look towards the FoxGuard land and slowly nod. “Of course, he would, and I am glad he was able to protect you.” I look back at Catherine. “I should get you back to the Castle.”

  “No, we need to save Kage and your brother!”

  “That is out of the question, I am not putting you back in harm's way!” I do not intend to sound harsh, but my voice is obviously a good deal firmer than I mean it to. Instantly I have to correct myself and exhale an exhausted sigh. “Lady Catherine, your safety is more important to the Kingdom than my brother. My duty now is to return you to TigersKeep.” The Unicorn nudges the back of my shoulder affectionately.

  “What about Kage? Is my life more important to you than his too?” she challenges me. Her light yellow-green gaze glares into my eyes with such ferocity I am actually rather intrigued by her courage. I hold out my hand for her to allow me to help her mount the Unicorn. “I am not going with you without my cousin!”

  “Does it matter? I will not chase after those bandits with you, especially after my brother put so much effort in saving you.” The fire in her eyes makes my heart flare in response. I keep my palm held out to her. After a few moments in silence I sigh. “Lady Catherine, please allow me to keep you safe.” I bow my head to her. “If you are safe it will make whatever happens to my brother at least a little easier to stomach.” I do not lift my tiger-amber eyes until I feel her hand rest on top of mine. I easily help her onto the back of the Unicorn before I mount right in front of her. “Thank you.”

  I feel her arms wrap around my waist to keep her seat as the magical mare whirls around and gallups off back the way we had just come from, towards TigersKeep.

  “I am sorry for being so harsh,” I apologize.

  “I should thank you for wanting to protect my life…” she mutters under her breath.

  “I know you are upset and trust me when I say that going back to TigersKeep is not what I want to do. My brother’s life is everything to me, but I know he would want me to keep you, and Her Highness, safe above his own life.” Her arms tighten around me, sending a comforting warmth throughout my body.

  “I am sorry… it is my fault you have to be the one to protect me.” I feel her bare her face into my back. “Is Esther okay? Did she make it back to Gideon?”

  “Yes, she is headed back to TigersKeep with him as we speak,” I reassure her. For several long minutes the only sound is the steady clomping of the Unicorn’s hooves against the ground as she gallops. When she finally speaks again her tone is not as broken.

  “How did you get her to let you ride her?” she softly inquires. She still does not sound like the confident, strong Ladies Maid she was earlier today.

  “She wanted me to ride her,” I answer. “The Peryton said she wanted to help me.”

  Instantly her head jerks up off my back. “Wait, you saw the Peryton?” she gaspes.

  “Yeah, I did. He was as incredible as I always imagined too.” For a moment a smile rises along my lips.

  “So unfair,” Catherine pouts. “I have always wanted to see the Peryton.”

  “So have I.”

  “Does she have a name?” I know she asks merely to keep her mind off all of the bad things going on right now, but it certainly makes me wonder.

  I stare down at the long flowing mane of the Unicorn and consider her question for a few heartbeats before shaking my head. “I have no idea.”

  “We should at least give her a name, something to call her by for as long as she is with us. Addressing her as a Unicorn will get old fast,” she remarks.

  “How is calling her Unicorn any different than calling the Peryton as Peryton?”

  “That would eventually get pretty annoying.” Catherine goes quiet for a couple of moments before she continues. “How about we call her Ziv, at least while she is with us?”

  “Ziv? What made you think of that name?” I question her.

  “Ziv means, Radiance of God. It seems fitting for a creature as glorious as she is.” Her arms finally loosen around my waist as she leans back just a little to put an inch of space between us. “Do you like it?”

  “Yes, I like it a lot.” I pat the long neck of the Unicorn. “How about you, do you mind us calling you by Ziv?” I see her ears twitch the slightest bit towards me in answer. “I guess that is your way of approving?”

  Due to Ziv’s remarkable speed it is not long before we can see TigersKeep appear in the distance. ‘What if we cannot make it in time? Even with Sir Adir and the other Knights, what if it is not going to be enough to save the Prince and Hector? What if…’

  “Are you scared, Sebastian?” Catherine’s voice shakes me from my thoughts.

  I slowly nod. “Yes, more scared than I have ever been. Hector is my best friend, if… if we are not able to save him… if they kill him…” my fingers grip on the mane subconsciously tightens. “I have no idea how I will ever be able to survive that pain, especially so soon after my mother died….”

  Again, her forehead presses to the center of my back as her arms squeeze me. “I am sorry….”

  “We just have to save them….” Ziv comes to a halt in front of the large gate of the Castle. I wave to the guards stationed at the top of the walls and after a few moments the gates open far enough for us to enter. I dip my head in gratitude as we trot pass. It does not take long before we see the Knights on horseback gathered around the stables, Sir Adir and Gideon among the front of the men.

  “Lady Catherine!” Gideon exclaims once we reach them. “Are you okay?”

  “I am okay,” she answers. “Is Princess Esther here?”

  “She is in her chambers, worried sick about you,” he answers.

  Adir nudges his large seal brown stallion forward until he is standing side by side with Ziv. He rests a gentle hand on the top of Catherine’s head and softly smiles down at her. “Praise the Creator that you have returned safely to us, Lady Catherine,” his words are so affectionate and kind that it takes me by surprise.

  “Thank you, Sir Adir.” I hear the sob in her voice as she speaks.

  “Do not worry, we will bring the Prince home safe. For now, go to the Princess and wait for us to return.” His horse walks forward to return to the Knights.

  “Sir Adir,” I call after him. When he turns in his saddle to look at me, I continue with a bowed head. “Please allow me to join you.”

  “It might be better if you remain here and rest. You did an amazing job bringing Lady Catherine home, thank you for keeping her safe.” His smile is genuine.

  “I cannot rest, Sir, I need to take part in saving my brother. He is out there with the Prince, in danger. I cannot stand idly by and do nothing. So please, allow me to join your Knights.”

  “Very well.”

  I lift my head to catch the gaze of the Head Knight of TigersKeep. “Thank you, Sir Adir.”

  He simply nods his head to me before he nudges his horse forward again to lead the other men towards the gates.

  “He is the most amazing person,” Catherine comments admiringly.

  “I am starting to see that,” I agree. I lean to the side a little to offer her my arm to use as leverage to dismount. She grabs my forearm and slides her legs over Ziv, but even though her feet reach the ground she does not let me go. She takes my hand and squeezes it as her beautiful yellow-green eyes lock on me. ‘She really is so beautiful,’ I think to myself.

  “I am trusting you to bring my cousin back, along with your brother.” She bows her head and softly presses her lips to the back of my gloved hand. “You come back safely too.”

  I stare down at her in shock for a few moments before finally allowing a small smile to reassure her. “I will do everything I can to make sure that happens. Thank you, Lady Catherine.” Her eyes lift to meet mine once more before she turns away. I hear a snickering noise from Ziv. “Oh, shut up,” I scold the Unicorn. When I finally look away from Catherine, I see Gideon patiently sitting on top of Canicus, waiting for me. Ziv trots up to him as he stretches out
his hand with a uniquely shaped sheathed sword. I slowly take the weapon and unsheath it to reveal the blade. It looks like one huge perfectly curved tiger claw, attached to a flawless handle. In the center of the handle is the Royal Crest of TigersKeep. The steel in the blade looks vastly different than any sword I have ever seen before. “What is this for?”

  “It is called a Tiger-Arched Sword, it is the special sword that every Knight in TigersKeep is given. Sir Adir wanted me to make sure you were armed properly,” he explains. After a moment he adds, “The blade was crafted in such a way that it can withstand the heat of our elemental flame. Refrain from using your ability if at all possible, but if you absolutely have to, this sword will make you stronger.”

  ‘A Tiger-Arched Sword of my own?’ I sheathed the blade and attach it to the belt of my pants. “Thank you, Gideon.”

  “Let’s bring them home.” He nudges his stallion forward and together we follow after the Knights out of the Castle.

  “She must like you,” he randomly states as we reach the gates.

  I glance at him in confusion. “What makes you say that?”

  “Catherine never acts so affectionately towards me, or any other guy. What did you do to her for her to kiss your hand?”

  “I have no idea,” I admit. Once out of the Castle Adir gives his stallion all the rein he can to set off at a full gallop. Every Knight in our party, and the two of us, urge our mounts onwards, towards FoxGuard territory. ‘We are on the way, brother.’

  Chapter Ten:

  ♔ Kage Tora: ♚

  “Prince, Prince, You have to get up.”

  I blink open my eyes when I hear Hector’s voice calling to me in a hushed tone. I slowly sit up and rub the back of my head where it is throbbing in pain. “Ouch!” Removing my hand, I can see blood now covering it. “What happened to us?”

  “The bandits captured us, but the Princess and Lady Catherine were able to get away to safety,” Hector answers. “They knocked your head in pretty good.”

  I sigh with relief at the hearing of my sister and cousin’s escape. “Praise the Creator.” I start to look around the cave we are in. It looks much larger than any cave I have been in before. The entrance to it is where at least six of the bandits sit around a campfire eating and laughing like drunken idiots. “Have you been able to get a number of how many there actually are?” I quietly question my companion.

  “Aside from those six I think there are at least two or three more. It is hard to be certain.”

  I start to nod my head but instantly I stop when the pain intensifies. I shift my eyes from the entrance to the cave to the back of it. A dark tunnel opens up, from within the darkness I can feel a presence luring me, beckoning me to enter. “Looks like there is a tunnel back there,” I state.

  “I noticed… but I get a bad feeling about going that way. I heard the men talking about how they would not have to worry about us trying to escape through the back of the cave, and if we did, we would die anyway.” He wraps his arms around his legs and rests his chin against the top of his knees.

  With every word he speaks the overwhelming need to go deeper inside the cave grows stronger. As if a voice from the abyss is calling me. “I think it is our only chance out of here, if we do not take it now, we will die at the hands of those bandits. Come on, Hector.” I quietly rise to my feet and glance towards the group of men once more before nudging Hector in the shoulder. “Let’s go,” it is more of a command this time and he finally responds by standing up and following me into the shadows. “Not sure how we are going to see anything…” just as I say the words, I notice a Salamander appear from up ahead, with a small blaze of fire torching our path. He stops directly in front of me and stares up into my eyes for a moment before he turns around and walks back the way he had just come from. “I think he wants us to follow him,” I remark.

  “I have a bad feeling about this, Prince… there is something suspicious...” Hector silently protests.

  “We will be fine. Do you really want to remain with the bandits?” I question him as I follow after the reptile. I hear Hector mutter something behind me before he chooses to remain at my side. “Good choice.”

  “That is to be determined.”

  We follow the fiery Salamander so deep into the cave that I am surprised that it can actually be this gigantic. He leads us down a couple different tunnels and eventually he comes to a stone staircase leading into another chamber under the ground.

  “Prince… everything about this feels wrong. It feels like a cloud of something evil is surrounding this place.”

  Deep down I know that he is right, there is an ominous feeling of evil emanating from up ahead. However, the feeling, or the voice, calling me is far greater than the evil. I have to answer, I have to find the thing, or the one who beckons me. Conveniently the Salamander is guiding us straight to it. “Relax, Hector, we will be fine.” I know he does not believe me, but he does quiet down, thankfully.

  When we reach the bottom of the staircase a room with torch light hanging on the stone walls greets us. The Salamander stops and glances at me a second before a large being appears before us. Furious flames engulf his entire body. His eyes are a soulless orange and on top of his beastly head are two remarkably long horns. Leathered bat like wings are folded back against him, probably because there is no point in them being open underground. His red torso is like a man’s while past his thighs turns into the hind legs of a goat. A lion’s tail flicks against the ground as he stops in front of the Salamander, who turns and scurries away. I can feel Hector trembling with fear at the sight of the being, who obviously looks terrifying and ugly, and smells as awful as sulfur. “Who are you?” I challenge him.

  He laughs at my indignant tone. “I am Ifrits, guard of this cavern.” He reaches out his clawed human hands and wraps his long fingers around my throat. I know he wishes to scare me; however it is unsuccessful. I motion Hector off to stop him from attacking the beast. To my great relief he listens. “You do not fear me?”

  “Am I supposed to?” my question again makes him laugh.

  “I see why it has chosen you,” he smirks as he releases my throat and turns around to guide the way. “Keep up.”

  I feel Hector grab my arm just as I am about to take the first step to follow the Ifrits. I stop and look sideways at my companion. “What is wrong?”

  “Prince, are you blind? How can you think any of this is right? That thing is a demon, leading us down a cavern. Surrounded by an evil darkness. Prince, we have to go back!”

  “If he meant us any harm, he would have easily killed us both right now. He obviously has no intention of taking our lives,” I calmly remark.

  “Obviously?” he exhales a defeated sigh and crosses his arms over his chest. “I have no choice but to trust you, just remember for the record if anything happens and we both die, I warned you.”

  “I will remember that.” I send him a reassuring smile as I lightly pat him on the shoulder. “Bear with me a little longer, Hector.” I look at the back of the Ifrits as we both pick up our pace to walk right behind the creature. When he pushes open a massive gate that stands in our way, he motions us in first before allowing it to close behind us. Two unusually large creatures’ step toward me. One has a large thick bear’s body with three heads, a lion’s, a dragon’s and a wolf’s. His tail appears to be a large gray snake. The other creature, much larger than the first, is a three headed black dog that’s fangs are spiked like spears. Each set of eyes are glowing red and on multiple parts of his body snakes are protruding from it. His entire tail is one hissing giant black snake. Fire envelopes both beasts’ paws and mouths as they bow their heads.

  “No way!” I hear a gasp from Hector as he watches the creatures. “I have heard tales of the Chimera and Cerberus, but never in a million years did I think they actually existed…. This must be hell!” At his words both beasts gnash their fangs at my friend.

  “Not quite. It is a tomb guarded by several of us to keep huma
ns away,” the Ifrits explains.

  “If you are supposed to keep humans away, why are you guiding me deeper inside?” I question him.

  “Because you have a very unique destiny that our master is interested in aiding.”

  “Your master? Aiding me? What are you talking about?”

  “Follow me, I will show you.” Once again, he begins walking along a bridge made of bones that hovers high above a river of lava. The Chimera and Cerberus follow closely behind me, still growling at Hector.

  “I hate this.” he mutters under his breath.

  “You are fine,” I reassure him.

  “I get the feeling I am only still alive because of being with you.” He glances behind his shoulder at the two beasts. “They look like they want to rip me into shreds.”

  “I will not let that happen.” I look at the Ifrits. “Can you tell them to stop scaring my friend?”

  “No, but you can,” his simple reply confuses me.

  “Why would they listen to me?” I challenge him. Instead of responding he leads us to the other side of the lava into yet another tunnel. “How big is this place?”

  “This cavern goes all throughout your Kingdom, however there are only two ways in, the way you entered and there is another entrance near some mountains,” he exclaims.


  “He must be talking about near WolfCrest or DragonsDome, those StrongHolds are surrounded by mountains,” Hector comments.

  “Have you been to DragonsDome and WolfCrest?” I turn my attention to my friend in curiosity.

  His silence lingers for several moments before he finally answers, “Yes, I have. Although even if I have not been there myself, I have seen maps of Kallai.” He glares over his shoulder at the Chimera as the beast brushes his legs with its lion head. “Back off,” he warns.

  “He wants to eat you,” the Ifrits retorts. “If it was not for your friend we all would have killed you by now.” His eyes turn around to meet my gaze. “You might not want to leave his side, or else he might not be making it out of here with you.”


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