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Ruthless Royals

Page 15

by Eva Hart

  My face immediately burned in response. There was no way in hell this video was going to get leaked.

  Or would it?

  I looked at them as they watched, laughing as they saw the video of my dad fucking the principal there.

  “Why are you guys doing this? What does it mean?” I asked.

  “That depends Jules. If you choose not to go with us, if you choose to just up and leave, we’ll take your father down with you. We won’t just leak your precious little videos, but we’ll also discuss the matter of your father with the Board of Educators here at Kingswood,” Phoenix said.

  “No way—”

  “On the contrary, it’s totally way there Jules. See, your dad is one of the few people we’ve been trying to fire for a long time. After they tried to suspend all of us last year, we’ve had it up to here with that fucker. Plus, it’s not my fault that retarded bitch Od’s on that; I just gave her the stuff. But, if there was a chance for us to take your dad down, I’d do it in a heartbeat,” Luca said.

  The way he spoke immediately sent shivers down my spine. There was a lot of hatred there, and of course, the desire for revenge.

  “This isn’t my problem though. The issue is with me, but it’s with my father,” I said.

  “Well, we’ll offer you another choice. That depends, if you really care about your dad, maybe you’ll see things our way,” Phoenix said.

  What were they getting at? I looked at them, feeling the slight fear of the moment course through my veins.

  “What the hell do you want from me then? What will you do with this? You going to tell them that my dad fucked the principal, and get them both in trouble?” I asked.

  “Actually, it’s much worse than that,” Phoenix said.

  I looked at them, trying to figure out what to say. I mean, the board of educators here was probably a series of crusty old men who only cared about themselves, and if they could get better faculty, they would.

  “If you don’t join us, we’ll bring this straight to the board of educators, maybe even inform them of this whole affair. After all, it’s been going on for a while, correct?” Phoenix said.

  “I…I don’t know really,” I said. I mean, I know the principal and my dad were pretty close, but I didn’t know their relationship.

  “We have the answer to that,” Phoenix said with a devilish smile.

  I looked at them, feeling my heart race for but a moment. I could tell that whatever they were about to hold over my head, I felt my body tense with every word they said.

  “How do you know?” I asked. I could see the smug looks on all their faces.

  “Videos,” Thorn said.

  “What he means is, we actually got the videos from your dad himself,” Phoenix said.

  “What do you—”

  “Hacking, duh,” Thorn said.

  “Yeah. We hacked his computer. We wanted to find some dirt on both of you, and well, we discovered those. But, here’s the thing, she’s actually married too. They’ve been separated, but he was definitely having an affair with her, and she with him. I mean, I guess two turds are made for each other then,” Phoenix said with a laugh.

  I felt my hands grip in response to him.

  “Don’t insult my father like that,” I said.

  “Or what? You gonna complain to mommy and daddy? Well Jules, your dad is in some serious shit if you don’t make a choice, and if you decide to go to your mom, we’ll release his videos, and your videos too. Both of you will be the talk of the school, and your father will lose his job,” Phoenix said.

  I felt my body start to burn hearing those words. I didn’t want my dad to lose his job, nor did I want him to have to fall in to the trap of the elite’s bribes.

  “I don’t want my dad involved in any of this. I’ve been trying to keep the bullying mostly to this, but I also don’t want him to worry about me. He’s got a lot going on already,” I told him.

  “Oh don’t worry Jules. We’ll make sure it’s between us. In fact, we will keep it away from Dane and Tabitha too, and we don’t woven use you for our little games with them either. If you choose to stay here, to be a part of the elites, then you’ll be rewarded,” Phoenix said.

  “But why me? I mean, isn’t Tabitha a better person for the elites?” I asked.

  “She doesn’t have what we need. We’d rather not get directly involved with her. She is nothing more than some dumb whore who we keep around for a little bit of fun and games,” Phoenix said.

  “Yeah, I mean she does have good pussy, but that’s about it,” Luca said snidely.

  They all laughed, and I grimaced at the words that were uttered. I mean, I didn’t see others like that, but these elites didn’t give a flying fuck about anyone but themselves. It made me frustrated, but I listened to them.

  “So you want me to be a part of it?”

  “Well, it all depends. This is actually your dad’s computer, and you should figure out whether or not you want to take it,” Phoenix said.

  I listened to them. I mean, this was their ace in the hole, right? But then, Luca said something that made me tense up, and when the words were uttered, I started to shudder.

  “And, you should also know Jules that if you fail to make a decision to stay here, if you fail to follow what we say, we’ll have your father arrested too,” he said smugly.

  I immediately realized their game. They wouldn’t stop until I agreed! I realized that…that this wasn’t going to be good at all. This wasn’t good at all. I looked at all of them with anger on my face, and with hatred in my eyes.

  “You kidding me?” I asked.

  “No Jules. We aren’t. now make a fucking choice. Either you follow what we say, or we’ll leak everything. Your father had sex with the principal, and they’ve kept a secret relationship despite knowing how taboo it is. If word gets out…you’ll have a dad in jail. It’s a violation of school rules, and an abuse of power. Minimally, he will be fired, but since Kingswood is one of the most elite schools in the area, he’ll be arrested for this,” Phoenix said.

  I felt at the mercy of their words. I realized that they were going to hold me in this position, that they would force me to make a decision, one way or another. As I looked at them, I could tell that they were satisfied with this, but at the same time, I could see they were waiting for my answer too. Which way would I go?

  Would I cover for my dad, a man who betrayed me and did nothing for me? Who had sex with a teacher and only focused on his own personal gain? Or would I do something for myself for once, make my own choice, and not cover for my dad? I realized as I looked at all of them, my future here at Kingswood, my future with the elites here, and everything would change because of this, and I knew that, even if things got worse from here on out, I would need to make a choice. I wondered what they would do to me, if anything at all, and a part of me felt anxious to find out.

  Things were changing here at Kingswood, and what they offered me here was blackmail for sure, but it also would determine my future with all of these guys, and my place here on the social totem pole.

  Chapter 27

  I knew I had to make the decision. I could either sell out my dad, who doesn’t give a flying fuck about me, or just ignore it, and see the fallout happen. I had to make a decision, and the way they looked at me screamed that time was running out.

  I could either stay with them, take whatever they would throw at me, and save my dad’s butt, or ignore it. I wanted to follow the latter, especially with how hurt I was, but the truth was, I felt a strange attraction.

  My dad was attracted to the principal, and while it might be wrong according to some, he didn’t actually do anything terrible. I mean, he was still doing his job, and the fact that he could be put in the slammer for this pissed me the hell off. I didn’t like that, it was unjust.

  But I was still hurt by the way my dad seemed to not give a flying fuck about my own life, like he found satisfaction in doing his own thing, not caring about the trouble that he put hi
s own flesh and blood through.

  I mean, if I left, I could just ignore it, but there was something in my heart, something holding me back from actually doing this.

  I sighed, looking at the Elites. They all looked at me with eyes of expectancy, looking at me as if I was about to give them every detail that they wanted.

  “So I want to know guys: will you keep your end of the bargain?” I asked.

  “You mean protecting your dad? Of course. We are the Elites, not Tabitha and Dane, who will hurt you when your guard is down,” Phoenix said, a little bit of annoyance on his face from the words that I uttered.

  “Alright. Well, I guess I can say I’ve made my decision. You all make a hard bargain honestly. I wanted to leave, but…I can’t do that to my dad,” I said.

  I didn’t like how he treated me. I mean, I was just trying to keep my head up, and not fall into the trap of the Elites. But here I was, taking bribes from these fuckers like it was nothing.

  “I see. So you’re joining us?”

  “Yeah. I’m doing this because of my dad. I do want to stay at the school here too. I like it here and I think I’ll miss it,” I said.

  “I see. You need to prove to us that you’re sticking around then,” Phoenix muttered.

  How was I supposed to do that? wouldn’t they believe me if I just said this to them? I then looked in my hands. My phone.

  “You don’t mean?”

  “It’s exactly what we mean. Call her up, tell her the truth, and from there, we’ll put all this behind us. Once you’ve told your mom everything, we’ll then initiate you. And of course, you can take the computer back too. This is your dad’s after all,” Luca said. He pushed the computer towards me, but not close enough that I can just snatch it and get away.

  All of the harassing, the bullying, the trouble I went through was culminating this. Would I get treated differently? Or would this be just another step in the direction that I didn’t want to go? I mean, if it helped offset the bullying, I guess I would do it. I called my mom up, waiting a couple of moments before I heard her voice.

  “Hey mom,” I said.

  “Hey dear. Are you coming home tonight?” Alice asked.

  “No mom. I will not be coming home tonight,” I told her.

  There was silence, and after a moment, my mother spoke.

  “Why is that dear?” she inquired.

  “Because I’m…I’m going to stay here for a little while. I’m sorry mom,” I said.

  I did feel bad, a small feeling of regret coursing through my body. But then, I heard a sound, a sigh of sorts, and then, I heard my mom speak.

  “I see. I guess your dad convinced you to stick around then,” she said.

  “I mean, believe what you want mom, I’ll be here for a bit. I’ll call you in a little while,” I said.

  My mom would just leave me at home to my own devices if I stuck around anyways. The phone clicked off, and I realized she hung up on me. I realized from this as well, that my dad hadn’t bothered to contact me either.

  The truth was, I was still betrayed by my own father. But I wouldn’t let him lose everything because of a couple of actions he took. He’s an adult, and although he wasn’t the most responsible person out there, I didn’t want my dad to go down a pathway that he didn’t want to go down.

  “There, I did it. I’ll stay here,” I said, anger obvious in my voice.

  “Wow. I thought you would’ve just told her to pick you up,” Phoenix said, slightly surprised by it.

  “Well my mom didn’t raise no bitch, and I’m not going anywhere,” I said.

  Phoenix’s lips curled into a smile, and I felt a strange attraction to it. It’s strange, I didn’t feel scared or anything, but instead, I felt a connection, one that was larger than I thought. All of the guys looked at me with expectant expressions, like they were both surprised, but excited about what would happen now.

  “So what’s next? I’m guess I have to do some sort of imitation or some crap?” I said.

  “Correct. We’ll provide that information on that, but for now, we’ll be using you as our favorite little commodity for a bit,” Phoenix said.

  I didn’t know what the hell that meant, and it set me on edge a little bit. But, I sighed, realizing the fate that I was going into, and what I would have to do now.

  “Fair enough,” I said.

  They looked at me, each of them staring me up and down. I felt a strange feeling of both nervousness, but also a feeling of sheer thrill because of this. I mean, deep down I didn’t know what would happen next. If this would pan out for me in the way I thought it would. I was only staying because of the bribes, but there was a part of me that felt…excited for what would happen next, and hoped that, despite all of this, life would get better.

  I was jumping headfirst into the pool of sharks, and I knew this.

  Phoenix pushed the computer near me, and I grabbed it, holding it there.

  “We’ll see you around,” he said with a husky voice.

  My heart lurched slightly at that sound, but as they left, I clutched the computer there, processing what happened. I didn’t know if the Elites were trustworthy, or if I just sold myself to my fate, but the thing that kept me there was the sheer thrill of what would happen next, and what may come about as a result of the choices I made.




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