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Ruthless Royals

Page 13

by Eva Hart

  But then, he responded in the most dickish way possible.

  “Wow, the rumors were true. You really do know how to work these things,” he said, grinning at me.

  I realized what it was that he meant. He meant my blowjobs. I looked at him, annoyance on my face.

  “Got anything nicer to say,” I said.

  “No, other than the rumors are true. See ya,” he said.

  He got up, giving me one last grin before he walked off, and I simply stood there, realizing he literally just used me, and he only wanted oral.

  Did Phoenix actually mean half the crap he just said?

  I didn’t even know, but the fact that he didn’t seem to really care all that much definitely made me feel terrible. I thought I mattered to him, I thought he was actually someone important to me, but in reality…he only cared about himself, and nobody else.

  It hurt me knowing this, especially since he was someone that I also thought was a friend, not just someone who I thought liked me. I thought he did this all to be playful, but now, now that I know he was just “Testing a rumor” I was nothing more than a piece of meat to him, someone whom he could go to if he wanted to be blown, and nothing more.

  I closed the door, feeling like total shit. I needed a couple of days to think about this. I didn’t know how to feel about any of this. I simply started to cry, closing my eyes and crying as I tried to figure out what to do.

  What would be the best thing here? Would it be to just leave? Or would it be to stick around? I didn’t know right now. I told my mom I needed a couple of days to figure out where my loyalties laid, but also, to figure out what the hell I was feeling.

  I felt scared, I felt nervous, and most of all, I was unsure of what to do, other than to just expect the worst, and hope for the best.

  Chapter 22

  I called my mom he next day, telling her that I needed to spend a few more days trying to get my thoughts in order. She didn’t seem all that happy about it, judging from the way that she spoke.

  “I don’t know dear, I’d prefer if you came back with me,” she said.

  I know she did. I understood why she wanted me back there. I didn’t really know why I stuck around either, and I felt like the dismissal from Phoenix still stung.

  “I don’t know mom, I just…I need a little bit of time to figure all of this out. Do you feel me?” she asked.

  “I do, I just also know that you need to do what’s right for you too, even if you don’t like it,” she said.

  I get why she didn’t want me to stay. I honestly didn’t understand why I stuck around either. Was it because I felt guilty for leaving? I didn’t know for sure, but I honestly felt like there was something holding me there something making me cling to all of this.

  “I don’t know mom, I just…I want to figure it out myself,” I said.

  “Fair enough. Well, if you’re ready to leave at any point, just call me. I’ll send you some money too, since your dad seems to be doing absolutely nothing on that end,” she said.

  Her tone was biting, and I shivered hearing it. My mom was definitely pissed. After hanging up the phone, I sighed. I didn’t know for sure what else to do anymore. But I still had to figure everything out, and of course, to recover from the issues that happened.

  I needed some time away from all of them. To my surprise, the elites didn’t bother me after I saw them the next day. I left them alone, and they left me alone. I still got teased by Tabitha and a few of the others there, but for the most part, they seemed to all give up.

  Was this the end?

  I highly fucking doubted it. It was too easy. I know that there was something that was holding them back from teasing me even more, but I had no damn clue what it was.

  For the most part, I kept to myself after everything that happened. I felt like it was better this way, and I guess that’s the way to do it. I felt a bit better. That is, until about three days later.

  I was alone in my room. My dad didn’t even bother me at this point. I was surprised, especially since he seemed to feel bad, even though deep down I didn’t want jack shit to do with him. So, when I heard the knock at the door, it surprised me to say the least. I walked over, and when I got to the peephole, I noticed it was Thorn.

  Why the heck was he here? I thought about potentially pretending I wasn’t home, but I’m sure he already heard the sounds of footsteps, the sounds of someone coming to the door, and the sound of someone hesitating to open it.

  Guess I was found out.

  I hesitantly opened the door, and to my surprise, I saw Thorn there. He looked at me with a darkened look in his eyes, and I wondered why he was here.

  “What the hell do you want?” I asked, a little annoyed that I was bothered by him of all people. I wouldn’t have been so pissed off if it was someone else, but since he was one of the elites, I had a feeling that if I didn’t comply with whatever bullshit he was pulling, I’d be in deep shit.

  “I’m here to come grab you. I need you to follow me,” he simply said.

  The way he looked at me made my body shiver. It was a darkened, eerie look, and to my surprise, I felt like he was just acting this way because he was trying to get something out of me. But then, he motioned for me to follow him, to leave my room and pursue whatever it was.

  “Is it part of the Elites? Or is this personal?” I asked. I wanted to know his reason for coming all the way over here, to grab me after everything that’s happened.

  “I’m not obligated to answer,” he simply said.

  I looked at him, my body stiffening. He seemed friendly in his words, but I could tell that there was an air of hatred, an air of possible fallout that stemmed from this, and a part of me wondered just what in the world would happen next. I felt a bit nervous, but I was intrigued.

  There was that feeling of curiosity, and there was the fact that, if I chose not to go along with him, I wouldn’t be in a good place. I’d be in deep shit otherwise. I wanted to find out the answer, especially since if I don’t, I’ll be threatened or hurt again.

  That’s what bothered me the most about these guys. There was no way for me to stand up for myself. I felt like I was at the mercy of this group, and I never would be able to break out. But I was surprised that Luca or Phoenix didn’t come grab me.

  “Why didn’t the other two come?” I asked.

  “That’s none of your business. But they asked me because they figured you had the least attachment to me,” he said.

  His voice was icy, and off-putting. For a moment, I felt a bit on edge when I heard him speak. But, I nodded, taking his words in and understanding everything. It surprised me, and I knew that, with the way everything was, it would certainly change things.

  When we got outside, he headed towards the left. I had my phone and wallet on me in case I needed to get the hell away. This was the first time in a few days I’d been out of my room, and I prayed that I’d avoid everyone I didn’t want to see.

  But we soon headed for one of the libraries. On campus, there were five of them, with three of them being used the most off. This was one of the two that wasn’t used all that much, almost abandoned in a sense. I wondered why I was brought here, that is until I was shuffled inside, and motioned to go to the left.

  “First door on the left,” he said with a quiet voice.

  Thorn was looking about, as if to make sure not a soul was following us. I mean, maybe this was something that I’d have to just face on my own. I felt fear though. For the first time in a while, I felt nervous about what might transpire next. I went into the room, and in front of me was Phoenix and Luca. They sat in the meeting room, and I looked at the way the room was.

  It was empty, abandoned, and just the two of them, and of course Thorn and I, resided in here. I felt a feeling of dread, of nervousness, and I feared what might happen from this.

  “W-what’s going on?” I asked them.

  “Oh, we’re here to discuss something with you,” Phoenix said.

guys look like you’ve been waiting for me. Why, is it really that important?” I snapped.

  “Perhaps. Have a seat, and we’ll get to business,” they said.

  I had a bad feeling about this. I looked at all of them, realizing that they haven’t broken eye contact with me since I got here. I couldn’t really do much, however, besides sit down, and figure out what the hell was going on. I then put myself in that position, looking at them, feeling nervous about all of this.

  “Alright, spill it. What the hell is going on?” I asked.

  They looked at me, each of them smiling, and I knew for a fact that this was going to change everything. What they were about to reveal was something that I had a nagging feeling about, something which made me hesitant about staying here. But I couldn’t leave no matter what I thought, no matter what I did from here, I was at the em mercy of these men, feeling the anxiety spike within me as I looked at them.

  What did they have in mind? I guess I would find out shortly after.

  Chapter 23

  As I sat there, realizing that they hadn’t moved, I noticed the looks on their face, smiling at me.

  “Well, first and foremost, I wanted to show you that we found this,” Phoenix said.

  He pulled something from underneath the table, and my eyes widened with both shock, and horror as well.

  “Wait that’s—”

  “Bingo. This is your laptop,” Luca said with a devilish smile.

  “Why do you have it?” I said.

  “Well, we’ll talk about that in a bit. We’re going to first and foremost show something to you first. We know the truth about you,” Phoenix said.

  The truth…there’s no way they could mean…that.

  I sat there, feeling my heart race as I looked at all of them.

  “What are you talking about?” I said.

  “We know the truth about who you are. We did some digging that wasn’t a part of Tabitha and Dane’s little shindig. They thought they did it correctly, when we were the only ones who actually found the dirt on you. Dane was a fucking idiot for not checking your laptop. It was pretty easy to find out the truth you know. We just had to…look around on the tapes and such here. It didn’t take that long to find it,” Luca replied.

  Wait…they couldn’t mean my…

  “Yes, it’s exactly what you think it is,” Thorn said.

  I felt my body start to grow hot with the heat. They knew about the videos.

  “You did a good job at hiding your trail there Jules. It took me a little while to dig it up,” Luca said.

  “Yeah, I almost about gave up, when Luca found them,” Phoenix said.

  Fuck, they totally found those videos, videos that were supposed to be kept in a bit of obscurity.

  “Well, what do you want from this?” I said to them.

  “Simply put, we want to watch a few of them. With you around,” Luca said.

  Oh hell no. I was about to get up, but I realized that if I left this, I wouldn’t be the talk of the school again. I wasn’t sure if the rumors had died, or if they were still going, but the thing was, if I left this area now, it would only be worse for me from here.

  I could just hear it now. the jeers and laughs from the other people who were here, and I felt my body grow clammy at the thought of this.

  “What do you want to do about this? What are you going to do about this?” I asked.

  “Simple. We are going to watch a few with us,” Luca said with a smile.

  Oh my god. This was the worst. I wanted to die, and I felt like if I didn’t get out of here soon, maybe I would. But I was at the full mercy of whatever it was that was going on here, and everything that was happening.

  I couldn’t leave, and I hated that.

  I felt like…if I did leave, things would be worse. I felt like, if I did get out of here, they would just bypass whatever it was that they were doing here, and I’d have to face the consequences.

  Which was what I didn’t want.

  I still didn’t know what to think of any of these guys. Were they friend? Or were they foe? I didn’t even know anymore, other than the fact that I was definitely under their thumb, the yoke that they had, and it made me feel a bit concerned about it all.

  “So what, you going to play it or what?” I said, trying my best not to show weakness. If I showed weakness, they’d see that as a chance to react, a chance to get whatever the hell it was that they wanted from me.

  “Course. Let’s get started then. I think we’ll begin with this one,” Phoenix said.

  I started to hear the clicking of the sounds of whatever he pushed the buttons on, and I then heard myself.

  “You want to see it all, don’t you?”

  I blushed. I felt like I was being judged at this point by all of them, and I knew that they were getting a kick out of this. I looked at Luca, who had a naughty grin on his face. Phoenix kept the smug smile that he had, and Thorn kept a very stoic look, like he was trying not to show his own vulnerability. Suddenly, I heard he sounds of my moans, how I sounded as I took the dildo inside of me.

  I remember this video. This was one of the few promo videos that I made, and I realized that they might just go through my entire library, which included the videos that I made with other people. I didn’t know what to do, and in truth, I felt helpless.

  The sounds of my moaning immediately changed the air of this room. I could see the glance that Phoenix kept giving me, and I could see the darkened look of lust and desire that Luca gave to me as well. Even though this was pure torture, at the same time, I felt a strange satisfaction knowing that this was all happening to me.

  I felt a bit embarrassed, but at the same time, the heat of arousal started to grow through me. I thought about what they were thinking right now.

  Was this a ploy to get me to fuck them? No, that wasn’t it. This was definitely something else, and I felt a bit worried about whatever it was that would happen next.

  I heard the sounds of my own orgasm flood through the room, and I heard the crying moans that I made.

  “Yes daddy, yes,” I heard myself cry out. I felt so ashamed by everything, so embarrassed, but when I looked data the three of them, I could tell that they were looking at me with a dastardly look, one that screamed they loved seeing me tortured like this.

  They totally got satisfaction out of this. I felt helpless, completely shocked by the way things were going, and I wondered just what they would do next. When that video was over, Phoenix cleared his throat, and I could tell he was trying his best to hide the utter arousal that was penetrating within this room.

  I felt on edge. I also felt like I was in the spotlight as I heard their reactions.

  The next video was the one that I did with an older boyfriend of mine. I was young and stupid, but as I heard it turned on, hearing the sounds of my body being penetrated, the moans that I had, along with the sounds of our bodies together, I could see them all looking at me. I heard my moans, the little cries that I made as they did this, and I just wanted to utterly fucking disappear.

  Was there a way to get out of this? I didn’t even know. I wanted out, and I wanted to figure out the best way to avoid more of this mere torture.

  “But…why?” I said.

  “Why not. It’s fun, right? We can continue to do this too,” I heard Luca say.

  “Can you handle it?” Phoenix said, looking at me with a smile on his face. He was getting a kick out of it.

  They then brought up more of the videos, mostly videos of me masturbating, both with my plugs, and with my fingers. I could tell which ones they were from the dialogue alone. All of this that I did on the side, all of the sex work that I started to do in the last year, everything was happening right then and there. The sounds and everything was making me embarrassed as all hell, and I could see the reactions from all of them growing, making it harder to really respond.

  For starters, I could see Phoenix biting his lip, looking at me with a smile on his face.

  I felt
mortified, and I wanted to just get up and leave, but I know that I couldn’t do that. they continued to watch the videos, and as it continued, I noticed more of their reactions, and needless to say, I felt something within me.


  I wanted this deep down. Maybe it was the product of how much they teased me and the like, but I could feel he sensual desire start to flood through my body, and everything about this made me shiver with delight. I loved the idea of this, and I knew that for the moment, I couldn’t do anything about it.

  They had been flirting with me for the last few months. I would have to be blind or naïve to not notice that. I didn’t know what to do about any of this, and I felt like all of their little advances are thus far culminating to this.

  Then there was the whole thing with Luca and myself. I mean, on the one hand, I felt like he just liked to torture me, and this was but another one of his stupid little games, but I noticed on his face something that I never saw on either of them before.

  Raw desire.

  What would they do? I mean, I could feel my own body growing hot, my body reacting to this unwanted attention. I was trapped, and a part of me tried to assess all of the options at this point, and what to do.

  The feeling of their eyes on me made me shiver with delight. There was a lot that happened, all of it adding up to well…this. I wondered what they would do, and how they would do it.

  Would they just rape me? Or would it be them trying to coerce me not sex and then going from there. I felt like I wouldn’t have much of a choice in whatever they were doing.

  They were getting more aroused, and I feared to look underneath the table, that’s for sure. If I knew what they were doing, and if I knew this would’ve happened, I would’ve never opened up the door. But I could see them enjoying this, in their own sickened way, which was what made me feel more fear, and more raw excitement as well.

  This continued on for god knows how long. I couldn’t even pay attention to what it was that they were going to do next. I just continued to hear the sounds of my own body, the words and moans that came out of my mouth, and of course, the responses that they had. They were all looking at me with looks of hunger, and all I wanted, was for it to end.


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