Willow Creek Christmas

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Willow Creek Christmas Page 18

by Graison, Lily

  Her heart nearly beat out of her chest at his words. She knew he meant her, the play of emotions on his face told her as much.

  They saw Aaron at the same time and looked his way. He was standing there staring at them, the hatchet in his hand, his chest rising and falling quickly. He'd worn himself out trying to chop down that tree.

  Noah held his hand out, Aaron handing the hatchet over without a word. The tree fell minutes later, Sophie Ann still where Aaron had told her to stand.

  The tree was tied to the end of the sled, the kids climbing back on and bundling up in the blankets. When Noah once again lifted her to his lap and started back to the house, the tension she'd felt since the day before was gone, the air around them less heavy.

  Snow still fell, blanketing the world in white, and the warmth of the cabin when they made it back home, welcomed. Noah and Aaron built a base for the tree and set it next to the window, Sophie Ann's excitement still shining in her eyes as she watched.

  They spent the rest of the evening decorating that little tree with bits of ribbon and hand drawn pictures Aaron and Sophie meticulously cut out with scissors. There wasn't much else to put on it, but they didn't seem to mind. The tree was enough. That and knowing they wouldn't miss Christmas.

  * * * *

  It took three days for Willow Creek to thaw, the snow finally melting enough to take Aaron and Sophie back to school. Noah had lived alone for a damn long time and never once went stir crazy. Until now.

  He tapped the last nail into the horseshoe and lowered the horse’s leg, letting his hoof hit the ground then patted the animal on the neck. Tossing the hammer back into the box, his thoughts once again drifted back to Keri. Of that kiss he said he'd give her. A kiss he'd yet been able to have.

  They hadn't had five minutes alone since they'd chopped the tree down and dragged it back to the house, the snow making it impossible to get to school, which meant Aaron and Sophie Ann were underfoot most of the day. They raced out to play for small snatches of time but it wasn't long enough. Noah wanted more than stolen kisses when the kids' backs were turned. He wanted to be able to linger and take his time about it. And the wait was killing him.

  The horse throwing a shoe on the way home from town just prolonged his agony. Three days of her smiles, of those secret looks she gave him when she didn't think he noticed. Three days of waiting for a kiss.

  He shook his head and guided the horse to his stall, securing the gate behind him. The trip from town took nearly half an hour and he'd had time aplenty then, but kissing her in the open seemed wrong. He checked the other animals, made sure they were settled and left the barn, anticipation thrumming through his veins.

  A small fluttering sensation around his heart stopped him at the door, breathing difficult all of a sudden as a case of nerves prevented him from going inside. A dozen questions whispered across his mind just then, the loudest, asking him what he was doing, ringing inside his head. What was he doing? He sighed, ran a hand over his face and waited for an answer. One never came.

  Thoughts of Keri plagued him daily and he couldn't get her out of his head. Nor did he want to, if he were honest with himself. He'd been alone for so long, it had taken time to get used to being around people again but now he had trouble imagining life without Keri and her kids in it.

  And it scared the hell out of him.

  The pain of what Isabelle had done to him had lessened over the years but he never wanted to feel the hurt of another loss like that. He knew Keri would never turn her back on him like Isabelle had, but she would leave him. The moment her brother contacted her, she'd leave, and he'd be left with nothing again. The thought caused his chest to ache.

  But what if Peter never came?

  Believing Keri's brother would never contact her would make things less complicated. He'd be free to explore whatever it was between them without fear of her leaving. Without ever having to give her up, and if he knew nothing else, it was that he didn't want to be without her. Even if she never loved him, having her look at him as if she enjoyed him being there was enough. To see those smiles she always graced him with.

  That small fluttering in his chest grew until his heart was pounding, thoughts of keeping Keri always whispering inside his head. Would she stay with him if he asked her to? Would she stop pretending to be married to him and be a true wife instead? Did she want him enough to stay forever?

  Ask her and find out.

  Sweat broke out on his forehead. Common sense knocked the stupid notion out of his head and he took a cleansing breath and pushed the thought away. At the moment, he had more pleasant things to think about. Like that kiss he'd been waiting three long days for.

  He opened the door with one thought whispering inside his head. Regardless of what happened in the future, he'd be a fool if he didn't at least let Keri know how much he wanted her. Removing his hat and coat, he hung them on the peg by the door and looked around the room.

  Then froze, his heart skipping a beat before racing inside his chest.

  Keri was in the tub, light from the fireplace bathing her in soft shadows. She looked his way then stood, the water droplets shining on her skin sparkling as if she'd been dipped in diamonds.

  When she lifted a leg and stepped out onto the rug, every delicious inch of her was bared for him. He took in every curve, dip and dimple, the swell of each breast, her pink nipples hard and pebbled. His gaze landed on the thatch of curly blond hair at the apex of her thighs and he suddenly forgot how to breathe.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  The shocked expression on Noah's face was quickly replaced by one so full of heat and longing, Keri's hands were shaking by the time her feet hit the floor.

  She wasn't sure who moved first, him or her, but the moment he touched her, his hands cupping either side of her face, her fear of being so bold again vanished. He lowered his head, molding his mouth over hers, his tongue sliding inside in a kiss so ravenous, her knees buckled, gooseflesh dotting her arms as she leaned against him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  She'd thought for days that she'd imagined Noah's kiss much more amazing than it had been, but knew now every tingle she'd felt from nothing more than thinking about it had been earned. Noah's kiss was consuming, her thoughts scattering at the thrust and slide of his tongue licking against her own. Heat pooled between her legs, that incessant throb letting her know she was truly alive and all she could think about was him being inside of her again. Of feeling his warm flesh against her own.

  Noah let go of her face, his hands sliding down her body until he cupped both her breasts, giving them a gentle squeeze before letting go, touching her everywhere he could reach while continuing to kiss her as if he'd never get another chance to do so. He wrapped his arms around her waist, lifted her from the floor and guided her legs around his hips, then carried her to the bed.

  The blanket was cool against her back, Noah's warmth covering the front of her a shocking contrast. He pulled away from her mouth to pepper kisses along her jaw, over her collarbone to her breasts, and she arched her back when he latched onto her left nipple, his tongue flicking back and forth over the sensitive tip. She gasped at the feel of his teeth grazing her skin, the abrasive rasp of the whiskers on his face stinging her tender flesh.

  Keri raised both hands, sliding her fingers into his hair and held him to her, heat surging through her limbs as she watched him suckle her. She closed her legs around him, that throbbing ache pulsing in her center drawing quick breaths from her lungs, her need intensifying until she threw her head back and cried out his name.

  Noah let go of her breast, placed lingering kisses on the other, then kissed his way to her stomach, his tongue dipping into her navel before moving on. Her legs were trembling by the time he spread her knees wider, hot, open mouthed kisses leaving behind a trail of fire on her inner thighs.

  Then he was there, the warmth of his breath and the velvety slide of his tongue delving into the very center of her, small shocks of pleasure cou
rsing through her limbs as he licked and kissed the wet folds between her legs.

  She raised her head, looked down at him and bit her lip when she locked eyes with him. He was watching her, his tongue doing the most delicious things and she couldn't look away. Spreading her knees farther apart, she raised her hips a fraction, sighing when he reached under her, cupping her bottom, and bringing her closer to his mouth.

  Keri laid a hand to the back of his head, holding him to her. Coherent thought ceased, her senses heightened to every small touch, the gentle breeze of air blown onto her heated flesh, and the mind-numbing pleasure surging through her body. She dug her fingers into his hair, held him to her and rolled her hips, a moan so low and raw crawling up her throat she felt it to her toes, her trembling limbs shaking moments before she shattered, splintering apart from the erotic sway of his tongue between her legs until she was reformed, whole, and completely his.

  He entered her before she'd even caught her breath, her mouth opening on a silent scream, the pleasure rippling through her body sending small spasms rolling through her limbs to leave her trembling.

  She lifted her arms, wrapped them around him and held him close, seeking out his lips and sighing into his mouth when he kissed her. His hold on her tightened, his hips rocking back and forth while the hard length of him filled her until she felt consumed.

  Noah gasped, the rhythm of his hips faltering before his grip on her tightened. Keri looked up to find him staring at her. Their eyes locked, his heated gaze stealing her breath as his thrusts became harder, her stomach clenching tight as tingles rode her limbs.

  Her eyes fluttered, her breath catching. "Noah…" She gripped the material of his shirt in her hands, hooked one foot around his leg and tightened every muscle in her body.

  He hissed her name, his lips hovering above her mouth. "Look at me."

  The moment she locked eyes with him, saw his intense hunger shining down at her, she shuddered, a harsh cry spilling from her lips as she climaxed again. Waves of pleasure rode her limbs, Noah's hold on her tightening before he buried his face into her neck, his body stiffening, then jerking, their mingled cries muffled against each other's shoulders.

  Keri didn't know how long it took for her body to stop shaking, for her heart to resume a normal beat, but she'd still not let go of Noah, her arms and legs tight as she held him against her. His breath was warm against her neck, his weight solid and comforting. When he finally stirred, she mourned the loss of him even though he was still pressed intimately against her. He kissed her neck, the pressure so light it tickled the fine hairs on her skin.

  Raising up and propping his weight on his elbows, he looked down at her, some unidentifiable emotion shining in his eyes before he lowered his head and kissed her, the contact soft and sweet, his tongue teasing the tip of hers before he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth.

  Then he was gone, rolling to lie beside her. Keri stared up at the ceiling, trying to catch her breath and silently thanking him for not leaving. For staying with her, even if he was just lying by her side.

  Neither spoke for a long time, the ticking of the clock and the crack and pop of wood in the fireplace the only sounds in the room. Keri wondered what he was thinking but was too afraid to ask. Her mind was too jumbled with thoughts to form a coherent sentence anyway.

  She'd been bedded by John, and taken by Robert, more times than she could count and not once had she ever felt anything so exhilarating as what she experienced when she was with Noah. She wasn't even sure how it was possible to feel so much pleasure without it bursting from her skin. Tiny sparks were still firing in her muscles, the jolts left her feeling languid and sated.

  Noah turned his head to look at her. She could see him out of the corner of her eye and she inhaled a deep breath, readying herself for whatever it was he was about to say. She feared the worst, past experience conditioning her to expect it, so her body tensed on its own accord.

  He rolled to his side to face her and it took every ounce of courage she had to look over at him. His eyes were so clear they looked silver in the low light and her pulse leaped for no reason whatsoever.

  "What happened to me giving you a kiss once we had a bit of privacy?" He smiled, a genuine, honest to God, smile and Keri felt as if she were melting as he looked at her. "Not that this was in any way a disappointment," he said. "Quite the opposite, in fact."

  She laughed and covered her face with her hands as her cheeks heated. He shifted, his body touching her from shoulder to ankle before he kissed her neck.

  He pulled her hands from her face, amusement shining in his eyes when she looked up at him. "Seducing me is very unnecessary." He grinned again, his hand raising to cup her breast, his thumb rasping against her nipple until it hardened and ached. "I've thought of little else but bedding you since the last time you gave yourself to me."

  Heat flooded her face again. "It's been three days," she said. "I thought you'd changed your mind about that kiss you promised me. That's why…"

  He interrupted her by laughing. "I didn't forget. I just wanted more than stolen kisses when the kids' backs were turned." He leaned in, his lips sliding softly against her own. "I wanted time to enjoy you at my leisure."

  Keri sighed against his mouth as he kissed her properly, proving his point by lingering so long, her heart was racing when he pulled slightly away, nibbling on her bottom lip. "We've got hours yet before school is dismissed. Is that enough time for all the kisses you wanted?"

  "Not hardly, but it’s a start."

  She grinned, rolled toward him, and let him have all the kisses he felt like taking. Their breaths were labored, his hands roaming her flesh and a small voice in the back of Keri's mind noted that he was still wearing those gloves, his clothes still fastened and in place while she was as naked as the day she was born.

  Reaching for the top button of his shirt, she unhooked it, slid her hand inside the material to touch his skin and was startled when he grabbed her, flipped her to her back and captured her hands, holding them above her head as he rolled on top of her and settled between her legs.

  His kisses never stopped, her thoughts scattering with every wet, open mouthed touch, but she knew he was hiding something under all that fabric. His reaction to her touching him had been too quick and she was determined to find out what it was he didn't want her to see.

  * * * *

  The Christmas recital had Aaron and Sophie bouncing with excitement. They rehearsed the lines they were supposed to say repeatedly, fidgeted as she combed their hair, the ribbons she'd tried to tie into Sophie Ann's blond curls coming undone twice before she got her to hold still long enough to get them in place, and she'd run herself ragged making sure their best clothes were clean and presentable before she'd even thought about supper.

  Noah opened the door, stomping snow off his boots before coming inside. He locked eyes with her, that heated, knowing look in his gaze never failing to quicken her pulse. Aaron ran to him, his nervous energy visible from across the room. "We're going to stay for the whole thing, right, Noah? Until after we've had cake and presents?"

  Like he'd done so many times in the past week, Noah smiled, the sight never failing to take Keri's breath. He tore his eyes from her to look down at Aaron. "I said we'd stay until it was over and I meant it."

  Aaron's shoulders relaxed as a whoosh of breath left his lungs, the relief on his face evident. Keri grinned, finished tying the sash at the back of Sophie Ann's dress and stood. "Now you two don't get dirty," she said, fixing them with a hard stare as she walked to the kitchen. "I'll get us something to eat on the table as quick as I can, and then we can go."

  "Don't," Noah said, reaching out to grab her hand when she neared him.

  She stopped. "Don't what?"

  He looked as if he'd changed his mind about whatever it was he was going to say, but the uncertain look she'd seen lingering in his gaze was chased away when she squeezed his hand. He inhaled a breath, his eyes roaming her face. "I want to take you
into town for supper." He threaded his fingers between hers, his grip tightening. "I had us a table saved over at the hotel."

  Keri's eyes widened, shock at his words sending a jolt rushing through her limbs. Noah hated going into town, especially if he had to linger with the townsfolk, and him arranging for them to eat at the hotel was so out of character for him, she wondered who the man in front of her was. "Are you sure you want to do that?"

  He nodded, his thumb brushing gently against the back of her hand, the look in his eyes filled with warmth and she suddenly felt like a school girl with her first suitor, her heart started beating so fast. She'd never experienced the exhilaration of being courted, of having someone go out of their way to make her feel special. She was way past the age for such fanciful thoughts, but looking up at Noah, she imagined his quiet invitation to supper as just that. She smiled at him and tightened her hold on his hand. "I've never eaten in a restaurant before."

  Noah leaned closer to her, his gaze lingering on her lips. "Then I suggest you get your coat on so we can remedy that."

  They were bundled in their coats, Aaron and Sophie running out the door ahead of them, their excited voices sounding farther away as they ran from the house. Noah pulled her to him and left a series of lingering kisses on her mouth, his tongue teasing hers until her skin felt tight and twitchy.

  Her eyes remained closed after he pulled away, the bliss she felt causing a contented sigh to escape. Hmmm….I'll never get tired of you kissing me.

  "Well, that's good to know."

  Keri's eyes flew open, then widened. "Good Lord, did I say that out loud?"

  Noah threw his head back and laughed, the sound so joyous, Keri's embarrassment was minimal. Her face still heated enough she ducked her head but she grinned in spite of the blurted sentiment when he pulled her against him, his chuckles causing his entire body to shake.


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