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Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo)

Page 18

by Holly S. Roberts

  She closed her eyes. “Your home is in California. You can’t stay here forever.”

  Matt pulled her up and Stephon moved behind her, placing his hands around her belly and bringing her against his body. Matt stepped in so there was no room between them. “Our home is with you. We want to purchase this suite and we’re willing to move here permanently if that’s what you want. We’ll compromise on just about anything, but we aren’t leaving you.”

  “New shoes are something we won’t compromise on.” Stephon nuzzled her neck. “We can negotiate anything else.”

  The floodgates opened and they held her between them while she cried.

  “We love you, Jewel. You belong to us and we belong to you. Don’t cry.” Matt kissed her cheek.

  “I love you both.” It came out in between ragged breaths and made them smile. He and Stephon talked the night before, after she slept, and ironed out what they needed to do.

  “It’s okay, love, you can’t get rid of us that easily.”

  She giggled and sniffed. “May I have a napkin, please?”

  Matt handed her a napkin from the table. He allowed her enough room to blow her nose and then took the napkin from her hand. “Do you think we can finish this conversation while eating?” Negotiations would go smoother with food. “It’s the best lasagna I’ve ever eaten.” He leaned forward and kissed the tip of her red nose.

  Stephon pushed her chair in when she sat down and then took his own seat. Her shy smile was back, but her eyelashes were beautifully damp from her tears. Her fingers trembled when she picked up her fork, but she didn’t take a bite. “I’ll move to California with you, if that’s what you both want. Starla and George are my family and I’ll need to visit them often.”

  Matt smiled in relief. “We’ve spoken to them and they’re ready to sell the diner. We’d like to buy them a house in our area, but you’ll need to work on them. Even with the money from the diner, they won’t be able to afford it.”

  She slowly placed her fork down again, pushed back her plate, and then folded her fingers under her chin. Her eyes looked back and forth between them while more tears flowed down her cheeks. “You would do that for them?”

  Stephon reached over and gave a gentle tug to her hair. “No, but we would do anything for you.”

  “I don’t think I can ever be as submissive as Angela.”

  Matt took a bite and let Stephon handle this end of negotiations.

  “We don’t want Angela. She’s not you. We like punishing your smart mouth and suffering along with you. We want you to throw things at us when you’re angry.”

  “Hey, what did I miss?” Matt had never seen her raise a hand to them, much less throw something.

  “She hit me with a nice pair of shoes when I went to her apartment that night and brought her back for dinner.”

  Matt’s grin widened. “No wonder you thought she needed a spanking so badly.”

  “She needs a spanking daily,” Stephon shot back.

  “I’m here listening to you both.” She smiled through her tears.

  “Then eat. You need to keep up your strength for what we have planned tonight.” Stephon gave her a stern look and then winked.

  “I can’t stay up late. I need to at least give two weeks’ notice.”

  “One week.” Stephon’s uncompromising voice caused Matt to hide his smile with a cough.

  He was glad Stephon played the heavy. Matt would give her anything and they both knew it. She pulled her plate back in front of her and took a bite of food without answering. Matt loved the way she said so much without saying a word. It was a complete contrast to her cocky mouth, though he also knew her silence worked on Stephon.

  They ate and talked about California and then they helped her clean the kitchen. The bedroom beckoned. Before they fell asleep, Stephon had her down to one week’s notice along with begging him for new shoes. Her red ass attested to the fact that she held out longer than either of the men expected her to.

  Chapter Thirty-one


  Her men walked her to work the next morning and stayed for breakfast, teasing her about the muffins she failed to make them during the week.

  “If you bake some for us each morning, we’ll be happy to give you a raise,” Matt said after taking the last bite of banana walnut.

  “You don’t pay me anything.” He was acting silly. She loved having them here, even if she had to divide her attention between them and several customers. With all their tattoos and bad boy looks, they fit in her environment, but she secretly pictured them in tuxedos, whirling her around a dance floor. She loved to dance, but hadn’t done it since the motorcycle accident. She needed to ask them if they had moves, and knew there were a million things they still needed to learn about each other. Matt’s easy-going personality was at complete odds with his rough exterior. Stephon’s intense personality was right in line with his slight British accent and polished manners. She wanted to know them inside out and treasure them like they treasured her.

  She heard the phone ring and then George walked into the dining area and tipped his head toward the back. She’d never received any phone calls at the diner except from Matt. She gave George a perplexed look.


  She looked toward Matt and Stephon; they didn’t hesitate to stand immediately and follow her into the back. Her hands shook when she took the phone, but she felt safe when her men crowded her. The apprehension she felt melted before she even said hello.

  Detective Henry explained that they had apprehended the man they believed attacked her. After giving a few short replies, she handed the phone to Stephon. She couldn’t help her sigh of relief after he hung up the phone and told her he would go down to identify the man. It bothered her that she never saw the man’s face, but she was glad not to be anywhere near him. He’d attacked another woman, and fortunately for his latest victim an undercover cop was in the vicinity and stopped the attack before the woman was seriously hurt. Jewel had stopped Stephon from beating the man to a pulp, but at the same time had worried that another person would suffer because of what she’d done.

  She took a deep, calming breath knowing she needed to get back to the dining area to take care of her customers. Her men didn’t let her go—soothing her with words and touch until her heartbeat settled and she assured them she was okay.

  Her relief was palpable when Stephon and Matt returned a few hours later and told her the police positively had her attacker in custody. They left for rehearsal a short time later and made her promise she wouldn’t go anywhere until they picked her up. Matt gave her a passionate kiss, but Stephon only skimmed his fingers over the side of her face. Though outsiders wouldn’t notice Stephon’s tension, she did and it bothered her. He’d been exceptionally quiet since this morning.

  “Your two men have it bad,” Starla said after the lunch crowd left and the diner was blessedly empty.

  “It might be for each other.” George just couldn’t wrap his head around two men living together and sharing a woman. “If we move to California, I guess we’ll get used to the way men act there.”

  Jewel threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. “You’re actually considering it?”

  Starla answered with her smoky voice and matter-of-fact logic, “If they’re taking you there it can’t be all bad. I don’t care if all the men are gay. They’re damn hot and George won’t be around forever.”

  George gently pushed Jewel away because he’d always been uncomfortable with open affection. He looked at Starla. “You think some ménage of troy will work for you?”

  Jewel started laughing and couldn’t wait to tell Matt and Stephon about the mistaken name for their love triangle. George’s deep Texas roots had him acting homophobic at times, but let someone discriminate against anyone, for any reason, within his hearing and they’d be wondering what hit ’em. It’s why she loved these two people so much.

  She heard the door open, looked over, and saw Krispin�
��s assistant, Wade, walking in. He carried a large shopping bag, looking very metro-sexual in his casual dress pants and button-down shirt. He sat the bag on the counter. “There are three pairs in three sizes. I was sick of hearing those two love-sick fools worry about your feet. Try them on and I’ll take back the two that don’t fit.”

  Jewel was getting to know the often-times grumpy young man and she liked him. “You’ve now sunk to new depths of despair.” She tried to hide her grin.

  “Don’t remind me.”

  She laughed while turning to her adopted family. “Starla, George meet Wade, Krispin’s assistant.”

  They shook hands and then George asked in his matter of fact gruff tone, “Are you gay too?”

  Wade didn’t answer for a moment and then said with complete civility, “Depending on the situation I swing both ways.”

  Jewel almost choked.

  Starla took a closer look at the man one-third her age. “We’re looking for another fella to liven up our relationship. You’re a little young, but I’m good with that.”

  Jewel closed her eyes and wondered if she could crawl under a table without them noticing.

  Wade didn’t even blink. “At the moment I’m not available, but if my social calendar opens up, I’ll be sure to let you know.” He looked George up and down. “I’ve never been into the skinny hairy type, but I’m willing to try anything once.”

  For the first time ever, George blushed. He turned quickly, mumbling about cleaning the kitchen before the next rush started, and left the room.

  Wade gave her a sly wink and Jewel hoped it meant he was only teasing the couple. They were three times his age, and Jewel had seen one of the gorgeous women interested in Krispin’s striking, standoffish assistant. He didn’t lack for attention. She managed to hold back her laughter, sit down, and try on the shoes. The previous conversation traumatized her so much she didn’t fight Wade’s extravagant purchase. She picked the pair that fit perfectly and thanked Wade as he left the diner.

  “That young man will dampen many female panties. Shame that he likes men too, but damn I wish I was twenty years younger.”

  That was all it took. Jewel started laughing. The rest of her shift was spent half dancing in comfortable shoes and fighting laughter whenever she thought about Wade.

  Matt and Stephon were there a little before six with a car. “Can we go by my apartment so I can pick up my uniforms?” She noticed they both looked as tired as she felt.

  They settled into the backseat with jewel between them and Matt placed a kiss to her forehead. Stephon just nuzzled her neck with his hand in her hair at her nape. “Not a problem. What has you so cheery, love?”

  “I have new shoes and George and Starla might come to California.” She picked her feet up slightly so they could see the shoes.

  Stephon’s grip tightened in her hair and his voice dropped into full Dom mode, which she now recognized. “We asked you not to leave the diner.”

  For the first time, she saw true anger in his eyes. She wasn’t sure why it pissed her off so much, but it did. “If I had, there’s not a damn thing you could do about it.”

  His arms loosened at odds with his clipped words. “Don’t tempt me, love.”

  Her good mood vanished and she couldn’t help challenging him. “Don’t threaten me… love.”

  It happened so fast she had little time to do more than squeal. Matt pulled her onto his lap and then moved her to his other side, his hands a vice around hers. He turned his body toward hers and placed his lips a hairs breadth away from her mouth. “We missed you, we’re cranky, and he’s in one of his moods.” His mouth descended and didn’t give her a chance to reply.

  When he pulled away, one of his hands was under her dress fingering her panties while his other hand held hers tightly in his strong grip. The privacy window separating them from the driver rose and she took a few steadying breaths. Matt’s touch turned her on and soothed her irritation, but she felt bereft having Stephon on the other side with Matt between them. Her anger dissolved as suddenly as it came on. Tears welled in her eyes, but she managed to hold them back. She looked past Matt’s shoulder seeing Stephon looking straight ahead, his jaw set in barely controlled anger. “I’m sorry.” She was determined not to cry. “Wade bought the shoes for me. I missed you both too. If I leave the diner or hotel for any reason I’ll always call you first.” She had to fight back another shriek when Matt flipped her over his lap again and she was back between the two men. Without thinking it through, she launched herself into Stephon’s lap, and brought her hands to his cheeks and whispered softly, “Please don’t be angry with me. Spank me, sit me in the chair and ignore me or chew me out, but please don’t be angry.” His circle beard bristled under her fingers, while his steely eyes pierced hers.

  He exhaled a long slow breath, closed his eyes, and placed his head further back against the headrest. “You are such a contradiction of brat, enchantress, and woman. I shouldn’t have snapped at you, but I can’t help worrying even with that fucking son of a bitch behind bars.”

  Her heart completely melted with the realization that part of his anger stemmed from seeing the man who attacked her. She leaned forward and placed gentle kisses on his cheeks, his chin, and along the ridge of his jaw.

  This time his sigh ended on a groan. “She needs a spanking.”

  Matt chuckled. “No, she wants one. Big difference.”

  “Is this our first fight?” She continued her tiny, wet kisses and yelped when Stephon pinched her none too gently on the ass.

  The driver stopped in front of the printing business. Stephon opened his door and moved out of the car then assisted Jewel. As she straightened, he picked her up over his shoulder. She heard Matt tell the driver they’d call him when they needed a ride back to the hotel. Stephon stopped at the top of the stairs, not winded at all, and waited while Matt took her keys out of his pocket and opened the door. After being closed up for a week, her apartment was musty, but she wasn’t given a chance to think about it.

  Stephon lowered her to the floor, reached for the top vee of her dress, and ripped it down the center, separating the zipper’s seam. She tried stopping him, but Matt grabbed her hands and brought them behind her back. “That’s my work uniform you oaf.”

  “You’ll never wear one of these hideous dresses after this week, so expect me to destroy one daily.” Stephon pulled her panties from her legs when Matt leaned her back and her feet left the floor.

  She was breathing loudly. “You’re bullying me.”

  Stephon took hold of her jaw with one hand, intertwining his fingers in her hair at the back of her neck with the other. “Is that what you think this is, love?”

  Instant desire flooded her senses. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her, and she saw the raw sexual intensity in his eyes. “Fuck me, please.”

  “I don’t think so. Matt, use her panties to secure her hands.”

  Now her heartbeat accelerated and a surge of moisture flooded her pussy. Stephon never took his gaze from hers. “On your knees.”

  Her brain wasn’t functioning properly, and without knowing how it happened, she was looking up with both men crowded over her. Stephon unzipped his pants and his engorged cock sprang free. She ran her tongue over her lips and leaned forward only to have her head pulled back by her hair.

  “I’m going to fuck your mouth and you will take it all.”

  She almost growled her frustration over not being able to do exactly that because of the grip on her hair. She barely registered that Matt controlled her head, and when Stephon’s cock met her lips, she opened her mouth. He didn’t want soft kisses or her licking tongue; he wanted her complete submission and for her to take what he gave. She tried to relax her throat muscles and take him deep. He didn’t seem to care the two times she gagged, because he didn’t stop. Her air supply was restricted at times, but he knew just when to let up so she could breathe. They dominated her completely, and she relished every thrust of Stephon’s cock and the
tight hold Matt had on her hair.

  She thrilled at their total dominance, and when Stephon gave a final grunt and spilled into her mouth, she took it all, relishing his taste and total possession.

  They didn’t give her a chance to savor the moment. She was up and led to the couch where Stephon held her facing the couch with his hands on her shoulders. She heard Matt rummaging through her bathroom, but had no idea what he was looking for. Finally, she heard Matt come up behind them and the unmistakable sound of a condom wrapper opening. Stephon turned her toward Matt, who picked her up and sat her on the couch with her back against the cushion. Matt was naked, his cock sheathed. He spread her legs, kneeled on the couch between her knees, and moved her bottom up onto his lap. Stephon’s hand came from over the back of the couch and went around her throat making her head tilt back so she looked into his eyes. She heard a strange sound and then felt cold thick gel slide between her ass cheeks.

  She knew what Matt planned and unconsciously allowed her muscles to go lax. The head of his cock breached the rosette of her ass, and without giving her time to adjust to the sharp, torturous pain, he continued a slow forward thrust until his balls stopped him from going further.

  She breathed harshly, trying not to cry out with Matt’s entry. Stephon’s fingers glided through her hair and he kept the loose pressure on her throat. “Easy, love, don’t tense.”

  Matt gave her only seconds to adjust before he tightened his hold on her hips and began driving into her ass. Even with the sudden violation, her pussy throbbed and she managed to tilt slightly so her clit rubbed Matt’s pelvis when he drove fully inside.

  A sharp tug on her hair brought her back from the edge of orgasm. “Do not come, love.”

  She tried to shake her head in frustration, knowing her body wouldn’t obey, but Stephon held her tight.

  Stephon’s sharp words gave her a focal point. “Take what he gives you and fight your body.” He tugged her hair again and she gasped with the pain.

  Matt cried out and clenched her hips, causing further pain to take her mind from her pussy’s need. A minute later, Matt disengaged and stood up from the couch. She closed her eyes and Stephon let her sink onto her side, though her arms remained secured behind her back.


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